☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 211 Juvenile Courts 
211.011   Purpose of law — how construed. (8/28/1995)
211.012   Status as child determined by then-existing law at time of alleged offense ... (7/14/2021)
211.021   Definitions. (1/1/2021)
211.023   Juvenile court commissioner, appointment, where, term, compensation. (8/28/1993)
211.025   Judge may direct any case be heard by commissioner (counties of the first ... (8/28/1980)
211.027   Findings of commissioner, how submitted — notice of right to file motion ... (8/28/1980)
211.029   Rehearing, motion filed when — judge may sustain or deny — commissioner's ... (8/28/1989)
211.031   Juvenile court to have exclusive jurisdiction, when — exceptions — home ... (8/28/2024)
211.032   Child abuse and neglect hearings, when held, procedure — supreme court ... (1/1/2021)
211.033   Detention for violation of traffic ordinances — no civil or criminal ... (1/1/2021)
211.034   Extension of juvenile court jurisdiction permitted, when — procedure — ... (8/28/2008)
211.036   Custody of released youth may be returned to children's division, when — ... (8/28/2016)
211.037   Nonoffending parent, child returned to custody of, when. (8/28/2005)
211.038   Children not to be reunited with parents or placed in a home, when — ... (1/1/2017)
211.041   Continuing jurisdiction over child, exception, eighteen-year-old violating ... (1/1/2021)
211.051   Jurisdiction as to custody of child not exclusive. (8/28/1957)
211.059   Rights of child when taken into custody (Miranda warning) — rights of child ... (8/28/2017)
211.061   Arrested child taken before juvenile court — transfer of prosecution to ... (1/1/2021)
211.063   Secure detention, limitations — probable cause hearing required, when — ... (8/28/1993)
211.068   Copy of motion for certification as adult to be provided to prosecuting ... (8/28/1995)
211.069   Citation of law. (8/28/2013)
211.071   Certification of juvenile for trial as adult — procedure — mandatory ... (8/28/2024)
211.072   Certification as an adult, placement in secure detention facility to ... (8/28/2021)
211.073   Transfer to court of general jurisdiction, dual jurisdiction of both ... (1/1/2021)
211.081   Preliminary inquiry as to institution of proceedings — approval of division ... (1/1/2021)
211.083   Informal adjustments — court may allow restitution or community service — ... (8/28/1995)
211.085   Court may order work in restitution for child — child not an employee. (8/28/1996)
211.091   Petition in juvenile court — contents — dismissal, juvenile officer to ... (1/1/2021)
211.093   Orders or judgment of juvenile court to have precedence over certain other ... (8/28/2018)
211.101   Issuance of summons — notice — temporary custody of child — subpoenas. (1/1/2021)
211.111   Summons, how served. (8/28/1990)
211.121   Failure to respond to summons, contempt — warrant for custodian of child. (8/28/1957)
211.131   Taking child into custody, effect — notice to parents — jurisdiction ... (8/28/1957)
211.132   Parent, guardian may be made party to proceeding. (8/28/1995)
211.134   Court may require participation by parent or guardian, purpose — court may ... (8/28/1995)
211.135   Appearance of child in court, when. (8/28/2020)
211.141   Child returned to parent, when, conditions — detention on order of court — ... (8/28/2004)
211.151   Places of detention — photographing and fingerprinting, restrictions. (8/28/1995)
211.156   Care and detention of certain children by county, contribution by state, when. (8/28/1998)
211.161   Court may require physical or mental examination — costs paid by county. (1/1/2021)
211.171   Hearing procedure — notification of current foster parents, preadoptive ... (8/28/2020)
211.177   Grandparent's right to intervene in action, restrictions, termination. (8/28/1994)
211.180   Family preservation screenings, conducted when, results. (8/28/2014)
211.181   Order for disposition or treatment of child — suspension of order and ... (7/14/2021)
211.183   Order to include determination of efforts of division — definition of ... (8/28/2014)
211.185   Court may order parents and child to make restitution, when, amount — ... (8/28/1995)
211.188   Court may order work for restitution — not an employee. (8/28/1996)
211.201   Commitment of children to department of mental health, duration — ... (8/28/1980)
211.202   Mentally disordered children, evaluation — disposition — review by court. (8/28/2014)
211.203   Developmentally disabled children, evaluation — disposition — review by court. (8/28/2014)
211.206   Duties of department of mental health — discharge by department — notice — ... (8/28/2011)
211.207   Youth services division may request evaluation — procedure after evaluation ... (8/28/2011)
211.211   Right to counsel or guardian ad litem — counsel appointed, when — waiver, ... (8/28/2021)
211.221   Religion considered in placing child. (8/28/1957)
211.231   Indeterminate commitments, exception — exchange of information by court and ... (8/28/1995)
211.241   Court orders to parents for support of children, procedure — county to ... (8/28/1957)
211.251   Modification of court orders. (8/28/1989)
211.261   Appeals. (8/28/2021)
211.271   Court orders not to affect civil rights — not evidence, exception. (8/28/1969)
211.281   Costs how adjudged, collected. (8/28/1957)
211.291   Juvenile courtroom in counties of first and second class — any judge of ... (8/28/1957)
211.301   Juvenile court held in chambers or other room in counties of third and ... (8/28/1957)
211.311   Clerk of circuit court to act for juvenile court. (1/2/1979)
211.319   Juvenile court records and proceedings, abuse and neglect cases, procedure. (8/28/2007)
211.321   Juvenile court records, confidentiality, exceptions — records of peace ... (1/1/2021)
211.322   Reports on delinquency and prevention by court on request by division of ... (8/28/1982)
211.326   State courts administrator — valuation of services, development of ... (8/28/1995)
211.327   Data to be provided to state courts administrator — orientation training, ... (8/28/1995)
211.331   Detention facilities, superintendent, appointment, compensation — ... (8/28/1998)
211.332   Detention facilities not required to be provided by certain second class ... (1/1/1988)
211.341   Detention facilities, how provided — government (third and fourth class ... (8/28/1957)
211.343   Detention facilities, standards and rules for operation. (8/28/1989)
211.351   Juvenile officers, appointment — costs paid, how — grievance review ... (8/28/2017)
211.355   Missouri state juvenile justice advisory board, members, report. (8/28/2016)
211.361   Qualifications of juvenile officer, how determined — effect on persons now ... (8/28/2017)
211.381   Compensation of juvenile court personnel — expenses — salary adjustments. (8/28/1993)
211.382   Professionals retained by juvenile court, when. (7/1/1999)
211.393   Definitions — compensation of juvenile officers, apportionment — state to ... (2/18/2016)
211.394   Juvenile court personnel compensation not limited by state contribution — ... (8/28/1988)
211.401   Duties of juvenile officers — may make arrests — cooperation. (8/28/2017)
211.411   Law enforcement officials to assist and cooperate with juvenile officers. (1/2/1979)
211.421   Endangering the welfare of a child or interfering with orders of court. (1/1/2021)
211.425   Registration of juvenile sex offenders, when — agencies required to ... (1/1/2021)
211.431   Violation of law, class A misdemeanor. (1/1/2021)
211.435   Juvenile justice preservation fund — surcharge on traffic violations — ... (7/14/2021)
211.442   Definitions. (8/28/1985)
211.443   Construction of sections 211.442 to 211.487. (8/28/1985)
211.444   Termination of parental rights, when. (8/28/2018)
211.447   Juvenile officer preliminary inquiry, when — petition to terminate parental ... (8/28/2021)
211.452   Petition for termination, when filed — contents — joinder of cases of more ... (8/28/1985)
211.453   Service of summons, how made — when required — waiver of summons. (8/28/1999)
211.455   Procedure after filing of petition — determination of service — extension ... (8/28/2014)
211.459   Dispositional hearing, when held — procedure — immunity for certain persons ... (8/28/1985)
211.462   Appointment of guardian ad litem, when — rights of parent or guardian — ... (8/28/1985)
211.464   Foster parent and others may present evidence, when — notice and ... (8/28/1998)
211.477   Order of termination, when issued — transfer of legal custody, to whom — ... (8/28/2014)
211.487   Application of sections 211.442 to 211.487 — what law to govern. (8/28/1985)
211.490   Child placed in residential group facility, eligibility for medical ... (8/28/1993)
211.500   Establishment of regional juvenile detention districts, when. (7/1/1999)
211.600   Certification of juveniles, collection of data, contents. (8/28/2024)
 - Cross References
Abuse, child protection orders, 455.500 to 455.538
Adoptions, record disclosures to adopted child, procedure, duties, 453.121
Child less than seventeen years taken into custody, record of law enforcement agency required, 210.004
Child victim witness protection law, 491.675 to 491.710
Educational programs for juveniles placed or detained in county facilities, first class counties, charter form, 178.295 to 178.298
Family courts, Chap. 487
Grandparents' visitation rights, 452.400, 452.402
Information system coordination for tracking of individual children, 210.865
Interstate compact on juveniles, 210.570 to 210.590
Juvenile boot camps, 210.568
Minor misrepresenting age to obtain liquor, penalty, 311.320
Missing children, highway patrol, duties, 43.400
Protective orders, child abuse, 455.500 to 455.538
Stepparent required to support stepchild, right to recover, 453.400
Supreme court rules amended by legislation regarding juvenile courts, See SUPREME COURT RULES, LEGISLATIVE AMENDMENTS, preceding Missouri Constitution
Surrogate parents appointed for certain handicapped children by state board of education, 162.997
Truant or parental schools, school districts over 10,000 authorized to establish, 167.091
Witness credibility, affect of juvenile court adjudications, 491.078
Witnesses, child victim protection law, 491.675 to 491.710
Youth opportunities and violence prevention act tax credits, 135.460
Youth services, Chap. 219

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