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Publish Usability Improvements Measurement Plan
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task represents the work involved with drafting and publishing the measurement plan we will follow to evaluate the impact of the talk page usability improvements we have planned.[i]


StepDescriptionPeople ResponsibleStatus
1.Draft hypotheses@ppelberg✅ done
2.Review hypotheses@MNeisler✅ done
3.Finalize hypotheses@MNeisler + @ppelberg✅ done
4.Propose methods/metrics for evaluating hypotheses@MNeisler + @iamjessklein in progress
5.Document baselines for qualitative metrics within the OWC - Baseline data@iamjessklein in progress
6.Team reviews hypothesesEditing-team
7.Draft experiment plan@MNeisler
8.Team reviews evaluation methods/metrics and experiment planEditing-team

Measurement Plan

A work in progress version of the Talk Pages Project/Usability Improvements Measurement Plan.


  • Each step in the ===Process outlined above is completed

i. T255560, T267444, T269950, T269963

Event Timeline

ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ppelberg edited projects, added Editing-team (Kanban Board); removed Editing-team.
ppelberg added a subscriber: iamjessklein.

I just asked for access to the working doc.

I completed my review of the hypotheses and research questions. See suggested changes and comments in the measurement plan. Happy to discuss these during our 1:1 this week.

ppelberg renamed this task from Publish talk page legibility measurement plan to Publish Usability Improvements Measurement Plan.Oct 15 2021, 7:44 PM
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)

I've added some edits and comments in the document.

Good news - for the "Avg. time it takes for someone to recognize what talk pages are for" metric, I've found the usability tests from May 2019 titled in as Talk Pages 2019-WikiTester videos.

I will scan through these videos and then add that average number to baseline metric spreadsheet for comparison.


  • @iamjessklein to create ticket for the work that will be involved in the Diary Study Jess identified us as needing to run in order to qualitatively evaluate the impact of the set of Usability Improvements we are making.

Removing inactive assignee. (Please reset assignees of open tasks when offboarding staff.)

ppelberg claimed this task.