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Voter Registration Eligibility Requirements and FAQs

Am I eligible to register to vote?
To register to vote, you must be:
  • A U.S. citizen;
  • A New Mexico resident;
  • At least 18 years old.

How can I verify whether or not I am registered?
Once your county clerk successfully processes your voter registration application, whether received by mail or using the online voter registration system, you will receive confirmation by mail from the county clerk.

Additionally, you may use My Registration Information to look up your current voter registration status and information.

When can I register?
If you are qualified, you may submit an application for voter registration at any time, however, registration closes at 5:00 p.m. Mountain time on the twenty-eighth day immediately preceding any election.

What happens if I register to vote after registration closes (within 28 days of an election)?
If you register to vote after registration has closed, the county clerk will still accept your voter registration application but it will not be processed until the Monday following the election.

Can I register to vote if I have been convicted of a crime?
If you are currently incarcerated in New Mexico for a felony offense you cannot vote while you are incarcerated. However, once you are no longer confined to a jail, prison, or other correctional facility you can register and vote in New Mexico elections. You can register to vote and vote even if you are on probation or parole. Please contact your county clerk's office for more information.

What do I need to do to have my voting rights restored following a felony conviction?
As you are finishing your incarceration you will be given the chance to register to vote, either through an online portal or paper form, or when you are obtaining a license or ID card through the Motor Vehicles Department (MVD). If you were already registered to vote before your incarceration, you will be given the chance to update your existing registration as you are finishing your incarceration.

What are the currently qualified political parties in New Mexico?
Major Parties
  • New Mexico Democratic Party
  • New Mexico Republican Party
  • Libertarian Party of New Mexico

Minor Parties
  • Green Party of New Mexico

Note: New Mexico conducts closed primary elections. This means you must be registered for one of the major parties in order to participate.

What additional information is needed when registering for the first time by mail?
If you are registering for the first time in New Mexico, and you submit the registration form by mail, then you must submit with the form a copy of (1) a current and valid photo identification; or (2) a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, student identification card or other government document, including identification issued by an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo that shows your name and current address. If you do not submit one of these forms of identification with your mailed-in, first time registration, then you would be required to present one of the forms of identification when voting in person or absentee.