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[Spike] Explore use of AJAX pattern for secondary Jade integrations
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It would be nice if we could avoid a page reload in patrolling workflows. Can we do an AJAX style request to jadeproposeorendorse?

Event Timeline

The initial goal was to use AJAX ( either MediaWiki's or jQuery's ) but turns out the Jade API client was able to asynchronously return updated Jade entity data after every Jade action. So we leveraged this to update Jade elements asynchronously and stopped Jade page reloads on secondary integration pages which results into better UX for patrollers.

Change 599717 had a related patch set uploaded (by Kevin Bazira; owner: Kevin Bazira):
[mediawiki/extensions/Jade@master] Implemented asynchronous Jade updates on secondary integrations

Change 599717 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Jade@master] Implemented asynchronous Jade updates on secondary integrations