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Reform Support
© EU

Supporting reforms that help unlock digital growth potential and deploy innovative solutions for citizens and businesses

Funding Programme
  • 2019

Deploying artificial intelligence at Flanders Investment and Trade in Belgium

The European Commission provided support to Flanders Investment and Trade (FIT) to develop a deployment framework for Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a well-defined practice for conducting enterprise analysis, design, and planning for the implementation of AI.


FIT needed to develop and implement an AI strategy. This would help FIT not only to adapt to customer needs but also to inspire both the public and private sector in discovering the potential of AI.

Support delivered

The Commission provided support over a 12-month period in the form of technical advisory services by entities with substantial experience in the development of blueprints for AI for public administrations.

The support measures consisted of:

  • Development of an AI maturity assessment;
  • Recommendations on the target state architecture for AI deployment, including a roadmap, adapted to an organisation-wide use of AI technology and industry best practices;
  • Proposal with the required curricula for AI-related training of FIT staff.

Results achieved

The support improved FIT’s capacity to design and plan for the development of AI applications and its necessary data assets, and improved the AI awareness and in-house capabilities at FIT.

Drawing on the results of the project, FIT has started developing its new IT strategy, prepared plans for digitalisation, conducted a management review of the personnel plan, and taken steps to improve data governance.

Project in the Spotlight