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Discussion tools indentation changed to browser default
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
Visit talk page and scroll to a discussion

What happens?:

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 5.56.14 PM.png (1×1 px, 379 KB)

What should have happened instead?:

  • Compare to 1.42.0-wmf.18

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 5.56.36 PM.png (1×1 px, 366 KB)

This appears to be fallout from T205341

Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):

Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):

Event Timeline

Change 1003951 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jdlrobson; author: Jdlrobson):

[mediawiki/skins/MinervaNeue@master] dd elements should have no margin in talk pages

Jdlrobson added a subscriber: Volker_E.

FYI editing team - I'll work with @Volker_E to get this fixed ASAP (and see if I can get a fix backported tomorrow)

I think your screenshots are in reverse order? (They seem to imply that the incorrect state under "what happens" is the margin:0 one, which I think is wrong.)

Thanks for setting this up, @Jdlrobson. I saw this change slowly creep over the wikis, seeing it first on Meta then seeing it on the English Wikipedia a day later (in retrospect, I should've said something once I saw it on Meta, but what's past is past).

I agree with @DLynch that the screenshots are in reverse order.

Change 1004169 had a related patch set uploaded (by DLynch; author: Jdlrobson):

[mediawiki/skins/MinervaNeue@wmf/1.42.0-wmf.18] dd elements should have no margin

Change 1003951 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/skins/MinervaNeue@master] dd elements should have no margin

Change 1004169 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/skins/MinervaNeue@wmf/1.42.0-wmf.18] dd elements should have no margin

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-02-16T17:36:30Z] <jdrewniak@deploy2002> Started scap: Backport for [[gerrit:1004169|dd elements should have no margin (T357742)]]

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-02-16T17:37:52Z] <jdrewniak@deploy2002> jdrewniak and kemayo: Backport for [[gerrit:1004169|dd elements should have no margin (T357742)]] synced to the testservers (

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-02-16T17:50:34Z] <jdrewniak@deploy2002> Finished scap: Backport for [[gerrit:1004169|dd elements should have no margin (T357742)]] (duration: 14m 04s)

Jdlrobson claimed this task.
Jdlrobson added a project: Verified.

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