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Create Topic Container Prototype (mobile)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task involves the work of creating a functional prototype that volunteers can use to evaluate the Topic Container design the Editing Team is considering implementing on desktop.


As someone who is interested in knowing, and sharing feedback about, how the appearance of Talk Pages is evolving, I'd like to be able to interact with the in-progress designs, so that I can simulate the experience of using them in my regular wiki-work and share feedback about them.


Link to patch demo prototype will eventually be added in this section.



  • Platforms: Mobile
  • Localization: two patch demo instances will need to be created
    • One patch demo instance will need to be configured for RTL languages and another for LTR languages

User experience
Requirements are currently located within T269950.

NOTE: The MOBILE Topic Container prototype will contain an overflow menu. More in T269950#7740111.


Topic Container - Full

Topic_Container_Exploration_-_Mobile_Full.gif (783×352 px, 603 KB)
Arabic_Topic_Container_-_Mobile,_Full.gif (358×141 px, 205 KB)


  • Link(s) to localized Topic Container prototype(s) are added documented in the ===Prototype section above

Event Timeline

Scope Adjustment
During the team's 10 March standup, we discussed two areas of complexity inherent in the current Topic Container mobile designs (F34957091):

  1. "Collapsing" all of the topics on a given talk page such that when people first land on the page only, the sections' title and metadata is exposed
  2. Showing the thread detail view on a separate page/within an overlay when people tap any of the "collapsed" topics on a given talk page

In this same meeting we decided to:

  • ✅ Move forward with "1." above. Read: "collapsing" all of the topics on a given talk page such that when people first land on the page *only*, the sections' title and metadata is exposed.
  • 🛑 Defer to implementing what "2." is describing in favor of a simpler approach to start: show the thread detail view within the same page when people tap any of the "collapsed" topics on a given talk page.

Note: I've updated the requirements in T269950.

cc @Esanders + @iamjessklein