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Design Research: Patroller workstream measurement (Automoderator Model testing)
Open, HighPublic


Objective: Taken from working doc Related to Hypothesis 1 - Research Question #3: Does Automoderator help patrollers spend their time on other activities of their interest?

The goal of the survey is to

  • Broadly understand various work streams patrollers engage in (including patrolling)
  • Broadly understand various work streams patrollers would like to engage in (given Automoderator reduces patrolling workload)

Sub-goal: Learn things for annual planning.
This survey will be paired with analysis of logged edits in order to compare how stated intent matches to post-AM deployment activities.

Meta research question

  • Does Automoderator help patrollers spend their time on other activities of their interest?
  • Is there any significant shift in distribution between areas of activity on wiki by patrollers post Automoderator?
  • What should we track to gauge moderator behaviour?

Research questions

  • What kinds of activities do moderators engage in and how much time do those activities take?
  • What affects perceptions of Automod judgement trustworthiness?
  • What kinds of activities do moderators want to spend more time doing?
  • What challenges or frustrations do moderators face?

Note: The goal of the survey is not to infer the impact caused by Automoderator, but rather to get a general understanding of various areas patrollers engage in, on Wikimedia projects. This will be further used to monitor and/or test the hypothesis using MediaWiki data and logs.

Sampling and distribution

  • (requires localization, but we have ambassador)
  • (requires localization)

Target respondents
50-200 patrollers / moderators

Distribution - took place on June 13th and it closed on July 3rd
Use QuickSurveys for recruitment - invite them to take a survey, “yes” brings them to a screener (either integrated or separate)
Above 500 edits and 6 months tenure


Due Date
Wed, Jul 31, 12:00 AM

Event Timeline

@cwylo Please add a provisional calendar for activities no later than Monday Apr 15th.

Updates on survey preparation (with backdates):

  • Survey question bank finalized (Apr 26)
  • Localizations completed for fr/hi/id (privacy statement, QuickSurvey statements, survey question bank and descriptive text) (May 01)
  • Survey framework completed and set up in Qualtrics (May 09)

The survey is ready for deployment once recruitment is set.

Weekly update

Weekly updates are on hold until the recruitment Quicksurvey is deployed (T362969).

I informed the targeted communities:

id.wp is pending.

Weekly update - we are currently monitoring responses to the survey. Total responses are low so far, with 33 qualified respondents. We have another week when the survey is open but we may need to discuss adjustments to recruitment in order to hit our 50 reply target minimum.

Edit: beaten to it, population has already been increased, waiting to see what final week response rates are like!

leila triaged this task as High priority.Fri, Jun 28, 7:55 PM
leila updated the task description. (Show Details)
leila set Due Date to Wed, Jul 31, 12:00 AM.

Qualtrics survey is closed with a total of 82 completed responses, which exceeds our targeted minimum of 50. We're now beginning work on survey analysis.

Preliminary analysis is complete: Internal-use slide deck.

Some public early findings:

  • Patrolling is an activity that attracts long-tenure editors with fewer advanced or extended user rights
  • The majority of respondents spend a small proportion (<30%) of their time on patrolling
  • The most important factors affecting trust in an automated anti-vandalism product are "open source development", "development by the WMF", and "proven efficacy on your/another wiki"
  • Most respondents learned about patrolling through getting reverted, or by seeing a reversion happen. Very few find out about patrolling from guidelines or from being informed about it, before they see it in practice.

A more complete report is ongoing.


Finalized report is ready for internal review, and a share-out has been scheduled for Aug 8. Our current plan after the share-out is to write a summary update for the project page, and to publish the results on Commons so that this research is publicly available.