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Dashboard integration: Update copy on registration popup (once dashboard integration work implemented)
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


As a campaign participant, I want to be able to choose between public and private registration and to clearly understand the differences between the two choices, so that I can register in a way that grants me privacy, if I so choose.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Once we have implemented the P&E Dashboard integration, the language in the registration pop-up should be updated to read:
    • Public registration: Show your username on a public participant list. Your contributions during the event may be included by the organizers on the Programs & Events Dashboard or other tools to collect statistics.
    • Private registration: Only the event organizers can see your username in the participant list. Your contributions during the event may be excluded by the organizers on the Programs & Events Dashboard or other tools to collect statistics.

Visual examples:


Public registration ONPublic registration OFF
Event privacy dialog - Public registration on.png (398×760 px, 54 KB)
Event privacy dialog - Public registration off.png (398×760 px, 56 KB)

Link to prototype
Link to design specs

Event Timeline

vyuen created this task.
ifried renamed this task from Update copy on registration popup to Update copy on registration popup (once dashboard integration work implemented).Sep 28 2022, 8:38 PM
ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)

One thing to point out about the copy that I also noted in r836183: "(s) plurals" as in "organizer(s)" should be avoided if possible. They may be good in English, but in other languages forming a plural may be slightly harder than adding an "s", and verbs would need to be conjugated differently if the subject is singular vs plural, and other parts of the sentence may need to be changed as well. See e.g. If we need proper plural support for these languages, we will use the appropriate localization functions. Else, just use plural consistently.

Also, "wiki contributions" sounds odd and I've never heard this expression; can we just use "contributions"?

@Daimona I will share this question with internal people who I have consulted on the language and post a response when I hear back from them. Thanks!

Update: We heard back, and we can use "organizers" and "contributions" so I will update this ticket and T318369.

ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)
ifried added a subscriber: gonyeahialam.

@gonyeahialam Hello! Can you add the updated wireframe images here? Thank you!

ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)

Looks good to me, just a question. The explanations of public and private say "my username [...] my contributions", but other parts of the interface refer to the user as "your username [...] your contributions". Is the difference intended?

@Daimona Good catch! I don't think this is intentional. In English, at least, "show your username" may sound a bit more awkward than "show my username," but I think we should aim for consistency to reduce confusion. In that case, I will update the AC.

ldelench_wmf set the point value for this task to 1.Oct 6 2022, 1:19 PM
ldelench_wmf moved this task from Backlog to Estimated/Ready for work on the Campaign-Tools board.
ifried renamed this task from Update copy on registration popup (once dashboard integration work implemented) to Dashboard integration: Update copy on registration popup (once dashboard integration work implemented).Nov 11 2022, 4:24 PM

Change 932339 had a related patch set uploaded (by Daimona Eaytoy; author: Daimona Eaytoy):

[mediawiki/extensions/CampaignEvents@master] Update registration help text to mention tracking tools

I've pushed a patch for this even if the feature is not enabled in production yet. The rationale being that in theory, organizers can already use the P&E Dashboard or other tools to collect data, it's just that they'd do so manually rather than with the help of the tool. Doing this now also means it won't be a blocker later when it's time to enable the feature in prod.

Change 932339 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/CampaignEvents@master] Update registration help text to mention tracking tools

@Daimona There are some small discrepancies between the AC and the build.

AC: Programs and Events Dashboard
Build: Programs & Events Dashboard

AC: Your contributions during the event may be excluded by the organizers
Build: Your contributions during the event may be included by the organizers

Change 934522 had a related patch set uploaded (by Daimona Eaytoy; author: Daimona Eaytoy):

[mediawiki/extensions/CampaignEvents@master] Fix helptext for private registration

AC: Programs and Events Dashboard
Build: Programs & Events Dashboard

I believe the AC should be updated. The "official" name is with an ampersand, see for instance the meta page, meta category, dashboard homepage, WikiEduDashboard documentation. The documentation on meta uses both versions, but that doesn't seem consistent even within the same page. At any rate, I'd like to hear @ifried's opinion.

AC: Your contributions during the event may be excluded by the organizers
Build: Your contributions during the event may be included by the organizers

Oh dang, silly copy-paste mistake. Fix pushed.

Change 934522 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/CampaignEvents@master] Fix helptext for private registration

AC: Programs and Events Dashboard
Build: Programs & Events Dashboard

I believe the AC should be updated. The "official" name is with an ampersand, see for instance the meta page, meta category, dashboard homepage, WikiEduDashboard documentation. The documentation on meta uses both versions, but that doesn't seem consistent even within the same page. At any rate, I'd like to hear @ifried's opinion.

Okay, sounds good. Also here are screenshots from betacluster:

Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 1.27.01 PM.png (518×1 px, 107 KB)

Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 1.27.12 PM.png (536×1 px, 119 KB)

AC: Programs and Events Dashboard
Build: Programs & Events Dashboard

I believe the AC should be updated. The "official" name is with an ampersand, see for instance the meta page, meta category, dashboard homepage, WikiEduDashboard documentation. The documentation on meta uses both versions, but that doesn't seem consistent even within the same page. At any rate, I'd like to hear @ifried's opinion.

Okay, sounds good. Also here are screenshots from betacluster:

Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 1.27.01 PM.png (518×1 px, 107 KB)

Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 1.27.12 PM.png (536×1 px, 119 KB)

Confirmed that Programs & Events Dashboard is correct - moving this to design sign off.

This looks good, based on the QA notes. I'm marking this as Done.