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Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE (Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE))
closing tasks for open data


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  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Apr 3 2017, 2:45 PM (379 w, 3 d)
IRC Nick
Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)
MediaWiki User
Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE) [ Global Accounts ]

Software developer on the Wikidata team at Wikimedia Germany (he/him, Berlin timezone). Private account: @LucasWerkmeister.

Recent Activity


Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

I might be missing something obvious here (sorry for not mentioning earlier), but why does termbox test not use the service mesh to connect to mw-api-int-ro.discovery.wmnet like the other termbox releases do? That would leave the TLS part completely to envoy, removing the requirement to provide NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS etc.

Thu, Jul 11, 12:37 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368454: Flaky test "item has its label not rendered when linked on a Wikipage" when temp accounts are enabled.

That error doesn’t sound like it would be related to any particular test… I think we just need to wait for MediaWiki to be ready?

Thu, Jul 11, 10:56 AM · Patch-For-Review, Temporary accounts (Release train CI and infrastructure), Wikidata, MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseRepository

Wed, Jul 10

Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

Is “palladium” still a thing?

Wed, Jul 10, 4:53 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T355955: [SW] [GENERAL] Simplify Termbox SSR test release.

I am also not at all sure right now that the test release can easily be folded in like that, we 'll have to see if the service mesh is able to support >1 release being exposed like that.

Wed, Jul 10, 4:38 PM · Wikidata Dev Team, serviceops, Wikidata-Termbox, wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE updated the task description for T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.
Wed, Jul 10, 4:31 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

My TLS-fu isn’t the strongest, but to me it looks like the certificate configured for the service (kube_env termbox staging; kubectl get configmap config-test -o json | jq -r '.data["puppetca.crt.pem"]') and the ones sent by mw-api-int-ro (openssl s_client -connect mw-api-int-ro.discovery.wmnet:4446 -showcerts < /dev/null) are unrelated…? The former is for “CN = Puppet CA: palladium.eqiad.wmnet”, whereas the latter are both for “O = "Wikimedia Foundation, Inc"” (one “OU = SRE Foundations, CN = discovery”, the other “OU = Cloud Services, CN = Wikimedia_Internal_Root_CA”). I don’t see anything linking them.

Wed, Jul 10, 4:20 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

(And as seen in T368523#9969866, curl rejects the cert from mw-api-int-ro.discovery.wmnet:4446, so my feeling would be that Node 20 is right to reject it and Node 18 had a bug. But that doesn’t help us much if we want to get away from Node 18 :D)

Wed, Jul 10, 3:38 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

Okay, I found out how to emulate curl --connect-to.

Wed, Jul 10, 3:34 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

Okay, the behavior seems pretty bizarre even without configuring the NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=. With the new (node20) image, I get the “unable to get local issuer certificate” error:

Wed, Jul 10, 3:23 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

Okay, I can reproduce something somewhat close to the error message, I think.

Wed, Jul 10, 3:15 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20 from Ready for Development to In Development on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.
Wed, Jul 10, 3:09 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

I wonder if Node 20 requires 4kbit RSA keys?

Wed, Jul 10, 3:00 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

Hm, this seems a bit suspicious… if I connect to the endpoint that the Test Wikidata Termbox is configured to connect to:

Wed, Jul 10, 2:56 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

Alright, the image revert fixed the termbox on Test Wikidata. So it’s indeed an issue somewhere in the node20 version of the image, and unrelated to envoy. (But node20 is still deployed in eqiad/codfw for non-Test Wikidata and working fine there.)

Wed, Jul 10, 2:32 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

Hm, I can see NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS in both deployments at least (termbox-production and termbox-test)… and it’s still documented in Node 20 so I doubt it went away – but maybe it works differently now.

Wed, Jul 10, 2:08 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T362917: MUL - Fix "Descriptions are not supported …" message in Special:NewProperty from Ready for Peer Review to Product Verification on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.
Wed, Jul 10, 12:48 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.14; 2024-07-16), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata-Campsite, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368366: Upgrade K8s docker images to running in production on Buster with either Bullseye or Bookworm.

In T368523 we’re seeing an “unable to get local issuer certificate” error that may or may not be related to the new Envoy version; it’s not very urgent (only affects a test wiki) but I’d be very thankful if someone could take a look :)

Wed, Jul 10, 12:43 PM · Patch-For-Review, serviceops, Security, Infrastructure-Foundations
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

as far as I can tell the updated version is working on Wikidata, but not on Test Wikidata

Wed, Jul 10, 12:40 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

But the production termbox doesn’t seem to have this error, so I don’t think it’s a red herring.

Wed, Jul 10, 12:36 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

Aha, “unable to get local issuer certificate”:

Wed, Jul 10, 12:35 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20 from Waiting for Deployment Window to Ready for Development on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.

Hm, as far as I can tell the updated version is working on Wikidata, but not on Test Wikidata – there’s no SSR termbox there. But I don’t see any errors in logstash that would explain this.

Wed, Jul 10, 12:31 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368654: Determine which API we should use to fetch Lexeme data from Wikidata when specified in the function-orchestrator.

(Almost this entire answer applies to Lexemes, Items and Properties equally, so I’ll mostly just say “Entities” to cover them all.)

Wed, Jul 10, 11:26 AM · Wikidata, Wikidata Dev Team, Abstract Wikipedia team (25Q1 (Jul–Sep)), WikiLambda, function-orchestrator
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369694: MediaWiki core test failure: ParserIntegrationTest::testParse with data set "wtEscaping.txt: Links 17. Link trails (T236183)" ('legacy'): Failed asserting that two strings are equal. (v2).

Nothing left to do here at the moment; the backports will have to wait until the next l10n backport updates the translation on the release branches, and then they should be merged. Until then, let’s leave the task open.

Wed, Jul 10, 10:29 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.14; 2024-07-16), Patch-For-Review, ci-test-error (WMF-deployed Build Failure), MediaWiki-Parser
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369694: MediaWiki core test failure: ParserIntegrationTest::testParse with data set "wtEscaping.txt: Links 17. Link trails (T236183)" ('legacy'): Failed asserting that two strings are equal. (v2).

because the translation was updated again

Wed, Jul 10, 10:20 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.14; 2024-07-16), Patch-For-Review, ci-test-error (WMF-deployed Build Failure), MediaWiki-Parser
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE created T369694: MediaWiki core test failure: ParserIntegrationTest::testParse with data set "wtEscaping.txt: Links 17. Link trails (T236183)" ('legacy'): Failed asserting that two strings are equal. (v2).
Wed, Jul 10, 9:35 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.14; 2024-07-16), Patch-For-Review, ci-test-error (WMF-deployed Build Failure), MediaWiki-Parser

Tue, Jul 9

Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20 from Ready for Peer Review to Waiting for Deployment Window on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.
Tue, Jul 9, 3:30 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369600: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable.

Okay, apparently those warnings come from a long-running eval.php running on mwmaint1002, which is presumably seeing an old version of CommonSettings.php. @Catrope will hopefully know what to do with that (I don’t think killing it is warranted yet).

Tue, Jul 9, 2:56 PM · Wikimedia-Site-requests, MediaWiki-extensions-Graph, Wikimedia-production-error
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369600: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable.

Apparently the error happened on two lines (L3719 and L3728), and the above change fixed the latter occurrence but not the former:

Tue, Jul 9, 2:54 PM · Wikimedia-Site-requests, MediaWiki-extensions-Graph, Wikimedia-production-error
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE committed rWBTB49c7b60ff1e2: Migrate from node18 to node20.
Migrate from node18 to node20
Tue, Jul 9, 2:23 PM
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369600: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable.

This is pretty noisy in logstash, so the above fix will hopefully avoid the warnings. It might need further improvement later by someone who knows what the data looks like. (But it’s hopefully still better than reverting the whole tracking.)

Tue, Jul 9, 1:38 PM · Wikimedia-Site-requests, MediaWiki-extensions-Graph, Wikimedia-production-error
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE placed T365452: [ES] Special:NewEntitySchema doesn’t catch AbuseFilter errors up for grabs.
Tue, Jul 9, 11:39 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.14; 2024-07-16), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), wmde-wikidata-tech, EntitySchema, Wikidata, Wikimedia-production-error
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20 from Ready for Tech Verification to Ready for Peer Review on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.
Tue, Jul 9, 9:11 AM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech

Mon, Jul 8

Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369283: Section for links on entity schema pages has the wrong background colour.

AFAICT the relevant change is Make syntax highlighting readable in night mode (T356956), possibly with some further changes after that.

Mon, Jul 8, 4:24 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369495: Make `haswbstatement:` work for the EntitySchema property.

If needed, we could identify all entities having an EntitySchema property and reindex those manually, but this requires some work and instrumentation on our side.

Mon, Jul 8, 4:07 PM · Discovery-Search (Current work), Patch-For-Review, Wikidata, EntitySchema, Wikidata Dev Team
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369505: [WtC-M1] [SNL] [Investigation] Evaluate feasibility of replacing WiKit (Vue 2) by Codex (Vue 3) components .

Note that Special:NewLexeme already uses a partial Vue 3 build of Wikit, not the Vue 2 version.

Mon, Jul 8, 2:23 PM · Spike, Wikidata-UX, Wikidata Design System, Wikidata Dev Team
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20 from In Task Breakdown to Ready for Peer Review on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.
Mon, Jul 8, 2:13 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE edited projects for T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20, added: Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice); removed Wikidata Dev Team.

Blocked on T364779#9960934, I think.

Mon, Jul 8, 2:13 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T364779: Migrate node-based services in production to node20.

Thanks, added that to the task description :)

Mon, Jul 8, 2:10 PM · Platform Engineering, Recommendation-API, Wikifeeds, Push-Notification-Service, Mobile-Content-Service, Maps (Kartotherian), EventStreams, CX-cxserver, Citoid, Proton, ChangeProp
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE updated the task description for T364779: Migrate node-based services in production to node20.
Mon, Jul 8, 2:09 PM · Platform Engineering, Recommendation-API, Wikifeeds, Push-Notification-Service, Mobile-Content-Service, Maps (Kartotherian), EventStreams, CX-cxserver, Citoid, Proton, ChangeProp
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T364779: Migrate node-based services in production to node20.

Or is nodejs20-devel not needed anymore because nodejs20-slim already includes npm?

Mon, Jul 8, 2:04 PM · Platform Engineering, Recommendation-API, Wikifeeds, Push-Notification-Service, Mobile-Content-Service, Maps (Kartotherian), EventStreams, CX-cxserver, Citoid, Proton, ChangeProp
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE placed T359248: Migrate MediaWiki.wikibase.client.pageupdates.* to statslib up for grabs.
Mon, Jul 8, 1:57 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.14; 2024-07-16), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseClient, wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikidata, Observability-Metrics
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20.

(FTR – if only so I remember it myself ^^ – I was motivated to work on this because a new Envoy image is being rolled out to all Kubernetes services for T368366, and so deploying the node20 update would have also deployed that update and killed two birds with one stone.)

Mon, Jul 8, 1:42 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T364779: Migrate node-based services in production to node20.

Is there a reason why there’s no nodejs20-devel image in the docker registry yet? (We use both both -slim and -devel images in Termbox, so without a node20 version of -devel it’s not clear to me how to migrate T368523.) Is it expected to be added at some point, or should we maybe stick with node18 for development purposes?

Mon, Jul 8, 1:41 PM · Platform Engineering, Recommendation-API, Wikifeeds, Push-Notification-Service, Mobile-Content-Service, Maps (Kartotherian), EventStreams, CX-cxserver, Citoid, Proton, ChangeProp
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE edited projects for T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20, added: Wikidata Dev Team; removed Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice).

Blocked on T364779#9960934, I think.

Mon, Jul 8, 1:39 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE edited projects for T368523: Migrate wikibase-termbox to node20, added: Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice); removed Wikidata Dev Team.
Mon, Jul 8, 1:31 PM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata, wmde-wikidata-tech
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T359248: Migrate MediaWiki.wikibase.client.pageupdates.* to statslib.

Oops, disregard the above DNM change – I forgot to remove the Bug line there ^^

Mon, Jul 8, 1:20 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.14; 2024-07-16), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseClient, wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikidata, Observability-Metrics
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE claimed T365452: [ES] Special:NewEntitySchema doesn’t catch AbuseFilter errors.
Mon, Jul 8, 12:31 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.14; 2024-07-16), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), wmde-wikidata-tech, EntitySchema, Wikidata, Wikimedia-production-error
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T362323: Move 100% of external traffic to Kubernetes.

/me shakes fist at Phorge for not letting me award this task another token

Mon, Jul 8, 12:00 PM · Patch-For-Review, MoveComms-Support, SRE, Traffic, serviceops, MW-on-K8s
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T315181: Wikidata reference text field 0px width on mobile browser in desktop mode with Vector 2022 skin from Ready for Peer Review to Product Verification on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.

Moving out of our peer review column, since it’s unclear if the issue still happens at all. (I also haven’t been able to reproduce the giant “lexicographical data” menu heading on my end, FWIW.)

Mon, Jul 8, 11:08 AM · Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Patch-Needs-Improvement, patch-welcome, CSS, Wikidata, Wikidata-Campsite, good first task, Wikimania-Hackathon-2022
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T290536: Serve production traffic via Kubernetes.

T355292: Port videoscaling to kubernetes should probably be a subtask of this (or maybe a subtask of T321899)? At least I’ve been told that videoscalers are blockers for the k8s migration being considered complete, and T355292 seems to be the currently active task in that area.

Mon, Jul 8, 10:54 AM · Release-Engineering-Team (Seen), SRE, Traffic, serviceops, MW-on-K8s
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369495: Make `haswbstatement:` work for the EntitySchema property.

I think the above change should work, but I’d love for someone from Discovery-Search to take a look and see if it makes sense. I can only partially test it locally – I can see that EntitySchema IDs start to show up in the statement_keywords of action=query&prop=cirrusbuilddoc API output, but I don’t actually have ElasticSearch installed locally, so I don’t know if the search works.

Mon, Jul 8, 10:41 AM · Discovery-Search (Current work), Patch-For-Review, Wikidata, EntitySchema, Wikidata Dev Team
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a project to T369495: Make `haswbstatement:` work for the EntitySchema property: Discovery-Search.
Mon, Jul 8, 10:37 AM · Discovery-Search (Current work), Patch-For-Review, Wikidata, EntitySchema, Wikidata Dev Team
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T369357: EntitySchema CI broken due to UnDeserializableValue in StatementQuantityFieldTest from In Peer Review to Ready for Tech Verification on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.
Mon, Jul 8, 10:36 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.13; 2024-07-09), ci-test-error (WMF-deployed Build Failure), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T365452: [ES] Special:NewEntitySchema doesn’t catch AbuseFilter errors.

Ask Lucas for advice on how to set up and reproduce the errors locally

Mon, Jul 8, 10:21 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.14; 2024-07-16), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), wmde-wikidata-tech, EntitySchema, Wikidata, Wikimedia-production-error
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T365055: [REPO][SW] DatabaseTermStoreWriterBase::acquireAndInsertTerms() shouldn't lock all rows for the item from Ready for Peer Review to In Peer Review on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.
Mon, Jul 8, 10:03 AM · Patch-For-Review, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikidata, MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseRepository
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T369357: EntitySchema CI broken due to UnDeserializableValue in StatementQuantityFieldTest from Ready for Peer Review to In Peer Review on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.
Mon, Jul 8, 10:02 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.13; 2024-07-09), ci-test-error (WMF-deployed Build Failure), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE edited projects for T369456: prop=cirrusbuilddoc API queries error out with EntitySchemaValue instead of EntityIdValue passed to the service constructor, added: Wikidata, EntitySchema; removed Wikibase-DataModel.
Mon, Jul 8, 9:32 AM · EntitySchema, wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikidata, Discovery-Search, CirrusSearch, Wikimedia-production-error
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369456: prop=cirrusbuilddoc API queries error out with EntitySchemaValue instead of EntityIdValue passed to the service constructor.

That looks like the same error as T369149 (see T369149#9949518); is it still happening since Friday?

Mon, Jul 8, 9:31 AM · EntitySchema, wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikidata, Discovery-Search, CirrusSearch, Wikimedia-production-error

Fri, Jul 5

Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”).

@Arian_Bozorg: I assume we want users to be able to search for haswbstatement:P12861=E10?

Fri, Jul 5, 2:07 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE placed T369357: EntitySchema CI broken due to UnDeserializableValue in StatementQuantityFieldTest up for grabs.
Fri, Jul 5, 2:07 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.13; 2024-07-09), ci-test-error (WMF-deployed Build Failure), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369357: EntitySchema CI broken due to UnDeserializableValue in StatementQuantityFieldTest.

The undeserializable value looks like this:

Fri, Jul 5, 1:21 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.13; 2024-07-09), ci-test-error (WMF-deployed Build Failure), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE claimed T369357: EntitySchema CI broken due to UnDeserializableValue in StatementQuantityFieldTest.
Fri, Jul 5, 1:12 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.13; 2024-07-09), ci-test-error (WMF-deployed Build Failure), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE created T369357: EntitySchema CI broken due to UnDeserializableValue in StatementQuantityFieldTest.
Fri, Jul 5, 1:08 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.13; 2024-07-09), ci-test-error (WMF-deployed Build Failure), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”) from Waiting for Deployment Window to Product Verification on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.
Fri, Jul 5, 12:38 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”).

Alright, thanks! Searching for the property seems to work now \o/

Fri, Jul 5, 12:36 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”).

The fix should be deployed now; @dcausse do we need to manually trigger a re-indexing of the affected pages (only this property, really) or is it going to happen automatically?

Fri, Jul 5, 10:43 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE updated subscribers of T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”).

While testing the deployment ^, I noticed that this doesn’t actually affect entities with EntitySchema-type statements (e.g. Q5); it only affects entities with other statements (e.g. Item-type statements, though probably some other types too) that had an EntitySchema qualifier. Which in practice was probably only P12861 (until I reproduced the situation on the sandbox item to verify the fix).

Fri, Jul 5, 10:42 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T368271: [SW][REPO] Fix purtle so that its tests pass in PHP 8.3, and enable in CI.

Looks like there was a change in mb_strlen() at least:

var_dump(mb_strlen("\xF4\x8F\xBF\xC0", 'UTF-8'));

Output for 8.3.0 - 8.3.9
Output for 8.2.17 - 8.2.21

Fri, Jul 5, 9:21 AM · wmde-wikidata-tech, PHP 8.3 support, Purtle
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T367637: Years are not in Persian in Wikidata.

I think this is the same issue as T338115: Numerals for years are not converted in date statements?

Fri, Jul 5, 8:59 AM · wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikidata Dev Team, I18n, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T367392: Message blob for {module} should have been preloaded.

Doesn’t seem to be specific to Wikidata – shows >100k occurrences of the error, but mainly on Wikipedias. (It’s also very “spike-y”.)

image.png (266×665 px, 16 KB)

(Note: The above logstash link is based on the mediawiki-errors backlog, but these messages don’t actually end up on an error channel – I removed that filter.)

Fri, Jul 5, 8:56 AM · MediaWiki-ResourceLoader, MediaWiki-Platform-Team, Wikimedia-production-error

Thu, Jul 4

Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T367254: Remove namespace 666 from Wikitech.

That namespace does have deleted pages, can MW handle deleting a namespace with those in there?

Thu, Jul 4, 1:49 PM · Patch-For-Review, Wikimedia-Site-requests,
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE placed T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”) up for grabs.
Thu, Jul 4, 10:04 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata

Wed, Jul 3

Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE updated the task description for T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”).
Wed, Jul 3, 4:03 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”) from Untriaged to Jul 2024 on the Wikimedia-production-error board.
Wed, Jul 3, 4:03 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a project to T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”): Wikimedia-production-error.
Wed, Jul 3, 4:01 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”) from In Development to Ready for Peer Review on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.
Wed, Jul 3, 3:51 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369155: New data type not available for all users after being enabled.

As for performance, if we backport this then I think we can look at ResourceLoader Module builds and see if there’s any visible effect from the deployment. (If this rolls out with the train, then the signal will probably be buried under noise from other changes in the train.)

Wed, Jul 3, 3:49 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369175: mwscript-k8s --attach error: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable.

As there were a lot of changes to deploy, I didn’t investigate yet, but just ran the script on mwmaint1002 instead.

Wed, Jul 3, 2:36 PM · Patch-For-Review, MW-on-K8s, serviceops
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”).

Okay, I think we need two things:

Wed, Jul 3, 2:31 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”).

Alright, if I load the CirrusSearch-related extensions and set all of the following settings, I can reproduce the issue on an item or property with EntitySchema statements:

Wed, Jul 3, 2:24 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE claimed T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”).

Hm, are we just missing a search-index-data-formatter-callback data type definition?

Wed, Jul 3, 2:05 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”).

I don’t see any P12861-related errors in Logstash that could explain this.

Wed, Jul 3, 1:40 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”).

Sounds like our responsibility to fix, at least. Thanks for looking into it!

Wed, Jul 3, 1:39 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”) from In Task Breakdown to Ready for Development on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.
Wed, Jul 3, 1:38 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a project to T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”): Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice).
Wed, Jul 3, 1:36 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T369155: New data type not available for all users after being enabled from Ready for Peer Review to Product Verification on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.
Wed, Jul 3, 1:27 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T363243: Post-creation work for kawikisource.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-07-03T13:15:51Z] <Lucas_WMDE> lucaswerkmeister-wmde@mwmaint1002:~$ mwscript namespaceDupes kawikisource --fix # T363243; 34 pages to fix, 34 were resolvable; 774 links to fix, 774 were resolvable, 0 were deleted

Wed, Jul 3, 1:19 PM · Countervandalism-Network, Content-Transform-Team, Wiki-Setup
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369047: Configure the namespaces on Malay Wikisource.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-07-03T13:14:25Z] <Lucas_WMDE> lucaswerkmeister-wmde@mwmaint1002:~$ mwscript namespaceDupes mswikisource --fix # T369047; 6 pages to fix, 6 were resolvable; 76 links to fix, 73 were resolvable, 3 were deleted

Wed, Jul 3, 1:18 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.13; 2024-07-09), Patch-For-Review, Wikimedia-Site-requests
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE created T369175: mwscript-k8s --attach error: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable.
Wed, Jul 3, 1:18 PM · Patch-For-Review, MW-on-K8s, serviceops
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”).

For future reference, the current cirrusDump contents are:

Wed, Jul 3, 12:36 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369155: New data type not available for all users after being enabled.

As for performance, if we backport this then I think we can look at ResourceLoader Module builds and see if there’s any visible effect from the deployment. (If this rolls out with the train, then the signal will probably be buried under noise from other changes in the train.)

Wed, Jul 3, 11:18 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369155: New data type not available for all users after being enabled.

Okay, I think I can reproduce the issue locally (looking whether entity-schema appears in mw.loader.using('wikibase.experts.modules').then(require => console.log(require('wikibase.experts.modules')))), and the above patch seems to fix it (no longer lags behind changes to $wgEntitySchemaEnableDatatype).

Wed, Jul 3, 11:13 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE moved T369155: New data type not available for all users after being enabled from In Task Breakdown to Ready for Peer Review on the Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice) board.
Wed, Jul 3, 11:02 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE created T369155: New data type not available for all users after being enabled.
Wed, Jul 3, 11:00 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”).

Could we force a re-index of this page?

Wed, Jul 3, 10:32 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE updated the task description for T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”).
Wed, Jul 3, 10:20 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE created T369149: Search has outdated label for P12861 (“Shape Expression for class” rather than “EntitySchema for class”).
Wed, Jul 3, 10:19 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), wmde-wikidata-tech, Wikimedia-production-error, Wikidata Dev Team ( Slice), Discovery-Search (Current work), EntitySchema, Wikidata
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE added a comment to T369085: Cannot upload! – TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'dataValueType').

Are you already deploying the backport now? Otherwise it shouldn’t have been merged yet IIUC.

Wed, Jul 3, 9:11 AM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.12; 2024-07-02), Wikimedia-production-error, UploadWizard
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE updated the task description for T369143: Allow cleaning up specific mwscript-k8s runs.
Wed, Jul 3, 9:08 AM · MW-on-K8s, serviceops
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE created T369143: Allow cleaning up specific mwscript-k8s runs.
Wed, Jul 3, 8:58 AM · MW-on-K8s, serviceops