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[Analytics] Distribution of the Babel box count on Wikidata
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We are trying to figure out the ideal position of mul in the termbox. The layout might change substantially depending on how many Babel boxes users use.


  • What is the distribution of the Babel box count?
  • What are examples for use cases that require a lot of Babel boxes?

How the data will be used:

  • If most users use up to 6 Babel boxes then putting mul last in the list of "In other languages" would work. Otherwise we would need an alterative approach.
  • If there are use cases that require a lot of Babel boxes, then we need to allow power users to modify the position of mul in the termbox (e.g. by specifying the desired position via Babel box).


Sample A

  • 500 edits from recent changes by registered non-bot editing via the Wikidata UI (URL)
  • This resulted in a sample of 102 users.
  • Sample A is biased towards power users.

Sample B

  • 10000 random Wikidata users from the database (FROM wmf.mediawiki_user_history WHERE wiki_db = 'wikidatawiki' AND snapshot = '2023-01' AND caused_by_event_type = 'create').
  • Sample B is biased towards inactive accounts.

All users in sample A:

  • 56% did not use Babel boxes.
  • 44 % had one or more Babel boxes.

Only users with Babel boxes in sample A:

  • 13% of sampled users with Babel boxes used more than 6 Babel boxes.
  • 11% of sampled users with Babel boxes used more than 9 Babel boxes (range 10 to 49).

image.png (248×368 px, 3 KB)

Only users with > 9 Babel boxes in sample A:

  • They usually had a lot of "-1" and "-0" Babel boxes.
  • They appeared very active.
  • Example users: A, B, C, D, E

All users in sample B:

  • 100% did not use Babel boxes
  • 0.3% had one or more Babel boxes (33 users)

Only users with Babel boxes in sample B:

  • 9% of sampled users with Babel boxes used more than 6 Babel boxes (3 users).
  • 6% of sampled users with Babel boxes used more than 9 Babel boxes (2 users had 11 Babel boxes).
  • Example users: A, B

Wikidata Analytics, 15.02.2023

Event Timeline

Manuel updated the task description. (Show Details)
Manuel renamed this task from [Analytics] Distribution of the Babel count on Wikidata to [Analytics] Distribution of the Babel box count on Wikidata.Feb 23 2023, 9:45 AM
Manuel closed this task as Resolved.
Manuel updated the task description. (Show Details)