☰ Revisor of Missouri

Definitions (9,079)

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  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

 (rup)  281.020  a copy of his or her record of that patient's health history and treatment rendered  191.227  a period of excessive unemployment  290.550
 a person difficult to employ  135.240  'a' rated risk  379.888  a relative of the owner's former spouse  461.051
 a relative of the settlor's former spouse  456.1-112  abandoned  340.288417.005452.705  abandoned aircraft  305.800
 abandoned cemetery  214.205  abandoned dry-cleaning facility  260.900  abandoned equipment or facilities  67.1830
 abandoned family cemetery  214.131  abandoned or uncontrolled  260.435  abandoned property  82.46299.875304.001447.700640.740
 abandoned well  256.603  abatement  441.500701.300  abatement project designer  643.020
 abducted child  210.1012  able  209.600  able account  209.600
 abortion  170.015188.015188.015  abortion facility  188.015188.015197.200  abortion services  170.015196.1127
 aboveground storage tank  319.100414.036  above-the-line individual  135.750  absconder  217.703559.036
 absentee ballot  115.275  abuse  191.900192.2200192.2400197.250197.500198.006208.164208.164210.110210.115285.625352.400455.010568.060  abusing a pet  455.010
 abusive head trauma  568.060  academic scholarship  173.250  academic skill intake assessment  173.831
 academic year  173.1102  acceptable collateral  376.292  acceptable private mortgage insurance  376.292
 acceptance  400.3-409  accepted actuarial standards  287.930  accepted mail from the banking organization  447.505
 accepted mail from the financial organization  447.505  acceptor  400.3-103  access  226.290472.405556.061
 access demand notice  393.550  access to affordable employer-sponsored health care insurance or other affordable health care coverage  208.930  accessibility  161.900
 accessible assistive technology device  167.225  accession  400.9-102  accessions  400.2A-310
 accessory equipment  67.5092  accident  287.020287.120  accident and health insurance  376.292376.365
 accident and health insurer  376.292  accident potential zones one and two  41.655  accident response service fee  374.055
 accommodations  407.600  account  103.080191.1603369.014375.772376.718400.4-104400.9-102443.1003454.507472.405  account debtor  400.9-102
 account holder  143.1160191.1603208.750443.1003  account review  407.1380  accountant  375.1025
 accounting  400.9-102  accounting officer  50.530  accounting period  469.401
 accounting system  29.00529.005  accreditation council for education in nutrition and dietetics  324.200  accredited  173.831335.016
 accredited approved veterinarian  267.565267.670  accredited degree program from a school of architecture  327.011  accredited dental hygiene school  332.011
 accredited dental school  332.011  accredited school of cosmetology or school of manicuring  329.010  accredited school of engineering  327.011
 accredited school of landscape architecture  327.011  accredited school of veterinary medicine  340.200  accredited state  382.400
 accumulated contributions  70.60086.01086.20086.90086.131087.120104.010105.691169.010169.270169.410169.600  accumulative  135.030  accurate  413.005
 accusatory instrument  557.014  accused  557.014  accused delinquent  210.570
 accused status offender  210.570  accuser  40.005  acend  324.200
 acknowledgment  486.600  acquire  67.453204.650249.925  acquirer  407.432
 acquiring party  382.050  acquisition  382.095  acquisition costs  99.1205
 acquisition proposal  351.347  acre  245.010  acreage  245.010
 act  68.205104.1003173.250620.582650.451  act assessment  160.572  act of god  227.552
 act of nature  537.327  act of school violence  160.261  action  400.1-201436.350456.1-103
 active apprentice status  173.2553  active armed warfare  104.010  active classroom teacher  161.026161.026
 active dry-cleaning facility  260.900  active duty  160.2000  active duty military  324.087334.1203337.550345.085
 active emergency  304.890  active emergency zone  304.890  active ingredient  281.220
 active member  67.3000169.410  active military member  337.1005571.104  active state duty  40.005
 active telephone number  190.400  active tuberculosis  199.170  activities of daily living  198.006
 activity  362.106  activity and use limitations  260.1003  acts knowingly  562.016
 acts of violence  160.261  acts purposely  562.016  acts recklessly  562.016
 acts with criminal negligence  562.016  actual charge  376.789  actual cost of the medical care or treatment  490.715
 actual damages  407.610537.127  actual direct compensatory damages  375.1184  actual fee  376.789
 actual notice in writing  570.120  actually innocent  650.058  actuarial certification  379.930
 actuarial cost  86.90086.1310  actuarial equivalent  70.60086.01086.20087.120104.010104.1027169.270169.410  actuarial reserves  103.003
 actuarial standards board  375.1503  actuarial tables  104.010  actuarial valuation  105.660
 actuary  103.003104.010104.1003105.660375.147375.1112  acupuncture  324.475  acupuncturist  324.475
 acute pain  195.010332.361  adaptive telecommunications equipment  209.251  addict  195.010
 addiction mitigation medication  195.206  additional qualified research expenses  620.1039  additional subsidies  215.300
 address  589.660  adequate and timely notice  535.081  adequate care  578.005
 adequate cause  565.002  adequate control  578.005  adequate food  273.325
 adequate guards or railing  306.126  adequate housing  273.325  adequate instruction  167.225
 adequate response  376.1375  adequate rest between breeding cycles  273.345  adequate water  273.325
 adit  293.010  adjournment  351.268  adjudicated  589.404
 adjudicated delinquent  210.570589.404  adjudicated status offender  210.570  adjudication  589.404
 adjusted county average  66.620  adjusted for inflation  196.1000  adjusted gross receipts  313.800
 adjusted operating levy  163.011163.011  adjusted prime rate charged by banks  32.065  adjusted purchase price  135.680
 adjusted rbc report  375.1250  adl  198.006  administer  195.010196.990XIV Section 1
 administering agency  135.800215.300  administering authority  590.502  administration of criminal justice  43.500
 administration services  143.451  administrative adjustment request  143.425  administrative employee  67.1175
 administrative entity  630.005  administrative fund  285.1000  administrative hearing commission  407.815407.1025
 administrative law judge  287.812  administrative leave  105.264  administrative segregation unit  217.010
 administrator  198.006201.010287.900376.1075385.200385.300385.403407.2030407.2060472.010475.380  admission  144.010191.1150  admitted assets  375.345375.1072376.292
 admitted insurer  384.015  adnexa  336.010  adopted adult  453.121
 adopted child  453.121  adopter  173.955273.400  adoption assistance state  453.500
 adult  192.2200194.210211.021404.007404.410431.058442.010455.010459.250475.010475.502589.506633.170  adult animal  273.400  adult arcade  573.010
 adult basic education  208.400  adult bookstore  573.010  adult cabaret  67.2540226.531573.010
 adult day care  192.2100  adult day care program  192.2200  adult day care provider  192.2200
 adult dropout recovery services  173.831  adult high school  160.2700  adult motion picture theater  573.010
 adult sibling  210.565453.121  adult treatment court  478.001  adult video store  573.010
 adulterated  265.300281.220570.010  advance fee  367.300  advance gambling activity  572.010
 advance health care directive  459.250  advance health-care directive  194.290  advanced emergency medical technician  190.100190.900
 advanced life support (als)  190.100  advanced macro social worker  337.600  advanced placement examination  173.1352
 advanced practice registered nurse  193.015335.016  advanced recycling  260.200  advanced recycling facility  260.200
 adversary probate proceeding  472.140  adversary proceeding  105.450  adverse action  190.900324.087334.1203335.365337.105337.550337.1005338.075345.085375.918
 adverse claim  400.8-102  adverse determination  376.1350  adverse material fact  339.710
 adverse party  456.1005  adverse result  351.609  adverse underwriting decision  379.121
 advertise  436.552  advertisement  266.021332.321374.352407.010407.661407.730407.1070443.703  advertising  339.010
 adviser  400.5-102  advisory board  172.790172.800  advisory committee  191.1820620.1100620.3900
 advisory council  178.550  advisory organization  287.930379.328  advisory panel  192.131
 aemt  190.100190.900  aeronaut  305.010  aeronautics  305.120
 aerospace project  620.2475  affected business entity  143.436143.436  affected land  444.510444.765444.805
 affected persons  197.305  affected small business  536.010  affected unit  288.500
 affected with rabies  322.010  affects small business  536.010  affidavit  575.010
 affidavit of incapacity  456.6-603  affiliate  143.451178.694188.015196.1000198.006351.459362.945375.772375.1025376.292376.1075379.083379.930379.1353379.1851381.029382.010386.754416.605428.009436.552443.703515.505620.3505  affiliate capital  620.3505
 affiliate of a certified company  135.500  affiliate of a declarant  448.1-103  affiliate of an insolvent insurer  375.772
 affiliate of the vendor  34.040  affiliated  375.1025376.1075379.930382.010  affiliated agreements  379.1353
 affiliated business  381.029  affiliated companies  143.2115  affiliated company  379.1300
 affiliated entity  362.331362.950  affiliated industry  323.010  affiliated licensee  339.710
 affiliated person  144.030  affiliation period  376.450  affirmation  486.600
 affirmative defense  556.061  affordability  644.145  affordable employer-sponsored health care insurance or other affordable health care coverage  208.640
 affordable housing  215.263  affordable housing assistance activities  32.105  affordable housing unit  32.105
 affordable rent  215.300  african-american history museum and cultural subdistrict  184.352  aftercare  630.810
 after-care  191.1150  aftercare supervision  219.011  aftermarket crash part  407.295
 afternoon  400.4-104  age  213.010  age- or developmentally appropriate activities  210.660
 agencies  409.605  agency  8.2878.3708.66023.16023.25336.02044.01067.106270.441103.003104.1063109.210135.1150181.100197.305198.640369.014536.010536.018  agency contract  436.218
 agency of the state  36.020  agency proceeding  536.085  agency shop  105.505
 agency with jurisdiction  632.480  agent  173.600194.210195.010196.525214.270261.130276.606304.900339.710409.605409.1-102441.500472.405562.056  agent of an owner of land  537.354
 aggravated boating offender  577.001  aggravated endangerment of a highway worker  304.585  aggravated offender  577.001
 aggravated sexual offense  566.010  aggregate  393.310  aggregate amount of medium to lower quality obligations  375.1072
 aggregate demand deposits  362.010  aggregator site  375.159  aggrieved party  400.1-201
 aggrieved person  542.400  agreement  70.120400.1-201400.2-106432.205620.800  agreement for electronic presentment  400.4-110
 agribusiness  620.3505  agrichemical facility  644.016  agricultural and horticultural property  137.016
 agricultural business development loan  348.400  agricultural commodities in bulk  390.020  agricultural commodity  30.860275.300
 agricultural dam  236.400  agricultural development loan  348.015  agricultural labor  288.034
 agricultural land  261.130350.010442.566  agricultural lien  400.9-102  agricultural limestone  266.505
 agricultural liming material mixture  266.505  agricultural liming materials  266.505  agricultural operation  261.130
 agricultural operation and its appurtenances  537.295  agricultural product  348.400  agricultural products  262.900265.010274.020
 agricultural property  135.679348.015348.400  agricultural purposes  142.800  agricultural seeds  266.021
 agricultural tax credits  135.800  agriculture  290.500  agritourism  262.001
 agritourism activity  537.850  ahera  643.020  aicpa  326.256375.1025
 aicuz study  67.1200  aids to navigation  306.124  aim zone  68.075
 air ambulance pilot  173.260287.243  air ambulance registered professional nurse  173.260287.243  air ambulance registered respiratory therapist  173.260287.243
 air cleaning device  643.020  air contaminant  643.020643.600  air contaminant source  643.020643.600
 air pollution  643.020643.600  aircraft  105.1077155.010305.010305.120  air-gap  115.013
 air-gapped  115.013  airline company  155.010  airman  305.120
 airman certificate  305.120  airport  67.1800143.2105305.120305.505  airport authority  67.1800305.120
 airport hazard  67.1200305.505  airport hazard area  67.1200  airport superintendent  305.800
 airport taxicab  67.1800  airport zone  305.400  alarm  455.010
 alarm system  67.301  alcohol  302.700  alcohol abuse  630.005
 alcohol beverage vaporizer  579.099  alcohol concentration  302.500302.700  alcohol or drug abuse facility  631.005
 alcohol-related enforcement contacts  302.525  alcohol-related traffic offense  595.010  alderman  78.010
 alien  442.566  alien captive insurance company  379.1300  alkaline battery  260.200
 alkaline-manganese battery  260.200  all retail sales subject to sales tax  190.462  alley  300.010
 alley cropping  252.306  alleyway  300.010  all-industry placement facility  379.815
 allocable share  196.1000  allocated interests  448.1-103  allocated loss adjustment expenses  375.1152
 allowable cost  447.700  allowable tradeable amount  476.419  allowance  70.600
 all-terrain vehicle  300.010301.010407.815407.1025577.001  alteration  400.3-407701.350  alterations  236.400
 alternate base period  288.501  alternate payee  513.430  alternative ballot  351.1003
 alternative delivery health care program  103.003  alternative fuel  142.800414.400  alternative fuel vehicle refueling property  135.710
 alternative fuels  135.710  alternative local exchange telecommunications company  386.020  alternative nicotine product  407.925
 alternative operator services company  386.020  alternative program  190.900324.087334.1203335.365337.550337.1005345.085  alternative service provider  392.460
 alternatives to abortion agencies  188.335  alternatives to abortion agency  188.125  aluminum smelting facility  91.026
 alzheimer's disease and related disorders  172.800192.2100  alzheimer's special care program  198.505  alzheimer's special care unit  198.505
 amateur  317.001  ambient air  643.020  ambulance  190.100190.800
 ambulance service  190.100190.800574.204650.320  ambulance service area  190.100  ambulatory review  376.1350
 ambulatory surgical center  191.875191.940191.1150197.185197.200  american employer  288.034  american indian  407.315
 american indian tribe  407.315  american pyrotechnics association (apa), standard 87-1  320.106  american savings promotion act  408.800
 american sign language  209.285  american society for testing and materials (astm)  414.012  ammunition  571.063
 amount  144.810  amount in dispute  287.390  amount recovered  34.378
 amusement ride  316.203  an officer  100.296  analog equipment  137.078
 anatomical gift  194.210  ancillary agreement  393.1700  ancillary infusion equipment and supplies  338.400
 ancillary parcel  140.980141.220141.220  ancillary state  375.950375.1152  anemometer  701.550
 anemometer tower  701.550  anesthesiologist  334.400  anesthesiologist assistant  334.400
 anesthesiologist assistant supervision agreement  334.400  animal  267.565269.010269.021273.325281.020281.020281.220340.200566.111578.005578.029578.405  animal chiropractic  331.020340.200
 animal chiropractic practitioner  331.020340.200  animal facility  578.405  animal shelter  273.325578.005
 animal units  640.703  animal waste wet handling facility  640.703  animal welfare official  273.325
 animal,  578.170  annex areas  8.007  announcement date  351.459
 annual appropriation level  208.046  annual audited financial report  375.1057  annual claims  537.675
 annual general operating revenue  479.350  annual returns filed following the close of such fiscal year  136.405  annual salary rate  169.056
 annuity  50.100056.80557.94970.60086.010104.010104.1003379.1300  annuity issuer  407.1060  annuity reserve  86.010
 annuity starting date  104.010104.1003  annuity, pension, retirement benefit, or retirement allowance  143.124  anomalous endorsement  400.3-205
 anonymous evidentiary collection kit  595.220  answer  452.300  antenna  67.509267.5111
 antibiogram  192.131  anticancer medications  376.1257  antidote  281.220
 antimicrobial  192.131  antique firearm  571.010571.010  antique, curio or relic firearm  571.010571.010
 antiterrorism activities  41.033  any other state  143.871  apiary  264.021
 api-asme  650.205  appeals tribunal  288.030  appears in person before the notary  486.1100
 appliance  144.526  applicable agency  620.3900  applicable analog fraction  137.078
 applicable analog percentage  137.078  applicable codes  67.5111  applicable digital fraction  137.078
 applicable federal law  105.300  applicable loan  348.230  applicable percentage  135.500135.680253.545348.251620.3505
 applicant  43.53943.54067.300067.509267.511199.1205105.1600210.493260.200301.069313.800334.400334.735340.200348.272376.854376.1100400.5-102417.005447.700620.3900640.153640.651700.650  applicant group  324.047  applicants  67.3000
 application  67.509267.5111454.1680620.800  application assistant  589.660  application cycle  640.651
 applicator, operator or technician  281.020281.020  applied behavior analysis  337.300376.1224  applied research  348.251
 appointed actuary  376.365  appointed member of the board  340.200  appointed official  313.004
 appointee  456.975  appointing authority  36.020476.800  appointive property  456.975
 apportionable income  143.455  appraisal  162.1130339.503  appraisal assignment  339.503
 appraisal firm  339.503  appraisal foundation  339.503  appraisal management company  339.503
 appraisal management services  339.503  appraisal report  339.503  appraisal standards board (asb)  339.503
 appraiser  141.220141.220339.503  appraiser panel  339.503  appraiser qualifications board (aqb)  339.503
 apprehension  40.020  apprentice  135.457329.010341.090  apprenticeship  324.025
 apprenticeship training program  620.515  approaches  88.867  appropriate  570.010
 appropriate authority in the receiving state  210.630  appropriate consideration  105.688214.160  appropriate court  217.495
 appropriate evidence of appointment or incumbency  400.8-402  appropriate medical provider  192.2520595.220  appropriate officer  130.011VIII Section 23
 appropriate officers  130.011VIII Section 23  appropriate person  400.8-107  appropriate pretax revenues  393.1000393.1009393.1503
 appropriate public authorities  210.630  appropriate quantity  217.199221.065  appropriate services  192.2100
 appropriate vocational testing  287.144  appropriately trained and qualified individual  198.006  approval  67.140168.205335.016620.1878620.1910
 approval of the required majority  67.186271.800184.805238.202  approve  67.1401  approved  307.020
 approved by or approval by the members  355.066  approved charter school  167.241167.895  approved dual credit provider  173.2500
 approved dual enrollment provider  173.2500  approved health care provider  334.506  approved institution  173.250
 approved institution of higher education  173.955  approved laboratory  267.565  approved mortgagor  215.010
 approved placement  210.620  approved private institution  173.1102  approved program provider  173.831
 approved provider  189.010  approved public institution  173.1102  approved vaccine  267.565
 approved virtual institution  173.1102  approximate location  319.015  approximate original contour  444.805
 aprn  335.016  aquaculture  277.024  aquaculture facility  644.016
 aquifer  640.403  architect  327.011  architectural services  8.287
 area  267.670353.020578.110  area agency board  192.2005  area agency on aging  192.2005
 area of defined need  191.1050  area of operation  99.02099.320  area of sales responsibility  407.1320
 area of the state  643.020  area surrounding the anchor point  701.550  areas of defined need  191.603340.337
 areas of high incidents of crime and deteriorating infrastructure  650.550  areas subject to natural flooding  256.170  arm chuck of beef  265.490
 armed forces of the united states  285.235  armed nuclear security guard  563.011  arranged  408.400
 arrearage  454.1000568.040  arrest  40.025195.146610.100  arrest report  610.100
 arresting officer  577.001  art dealer  407.900  art museum subdistrict  184.352
 articles  351.1003355.066  articles of incorporation  351.015355.066393.827393.903394.070  articles of organization  347.015
 artist  407.900  as custodian under the missouri uniform gifts to minors law  404.087  asbestos  643.020
 asbestos abatement  643.020  asbestos abatement contractor  643.020  asbestos abatement projects  643.020
 asbestos abatement supervisor  643.020  asbestos abatement worker  643.020  asbestos air sampling professional  643.020
 asbestos air sampling technician  643.020  asbestos-containing material  643.020  ascendant  528.700
 ascertainable standard  456.1-103  as-extracted collateral  400.9-102  ashes  64.460
 asl  161.396  asme  650.205  assault  455.010
 assault offense  565.079  assault with the intent to commit bus hijacking  577.703  assay  338.400
 assess or assessment  204.650  assessed valuation  48.010  assessed value  67.1401
 assessment  100.710208.895210.620263.503362.010380.201  assessment and treatment services for children  210.110  assessment contract  67.2800
 assessor  92.710  assessor or assessing officer  53.250  assessor-elect  53.250
 asset  428.009  asset disregard  208.690  asset of the authority  173.355
 asset test  208.780  asset-backed security  376.292469.449  assets  217.827221.120
 assigned counsel  600.011  assignee  393.1700  assignment  376.778403.250454.415454.495
 assist or initiate the transmission  407.1123  assist the purchaser in finding locations  409.1000  assist the transmission  407.1120
 assistance  473.399  assistance animal  209.204  assistant physician  193.015334.036334.038
 assistant physician collaborative practice arrangement  334.036  assistant public defender  600.011  assisted living facility  198.006
 assistive device  407.950  assistive device dealer  407.950  assistive device lessor  407.950
 assistive technology device  161.900  assistive technology service  161.900  associate  351.459381.029
 associated funerary objects  194.400  association  148.610274.020285.1000287.245369.014369.049369.191369.670375.772376.718379.1300383.150436.350448.1-103  association captive insurance company  379.1300
 association of state and provincial psychology boards (asppb)  337.105  assuming insurer  375.1285  assumption reinsurance agreement  375.1285
 asymmetric conduct  376.2051  asynchronous store-and-forward transfer  191.1145  at will  400.1-309400.2A-109
 athlete  334.702  athlete agent  436.218  athletic director  436.218
 athletic trainer  334.702  athletic training student  334.702  athletics  163.048
 at-risk  167.273  at-risk behavioral health patient  190.240  attendance  162.303
 attendance center  167.125167.895  attending physician  190.600376.1210459.010  attest  326.256
 attest services  326.256  attorney for the state  195.010  attorney in fact  404.703
 auctioneer  343.010  audiologist  345.015345.085346.010  audiology  345.085
 audiology aide  345.015  audiology and speech-language pathology compact commission  345.085  audiology and speech-language pathology licensing board,  345.085
 audiology licensing board,  345.085  audiovisual recording function  570.302  audiovisual works  570.225
 audit  29.00529.005  audit committee  375.1025  audited financial report  375.1025
 audited partnership  143.425  auditor  276.401  auricular detox technician  324.475
 auricular detox treatment  324.475  authentic american indian art or craft  407.315  authenticate  400.9-102
 authority  8.50530.86067.65167.78167.280067.450067.509267.511190.75099.02099.32099.91899.1000100.310135.679135.686173.355260.005305.505348.015348.400348.430348.432348.491360.015417.350571.510640.651  authority airport  305.505  authority pole  67.5111
 authority to practice interjurisdictional telepsychology  337.105  authority wireless support structure  67.5111  authorized account  400.4A-105
 authorized agency  589.200  authorized agent  214.270276.401411.026  authorized control level event  375.1260
 authorized control level rbc  375.1250  authorized driver  407.730  authorized electronic monitoring  198.610
 authorized emergency vehicle  300.010  authorized entity  196.990  authorized farm corporation  350.010
 authorized internet website  313.905  authorized lender  443.901  authorized officer  105.273
 authorized official  264.021  authorized party  59.480  authorized person  319.078347.015
 authorized representative  362.1015700.010  authorized shares  351.015  authorized to acquire the deed  140.405
 autism  633.220  autism service provider  376.1224  autism spectrum disorder  161.825633.200633.210
 autism spectrum disorders  376.1224  autocycle  301.010304.005  autogas  323.010
 automated teller machine  362.111370.073  automated transaction  432.205  automatic tabulating equipment  115.013
 automatic transfer device  701.350  automobile graveyard  226.660  automobile insurance policy  379.130
 automobile transporter  301.010  auxiliary aids and services  209.261476.750  auxiliary lamp  307.020
 auxiliary power  393.106  availability  304.154  available income  208.150
 available receiving district  167.895  avca  340.200  avenue  214.070
 average and excess method  393.1620  average annual payroll  288.124  average base rate  393.1655
 average compensation  104.010169.600  average cost per graduate  173.831  average daily attendance  163.011163.011
 average earnings  287.021  average final compensation  50.100056.80557.94986.01086.20087.120169.270169.410  average net fair market value  469.411
 average overall rate  393.1655  average rider rate  393.1655  average tuition  173.1003
 average wage  135.950620.1878620.2005  aviation fuel  142.800155.010414.255  aviation turbine fuel (jet fuel)  414.012
 avoided fuel cost  386.890  axle load  301.010304.180  b-20  414.365414.407414.433
 b99  135.775135.778  back of beef  265.490  backgrounded  135.679
 backhaul  301.010  bacteria  281.220  bactericide  281.220
 bacterin  267.565  bail bond agent  374.700  bail bond or appearance bond  374.700
 bailee  400.7-102  baiting,  578.170  baked good  196.298
 ballot  115.013  ballot label  115.013  ballot measure  130.011
 bank  313.800362.010362.331362.332362.910362.945369.089400.1-201400.4-105400.4A-105400.9-102408.015409.1-102469.240  bank holding company  362.910362.945  banker's credit  400.2-325
 banking day  400.4-104  banking institution  148.020362.034  banking organization  447.503
 bankrupt  358.020  bankruptcy  347.015  bar  191.765
 barber  328.010  barber establishment  328.010  bargaining unit  105.500
 barrel  414.012  base employment  620.3505  base investment  135.753
 base payroll  620.3505  base pension  86.122086.1590  base period  288.030
 base premium rate  379.930  base rate  288.110379.888  base revenue  620.3505
 base station  67.5092  base taxable sales  620.3505  base year  348.251
 base year gross wages  348.251  base year port cargo volume  143.2105  based  137.095
 baseline requirement  105.1600  baseline weight  135.679  baseline year  99.91899.100099.1082251.603
 basic access line  660.138  basic health care services  354.400  basic illustration  375.1503
 basic interexchange telecommunications service  386.020  basic life support (bls)  190.100  basic local telecommunications service  386.020
 basic property insurance  379.815  basic research  348.251  basic rights information  566.200
 basic telecommunications access line  209.251  battery  455.010  battery-charged fence  67.301
 bear wrestling,  578.170  bearer  400.1-201  bearer form  400.8-102
 because  213.010285.575  because of  213.010285.575  bedding  421.005
 bedroom  135.220  beekeeper  264.021  beekeeping equipment  264.021
 beer bong  306.109  bees  264.021  beginning farmer  143.121143.121
 behavioral therapy  191.1164  beneficial insects  281.020281.020281.220  beneficial interest  513.605
 beneficial owner  351.459  beneficial shareholder  351.870  beneficiary  70.60086.01086.20086.90086.131087.120104.010104.1003166.410166.502169.270169.410287.812354.010362.332376.450400.4A-103400.5-102402.200404.410436.405456.1-103461.005469.401476.515
 beneficiary access  208.183  beneficiary designation  461.005  beneficiary with a disability  456.4-419
 beneficiary's bank  400.4A-103  beneficiation  444.352444.765  benefit  287.812354.400376.1350476.515
 benefit contract  378.604  benefit member  378.604  benefit plan  376.718376.960404.007404.410
 benefit program  70.600  benefit recipient  104.1093434.300  benefit reserve  87.120
 benefit year  288.030  benefits  143.125166.410166.502208.060209.600288.030475.380  benefits deductible  376.397
 benevolent gestures  538.229  best management practices  254.020  best meets the needs of the* governmental unit  8.235
 between merchants  400.2-104  bicycle  307.180  bid  407.350
 biennial assembly  104.010  bill  21.600  bill of lading  400.1-201
 bill of sale  417.350  bingo  313.005  bingo card  313.005
 bingo card monitoring device  313.005  bingo equipment  313.005  bingo sheet  313.005
 biodiesel  142.031414.365414.407414.433  biodiesel blend  135.775  biodiesel fuel  135.775135.778
 biogas  386.895  biological parent  453.121  biological product  338.085
 biological sex  191.1720  biomass  386.895  biomass facility  620.2300
 biometric data  302.170  bioreactor  260.200  bioterrorism  44.010190.091
 bird  267.565  birthing facility  192.380  blackjack  571.010571.010
 blackmail  566.200  blackout date  407.730  blackwater  701.025
 blanket easement  523.282  blanket travel insurance  375.159  blanket-exercise clause  456.975
 blast  319.303  blast site  319.303  blaster  319.303
 blasting  319.303  blasting agent  571.010571.010  bleeding disorder  338.400
 blend stock  142.800  blended fuel  142.800  blender  142.800
 blending  142.800  blighted  99.020  blighted area  67.140199.32099.80599.91899.1082100.310135.950262.900353.020
 blind  209.040  blind bidding  407.350  blind or visually impaired student  167.225
 blind person  8.700  blind persons or visually impaired persons  209.192  blindness skills specialist in education  162.1130
 blood clotting product  338.400  blood tests  210.817  blood-borne pathogens  191.640
 blue dot tail light  301.132  board  8.3708.5058.66050.100056.80557.94967.75067.140167.186267.195068.20570.60086.90086.131091.630100.255100.710103.003104.010104.1003105.500105.660108.1000135.950141.220141.220161.214166.410166.502167.850167.850169.010169.600173.100173.234173.236173.260173.355173.600173.754173.778173.2500173.2553177.088178.411184.352184.805190.290190.460191.756192.703209.285209.600210.171217.010219.011238.202238.302251.500251.603256.453256.603262.826285.1000287.223287.812287.900295.020316.203319.100319.303321.010324.050324.128324.240324.475324.1100326.256327.011328.010329.010330.010331.020332.011333.011334.020334.043334.105334.252334.500334.702334.800335.016335.200336.010337.300338.165338.700340.200344.010345.015345.052346.010351.1003355.066369.014376.960379.930402.200436.405443.703476.575536.010537.700620.3210632.550650.205650.320650.451701.350  board of commissioners  141.220141.220650.390
 board of curators  172.790172.800  board of directors  50.100057.94967.1950355.066  board of education  168.104169.022169.270169.410
 board of geologist registration  256.453  board of police commissioners  86.01086.51086.90086.1310  board of regents  169.410
 board of soil and water district supervisors  278.070  board of trade  409.800  board of trustees  56.80570.60086.01086.20087.120104.010104.1003169.270169.410182.701204.455205.975402.200620.800
 board personnel  324.001  boarding kennel  273.325  boards  109.210
 boat  32.08566.630144.025144.027144.071238.410  boat dealer  301.550407.1360  boat dock  339.503
 boat manufacturer  301.550407.1360  boat slip  339.503  boat transporter  301.010
 boats  306.250  body cavity search  544.193  body parts  269.010
 body piercing  324.520  body shop  301.010  boiler  650.205
 bold letters  407.485  boll weevil  263.503  bona fide association  376.450379.930
 bona fide offer  67.1600  bond  67.65167.280099.320100.310393.705  bond resolution  173.355
 bondholder  393.1700  bonds  8.50599.020260.005348.015393.705  booking photograph  407.1150
 bookmaking  572.010  books  173.234  books and records  362.1105
 bore hole  319.303  born  565.300  borrower  30.860100.255173.100348.015367.300367.500407.2030443.055443.703620.1048640.651
 botanical garden subdistrict  184.352  boundary adjustment  72.400  boundary change  72.400
 bout  317.001  box cut  444.510  boxing  317.001
 boycott israel  34.600  boycott of the state of israel  34.600  boycott, coercion, intimidation  375.936
 braille  162.1130167.225  brain injury  192.735199.001  branch  369.014400.1-201
 branch business  379.1300  branch captive insurance company  379.1300  branch office  197.250409.850
 branch operations  379.1300  brand  260.1053266.505268.011311.070  brand family  196.1020
 brand name  266.160  branding  324.520  breach  407.1500
 breach of security  407.1500  break in service  169.270  breakage  313.500
 breast tomosynthesis  376.782  bridges  94.60094.700389.991  broad classification band  36.020
 broadband network  392.245  broadcast commercials  407.730  broadcast equipment  144.811
 broadcast towers  137.078  broadcaster  190.260  broker  400.8-102404.007404.410
 broker disclosure form  339.710  broker price opinion  339.503  brokerage relationship  339.710
 broker-dealer  409.605409.1-102  brokered  443.901  bse (vet science)  338.010
 budget officer  50.530  build america bonds  108.1000  builder  8.800
 building  137.177640.651  building official  99.875  building permit  67.5092
 bulk  266.505  bulk meat  265.490  bulk milk  416.410
 bulk milk handler  416.410  bulk milk truck operator  196.525  bulk plant  142.800
 bulk transfer  142.800  bulk transfer/terminal system  142.800  bulletin  361.106374.015
 bullion  144.815  bullying  160.775192.2400  burden  319.303
 burden of establishing  400.1-201  burden of injecting the issue  556.061  bureau  210.817
 burial lots  208.010  burial merchandise  214.270  burial service  214.270574.160
 burial space  214.270  bus  301.010304.044577.700  bus transportation company  577.700
 bushel  265.010  business  67.604144.010347.015358.020454.440490.670523.205536.070537.785573.024  business association  447.503
 business combination  351.459407.292  business credit  447.503  business day  319.303375.1191407.325407.671407.705407.1240452.350454.505454.530
 business district  300.010  business entity  105.450135.326285.525339.150351.1003375.012376.292376.311379.083385.200  business firm  32.105
 business income  32.200143.022  business license tax  92.077  business loan  408.015
 business of waste cleanup of environmental hazard  260.552  business opportunity  409.1000  business or agricultural loan transaction  443.055
 business personal property  137.079137.122  business recruitment tax credits  135.800  business unit  143.1100
 business with which a person is associated  105.450  businesses, services, activities, or accommodations  537.1000  butterfly ballot  115.420
 button cell  260.200  button cell battery  260.200  buyer  265.490276.401365.020400.2-103407.292407.325407.635407.671407.738408.250
 buyer in ordinary course of business  400.1-201400.2A-103  buyer of gold, silver, or platinum  407.292  buyer's agent  339.710
 buyer's guide  376.704  buying  400.2A-103  buying club  407.671
 buying service  407.671  bvms  338.010  bvse  338.010
 bylaws  210.570334.1610337.105351.1003355.066374.352  by-laws  589.506  c.&f.  400.2-320
 c.f.  400.2-320  c.i.f.  400.2-320  cable operator  67.267767.2677
 cable system  67.267767.2677  cable television service  386.020  cadastral parcel mapping  60.670
 cafe standard  414.400  calendar quarter  144.605288.030  caller identification service  407.1070407.1095
 campaign committee  115.157130.011VIII Section 23  campground  94.80294.870419.090436.100  campground owner  419.090
 camping  537.328  camping trailer  407.1320  cancellation  400.2-106400.2A-103
 cancellation fee waiver  375.159  candidate  105.533115.157130.011VIII Section 23  candidate committee  130.011VIII Section 23
 canned food  192.081537.115  canoe  537.327  canoeing, rafting, kayaking, or tubing  537.327
 cap  375.345  capable of independent verification  486.900  capable of use as human food  265.300
 capable public utility  393.146  capital  367.500369.014384.015  capital and surplus  376.292
 capital asset  94.575  capital expenditure  197.305  capital improvement projects  166.300
 capital improvements  94.575  capital in a qualified missouri business  135.500  capital investment  143.2115620.1910620.3505
 capital stock  369.014  capital stock association  369.014  capital stock tax  32.200
 capital, cultural, and special law enforcement purpose expenditures  313.800  capitol complex  620.3210  captions  170.135
 captive insurance company  379.1300  captive insurers  382.400  captive wildlife  144.010
 car rental company  407.730  car rental insurance  407.730  carcass  269.010
 cardholder  407.432  cardiopulmonary resuscitation  190.600  care  43.539207.020260.700260.705376.900
 care for a term of years  376.900  care for life  376.900  care provider  632.392
 career pathways coursework  173.831  career placement services  173.831  caregiver  191.1150210.660
 caretaker relative  454.455  carrier  376.387376.393376.427379.930389.991400.7-102  carrier of last resort  386.020
 carries  472.405  casa  135.341  case characteristics  379.930
 case management  208.151376.1350  case manager  208.400  cash  130.011VIII Section 23
 cash dividend  376.704  cash equivalents  376.292  cash price  407.661
 cash proceeds  400.9-102  cash sale price  365.020408.250  cashier's check  381.410400.3-104
 cask  260.392  casualty insurance  377.020  catalogue of electronic communications  472.405
 catastrophe  574.080  catastrophic crime  650.300  catastrophic personal injury  538.205
 cattle  267.010  cave or cavern  569.010  cave system  569.137
 ccr unit  260.242  cdc guidelines  338.730  cdl driver  302.700
 cdlis driver record  302.700  cdlis motor vehicle record (cdlis mvr)  302.700  ceded reinsurance agreements  379.1353
 ceding company  379.1353  cemetery  214.270  cemetery association  214.270
 cemetery operator  214.270  cemetery prearranged contract  214.270  cemetery service  214.270
 center  348.272589.015589.300  center for advanced technology  348.272  center for excellence for life sciences research  196.1106
 center of the county road  263.245  center of youth activities  407.925  centers  178.651
 centers for independent living  178.651  central authority  454.1680  central business (or traffic) district  300.010
 central business district  99.91899.1082  central credit union  370.365  central hospital  340.200
 central registry  210.110  central repository  43.50067.1800650.100  certificate  99.1205135.400135.1125135.1150135.1180173.600178.935263.503326.256339.503374.500375.932375.1002375.1300376.854376.1100378.604390.020486.600620.800620.2600620.3210
 certificate form  376.854  certificate holder  339.503376.891379.108  certificate inspection  650.205
 certificate of approval  173.600  certificate of clearance  259.050  certificate of deposit  144.087288.032400.3-104
 certificate of exemption  144.030  certificate of insurance  379.108  certificate of limited partnership  359.011
 certificate of need  197.305  certificate of participation  67.1600  certificate of registration  256.453
 certificate of stock  351.015  certificate of title  367.500400.9-102  certificated security  400.8-102
 certificates  100.710  certification  37.020190.900209.285324.047334.735376.1350404.805  certification report  256.603
 certified applicator  281.020  certified appraisal report  339.503  certified capital  135.500
 certified capital company  135.500  certified check  400.3-409  certified clinical nurse specialist  335.016
 certified commercial applicator  281.020281.020  certified dental assistant  332.011  certified disaster volunteer  105.267
 certified free herd  267.565  certified funds  381.410  certified historic structure  253.545253.545
 certified mail  1.020141.440141.440141.500141.500141.540472.010  certified mail with return receipt requested  1.020  certified mentor  324.240
 certified noncommercial applicator  281.020281.020  certified nurse midwife  335.016  certified nurse practitioner  335.016
 certified nursing assistant  198.082  certified prescribed burn manager  537.354  certified private applicator  281.020281.020
 certified provisional private applicator  281.020  certified public accountant  276.401326.256411.026  certified public accounting firm  326.256
 certified public operator  281.020281.020  certified registered nurse anesthetist  335.016  certified respiratory therapist  334.800
 certified scabies free area  267.670  certified seed  266.021  certified service provider  144.140
 certified sponsor  67.3000  certified sponsors  67.3000  certifying entity  324.050324.900334.735334.800337.300
 cftc rule  409.800  cgad  382.605  chain of custody  288.045
 chairperson  217.650  change his or her political party affiliation  115.168  chapter  104.010
 characteristics of commercial impact  265.525  characterized by  573.010  charge  537.345
 charge data  192.665  charges  436.552  charges by payer  192.665
 charitable gift annuity  352.500  charitable organization  313.005407.453  charitable purpose  402.130407.453
 charitable trust  402.200456.1-103  charter  577.700  charter member states  337.1005
 charter school  169.270169.410  charter service  390.020  chattel paper  400.9-102
 chauffeur  303.020  cheat  313.800  check  130.011361.700400.3-104400.3-312400.4-110570.010
 chemical composition  320.106  chemical dependency  376.810376.1550  chemical restraint  198.073630.005
 chief  106.273  chief administrative officer  217.010  chief engineer  236.400
 chief executive  67.65167.1800  chief executive officer  375.537  chief law enforcement official  217.695589.404
 chief legal counsel  287.812  child  135.326192.2550196.1127201.010208.991210.110210.201210.201210.481210.560210.620210.620210.700210.1253211.021211.442211.447219.011287.243294.011352.400431.058452.705453.015453.065453.090454.1000454.1503455.010456.5-503472.010491.678491.696491.725565.002568.040573.010595.010632.550633.170  child abuse medical resource centers  334.950
 child advocacy centers  135.341  child booster seat  307.179  child care  210.201210.201
 child care facility  210.201210.201566.148  child care provider  210.201210.201210.1080  child care staff member  210.1080
 child custody determination  452.705  child custody proceeding  452.705  child health supervision services  376.801
 child passenger restraint system  307.179  child placing agency  210.481  child pornography  573.010
 child support order  454.1503  child-care facility  210.201210.201  child-care provider  210.900
 child-care worker  210.900  childhood sexual abuse  537.046  child-occupied facility  701.300
 children  208.631208.991  children of military families  160.2000  children with disabilities  162.675
 children's services providers and agencies  210.110  chill room  196.450  chip  407.432
 chip-eligible children  208.991  chiropractor  191.603  chlorinated dry-cleaning solvent  260.900
 chronic boating offender  577.001  chronic offender  577.001  church  XIV Section 1XIV Section 2
 church plan  376.960379.930  cigar  149.011  cigarette  149.011196.1000196.1020320.350
 circuit clerk  92.710141.220141.220  circuit court  302.010478.012545.015  circus  578.600
 citation  544.046  cities  86.90086.1310  citizen's land development cooperative  620.850
 city  67.60467.62867.63867.65167.97067.106267.130567.180086.90086.131087.12092.32592.40094.50094.60094.70099.020100.310137.557137.558184.352226.950247.030251.473260.200353.020573.505  city clerk  88.867  city council  88.867
 city engineer  88.867  city transit authority  94.60094.700  city utilities board  94.60094.700
 civil air patrol  41.970  civil disorder  574.070  civil proceeding  513.605
 civil subdivision  226.010  claim  190.250191.900347.141351.478355.696358.371376.778428.009430.225507.060515.505537.595  claim of beneficial interest  403.250
 claim of creditor  456.975  claimant  135.010184.102276.401288.030367.044375.772376.383400.3-312411.026436.350537.296595.010  claimant's address  184.102
 claims  385.020472.010475.010  claims administrator  103.003  claims handling operations  44.114
 claims incurred  385.020  class  36.020355.066376.421  class 1 electric bicycle  300.010301.010
 class 2 electric bicycle  300.010301.010  class 3 electric bicycle  300.010301.010  class a source  643.020
 class a1 source  643.020  class a2 source  643.020  class a3 source  643.020
 class average base rate  393.1655  class average overall rate  393.1655  class average rider rate  393.1655
 class b hospital pharmacy  338.220  class b source  643.020  class ca - hairdressing and manicuring  329.010
 class ch - hairdresser  329.010  class cost of service study  393.1620  class e - estheticians  329.010
 class i milk  262.700  class ia  640.703  class ib  640.703
 class ic  640.703  class ii  640.703  class life  137.122
 class mo - manicurist  329.010  class of business  379.930  class of positions  36.020
 class one bond mutual fund  376.292  class one money market mutual fund  376.292  classification  287.930379.888
 classification system  287.930379.888  classroom instruction  170.231  clean claim  376.383
 clean energy conduit financing  67.2800  clean energy development board  67.2800  clean fill  260.200
 clean screen program  643.303  cleanup  260.360260.500  clean-up  260.705
 cleanup costs  260.500  clear and conspicuous  407.730  clearing corporation  400.8-102400.8-117
 clearing house  400.4-104  clearly audible  332.321  clearly legible  332.321
 clerk  99.02099.320100.310472.010483.310  client  285.705324.1100326.256339.710566.200630.005  client/patient  337.105
 clinic  430.225  clinical fellowship  345.015  clinical peer  376.1350
 clinical practice of chiropractic  376.423  clinical review criteria  376.1350  clinical social work  337.600
 clinical staff  191.1145  cloning  1.217  close  196.250260.700
 close nonrelated person  453.072  closed  260.700  closed bank  362.107
 closed captions  170.135  closed container  414.012  closed meeting  610.010
 closed or exclusive provider network  376.325  closed place  311.290  closed plan  104.1003
 closed record  610.010610.225  closed vote  610.010  closing  260.700
 closing date  130.011  closure  260.200260.705444.352  closure plan  260.200
 clothing  144.049  club  407.671  coaching  173.831
 coal combustion residual (ccr) unit  260.242  coal mine  293.010  coal preparation area  444.805
 coal preparation area reclamation  444.805  cobra continuation provision  376.450  code  67.280108.500315.005376.292393.1700407.1060472.010700.010
 code enforcement agency  441.500  code or ordinance violation  82.1027  codification  71.940
 codis  650.100  coemployer  285.705  coemployment relationship  285.705
 coerce  407.815407.1025  coercion  455.010566.200570.010  cohort  173.831
 coin-operated amusement device  144.518  cold storage warehouse  265.300  collaborative practice arrangement  334.735
 collar  375.345  collateral  375.1605400.9-102427.115528.700544.046  collateral charges  407.560407.585
 collateral costs  407.950  collateral kinship  362.1015  collateral protection coverage  427.115
 collected funds  570.220  collecting bank  400.4-105  collecting officer  99.80599.91899.1000251.603
 collective bargaining  295.020  collective bargaining agreement  290.210  collector  92.710140.665141.220141.220
 college  340.337  college textbook  173.955  collision  577.300
 collision damage waiver  407.730  collocate  67.5111  collocation  67.509267.5111
 colony  264.021  color of law  590.502  columbarium  214.270
 combat veteran  173.234173.900  combat zone  143.121143.121  combative fighting  317.001
 combustible liquid  414.012  commanding officer  40.00541.753  commencement  452.705
 commencement of commercial operations  135.100135.950144.810  commencement of operations  620.1878620.2005  commencement of rehabilitation  253.559253.559
 commensurate wage  178.935  commerce  407.010  commercial  379.815
 commercial activity located in missouri  348.300348.300  commercial aircraft  155.010  commercial auto coverage  303.430
 commercial breeder  273.325  commercial casualty  379.321  commercial casualty insurance  379.882379.888
 commercial domicile  32.200143.114143.455  commercial driver's instruction permit  302.700  commercial driver's license (cdl)  302.700
 commercial driver's license downgrade  302.700  commercial driver's license information system (cdlis)  302.700  commercial electronic mail  407.1135
 commercial electronic mail message  407.1120  commercial feed  266.160  commercial film and photographic print processor  556.061
 commercial kennel  273.325  commercial mortgage loan  376.292  commercial motor vehicle  301.010302.010302.700304.822
 commercial or industrial activities  226.540  commercial persons  435.465  commercial plant  265.300
 commercial producer  275.452275.460  commercial property  379.321  commercial purpose  444.765
 commercial purposes  115.158302.170  commercial quantity  275.300  commercial real estate  339.710429.603
 commercial relationship  407.558  commercial sex act  566.010566.200  commercial tort claim  400.9-102
 commercial transaction  407.2020  commercial unit  400.2-105400.2A-103  commercial vehicle  300.010
 commercial vehicle enforcement officers  304.001  commercial vehicle inspectors  304.001  commercial weighing and measuring equipment  413.005
 commercial zone  304.190390.020  commercialization  348.251  commercially reasonable  375.1605
 commingled goods  400.9-336  commission  32.10537.01342.00253.25067.60467.62867.97067.180070.32770.50070.51572.40091.026105.450109.210135.350137.022137.1003161.400184.352184.500190.900191.025208.530209.251209.285213.010215.010226.010226.195226.950227.600229.475238.202238.302252.020254.020260.360260.700260.705260.900262.215262.700286.001287.020288.030290.400294.011302.133304.001313.005313.205313.500313.800313.905323.010324.087334.1203337.105337.550337.1005339.010339.503339.710345.015345.052345.085374.352386.020386.890388.610393.137393.298393.310393.358393.705393.1000393.1009393.1025393.1075393.1400393.1503393.1610393.1620393.1650393.1656393.1670393.1700407.911444.510444.765444.805486.600537.675590.010600.011620.582620.850620.2300620.3300630.005640.102643.020644.016660.138700.010700.650  commission marketing order  262.700
 commission,  227.552  commissioner  37.450167.850167.850173.355210.570226.010262.215313.205334.1610337.105374.352386.020409.800409.1-102589.506  commissioner of administration  476.515
 commissions  427.220  commit  219.011  commitment  381.015
 commitment in principle  215.010  committed contributions  620.638  committee  23.25343.500130.011173.600191.300192.703209.285324.200324.475332.302334.702337.010337.300337.600337.700338.380379.930VIII Section 23
 committee or board  337.500  commodities  34.070  commodities in bulk  390.020
 commodity  409.800416.021  commodity account  400.9-102  commodity contract  375.1152400.9-102409.800
 commodity customer  400.9-102  commodity exchange act  409.800  commodity futures trading commission  409.800
 commodity intermediary  400.9-102  commodity merchandising council  275.300275.357  commodity merchant  409.800
 commodity option  409.800  common area  311.086  common carrier  149.011390.020523.262622.100
 common eating and drinking area  311.096  common elements  448.010448.1-103  common enterprise  409.1-102
 common entity  407.815  common expense liability  448.1-103  common expenses  448.1-103
 common interest community  260.1003  common ownership and control  379.1326  common paymaster  288.030
 common stock  351.459  common-interest community  71.012  communicable disease  191.630
 communicable disease tests  191.630  communicate  400.8-102400.9-102  communicating or attempting to communicate  436.245
 communication common carrier  542.400  communication technology  486.1100  communications facility  67.5111
 communications service  190.400  communications service provider  67.5111190.400  community  67.28067.185082.103599.32099.610100.560256.670441.500
 community action agency  660.370  community action program  660.370  community affairs  251.020
 community bank  135.400  community based treatment  219.011  community college  163.191
 community college district  169.600  community development corporation  135.400  community development tax credits  135.800
 community mausoleum  214.270  community mental health center  205.975376.810  community organization  67.1600
 community paramedic  190.100  community service programs  620.582  community service work  537.602
 community services  32.105  community spouse  208.010  community water system  640.141
 community work experience program  208.400  community-based assessment  198.006  community-based faculty preceptor  135.690
 community-based health maintenance organization  354.400  community-based organization  208.750620.3300  community-based substance use disorder treatment program  478.001
 compact  262.700  compact administrator  210.570589.506  compact commission  337.1005
 compact commissioner  160.2000  compact facility  260.700  compact over-order price  262.700
 compact privilege  324.087334.1203345.085  compact region  70.327  compact state  337.105
 compacting state  210.570374.352589.506  company  34.600287.900287.921362.910374.202376.365436.552577.700  company action level event  375.1255
 company action level rbc  375.1250  company owned land  444.510  comparable  137.115
 comparable farm machinery  407.585  comparable motor vehicle  407.560  comparable ordinance violation  43.500
 comparative market analysis  339.503  compassionate care visit  191.1400  compassionate care visitor  191.1400
 compatible land use  67.1200  compel  1.330  compelling  567.050
 compelling family reason  288.501  compensation  32.20050.100056.80557.94970.60086.90086.1310104.010169.010169.270169.410169.600385.070411.026  competency-based credit  162.1255
 competency-based education program  161.380  competent person  459.010643.020  competitive  34.032
 competitive bidding process  227.601  competitive examination  36.020  competitive integrated employment  209.700
 competitive market  287.930  competitive telecommunications company  386.020  competitive telecommunications service  386.020
 competitiveness scholarship  173.262  compilation  71.940326.256  complainant  213.010
 complaint  375.936  complete medical report  287.210  completed application  376.1575
 completed credit towards high school graduation  167.031167.031  completed operations liability  375.1080  compliance  217.703454.612
 component  595.220  comprehensive agreement  227.600  comprehensive evaluation  633.005
 comprehensive facility  XIV Section 2  comprehensive marijuana cultivation facility  XIV Section 2  comprehensive marijuana dispensary facility  XIV Section 2
 comprehensive marijuana-infused products manufacturing facility  XIV Section 2  comprehensive mental health services  205.975  comprehensive psychiatric services  632.005
 compressed natural gas  323.010  compulsive gambling  313.842  compulsory attendance age for the district  167.031167.031
 computer  556.061573.110  computer equipment  556.061  computer hardware  556.061
 computer materials  260.1053  computer network  556.061  computer program  432.205556.061573.110
 computer science course  170.018  computer software  556.061  computer system  556.061
 computer-related documentation  556.061  concealable firearm  571.010571.010  concealed carry permit  571.101
 conception  188.015188.015196.1127  concert  135.753  concert tour equipment  135.753
 concession agreement  174.345227.601  concessions  70.859  concurrent employment  288.090
 concurrent legislation  70.327  concurrent postsecondary enrollment  173.2520  concurrent review  376.1350
 condemnation proceedings  99.1205  condemned  267.010  condition  267.565
 conditional release  558.011  conditional sale contract  407.738  condominium  94.802448.1-103
 conduct  565.002  conducts  574.105  cone beam computed tomography system  192.500
 conference, conciliation and persuasion  260.200260.360319.100444.352640.102643.020644.016  confidential file  211.319  confidential information  105.450339.710376.380
 confidentiality  337.105  confinement  40.025556.061  confirmation test  288.045
 confirmed credit  400.2-325  confirmer  400.5-102  conforming  400.2-106400.2A-103
 conforming out of standard signs  226.541  congressional delegation  33.827  connected organization  130.011VIII Section 23
 consent  68.205170.015196.276375.1160417.350556.061595.220  conservation area  99.80599.91899.1082  conservation commission fund  254.020
 conservation easement  442.014  conservation reserve program  252.306  conservation storage level  67.78167.4500
 conservator  404.007404.410456.1-103472.405475.010475.502595.010  conservator ad litem  456.1-103475.010  consideration  400.3-303
 consignee  400.7-102400.9-102  consignment  400.9-102407.900  consignor  400.7-102400.9-102
 consolidated district  262.598  consolidated entity  351.1153  conspicuous  400.1-201
 constituent entity  347.705  constructing taxpayer  144.810  construction  290.210292.675444.765
 construction and demolition waste  260.200  construction completion guaranty  381.400  construction defect  436.350
 construction deposit guaranty  381.400  construction escrow agreement  381.400  construction loan  376.292443.055
 construction management services  8.675  construction manager  8.67567.5050  construction manager-at-risk  67.5050
 construction mortgage  400.2A-309  construction permit  236.400  construction project  227.552
 construction work  434.100  construction zone  304.580  consular officers  26.140
 consult  334.506  consultant  67.45386.90086.1310204.650249.925375.932375.1300  consultant-formulated feed  266.160
 consultation  208.670334.506  consulting veterinarian  340.200  consumer  142.800190.460196.311208.865208.900260.1053361.749385.200385.300400.1-201407.560407.585407.661407.950407.1070407.1380407.1500407.2020436.552620.3900630.005XIV Section 2
 consumer advertising specialties  311.070  consumer credit loans  367.100  consumer credit reporting agency  407.1380
 consumer debtor  400.9-102  consumer fireworks  320.106  consumer goods  400.9-102
 consumer goods or services  408.400  consumer installment lender  408.510  consumer installment loans  408.510
 consumer lease  400.2A-103  consumer legal funding company  436.552  consumer legal funding contract  436.552
 consumer obligor  400.9-102  consumer price index  70.655104.010104.1003169.410173.1003  consumer reporting agency  288.398407.635407.1500
 consumer support and outreach  209.251  consumer testing  320.353  consumer transaction  400.9-102
 consumer-directed  208.900  consumer-directed wage access services  361.749  consumer-goods transaction  400.9-102
 consuming  144.617  consummation date  351.459  contactless payment  407.432
 container  196.311260.280414.012  contaminant  640.403  contaminate  427.021
 contaminated dry-cleaning site  260.925  contaminated with filth  196.010  content of an electronic communication  472.405
 contents  542.400  contest  317.001  contest of chance  572.010
 contestant  115.526317.001  contested case  536.010  contestee  115.526
 contiguous and compact  71.012  contiguous tract of land  643.079  contiguousness  72.400
 continuation of commercial operations  135.276  continuation statement  400.9-102  continuing care  376.900
 continuing committee  105.533130.011VIII Section 23  continuing competence  334.1203  continuing competence/education  324.087337.550
 continuing education  334.400334.800  continuing medical education  334.285  continuous alcohol monitoring  577.001
 contraceptive  376.1199  contract  37.01370.120105.273365.020375.421375.918375.932375.995375.1002375.1300376.778376.2051400.1-201400.2-106407.671407.935417.400427.220432.205  contract carrier  390.020
 contract for sale  400.2-106  contract holder  385.200385.300407.2060  contract kennel  273.325
 contract of insurance  375.1285  contract owner  376.718  contract premium  375.1503
 contract price  407.325  contracted pharmacy  376.388  contracting entity  376.1060376.1065
 contracting municipality  393.705  contractor  107.170195.815195.817208.780210.493227.552285.525292.675407.725436.350620.2005  contractual obligation  376.718
 contractual payment amount  376.2020  contractual right  375.1191  contribution  36.152105.533130.011135.341135.550135.600135.621135.630161.825347.015359.011VIII Section 23
 contributions  288.030  contributor  348.430  control  351.459362.910369.361375.772376.292376.1075379.930381.029382.010382.400400.9-102407.815436.430
 control of a corporation  135.100135.950620.800620.1878  control of a partnership or association  135.100135.950620.800620.1878  control of a qualified company  620.2005
 control of a trust  135.100135.950620.800620.1878  control share acquisition  351.015  control shares  351.015
 controlled access highway  300.010  controlled access liquor cabinet  311.099  controlled access liquor cabinet system  311.099
 controlled by  351.459381.029382.010436.430  controlled compatible land use area  67.1200  controlled group of corporations  288.090
 controlled insurer  382.400  controlled premises  195.375  controlled substance  195.010195.600302.700324.520556.061577.001
 controlled substance analogue  195.010  controlled unaffiliated business  379.1300  controllederror - missing word: (2) - insert "by" after "controlled" to be consistent with term in 382.010  382.400
 controlling  351.459381.029382.010  controlling person  198.640339.503375.1112  controlling producer  382.400
 controlling stockholder or member  362.1015  controlling the pollination  266.021  controls  448.1-103
 convenience  198.073  convenience business  407.980  convening authority  40.005
 convention  454.1503  convention and sports complex fund  67.638  convention and tourism tax  92.327
 convention and visitors bureau  67.1950  convention support order  454.1680  conversion building  448.1-103
 conversion levels  209.285  converted policy  376.395  conveyance  70.441358.020
 conveying customer  367.044  conviction  70.441302.010302.600302.700334.1610  co-occurring disorder  478.001
 cooperative  71.012351.1003351.1081  cooperative group  376.429  cooperative housing association  339.710
 coordinated database  337.105  coordinated licensure information system  335.365337.105  coordinating board  173.1102178.785
 coordination of benefits  103.003  coordinator  209.285  copper property  407.297
 copper property peddler  407.297  copy certification  486.600  copying  59.005610.010
 copyright owner  436.150  core curriculum  178.785  corners of the united states public land survey  60.301
 coroner or medical examiner  191.630  corporate family  390.020  corporate governance annual disclosure  382.605
 corporate partner  143.425  corporation  143.441160.800208.250238.302327.011348.251348.251348.272350.010351.015351.870354.010355.066355.461362.075386.020403.250408.015620.582620.638622.100  corporations  349.010
 corps  620.556  correct  413.005  correctional center  217.010217.850506.363
 correctional center nursery program  217.940  corrections employee  575.155  corrective action  260.900
 corrective action plan  260.900  corrective order  375.1250  correspondence  339.010
 corridor map  226.950  cosmetic  196.010  cosmetologist  329.010
 cosmetology  329.010  cosmetology establishment  329.010  cost  67.453204.650249.925260.005416.605
 cost of care  217.827  cost of doing business  416.605  cost savings  8.238
 cost to the bulk milk handler  416.410  cost to the processor or distributor  416.410  cost to the retailer  416.410
 costs  40.00567.78167.4500360.015362.1085550.120  cost-sharing requirement  376.1183  cost-sharing requirements  376.1257
 cotrustee  402.200  cottage food production operation  196.298  cotton  263.503
 cotton grower  263.503  cotton trailer  301.010  council  89.300161.193170.028185.070190.100194.400197.250197.400208.865209.251259.050262.550262.598262.826265.525275.357324.400414.510632.005
 councilman  78.010  counseling  595.010  counseling compact commission  337.550
 counterfeit credit card  407.432  counterfeit mark  570.103  counterfeit substance  195.010
 counterparty exposure amount  375.345  counties  381.025  counting judges  115.447
 counting location  115.013  county  1.08050.100056.80557.94966.50067.28067.50067.60467.62867.63867.65167.72467.75067.106267.180067.185094.31099.020108.465115.013116.010130.011140.665141.220141.220148.330184.352217.695226.950251.603262.550305.400313.500316.150349.010361.310369.014381.025441.500486.600578.110650.390VIII Section 23  county and municipality  349.010
 county average wage  68.075135.950143.173144.810620.1878620.1910620.2005620.2250620.2300  county clerk  94.310140.665162.073316.150486.600  county collector  94.310
 county commission  162.073182.020  county governing body  182.020  county of declining population  135.953
 county or circuit attorney  1.020  county ordinance  56.80757.955488.024488.026  county retirement plan  211.393
 county roads  230.245  county sales tax act  67.500  county wage per job  163.011163.011
 county-urban road system  137.557  course  178.411  course of conduct  455.010565.002
 course of dealing  400.1-303  course of performance  400.1-303  course of study  53.250
 court  141.220141.220143.782192.2400210.570249.690257.020347.015358.020404.007404.410404.703428.105435.430452.705454.460454.600454.1000455.010472.010472.405515.505544.046577.001632.005  court costs  479.350488.010506.363  court of competent jurisdiction  542.400
 court order  454.460  court personnel  476.058  court proceeding  476.800
 courts provided for under sections 16 and 18, article v of the constitution  476.451  covered agreement  375.246  covered benefit  354.400376.1350
 covered benefits  103.003  covered claim  375.772  covered contract  376.718
 covered dog  273.345  covered employee  285.705  covered health services  376.1578
 covered individual  320.400  covered lives  376.435  covered medical expenses  376.397
 covered multifamily dwelling  213.040  covered person  376.387376.1257  covered policy  376.718
 covered product  537.1000  covered services  376.685376.1226  covered student  173.1110
 covered voter  115.275115.902  covid-19  537.1000  covid-19 exposure action  537.1000
 covid-19 medical liability action  537.1000  covid-19 products liability action  537.1000  covid-19 related action  537.1000
 covid-19 related health care services  537.1000  covid-19 vaccination status  194.321  cpa  326.256
 cpa firm  326.256  cpi  143.011163.172  cpi for the preceding calendar year  143.011
 cpr  190.600  creation of a security interest  400.2A-303  credential analysis  486.1100
 credentialed teacher  161.396  credentialing  376.1575  credentialing period  376.1578
 credibility period  385.020  credible witness  486.600  credit  100.710408.250
 credit accident and sickness insurance  385.020  credit agreement  427.115432.045432.047  credit allowance date  135.680620.3505
 credit card  407.432408.145408.193  credit casualty insurance  385.020  credit device  570.010
 credit institution  148.130  credit instrument  288.330288.330313.800  credit involuntary unemployment insurance  385.020
 credit life insurance  385.020  credit property insurance  385.020  credit report  375.918407.1380
 credit sales contracts  276.401411.026  credit scoring entity  375.918  credit tenant loan  376.292
 credit transaction  408.551427.115  credit union  148.610370.005370.101  credit union representative  370.061
 creditable coverage  376.450376.960379.930  creditable prior service  104.010  creditable service  50.100056.80557.94986.01086.20086.90086.131087.120104.010105.691169.010169.270169.600
 credited service  70.600104.1003104.1021169.410  creditor  375.1152385.020400.1-201407.2030408.250427.115428.009461.300515.505  creditor process  400.4A-502
 creditors  407.900  cremains  214.550  crew leader  288.034
 crime  595.010595.200  crime laboratory  650.059650.100  crime prevention  32.105
 crime stoppers organization  546.265  criminal act  537.785  criminal activity  513.605574.105578.024
 criminal background check  210.1080  criminal conviction  324.012  criminal history  192.2495630.170
 criminal history check  302.010  criminal history record  XIV Section 2  criminal history record information  43.50067.1800566.200
 criminal negligence  556.061  criminal proceeding  513.605  criminal record information  407.1150
 criminal street gang  578.421  crisis care center  135.341  crisis intervention  191.1112
 crisis intervention counseling  595.010  crisis response services  191.1112  critical illness  320.400
 critical incident  44.09544.098590.192  critical incident stress management team member  191.1112  critical infrastructure facility  569.086
 critical state concern  37.940  cross-over license  328.010329.010  cross-sex hormones  191.1720
 crosswalk  300.010  crt  334.800  cryo-branding  268.011
 cryptocurrency  574.105  cultural activities  70.500  cultural asset  184.805
 cultural facilities  70.500  cultural institution  67.629  cultural items  194.400
 cultural organizations  70.500  curb loading zone  300.010  cure  199.170
 curio or relic firearm  571.010571.010  current accounting year  469.411  current assets  276.401411.026
 current liabilities  276.401411.026  current market conditions  137.076  current model  407.850
 current net price  407.850  current obligation of the debtor  408.555  current operating expenditures  163.011163.011
 current significant investigative information  324.087335.365337.550337.1005345.085  current year inflation adjustment factor  191.025  currently payable scale  375.1503
 curriculum  166.700166.700  custodial authority  595.200  custodial interrogation  590.700
 custodial parent  188.028475.010  custodial property  404.007404.410  custodian  404.007472.405
 custody  452.375452.375556.061  custody decree  452.705  custom vehicle  301.132
 custom weighing  411.518  customer  204.370204.569339.710400.4-104400.4A-105408.675417.400430.400640.102  customer delays  227.552
 customer-formula feed  266.160  customer-generator  386.890  customer-owned pay telephone  386.020
 customized employment  209.700  cut-over date  227.552  cutting or processing room  196.450
 cyberbullying  160.775  cystic fibrosis  191.300  daily newspaper  493.045
 dairy farm  196.525  dairy manufacturing plant  196.525  dairy product  196.525
 dam  236.400  dam and reservoir safety council  236.400  damage  556.061
 damages  71.600260.818  dams  256.170  dangerous felony  556.061
 dangerous instrument  556.061  dangerous offender  558.016  data  556.061573.110
 data match  208.217  data storage center  144.810  data system  324.087334.1203337.550337.1005345.085
 database  303.403367.031  day  227.552337.105  day camp  210.201210.201
 day program  630.005  day program services  376.810  daycare  XIV Section 1XIV Section 2
 days  227.552  de minimis source  643.020  dead animal  269.010
 dead body  193.015  deadly force  563.011  deadly weapon  556.061
 deaf person  209.261209.285302.174476.750  dealer  150.013196.311267.670273.325276.401301.010301.550407.838407.1320407.1360570.010700.010700.650  dealer agreement  407.1360
 dealer transactions  276.606  dealer-operator  407.815  dealers  267.565385.200
 dealer's license  196.316  dealership agreement  407.838  death  287.020
 death master file  376.2051  death master file match  376.2051  death of the owner  461.005
 death-prolonging procedure  459.010  debit device  570.010  debt  143.782288.175428.009515.505
 debt adjuster  425.010  debt management plan  425.010  debt relief services  425.010
 debt service  167.131  debt settlement plan  425.010  debt waiver  407.2030
 debtor  143.782288.175385.020400.9-102425.010427.115428.009515.505  debtors  376.691  debtor's correct name  400.9-506
 decedent  194.210  deceit  409.1-102  deceit or deceive  570.010
 decent, safe and sanitary dwelling  523.205  decentralized emissions inspection program  643.303  decision  288.030536.010
 decision-making public servant  105.450  deck  319.303  declarant  448.1-103
 declaration  194.290448.010448.1-103459.010459.250  declaration of loss  400.3-312  declared state disaster  190.275
 decommissioning  260.705  decorative pole  67.5111  decreasing term life coverage  385.020
 decree  452.705  deductible claim  375.1605  deduction  143.114143.173143.1100143.1150143.1160143.1170143.2100
 deduction year  143.2115  deed in lieu of foreclosure or voluntary conveyance  253.545253.545  deems itself insecure  400.1-309
 deface  571.010571.010  defamation  375.936  default  210.620415.405
 defective ballot  115.447  defendant  400.1-201557.014  defender(s)  600.011
 defense area  91.630  defense industry contractor  32.105  deferred maintenance  137.112
 deferred normal annuity  104.010  deferred payment agreement  276.401411.026  deferred pricing agreement  276.401411.026
 deferred prosecution  557.014  deficiency  192.2270198.545214.325214.335  defined benefit plan  105.660
 defined contribution plan  105.660  defoliant  281.020281.020281.220  defraud  409.1-102
 degradation  67.1830  degree  173.600  degree maps  173.2515
 delay period  319.303  delayed shipment  311.335  deleading  701.300
 delegates  355.066  deliberation  565.002  delinquency  441.650
 delinquency proceeding  375.950375.1152375.1605  delinquent land tax attorney  141.220141.220  deliver  195.010355.066
 delivered by electronic means  379.011  delivery  142.800195.010375.159400.1-201411.026  delivery date  276.401
 delivery order  400.7-102  delivery services  91.026  demand deposits  362.010
 demand draft  400.3-104  demand letter  416.650  demand response  393.1075
 demand-side program  393.1075  dementia  198.006  demographer  127.010
 demolition landfill  260.200  demolition permit  99.875  demonstrate  620.3900
 demonstrates  1.302  demonstration  620.3900  demonstration project  37.940632.550
 demonstrator  407.950  demotion  168.104  denatured  196.311
 denial  302.291376.383  denial of access  393.550  dental assistant  332.011
 dental care services  354.700  dental plan  376.1226  dentist  195.010197.200
 deny  376.383  department  8.8008.83034.01037.02067.230067.300070.87599.1205100.710104.010104.1003105.500108.1000135.200135.276135.341135.400135.478135.500135.621135.690135.710135.753135.772135.775135.778135.950135.1125135.1150135.1180142.800143.177143.782143.980143.1100143.2100160.077161.214161.239161.396161.502161.825161.1085162.1042167.800173.100173.355173.831173.2500178.694178.900188.015188.015189.010190.091190.100190.460190.525190.600191.300191.592191.603191.630191.950191.1050191.1075191.1603191.2290192.131192.380192.665192.735192.990192.2005192.2100192.2200192.2300192.2400192.2520192.2550193.015196.010196.298196.450196.525197.200197.250197.400198.006198.545198.610198.640199.001199.170205.975208.164208.164208.166208.217208.250208.400208.750208.780208.865208.900208.930208.991209.251209.285210.493210.900210.1080210.1253214.270217.010217.827217.940219.011219.091226.195227.600251.020252.306253.010253.401253.421253.545256.170256.400259.050260.200260.360260.500260.900260.1003260.1053262.900263.020263.503265.525266.021266.160267.010267.565267.670276.401281.020281.120281.220286.001287.921290.210292.600292.675294.011301.142301.550302.133302.500303.403304.001315.005316.203319.100320.350324.001324.047324.475324.1100332.302334.038334.400334.735335.200337.010337.500337.600337.700338.700340.337346.010354.650374.005374.202374.700375.001375.1025376.005376.450376.900376.960376.1065376.2000377.005379.005379.1353379.1640380.005383.005385.403386.890387.400393.146393.1025402.200408.570411.026414.012414.400421.005443.1003444.765454.460459.250537.850578.600589.300595.010620.495620.638620.800620.850620.1000620.1048620.1350620.1878620.1910620.2005620.2250620.2300620.2600620.3210620.3300620.3505620.3900630.005630.202630.875632.550640.153640.403640.651640.703643.020644.016650.100650.153660.325680.135701.025701.300701.350701.500XIV Section 1XIV Section 2  department director  294.011
 department of agriculture  196.525266.021267.010267.565281.020281.220  department of health and senior services  196.525  department of higher education and workforce development  173.600
 department of insurance  191.1164  department of mental health employee  575.157  dependent  115.902169.460287.240320.400376.960379.930595.010
 dependent beneficiary  169.460  dependent child  105.450454.460461.300  dependent child in the person's custody  105.450
 deploying parent  452.413  deployment  160.2000452.413  depolymerization  260.200
 deposit account  400.9-102  deposit capital  369.014  deposit program  166.502
 depositary bank  400.4-105  depositor  411.026  depository financial institution  362.915
 depository institution  409.1-102443.703  deposits  379.720  deposit-type contract  376.365
 depreciation  469.455  depressant or stimulant substance  195.010  deprive  570.010
 deputy  288.030  deputy compact administrator  210.570  deputy director  600.011
 deputy district defender  600.011  deputy sheriff  57.015  derelict aircraft  305.800
 derivative  469.447  derivative instrument  375.345  derivative securities  30.950
 derivative transaction  375.345  descendant  528.700  desiccant  281.020281.020281.220
 design coordination  327.011  design criteria consultant  67.5060  design criteria package  67.5060249.425
 design professional  537.033  design professional services  67.5060  design request  319.015
 design survey  327.011  designated address  589.660  designated agent  303.403339.710
 designated authority  67.1062455.200  designated beneficiary  86.252209.600  designated bicycle lane  300.330
 designated broker  339.710  designated family member  407.1360  designated infection control officer  191.630
 designated inspection site  142.941  designated recipient  472.405  designated relative  362.1015
 designated representative  276.401411.026  designated responsible authority  476.750  designated transaction broker  339.710
 design-build  67.5060249.425327.465  design-build contract  67.506067.5070249.425327.465  design-build contractor  249.425327.465
 design-build highway project contract  227.107  design-build project  67.5060249.425  design-builder  67.5060227.107
 designer  8.800  destination marketing organization  67.1950  destination state  142.800
 detainee  566.145  deteriorated lead-bearing substance  701.300  determination  288.030
 determination of value  528.700  determining the need for the use of any pesticide  281.020281.020  detonation  260.360319.303
 detonator  319.303571.010571.010  develop  197.305227.600  developed acreage  214.270
 developer  215.033448.010  development  215.010227.600260.700  development agency  100.255
 development and reserve fund  100.255  development area  99.91899.1000  development costs  215.010
 development facility  30.86099.1000348.430348.432  development plan  99.91899.1000353.020  development project  99.91899.1000
 development project area  99.91899.1000  development project costs  99.91899.1000  development rights  448.1-103
 developmental disability  205.968475.355630.005633.170  developmental disability facility  633.005  developmental or physical disability  376.1224
 developmental screening  178.691  developmentally delayed children  178.691  developmentally disabled clients  94.645
 deviate sexual intercourse  566.010567.010  device  196.010281.020281.020281.220  devise  472.010
 devisee  472.010  dhh  302.174  diabetes medical management plan  167.800
 diagnosis  376.1224  diagnostic breast examination  376.1183  diagnostic pharmaceutical agents  336.010
 diaper bank  135.621  diesel fuel  142.800414.012  diesel-powered highway vehicle  142.800
 dietetics practice  324.200  dietitian  324.200  digital asset  472.405
 digital cadastral parcel mapping  60.670  digital camera  556.061  digital electronic equipment  407.005
 digital equipment  137.078  digital network  379.1700387.400  digital resource or material  182.815
 diligent search  210.127210.305  diminishing allotment  453.065  direct  376.292
 direct care services  135.1150135.1180  direct clinical supervision  334.800  direct costs  144.030
 direct experience  105.1600  direct loan  407.935  direct loan agreement  407.738
 direct member  143.436143.436  direct molding process  306.900  direct operations  381.038
 direct or indirect interest  100.296  direct ownership interest  313.004  direct partner  143.425
 direct payment or pay directly  1.330  direct request  454.1680  direct response solicitation  376.422376.694
 direct rollover  86.255  direct service  595.010  direct supervision  319.306340.200
 direct voter approval  67.186271.800238.202  directed trust  456.1-103  direction  335.016
 directly  376.292  directly engaged in construction  292.675  directly observed therapy  199.170
 director  8.83036.02044.01067.280067.300070.87592.077100.710108.500135.200135.276135.341135.350135.400135.478135.500135.630135.950137.1003142.800143.2100148.020148.130148.610149.011161.825184.102189.010190.091190.100190.525191.300191.1050192.703192.2005192.2100192.2400196.311196.450196.525196.1020208.250208.750209.285210.110210.1253214.270217.010217.827219.011227.552236.400251.020251.160252.306256.400256.437256.800260.200260.360260.500260.900262.215263.020264.021265.010265.300265.525266.021266.160266.291266.505267.010268.011269.010273.325275.300276.401276.606281.020281.220285.625286.001287.020287.144287.921287.930288.030290.500293.010294.011301.010301.142301.550302.010302.133302.500302.700303.020313.005313.205316.203317.001324.001324.047324.050324.200324.240324.475324.1100325.010332.302337.500337.600337.700340.337354.010354.400354.700355.461361.700361.749362.332362.910364.020364.100365.020367.100367.500369.670370.005374.005374.202374.400374.450374.500374.700375.001375.012375.029375.031375.147375.159375.345375.537375.932375.1002375.1025375.1080375.1112375.1152375.1250375.1300376.005376.450376.465376.718376.854376.960376.1075376.1100376.1350376.1500376.2000377.005378.604379.005379.108379.815379.882379.888379.930379.1300379.1353379.1500379.1640380.005380.201381.410382.010382.505382.605383.005383.060383.075383.100383.150384.015385.020385.200385.300385.403408.570411.026413.005414.012414.400414.510416.410421.005436.218436.552442.566443.703444.352444.510444.765444.805454.460454.600454.1000537.850589.300590.010595.010600.011620.466620.638620.1000620.1350620.1620620.1878620.2005630.005640.102643.020644.016650.153650.205701.025701.300701.500  director of finance  148.020148.130362.910  director of insurance  376.773
 director of revenue  67.50067.140168.20592.40094.50094.60094.700301.010  director of the department  26.275  director of the division of finance  369.014
 directors  57.958355.066  directory information  161.096  disabilities  194.320
 disability  135.326192.2005209.200209.700213.010402.200556.061  disability benefits  104.010  disabled  135.010404.703448.1-103475.010660.100
 disabled person  409.5-508409.6-604475.010595.010  disabled persons  178.900  disabled veteran  36.020285.235285.250
 disadvantaged school district  160.077  disaster  44.233115.024  disaster area  184.805
 disaster locations  190.091  disaster period  190.275  disasters  44.010
 discharge  191.1150260.818644.016  discharge from the armed forces  169.589  discharge planning  376.1350
 discharge site  320.106  disciplinary action  105.055383.130  disciplinary segregation  217.010
 discipline  198.073  disciplined current scale  375.1503  disclose  191.650191.658261.130
 disclosure report  130.011VIII Section 23  disclosure statement  260.200  discount card  376.1500
 discount medical plan  376.1500  discount medical plan organization  376.1500  discounted present value  407.1060
 discover  400.1-202  discrimination  213.010  disease  264.021
 dishonor  400.5-102  disinterested counsel  407.1060  disinterested third party  339.503
 disinterested witness  194.210  dispatch agency  190.100650.320  dispense  195.010
 dispenser  195.010195.600320.106  dispensing station  323.010  displaced person  523.200
 displacing agencies  305.600  display fireworks  320.106  display site  320.106
 disposal  260.360260.700444.352  disposal of solid waste or sewage  68.205260.005  disposal plan  260.700
 disposal plant  269.010  dispose  448.1-103  disposition  448.1-103595.200
 disqualification  302.700  disqualified  115.013  disqualified person  356.021
 disqualifying event  337.1005  disqualifying felony offense  XIV Section 1XIV Section 2  dissenter  351.870
 dissolution  358.290  distance dental hygienist education program  332.306  distant site  191.1145208.670
 distant state  337.105  distressed community  135.478135.530  distributable property  137.1003151.020153.032153.034153.036
 distribute  195.010266.160281.020281.220407.925  distributee  86.255472.010  distribution  355.066
 distribution calendar year  86.252  distribution services  143.451  distribution system  393.298
 distributor  135.772135.775142.800195.010266.160266.291266.505320.106393.298407.350407.815407.1320414.255416.410  district  67.60467.62867.75067.140167.160067.180067.186267.195067.250068.20570.515115.013160.011160.011162.666166.700166.700167.800169.010169.600184.352184.500184.805238.202260.200262.598  district defender  600.011
 district fairs  262.450  district heating and cooling systems  8.800  district or common sewer district  204.650
 district or local emergency planning committee  292.600  district's tax rate ceiling  163.011163.011  disturbed land  444.805
 disturbs  565.225  ditch  243.010  diversionary program  217.650
 diversionary screening  557.014  dividend period  362.010  division  8.8008.83036.02067.2800100.010135.690178.651208.400208.780209.285210.110210.481210.560210.660214.270217.010219.011256.400256.453256.603267.670286.001287.020287.812288.030288.500294.011313.205317.001320.200324.001324.047324.050324.128324.200324.240324.400324.475324.700324.900324.1100334.702334.800337.010337.300337.500337.600337.700346.010361.749389.991390.020390.250413.005427.220436.218436.552443.703454.440454.460454.600454.1000537.675578.600620.556622.100622.600630.175631.005632.005633.005633.220
 division director  217.010408.570600.011631.005632.005633.005  division heads  286.001  division of medical services  208.201
 division of service  36.020  division staff  622.100  dmp  425.010
 dmso  192.727  dna  650.100  dna profile  556.036650.100
 dna record  650.100  dna sample  650.100  dock  313.800
 doctor of veterinary medicine  338.010340.200  document  59.005400.5-102400.9-102  document of gift  194.210
 document of title  400.1-201  documentary draft  400.4-104  documentary material  407.010
 documents of title  411.026  dog  273.010273.040  dog pound  273.325
 doing business  32.105375.1152  dollar-roll transaction  376.292  dollar-value modifier  163.011163.011
 domestic and social tax credits  135.800  domestic business entity  351.1003  domestic cooperative  351.1003
 domestic corporation  351.015351.459355.066  domestic health organization  375.1250  domestic insurer  375.1250
 domestic jurisdiction  376.292  domestic limited liability company  347.015  domestic limited partnership  359.011
 domestic sewage  701.025  domestic surplus lines insurer  384.015  domestic use  144.030
 domestic victim  565.002  domestic violence  285.625375.1312441.920455.010  domesticated animal  262.900
 domicile  130.026178.295337.1005375.1080456.5-505472.010  domiciled  130.026  domiciled in missouri  630.005
 domiciliary state  374.352375.950375.1152  donor  192.081194.210404.007404.410456.975  donor registry  194.210
 don't walk  300.160  dormancy period  447.535  dot  199.170
 double proportionate measurement  60.301  double saddlemount combination  301.010  down syndrome  188.015188.015191.923
 draft  400.3-104400.4-104  drainage district  141.220141.220  drawee  400.3-103400.4-104
 drawer  400.3-103  driller's log  256.603  drinking water outlet  160.077
 drive  302.700577.001  driveaway operation  301.010  driveaway operator  390.020
 driver  67.1800300.010302.700307.179379.1700387.400  driver applicant  302.700  driver training programs  302.025
 driver's license  194.210302.500544.046  driveway  300.010  driving  577.001
 driving under the influence of a controlled substance  302.700  driving under the influence of alcohol  302.700  dromedary  301.010
 drop  86.20087.120  drug  195.010196.010266.160338.330376.1350  drug abuse  630.005
 drug enforcement agency  195.010  drug laws  650.153  drug masking product  579.041
 drug or alcohol overdose  195.205  drug outsourcer  338.330  drug paraphernalia  195.010
 drug-dependent person  195.010  drugs  161.502  dry hydrants  320.273
 dry-cleaning facility  260.900  dry-cleaning solvent  260.900  dry-cleaning unit  260.900
 dsp  425.010  dual agency  339.710  dual agent  339.710
 dual credit courses  173.2500  dual eligible  208.780  dual enrollment course  173.2500
 due cause  454.507  dumbwaiter  701.350  dump truck  307.015390.020
 duplicate  59.005411.561490.720  duplicating  287.129375.991  durable power of attorney  404.703
 duress  562.071  duty disability  86.1560  duty of support  454.1503
 duty status  40.005  dvm  338.010340.200  dwelling  213.010305.400443.703563.011701.300
 dwelling unit  320.200441.500  dwelling-owners' insurance  374.400  dwi court  478.001
 dyed fuel  142.800  dyslexia  167.950633.420  dyslexia screening  167.950
 dyslexia therapy  161.825  e.passport  337.105  each day of the violation  316.250
 early childhood education services  161.244  early head start program  660.650  early intervention services  376.1218
 early retirement age  104.010  early retirement eligibility  104.1003  early termination cost  407.950
 early termination saving  407.950  earnable compensation  86.01086.20087.120  earned but unpaid income  361.749
 earned wage access services  361.749  earnings  173.100369.014525.030595.010  earnings tax  92.111
 eastern  478.461478.473  eating disorder  376.845  e-book  182.815
 ebt card  570.010  ecfvg certificate  340.200  ecm  640.651
 economic activity taxes  99.80599.91899.1000251.603  economic damages  538.205  economic development  32.10567.130094.100894.101094.1012523.271
 economic development area  99.805  economic development district  251.500  economic development funds  66.620
 economic development project  100.710  economic incentive laws  99.1205  economic loss  590.502
 economic need  196.984  economic or functional obsolescence  137.122  economic or geographic area  44.010
 economically blighted urban districts  620.1023  economically challenged men  191.950  economically disadvantaged individuals  70.859
 economy rate telephone service  660.138  edible fats  196.856  education  32.105414.510
 education employee  104.1200  education records  160.1990  education(al) records  160.2000
 educational assistance organization  135.712166.700166.700  educational component  208.400  educational facilities  360.015
 educational institution  177.088360.015407.453436.218  educational scholarships  161.825  educational service agency  288.040
 educational services  431.058  effective competition  386.020  effective date  104.1003191.025
 effective date of notice  355.066  effective date of the establishment of the system  50.100056.80557.949  effluent control regulations  644.016
 effort to purchase  197.318  eggs  196.311  elder-care provider  210.900
 elder-care worker  210.900  elderly  192.2005390.063660.100  elderly hunger  208.600
 elderly person  208.600409.5-508409.6-604556.061  elderly persons  192.2005  elected local government official lobbyist  105.470
 election  130.011VIII Section 23  election authority  67.140168.205116.010130.026  election costs  115.065
 elective abortion  376.805  elective surgical procedure  192.667  electric bicycle  300.010301.010
 electric personal assistive mobility device  307.205  electric plant  386.020  electric supplier  537.340
 electric transmission and distribution lines or systems  394.080  electric utility  393.1025  electric vehicle  67.288
 electric vehicle charging station  67.288  electric vehicle recharging property  135.710  electrical contracting  324.900
 electrical contractor  324.900  electrical corporation  386.020393.137393.355393.1400393.1610393.1620393.1640393.1650393.1656393.1665393.1670393.1700441.650  electrical transmission tower  67.5092
 electronic  351.1222432.205472.405486.900486.1100  electronic agent  432.205  electronic benefit transfer transaction  208.024
 electronic benefits card  570.010  electronic certificate of ownership  301.610700.355  electronic certificate of title  306.405
 electronic chattel paper  400.9-102  electronic communication  472.405  electronic communication device  304.822
 electronic communication service  472.405  electronic communication services  351.609  electronic device  302.700
 electronic document  486.900486.1100  electronic journal  486.900  electronic journal of notarial acts  486.900
 electronic mail  43.651415.405  electronic mail address  407.1120407.1135  electronic means  32.400
 electronic monitoring device  198.610  electronic monitoring with victim notification  455.095  electronic notarial act  486.900
 electronic notarial certificate  486.900  electronic notarization  486.900  electronic notary  486.900
 electronic notary public  486.900  electronic notary seal  486.900486.1100  electronic record  351.1222432.205
 electronic record-keeping system  338.100  electronic repository  181.100  electronic seal  486.900486.1100
 electronic services  610.029  electronic signature  351.1222432.205486.900486.1100  electronic transmission  351.245
 electronic video instructional materials  170.135  electronic visit  376.1900  electronic voting machine  115.013
 electronic voting system  115.013  electronic, mechanical, or other device  542.400  eleemosynary or penal institutions  36.020
 elementary school  160.011160.011  elevator  701.350  eligibility period  288.062
 eligibility statement  135.350  eligible  36.020  eligible access expenditures  135.490
 eligible account  408.800  eligible adult  192.2400  eligible agribusiness  30.750
 eligible alternative energy consumer  30.750  eligible alternative energy operation  30.750  eligible applicant  67.1600135.710620.3300
 eligible apprentice  173.2553  eligible apprenticeship  173.2553  eligible artifact  620.3210
 eligible artifact donation  620.3210  eligible beginning farmer  30.750  eligible beneficiary  169.460
 eligible borrower  173.100348.015348.400  eligible business  620.3505  eligible charter county  184.500
 eligible child  161.825173.260178.694192.2550  eligible commission  620.1620  eligible costs  67.3000
 eligible costs for a new residence  135.478  eligible costs for rehabilitation  135.478  eligible county or eligible counties  184.500
 eligible credit amount  137.1050137.1050  eligible customer classes  386.266  eligible documents  476.1313
 eligible donation  67.3000135.1125135.1150135.1180620.2600  eligible educational institution  166.410166.502  eligible employee  70.600100.710104.010169.030169.620285.1000379.930
 eligible employer  285.1000  eligible entity  170.018191.592  eligible expenses  135.1610137.1018143.1100143.1150143.1160191.1603443.1003
 eligible facility  191.1050  eligible facility borrower  30.75030.860  eligible farming operation  30.750
 eligible financial institution  408.800  eligible financial program  408.800  eligible governmental entity  30.750
 eligible group  375.159  eligible guaranteed agribusiness  30.800  eligible guaranteed livestock operation  30.800
 eligible guaranteed vermiculture operation  30.800  eligible higher education institution  30.750  eligible individual  209.600
 eligible industry  100.710  eligible infrastructure system projects  393.1503  eligible infrastructure system replacements  393.1000393.1009
 eligible insourcing expenses  143.1100  eligible institution  173.100173.778  eligible institution of higher education  335.200
 eligible issuer  108.1000  eligible job enhancement business  30.750  eligible land  252.306
 eligible lender  173.100348.195348.400348.521  eligible lending institution  30.750  eligible livestock operation  30.750
 eligible locally owned business  30.750  eligible major convention event costs  620.1620  eligible marketing enterprise  30.750
 eligible monetary donation  620.3210  eligible multitenant development enterprise  30.750  eligible new generation cooperative  348.430348.432414.433
 eligible new generation processing entity  99.1000348.430348.432  eligible noncharter county  184.500  eligible parcel  99.1205
 eligible patient  191.480  eligible person  475.010600.011  eligible person, firm, organization or other entity  190.246
 eligible practices  252.306  eligible program of study  173.2553  eligible project  447.700
 eligible project area  99.1205  eligible property  253.545253.545  eligible provider  135.1125
 eligible purchaser  142.800  eligible recipient  253.545620.3210  eligible residence  135.478
 eligible residential property developer  30.750  eligible residential property owner  30.750  eligible retirement date  86.121086.1580
 eligible retirement plan  86.255104.605  eligible rollover distribution  86.255104.605  eligible school  161.1120
 eligible school entity  393.310  eligible small business  30.750  eligible student  161.825162.1130167.850167.850173.232173.232173.234173.250173.778173.2553261.285340.337
 eligible student borrower  30.750  eligible students  160.539  eligible subscriber  209.251660.138
 eligible surplus lines insurer  384.015  eligible taxpayer  137.1050137.1050143.177  eligible training provider  173.2553
 eligible unemancipated child  190.060320.320321.220321.600  eligible veteran  285.235  eligible veteran-owned small business  30.750
 eligible water supply system  30.750  emancipated minor  302.178  embalmer  333.011
 embedded  253.420  emergency  44.01067.1830190.100190.275190.308198.006285.530319.015321.225321.226321.620340.200431.063475.521701.037701.311  emergency asbestos project  643.020
 emergency care provider  191.630  emergency clinic  340.200  emergency communications system  650.390
 emergency forensic examination  595.220  emergency health care provider  190.246  emergency management  44.010
 emergency management activities  44.010  emergency management functions  44.010  emergency management service  44.010
 emergency medical condition  208.142354.400376.690376.1350  emergency medical dispatcher  190.100  emergency medical responder  190.100
 emergency medical response agency  190.100  emergency medical services (ems) system  190.100  emergency medical services for children (ems-c) system  190.100
 emergency medical services personnel  190.600  emergency medical technician  173.260190.100190.900287.243  emergency medical technician-basic  320.400
 emergency medical technician-community paramedic  190.100  emergency medical technician-paramedic  320.400  emergency military service  452.416
 emergency opioid antagonist  338.205  emergency placement  210.305210.482  emergency resources planning and management  44.010
 emergency responder  304.890  emergency service  376.1350595.010  emergency services  190.100190.292190.335354.400
 emergency services board  190.290  emergency services personnel  590.1040  emergency services provider  590.1040
 emergency situation  70.820  emergency telephone service  190.290190.300  emergency telephone tax  190.300
 emergency vehicle  304.022304.022  emergency vehicles  301.550  emission  643.020
 emission control regulations  643.020  emotional distress  565.002  employ  169.010285.625294.011573.010
 employability skills certification  173.831  employee  36.02036.15250.100056.80557.94967.254070.60086.131095.54095.551103.003104.010104.1003105.264105.300105.900105.1000135.950167.166168.251169.010169.270169.410169.600173.260190.1010192.2000195.815210.493285.500285.525285.625287.020287.021287.200290.400290.500290.528295.020355.066400.3-405538.205573.010620.800620.1878620.2005620.2500  employee assistance program  590.1040
 employee benefit plan  285.625  employee leasing arrangement  287.282  employee of the department of mental health  632.520
 employee retirement or welfare plan  285.105  employee tax  105.300  employee-owned  135.110
 employee-qualified capital project  348.432  employees  105.272168.251376.691379.1800  employer  70.600104.010104.1003105.264143.191169.010169.270169.410169.600173.100188.100190.1010191.640210.900213.010285.500285.525285.575285.625287.021287.030288.032288.037290.152290.400290.500290.528290.590292.440292.600294.022302.700320.400361.749376.435376.531452.350454.600537.1000
 employer securities  143.114  employer-integrated wage access services  361.749  employer's board  169.270
 employing unit  288.030  employment  105.300285.525288.034288.037573.010  employment agency  213.010
 employment benefits  285.625290.528  employment component  208.400  employment first  209.700
 employment office  288.030  employment program  285.235  employment purposes  210.921
 employment-related services  209.700  ems  190.900  emt  190.900
 emt-cp  190.100  emulsified cream  196.700  encapsulant  701.300
 encapsulation  701.300  enclosure  701.300  encryption  407.1500
 encumbered assets  454.507  encumbered license  324.087334.1203337.550345.085  encumbrance  335.365337.550337.1005400.2A-309400.9-102
 end user  265.525  endangered species  252.240  endangered species of plants  252.240
 endangerment of a highway worker  304.585  end-of-life medical decision order  191.250  endorsement  302.700400.3-204
 endorsement contract  436.218  endorser  400.3-204400.3-605  endorsing municipalities  67.3000
 endorsing municipality  67.3000  endowed care  214.270  endowed care cemetery  214.270
 endowed care fund  214.270  endowed care trust  214.270  endowment fund  402.130
 energy conservation  68.205260.005  energy conservation and facility improvement measure  8.237  energy conservation loan account  640.651
 energy conservation measure  640.651  energy conservation project  640.651  energy cost savings  640.651
 energy cost savings measure  8.231  energy efficiency  8.80068.205260.005393.1075  energy efficiency improvement  67.2800
 energy information  640.155  energy services  393.298  energy star certified  144.526
 energy star program  701.500  energy transition costs  393.1700  engage in the banking business  362.945
 engage in trust company business with the general public  362.1015  engaged in business in this state  447.503  engaged in the business of buying, selling, or exchanging in commerce livestock  276.606
 engages in an equine activity  537.325  engages in business activities within this state  144.605  engaging in business  144.010
 engaging in the business of providing ambulance services in this state  190.800  engaging in the business of providing health benefit services  208.431633.401633.401  engaging in the business of providing inpatient health care in this state  208.453
 engaging in the business of providing nursing facility services, other than services in an institution for mental diseases, in this state  198.401  engineer  226.010  engineered injury protection device  292.655
 engineering services  8.287  english  161.396  enhanced business enterprise  135.950
 enhancement phase  252.306  enlargement  236.400  enlisted member  40.005
 enrolled  407.600436.218  enrollee  208.780354.400354.700374.500376.1350376.1363376.2020  enrollment date  376.450
 enrollment option districts  162.1042  enrollment option plan  162.1042  enrollment representative  354.225
 enrolls  436.218  enter unlawfully or remain unlawfully  569.010  enterprise risk  382.010
 enterprise zone  135.276  entertainment district  311.086  entertainment industry  294.022
 entitlement holder  400.8-102  entitlement order  400.8-102  entitlement program  285.235
 entity  43.651208.217334.252355.066362.034362.119469.423515.505537.602660.325XIV Section 1XIV Section 2  entrance fee  376.900  entrapment  562.066
 entrepreneurial tax credits  135.800  entrusting  400.2-403  entry fee  313.905
 environment  281.020281.020281.220  environmental covenant  260.1003  environmental law  456.1-103
 environmental response project  260.1003  environmental response surcharge  260.900  environmental tax credits  135.800
 epact  414.407  epact credit  414.407  epinephrine auto-injector  196.990
 episode  376.810  equine  537.325  equine activity  537.325
 equine activity sponsor  537.325  equine professional  537.325  equipment  260.1053281.020281.020288.030307.250400.9-102537.327
 equipment and supplies  311.070  equipment compound  67.5092  equitable share  538.205
 equity interest  376.292  equity interests  105.687  equity security  375.425409.506
 equivalent level annual dividend  376.704  equivalent level death benefit  376.704  eradicate  264.021
 erisa  285.1000  escalator  701.350  escrow  381.022
 escrow account  214.270  escrow agent  214.270443.703  escrow agreement  214.270
 essential caregiver  191.2290630.202  essential community provider  354.650  essential industry  100.710
 essential plant nutrient  266.291  essential utility services  307.400  essential witness  492.303
 establish  573.531  established  228.010  established business relationship  407.1070407.1135
 established geographic service area  379.930  established political party  115.013  established unincorporated area  72.400
 establishing  228.010  establishment  573.531  establishment phase  252.306
 estate  472.010475.380  estate property  515.505  estimate of cost  191.875
 estimated simple payback  640.651  event of withdrawal  347.015  event of withdrawal of a general partner  359.011
 evidence  545.885  evidence of coverage  354.400  evidence of good health  103.003
 evidence-based reading instruction  170.014  evidentiary collection kit  192.2520595.220  e-visit  376.1900
 ex parte order of protection  455.010  examination  36.020256.603334.099  examination of documentary material  407.010
 examiner  374.202  excavation  67.1830319.015444.765  excavator  319.015
 exceeded its powers  375.1160  excepted benefit plan  376.998  excepted benefits  376.450376.960379.930
 excepted health benefit plan  376.465  excess wear and use waiver  407.2030  excess weight  304.240
 excess workers' compensation insurance  379.1300  excessive use  208.164208.164  exchange  376.2000386.020
 exchange access facilities  190.300  exchange access service  386.020  exchange act  351.459
 exchange company  407.600  exchange program  407.600  exchange telephone service  92.083
 exclusionary power of appointment  456.975  exclusive bargaining representative  105.500  exclusive brokerage agreement  339.710
 exclusive insurance producer  375.031  exclusive use agreement  407.825  excursion gambling boat  313.800
 execution date  400.4A-301  executive  67.750  executive agency  37.960610.032
 executive authority  548.011  executive board  334.1203337.105448.1-103  executive committee  324.087337.550337.1005345.085
 executive director  42.002104.010104.1003209.285213.010335.016  executive head  210.630302.605307.295  executive lobbyist  105.470
 executive officer of any political subdivision  44.010  executor  1.020145.101  executory contract  515.505
 exempt commercial purchaser  384.015  exempt partner  143.425  exempt person  443.703
 exempt property  472.010  exempt-from-licensure  210.1253  exercise of religion  1.302
 exhaustee  288.062  exhibit  407.350  exhibition  317.001407.350
 exhibitor  407.350  existent corner  60.301  existing business facility  135.100135.950
 existing facility  144.810  existing installation  701.350  existing missouri business  620.2005
 existing structure  67.5092  existing system  701.025  exit  316.060
 exit way  316.060  exoneree  217.820  exotic animals  273.350
 expand affordability  215.300  expanded affiliated group  143.1100  expanded core curriculum  167.225
 expanded use  523.283  expanded-functions dental assistant  332.011  expanded-functions duties  332.011
 expanding data storage center  144.810  expanding data storage center project  144.810  expanding facility  144.810
 expanding facility project  144.810  expected family contribution  173.1102  expedited license  334.1610
 expedited partner therapy  191.648  expenditure  37.1090105.470130.011VIII Section 23  expenditure minimum  197.305
 expense  135.753  expenses  105.272287.930355.461  experience rating  287.930
 experienced professional engineer  236.400  expert  210.834  expired credit card  407.432
 explanation  400.9-616  explicit sexual material  573.010573.550  exploding  287.129375.991
 exploratory committees  130.011VIII Section 23  explosive  571.010571.010  explosive or incendiary device  574.070
 explosive weapon  571.010571.010  explosives  319.303  export  142.800384.015
 export finance fund  100.255  export trade activities  100.255  exporter  142.800
 exposed to rabies  322.010  exposure  191.630  express company  153.010
 express corporation  622.100  express warranty  407.560407.585  expressway  304.010
 expunge  650.100  ex-ship  400.2-322  extended benefit period  288.062
 extended benefits  288.062  extension district  262.598  extension of credit  407.635
 extermination  264.021  extra-contractual claims  376.718  extracontractual damages  537.058
 extracorporeal circulation  324.128  extracurricular activities  160.1990160.2000  extraordinary circumstance  217.151
 extreme weather event  227.552  eye  336.010  eye bank  194.210
 f.a.s.  400.2-319  f.o.b.  400.2-319  face amount  443.055
 facilities  70.441348.015407.600  facilities and administrative costs  196.1127  facility  100.010135.100135.110135.200135.276135.753135.950144.810178.295191.2290198.006198.545198.610199.170260.700260.705292.606354.600376.690376.900376.1350393.355444.352578.600620.1910630.202640.703
 facility base employment  135.950  facility base payroll  135.950  facility full-time equivalent employee  135.753
 facsimile signature  105.273  factory campaign  407.1320  faculty  168.400168.400
 faculty member  178.785340.200  fafsa  173.2553  failed savings and loan association  362.107
 failure  411.800  failure to maintain complaint handling procedures  375.936  fair and reasonable compensation  386.800
 fair consideration  375.1152  fair market value  135.802301.010334.252427.220523.001537.296  fair rental value  537.296
 fair value  351.870  false  191.900  false information and advertising generally  375.936
 false statements and entries:  375.936  familial status  213.010  family  304.665375.1312455.010538.229595.010
 family affiliate  362.1015  family assessment and services  210.110  family burial ground  214.270
 family care safety act  210.900  family development account  208.750  family development account reserve fund  208.750
 family farm  350.010  family farm corporation  350.010  family farmer  348.491
 family literacy programs  160.011160.011  family member  67.160067.1639362.1015407.1320595.200  family members  442.566
 family or household member  285.625  family or private caregiver  633.170  family paced education (fpe) school  167.013
 family practitioner  167.600167.600  family support  633.170633.220  family support program  633.170
 family support team meeting  210.110  family treatment court  478.001  family trust company  362.1015
 family trust company affiliated party  362.1015  fantasy sports contest  313.905  fantasy sports contest operator  313.905
 farm  288.034  farm animal  578.005  farm animal professional  578.005
 farm equipment  407.838  farm equipment dealer  407.838  farm equipment dealership  407.838
 farm equipment manufacturer  407.838  farm machinery  32.085144.045407.585  farm machinery and equipment  144.030
 farm owner  143.121143.121  farm products  144.527400.9-102  farm tractor  142.800301.010302.010
 farm vehicle  302.700  farmer  142.815  farmers' market  144.527208.018
 farming  30.750261.130350.010  farming operation  400.9-102  farming purposes  262.801
 farmland  523.286  fast track grant  173.2553  fatality  302.700
 fault  400.1-201400.2A-103537.765  fda  376.1350  federal act  196.010275.357
 federal adjustment  143.425  federal adjustments report  143.425  federal agency  29.00529.005105.300
 federal association  369.014  federal banking agencies  443.703  federal covered investment adviser  409.1-102
 federal covered security  409.1-102  federal financial participation  190.830  federal government  99.02099.320100.310
 federal health care act  376.1186  federal home loan bank  375.971  federal insurance contributions act  105.300
 federal lands  444.805  federal lands program  444.805  federal law  362.106
 federal low-income housing tax credit  135.350  federal mandate  144.811  federal narcotic laws  195.010
 federal office  115.013  federal official  32.385  federal on-scene coordinator  260.818
 federal partnership representative  143.425  federal postcard application  115.902  federal poverty guidelines  208.780
 federal poverty level  208.750  federal savings association  369.014  federal work authorization program  285.525
 federal write-in absentee ballot  115.902  federal/state agreement  226.541  federally defined eligible individual  376.960
 federally facilitated health benefit exchange  376.1186  federally licensed broadcast station  144.811  federally qualified health center (fqhc)  135.690
 federally tax-qualified long-term care insurance contract  376.1100  fee  67.5111178.411361.749380.201417.400  fee waiver  178.411
 feed additives  144.030  feed ingredient  266.160  feedstock  142.031
 fees  488.010506.363  felony  302.700556.061  female  290.400
 feminine hygiene products  217.199221.065  fence  253.175  feral swine  270.400
 fertilizer  266.291  festival  316.150  fictitious name  407.1070
 fiduciary  400.3-307403.250469.240469.401472.010472.405  fiduciary capacity  362.331  fiduciary obligation  362.332
 field  259.050281.120  field issued  376.1124  fieldman  196.525
 fields of applicable expertise  348.251  fifth-wheel trailer  407.1320  file  59.005355.066
 file number  400.9-102  filed  59.005197.330355.066  filing  59.005197.330355.066409.1-102
 filing office  400.9-102  filing officer  105.489428.105  filing period  21.600
 filing-office rule  400.9-102  fill dirt  444.765  filled milk  196.695
 films  565.002  final average pay  104.1003  final average salary  70.600169.010169.600
 final compensation  86.90086.1310  final decision  260.700  final determination date  143.425
 final disposition  43.500193.015194.200194.375260.360  final federal adjustment  143.425  finance  227.600
 finance agreement  407.2020  finance lease  400.2A-103  financial and insurance tax credits  135.800
 financial asset  400.8-102  financial assistance  173.093173.1102447.700  financial assurance instrument  260.200
 financial audits  29.00529.005  financial capability  644.145  financial data  192.665
 financial entity  454.440  financial exploitation  409.605  financial guarantee policy  379.1353
 financial harm  566.200  financial institution  166.410166.502191.1603208.750209.600361.070374.300381.410404.007404.410408.570408.675409.800427.225443.1003454.507456.1-103570.010620.1048  financial interest  311.060
 financial organization  32.200143.455447.503  financial record  408.675  financial requirements  191.1164
 financial rights  351.1003  financial transaction  574.105  financing agency  400.2-104
 financing costs  393.1700  financing institution  364.020  financing order  393.1700
 financing party  393.1700  financing statement  393.1700400.9-102  finding of affordability  644.145
 fine arts  407.900  fine or penalty  191.237  fines  351.355355.476
 finished  135.679  finished carcass  269.010  finished meat product  269.010
 fire department  320.097320.200  fire loss  320.200  fire official  99.875
 fire protection district  67.280321.010  fire protection official  319.303  firearm  571.010571.010574.070
 firearm range  537.294  firearm silencer  571.010571.010  firefighter  87.120287.243
 fireman  70.600  fireworks  320.106  fireworks season  320.106
 firing  319.303  firm  8.287326.256  first cousin  281.020
 first draw  160.077  first informer broadcaster  190.260  first party trust account  402.203
 first responder  67.145190.1010192.2405320.400  first responders  170.310190.091  first run  407.350
 first sale within the state  149.011  first-time home buyer  443.1003  first-time home buyer savings account  143.1150443.1003
 first-time home buyer savings account act  143.1150  fiscal year  86.900104.010313.800  fish food  275.452
 fixed asset  94.575  fixture filing  400.2A-309400.9-102  fixtures  400.2A-309400.9-102
 flammable liquids  414.012  fleet  301.010  fleet manager  37.450
 fleet vehicle  301.010  flight crew member  173.260287.243577.001  floating facility  313.800
 flood area  260.200  flood control storage  256.437  flood plain  135.478
 flood resiliency measures  256.800  flood resiliency project  256.800  floor  375.345
 flowering plant  XIV Section 1XIV Section 2  flush system  640.703  following  1.020
 follow-up capital  348.300348.300620.638  food  66.50082.85082.85192.32594.838144.014192.081196.010196.190196.450  food bank  208.600
 food delivery platform  196.276  food delivery services  387.438  food establishment  66.50082.85082.85192.32594.838
 food plan  265.490  food stamps  570.010  for other purposes  151.160
 for purposes of arranging for the foster or adopted child's placement or caring for the child after placement  105.271  force majeure event  393.1655  forced labor  566.010
 forcible compulsion  556.061  forcible entry and detainer  534.020  forcible felony  563.011
 forcibly steals  570.010  foreclosure consultant  407.935  foreign  302.700
 foreign account  362.111370.073  foreign association  369.014  foreign bank  361.005
 foreign business  442.566  foreign business entity  351.1003  foreign central authority  454.1680
 foreign cooperative  351.1003  foreign corporation  351.015351.609355.066  foreign country  375.950375.1152454.1503511.773
 foreign country judgment  511.773  foreign currency  376.292  foreign decree  375.790
 foreign family trust company  362.1015  foreign government  173.275  foreign guaranty association  375.1152
 foreign health organization  375.1250  foreign holding company  369.014  foreign insurer  375.1250
 foreign investment  376.292  foreign judgment  511.760  foreign jurisdiction  376.292515.505
 foreign legal entity  173.275  foreign limited liability company  347.015  foreign limited partnership  359.011
 foreign person  173.275442.592  foreign professional corporation  356.021  foreign registered limited liability partnership  358.020
 foreign support agreement  454.1680  foreign support order  454.1503  foreign tribunal  454.1503
 foreign veterinary graduate  340.200  forensic dna analysis  650.100  forensic examination  192.2520595.220
 forest croplands  254.020  forested-riparian buffers  252.306  for-hire motor carrier  287.041288.032
 formal delinquency proceeding  375.1152  format  181.100376.879  former article 9 records  400.9-710
 former automobile manufacturing plant  99.845447.708  former prisoner of war  301.443  forward  375.345
 forward contract  375.1152  foster care  210.700  foster care child  160.1990
 foster home  210.481211.021  foster or adoptive parent  105.271  foster parent  143.1170210.566
 fpe school  167.013  franchise  67.267767.267778.010407.400407.815407.1025436.100  franchise agreement  407.815
 franchise area  67.267767.2677  franchise entity  67.267767.2677  franchise fee  67.1846
 franchisee  407.815407.1025436.100  franchisor  407.815407.1025436.100  fraternal cemetery  214.270
 fraternal organization  313.005  fraud  208.164208.164409.1-102  fraudulent endorsement  400.3-405
 fraudulent insurance act  375.991  fraudulent intent  351.478351.482355.696358.371  free and reduced price lunch pupil count  163.011163.011
 free and reduced price lunch threshold  163.011163.011  freeholder  65.701  free-look period  407.2020
 freeway  304.001304.010  freeway primary highway  226.510  freight curb loading zone  300.010
 freight elevator  701.350  freight line company  137.1003  french custard ice cream  196.856
 french ice cream  196.856  fresh meat  265.280  fresh pursuit  544.155544.157
 friable asbestos-containing material  643.020  fringe benefit  288.500  frivolous  105.957285.535
 frivolous complaint  115.642  frontage  226.290  fronting company  385.206
 frontline health care worker  191.640  frontquarter of beef  265.490  frozen custard  196.856
 frozen dietary dairy dessert  196.856  frozen dietary desserts  196.856  fuel ethanol  142.028
 fuel ethanol blends  142.028  fuel ethanol-blended gasoline  414.255  fuel grade alcohol  142.800
 fuel transportation vehicle  142.800  fugitive from justice  319.303  fulfillment materials  375.159
 full academic year  160.410  full and unrestricted duties of a police officer  86.263  full biennial assembly  104.010
 full child care benefits  208.053  full loin of beef  265.490  full or partial nudity  565.002
 full order of protection  455.010  full school day  210.1050  full-contact karate  317.001
 fullmount  301.010  full-service office  443.703  full-time basis  447.708
 full-time employee  143.173620.800620.1878620.2005620.2300620.3505  full-time equivalent average daily attendance of summer school students  163.011163.011  full-time equivalent employee  143.1100
 full-time equivalent number of part-time students  163.011163.011  full-time equivalent number of summer school pupils  163.011163.011  full-time equivalent student  161.670161.670
 full-time job  620.1910  full-time student  173.1102  fully amortized  408.512
 functionally impaired adult  192.2200  fund  50.1000104.010104.1003173.100173.778178.1100253.401256.280260.900287.223288.030317.001319.100337.700348.400414.407537.700620.466620.1000620.1620640.651  fund balances  448.4-112
 funded amount  436.552  funded ratio  105.660  funding agreement  360.106376.2080
 funding date  436.552  funding of museums and festivals  67.571  fund-raising event  130.011VIII Section 23
 funds transfer  400.4A-104  funds-transfer business day  400.4A-105  funds-transfer system  400.4A-105
 funds-transfer system rule  400.4A-501  funeral  574.160  funeral director  194.500333.011
 funeral establishment  194.360333.011  funeral expenses  595.010  funeral lead vehicle  194.500
 funeral merchandise  333.011  funeral services  67.1950  fungible goods  400.1-201
 fungicide  281.220  fungus  281.020281.020281.220  furnish  573.010
 furnishing unfit food to patients, residents or clients  630.160  future  375.345400.2-105  future advance  443.055
 future damages  538.205  future losses  376.973  future obligation  443.055
 gain  558.002  gainful employment  595.010  gambling  572.010572.100
 gambling device  572.010  gambling establishment  99.80599.91899.1082  gambling excursion  313.800
 gambling game  313.800  gambling record  572.010  game  313.205
 games of chance  313.800  games of skill  313.800  garbage  64.460266.410
 garden mausoleum  214.270  gas  259.050393.410  gas corporation  386.020386.895393.1009441.650
 gas gun  571.010571.010  gas plant  386.020  gas storage company  393.410
 gas utility plant projects  393.1009  gasification  260.200  gasoline  142.800414.012
 gasoline-alcohol blend  414.012  gatekeeper group plan  354.618  gatekeeper programs  208.600
 gateway arch grounds  67.750  gcwr  302.700  gender  191.1720
 gender transition  191.1720  gender transition surgery  191.1720  general account  379.1351
 general archaeological investigation  194.400  general assets  375.950375.1152  general bail bond agent  374.700
 general dentist  191.603  general election  1.020116.010  general intangible  400.9-102
 general investment account  376.309  general license  192.760  general partner  359.011
 general permit  644.016  general permit template  644.016  general power of appointment  456.975
 general primary care and psychiatry  191.592  general reassessment  137.073  general retailer  190.462
 general use pesticide  281.020281.220  general welfare  324.047  generally accepted accounting principles  276.401411.026
 generally known condition allegedly caused by or allegedly likely to result from long-term consumption  537.595  generation  260.360  generator  260.360260.700
 generic name  375.1503376.704  genetic counseling  191.300  genetic disorders  191.300
 genetic information  375.1300  genetic screening  191.300  genetic test  375.1300
 genuine  400.1-201  geographic area  32.105  geographical area  215.036
 geographical information system  67.185082.1035256.670  geologic hazard assessment  256.170  geologist  256.453
 geologist-registrant in-training  256.453  geology  256.453  gestational age  188.015188.015
 gift  105.485173.275  gift instrument  402.130  gifted children  162.675
 gift-in-default clause  456.975  gives  400.1-202  gob  444.510
 gold  407.292  golf cart  304.034  good cause  192.2495288.050324.045407.413407.753407.840407.895407.1320407.1360452.355452.372452.605536.063536.067568.040590.502621.045621.100
 good faith  400.1-201400.2-103400.3-103400.4A-105400.5-102400.7-102400.8-102400.9-102407.413407.815  good faith effort  304.156  good samaritan  191.630
 goods  71.990400.2-105400.2A-103400.7-102400.9-102407.400407.824408.250  governance rights  351.1003  governing authority  135.200135.950
 governing board  161.1085  governing body  30.95066.50067.63867.65167.75070.12070.21070.81591.63092.32599.02099.32099.610100.010100.310100.560105.145105.145176.010190.300205.975251.020251.160251.500251.603260.800262.598349.010441.500650.390  governing body of the county  58.760
 governing commission  67.1600  government  91.630575.010  government agency  454.440476.1300
 government attorney  34.376  government authority  408.675  government cemetery  214.270
 government investigation  408.675  government money market mutual fund  376.292  government sponsored enterprise  376.292
 governmental action  447.700  governmental agency  432.205447.700  governmental benefits  456.4-419
 governmental entity  34.375105.272288.030  governmental plan  376.960379.930  governmental subdivision  355.066
 governmental unit  8.231197.020197.200400.9-102  governor  173.300305.505454.1719548.011  grade  40.005
 grade a pasteurized milk  196.931  grade a raw milk for pasteurization  196.931  grade level instruction  167.225
 graded fluid milk and fluid milk products  196.931  grader  196.525  graduate  173.831
 graduate degree  173.900  graduation  173.2553  graduation rate  160.011160.011173.831
 graduation requirements  173.831  grain  276.401411.026  grain and other agricultural crops in an unmanufactured condition  137.010
 grain dealer  276.401  grain inspector  411.026  grain or grain-related assets  411.800
 grain transport vehicle  276.401  grain weigher  411.026  grandfathered health benefit plan  376.465
 grandfathered political subdivision  67.1846  grant  173.234173.236173.260335.200620.1620  grant fund  348.400
 grant, bargain and sell  442.420  grantee  59.005620.3300  grant-funded residency position  191.592
 grantor  59.005407.1360  grape juice  275.460  grape or grapes  275.460
 grave  214.270  gray water  8.800  graywater  701.025
 greater st. louis metropolitan area  305.505  greenfield area  99.805392.460  grievance  376.1350
 grinding  643.020  gross combination weight rating  302.700  gross deviation  191.1100
 gross gallons  142.800  gross income  148.040148.150148.630  gross misconduct  590.080
 gross receipts  66.50082.85082.85192.08392.325144.010144.012144.021313.800393.298  gross receipts tax  32.200  gross rent  135.010
 gross retail prescription receipts  338.500  gross revenues  67.267767.2677  gross selling value  67.1600
 gross vehicle weight rating  302.700  gross wages  287.250  gross weight  301.010
 ground facilities  8.475  ground meat  265.280  groundwater  640.403
 group foster home  211.021  group health insurance coverage  376.450  group health plan  376.450376.960379.930
 group home  211.021633.005  group long-term care insurance  376.1100  group of insurers  375.1025
 group policy  376.395  group policyholder  376.395  group travel insurance  375.159
 group-type basis  376.432  groupwide supervisor  382.010  grower  265.010
 grower uaz  262.900  guarantee fund  67.1600100.255  guaranteed  376.292409.1-102
 guaranteed asset protection waiver  407.2030  guaranteed contract  436.405  guaranteed elements  375.1503
 guaranteed energy cost savings contract  8.231  guaranteed residence  67.1600  guaranteed value  67.1600
 guarantor  319.100348.015  guaranty association  375.1152375.1605  guaranty fund  380.201
 guaranty of the signature  400.8-402  guardian  1.020194.210198.610210.481404.007404.410456.1-103475.010475.380475.502595.010630.810  guardian ad litem  475.010
 guardian of the person and conservator of the estate of a minor  210.481  guardian of the person of a minor  210.481  guardianship  1.020
 guardianship order  475.502  guardianship proceeding  475.502  guest room  315.005
 guide dog  209.200  gvwr  302.700  habilitation  475.010630.005
 habilitation center  630.005  habilitative or rehabilitative care  376.1224  habitational  379.815
 habitual boating offender  577.001  habitual offender  577.001  hail-damaged vehicle  301.010
 hair braider  329.010  hair braiding  329.010  hair dye  196.110
 hairdresser  329.010  hall provider  313.005  handicap  1.020
 handicapped  390.063  handicapped child  162.997  handicapped children  162.675178.691
 handicapped person  523.205  handler  265.525275.300275.357  harassment  455.010
 harbor  578.005  hard of hearing person  302.174  hardship  263.245
 hard-surfaced road  226.010  hard-to-staff schools  168.110173.232  hard-to-staff subject areas  168.110173.232
 harm  447.712537.1000  harmful act  537.785  harmful noise  287.067
 hazardous financial condition  375.1080  hazardous locations  701.010  hazardous materials  302.700490.733
 hazardous substance  260.500260.565292.600  hazardous substance emergency  260.500  hazardous substances  260.500
 hazardous waste  260.360260.435  hazardous waste facility  260.360  hazardous waste management  260.360
 hbv  191.650  head of mental health facility  632.005  head of the facility  630.005
 head of the nurse licensing board  335.415  head of the program  630.005  head start delegate agency  660.650
 head start grantee  660.650  head start program  660.650  headlamp  307.020
 headquartered in this state  144.030  headquarters  135.100135.110  health benefit plan  354.600376.387376.427376.450376.465376.685376.718376.816376.845376.998376.1183376.1224376.1226376.1228376.1257376.1350376.1550376.1551376.1900376.2030379.930454.600
 health care  191.025191.900  health care decision  459.250  health care facilities  191.650197.366
 health care facility  190.100190.600191.1400198.640574.203  health care insurer  354.650376.801  health care payer  191.900
 health care payment  191.900  health care personnel  198.640  health care plan  103.003
 health care practitioner  191.658  health care professional  190.500191.300191.650191.1075191.1164196.973324.046354.600376.690376.1350383.130537.035701.300  health care provider  191.240191.875191.900191.923191.940191.1100191.1145191.1720192.665195.600198.006208.670354.600376.383376.998376.1350376.1500376.1900376.2002376.2020376.2030383.100383.150431.058537.1000538.205
 health care provider network  376.1500  health care service  376.1060376.1350376.1900376.2020  health care services  191.300354.400376.383376.427376.998538.205
 health care sharing ministry  376.1750  health care system  1.330191.237  health care-focused credential  620.2500
 health carrier  354.600376.325376.383376.387376.388376.393376.427376.465376.685376.690376.816376.845376.998376.1060376.1183376.1224376.1226376.1228376.1350376.1550376.1551376.1575376.1900376.2020376.2030  health facilities  360.015  health indemnity plan  354.600376.1350
 health information exchange  195.600  health information organization  191.237  health institution  360.015
 health insurance  376.960  health insurance contract  376.806  health insurance coverage  376.450379.930
 health insurance information  407.1500  health insurance issuer  376.450379.930  health insurance mandate  376.998
 health insurance plan  191.1164  health insurance policy  221.120376.801376.810376.1550  health insurer  191.1164376.806
 health maintenance organization  354.400376.960  health maintenance organization plan  354.400  health official  99.875
 health organization  375.1250  health plan  208.164208.164375.1303  health practitioner  430.225
 health professional shortage area  354.650  health savings account  103.080  health service area  197.305
 health services  354.010  health services corporation  354.010  health spa  407.325
 health spa contract  407.325  health spa services  407.325  health status-related factor  379.930
 health-care decision  194.290  health-care-insurance receivable  400.9-102  heard and determined  479.010
 hearing  57.015  hearing aid  345.015346.010376.1228  hearing board  57.015
 hearing dog  209.200  hearing instrument  345.015346.010  hearing instrument specialist  346.010
 hearing instrument specialist in-training  346.010  heat pump installation contractor  256.603  heating boiler  650.205
 heating company  386.020  heating oil  142.800  heating oil (fuel oil)  414.012
 heat-related utility service  441.650  hedging transaction  375.345  heirs  442.480472.010
 heirs' property  528.700  hemophilia  191.300  hemp extract  195.207
 herbicide  281.120281.220  hereafter  1.020  heretofore  1.020
 heritage value  523.001  hermetically sealed container  192.081  high deductible health plan  103.080376.1257
 high managerial agent  562.056  high pressure, high temperature water boiler  650.205  high risk patient  189.010
 high school  160.011160.011  high school diploma  173.831  high school education  208.400
 high seismic risk areas  256.170  high unemployment period  288.062  high voltage  319.078
 high-cost area  386.020  high-deductible health plan  376.987  higher education  452.340
 higher ethanol blend  135.772  high-grade investment  376.292  high-impact project  620.1878
 high-level radioactive waste  260.392  highly experienced player  313.905  highly rated  376.292
 high-quality charter school  160.408  high-risk  160.405  highwall  444.510
 highway  300.010301.010302.010303.020304.025304.822575.010  highway corridor  226.950  highway project  227.107
 highway route controlled quantity  260.392  highway worker  304.580  hindquarter of beef  265.490
 hiring consideration  105.1600  historic district  67.5111  historic properties  253.395
 historic property  253.401  historic school  253.545  historic shipwreck  253.421
 historic theater  253.545  hit and run  595.010  hiv  191.650191.658545.940567.020
 hiv infection  191.650191.658  hiv sampling  191.650  hiv testing  191.650191.663
 hive  264.021  hobby or show breeder  273.325  hold order  277.190367.044
 holder  260.1003365.020400.1-201408.250442.014447.503  holder in due course  400.3-302  holder of occupational license  313.800
 holder of receipt  411.026  holding company  351.448  holding period  267.565
 holiday  290.230407.1240  holocaust  161.700  home  196.298
 home address  476.1300  home health agency  192.2400197.400  home health agency employee  192.2400
 home health patient  192.2400  home health services  197.400  home jurisdiction  544.046
 home nursing services  338.400  home office  369.014  home school  167.012167.031
 home solicitation sale  407.700  home state  190.900302.600324.087334.1203335.365337.105337.550337.1005345.085361.005375.012384.015452.705454.1503475.521  home telemonitoring service  208.686
 home use  338.400  home-based business  71.990  home-based work  64.00865.71089.500
 homeless  67.1062610.103  homeless assistance pilot project  32.105  homeless child  167.020
 homeless youth  167.020  homemade  301.191  homemaker  178.411
 homeowner  436.350  homeowners' association  442.404442.404  homeowners' insurance  374.400
 homestead  135.010135.090137.1050137.1050  homestead taking  523.001  honor  400.5-102
 horse  313.500  hospice  197.250  hospice care  208.152208.152
 hospital  96.150190.100190.600191.630191.875191.940191.1075191.1150194.210194.321195.010196.973197.020197.185210.950338.165376.960383.130640.651  hospital board  640.651  hospital clinic or facility  338.165
 hospitalist  354.606  host  263.503  host entity  620.1000
 host state  260.700260.705361.005  hostile force  40.005  hotel  94.80294.870315.067
 hotel and motel industry  67.604  hotel and restaurant industry  67.1800  hotel, motel or tourist court  66.50092.325
 hotels, motels and resorts  67.1177  house  324.700  house of worship  574.035
 household  67.267767.2677  household consumer  260.200  household consumer used motor oil collection center  260.200
 household consumer used motor oil collection system  260.200  household goods  390.020390.250400.7-209622.600  household member  375.1312455.010
 housemover  324.700  housemoving  324.700  housing accommodations  209.190
 housing authority  99.020571.510  housing code  441.500447.620  housing cooperative  357.015
 housing equity fund  215.033  housing for older persons  213.040  housing project  99.020
 housing tax credits  135.800  hud  215.300  human cloning  196.1127
 human excreta  701.025  human foot  330.010  human remains  214.270
 human rights fund  213.010  human sewage  644.016  humane euthanasia  273.325
 humane killing  578.005578.600  humanities council  186.050  hunger  191.800
 hunting preserve  537.294  hunting-related shooting  577.068  hvac services  386.754
 hybrid  266.021  hydroelectric power generating equipment  137.010  iadl  198.006
 iatoa program  630.875  ice cream  196.856  ice milk  196.856
 identifiable charge  385.020  identifiable minor  573.010  identification card  194.210
 identifying characteristics  191.677  identifying information  194.360453.121  identifying number  448.1-103
 identity history summary  337.105  identity proofing  486.1100  idr  192.2270198.545
 iep  161.396162.1130167.903167.905170.345  if successful, could result in rendering the insurer's financial statements materially misleading  375.1054  ifsp  161.396
 illegal alien  166.700302.063  illegal gas  259.050  illegal industrial hemp  195.010
 illegal oil  259.050  illegal product  259.050  illness  537.046
 illustrated scale  375.1503  illustration  375.1503  illustration actuary  375.1503
 image  573.110  imaging center  191.875  imitation american indian art or craft  407.315
 imitation controlled substance  195.010  immediate container  196.010  immediate family  195.010281.020402.201476.1300476.1313620.1060620.1069
 immediate family member  197.108198.525227.295409.605436.552443.703  immediate precursor  195.010  immediate response to a release  260.900
 immediate supervision  340.200  immediate threat  199.170  immediately available  334.400
 imminent danger to the health and safety of the public  444.805  imminent hazard  302.700  imminent health hazard  701.025
 immunized  322.010  impaired  375.537  impaired condition  369.014
 impaired insurer  376.718  impaired practitioner  324.087337.550345.085  impairment  337.1005
 impermissible appointee  456.975  impersonates a person with a disability  209.204  implement of husbandry  301.029
 implements of husbandry  304.170  import  142.800  import verification number  142.800
 importer  142.800407.815  imprisonment for life  566.125  improper governmental activity  29.005
 improper means  417.453  improve  67.453204.650249.925  improved highway  301.010
 improvement  67.453204.650249.925  in good faith  469.240  in proper form  461.005
 in the presence of the notary  486.1100  in the wild  270.400  in this state  143.451
 in vacation  1.020  in writing  1.020  inactive  447.200610.100
 inactive license status  335.016  inactive member  169.410  incapacitated  404.703404.805556.061
 incapacitated person  404.007404.410475.010475.502595.010  incident report  595.232610.100  incidental costs  385.403
 incidental practice  327.011  inclement weather  171.033171.033  includes  355.066
 income  135.010208.050452.350454.505454.1503469.401475.380644.016  income beneficiary  469.401  income generation transaction  375.345
 income interest  469.401  income period  148.020148.130148.610  income tax  32.200
 income tax imposed  143.081143.081  income-based approach  137.076  income-withholding order  454.1503
 incompetent  1.020  incompetent to drive a motor vehicle  302.010  incomplete instrument  400.3-115
 incorporated municipalities  226.540  incorporated protected cell  379.1351  incorporator  351.015
 increased footprint or burden  523.283  increment group  173.1105  incremental cost  414.365414.407
 incubator  620.495  incumbent cable operator  67.267767.2677  incumbent local exchange telecommunications company  386.020
 indebtedness  385.020  indecent  573.100  indefinite contract  168.104
 indemnification  375.1025  independent  115.013  independent board member  375.1025
 independent certified public accountant  375.1025  independent consultant  266.160  independent insurance producer  375.031
 independent living account  208.146  independent power producer  393.106  independent practice  337.600
 independent third party  192.2270198.545  index rate  379.930  indexes  476.1313
 indian tribe  210.620  indirect interest  143.425  indirect member  143.436143.436
 indirect partner  143.425  indirect supervision  340.200  individual  208.217281.020281.020355.066443.703
 individual health insurance coverage  376.450  individual lender-placed insurance  379.1851  individual market  376.450376.465
 individual mortgage loan servicer  443.703  individual or entity  537.1000  individual policy  376.395
 individual practice association  354.400  individual with disabilities  161.900  individualized emergency health care plan  167.625
 individualized habilitation plan  630.005  individualized health care plan  167.625  individualized rehabilitation plan  630.005
 individualized treatment plan  630.005  indorsement  400.8-102  industrial bank  362.078
 industrial developer  100.310  industrial development  100.310  industrial development authority  620.2005
 industrial development contract  100.310  industrial hemp  195.010  industrial insured  375.786379.1300
 industrial insured captive insurance company  379.1300  industrial insured group  379.1300  industrial loan company  362.078
 industrial quality eye protective devices  170.007  industrial railroad trackage  389.994  industrial user  204.320204.616249.820
 industry certification  170.028  industry letter  361.106  industry-recognized credential  173.831
 inedible eggs  196.311  inert ingredient  281.220  infant  507.115
 infected animal  267.565267.670  infected bird  267.565  infectious disease  87.00587.006
 infectious waste  260.200260.360  infested  263.503  influential interest  573.531
 in-force illustration  375.1503  information  144.010386.020432.205454.440472.405  information processing system  432.205
 information technology  34.047161.900  informed consent  455.095  infraction  556.061
 infrastructure  190.275  infrastructure development fund  100.255  infrastructure facilities  100.255
 infrastructure projects  620.2005  infused preroll  XIV Section 1XIV Section 2  ingredient statement  281.220
 inhabitable structure  556.061  inherent conflict of interest  348.251  inherent risks of a registered agritourism activity  537.850
 inherent risks of camping  537.328  inherent risks of equine or livestock activities  537.325  inherent risks of paddlesport activities  537.327
 in-home companion  192.2100  in-home services client  192.2400  in-home services employee  192.2400
 in-home services provider agency  192.2400  initial charge  380.201  initial claim  288.030
 initial credit allowance date  620.3505  initial credit year  137.1050  initial determination  452.705
 initial margin  375.345  initial prescription  195.010  initial remedial year  161.1085
 initiate the transmission  407.1120407.1135  initiating tribunal  454.1503  initiation system  319.303
 injured victim  595.010  injures  577.300  injury  287.020537.046537.785
 injury or trauma  199.001  in-kind contribution  130.011VIII Section 23  in-kind donations  115.022
 in-kind expenditure  130.011VIII Section 23  inmate  217.535  innocent coinsured  375.1312
 innocent party  513.615  innovation  620.3900  innovation campus  178.1100620.2600
 innovation education campus  178.1100620.2600  innovation education campus fund  178.1100  innovative offering  620.3900
 innovative technology for wastewater treatment  644.051  inoperable  301.227  in-person, face-to-face  337.105
 inquiry  376.1375  insanitary area  99.320100.310  insect  281.020281.020281.220
 insecticide  281.220  insider  428.009  insolvency  276.401375.1152411.026
 insolvency proceeding  400.1-201  insolvent  276.401375.1152400.1-201411.026515.505  insolvent insurer  375.772376.718
 insourcing plan  143.1100  inspection bureau  379.815  inspection-maintenance  444.352
 inspector  264.021411.026643.020  installation  700.650701.350  installation standards  700.650
 installer  700.010700.650  installment contract  400.2-612  installment lease contract  400.2A-103
 instant message  43.651  institution  34.080167.126173.275173.1352178.411193.015217.535375.532375.1072402.130620.1048630.810  institution of higher education  173.275
 institution of higher learning  376.425  institution of postsecondary education  173.234173.236173.260  institution of vocational education  452.340
 institutional aid  173.1003  institutional fund  402.130  institutional investor  409.1-102
 institutional marketing associate  173.280  institutions  104.1200262.962  instruction  400.8-102
 instructional activities  161.670161.670  instructional class  144.010  instructor  302.133329.010
 instrument  59.005400.3-104400.9-102456.975  instrument airport  305.505  instrument of payment  105.273
 instrumental activities of daily living  198.006  instrumentalities  8.3708.660  instrumentality  105.300
 instrumentality of the state  305.230  insurance  208.217375.012375.1080376.1075  insurance adjuster  324.1100
 insurance arrangement  376.960  insurance carrier  190.250430.225  insurance company  365.020375.012375.786379.1500408.250409.1-102
 insurance corporation  447.503  insurance coverage  376.1075  insurance credit score  375.918
 insurance group  382.505382.605  insurance holding company  375.355  insurance holding company system  382.010
 insurance policy  376.1590  insurance producer  375.012375.029379.108379.1500379.1851  insurance-funded preneed contract  436.405
 insured  375.772376.292376.427376.778376.960409.1-102  insured association  369.014  insured closing letter  381.400
 insured work  288.030  insured worker  288.030  insurer  348.015374.015374.018374.202374.352374.400374.450374.700375.001375.012375.014375.031375.147375.421375.537375.918375.932375.950375.995375.1002375.1025375.1112375.1152375.1300376.395376.427376.450376.773376.821376.960376.1075379.082379.108379.110379.121379.130379.815379.882379.1500379.1851382.010382.095382.400382.505382.605383.105383.200383.225385.020407.295407.2020435.415537.065589.200
 insurer-member  375.971  intact female  273.325  intake point  459.250
 intangible personal property  137.010  integrated setting  209.700  integrated textbook  173.955
 intellectual disability  475.355565.030630.005  intellectual property  570.103  intellectually disabled  565.030
 intent not to resume  417.005  intentionally  191.900  interactive computer service  407.1120567.050
 intercept  542.400  interchangeable biological product  338.085  intercollegiate sport  436.218
 interconnected voice over internet protocol service  386.020  interest  104.010104.1003  interest costs  99.1205
 interested parties  407.1060  interested party  127.010141.220441.730  interested person  276.401411.026
 interested persons  456.033456.1-103456.1-111472.010475.010  interested shareholder  351.459  interested shares  351.015
 interests of the beneficiaries  456.1-103  interexchange telecommunications company  386.020  interexchange telecommunications service  386.020
 interim agreement  227.600  interim control  701.300  interjurisdictional practice certificate (ipc)  337.105
 interlata  386.020  intermediary  354.600  intermediary bank  400.4-105400.4A-104
 intermediate care facility  198.006  intermediate care facility for the intellectually disabled  633.401633.401  intern  135.457
 internal affairs  456.033  internal affairs of a corporation  351.690  internal audit function  375.1025
 internal control  29.00529.005  internal control over financial reporting  375.1025  internal revenue code  86.20086.90086.1310166.410166.502209.600285.1000456.1-103
 international banking institution  409.1-102  international marriage broker  566.200  international trade facility  143.2110143.2115
 internationally active insurance group  382.010  internet  144.030  internet access  144.030
 internet domain name  407.1120  internet service  570.010  internship  337.010
 interpreter  209.285  interpreter trainer  209.285  interpreting  209.285
 interruptible or curtailable rate  393.1075  interscholastic sport  436.218  intersecting highway  301.010
 intersection  300.010  interstate commerce  390.020  interstate commission  210.570334.1610589.506
 interstate commission for the placement of children  210.620  interstate commission on educational opportunity for military children  160.2000  interstate former resident  115.275
 interstate highway  304.001  interstate motor fuel user  142.800  interstate system  226.510226.660
 interstate transportation authority  92.40094.60094.700  interstate transportation district  92.40094.60094.700  intimate parts  573.110
 intoxicated  571.010571.010577.001  intoxicated condition  577.001  intoxicating liquor  311.020
 intoxication-related boating offense  577.001  intoxication-related traffic offense  577.001  intractable pain  334.105
 intralata  386.020  intrastate commerce  390.020  inurnment  214.270
 invasive procedures  191.650  invention  417.400  invention developer  417.400
 invention development services  417.400  inventory  400.9-102407.850  invest  105.687214.160
 investigation  210.110  investigational drug, biological product, or device  191.480  investigative agency  513.605
 investigative information  324.087334.1203337.550  investigative officer  542.400  investigative report  610.100
 investigator  172.790172.800320.200630.005  investment  105.687135.400144.810214.160  investment adviser  409.605409.1-102
 investment adviser representative  409.605409.1-102  investment coins  144.815  investment company  143.451376.292
 investment company security  400.8-103  investment company series  376.292  investment credits  70.600
 investment decisions  456.8-808  investment fiduciary  105.687  investment funds service corporation  143.451
 investment obligation  67.1639  investment opportunity  407.1070  investment property  400.9-102
 investment return  104.1003  investment strategy  376.292  investment subsidiary  376.292
 investor  135.400135.500379.1851  investors  215.033  invitation to bid  407.350
 invoiced gallons  142.800  involuntary servitude or forced labor  566.200  involved insurer  382.095
 ionizing radiation  192.760  ipp  393.106  irregular route  390.020
 irrigation well  256.641  irs  143.425  is controlled by  448.1-103
 is owned  196.1000  isolated  267.565  isolation  199.170267.565
 isrs  393.1000393.1009  isrs costs  393.1000393.1009  isrs revenues  393.1000393.1009
 issuance  302.700  issuance and renewal of licenses and certificates  324.001  issue  400.3-105442.480472.010
 issuer  376.450376.854400.3-105400.5-102400.7-102400.8-201407.432409.1-102  issuers  108.500  issuer's jurisdiction  400.8-110
 issuing court  452.705  issuing foreign country  454.1503  issuing jurisdiction  544.046
 issuing public corporation  351.015  issuing state  452.705454.1503  issuing tribunal  454.1503
 item  400.4-104400.4-110  itinerant vendor  150.380  iv-a agency  454.415
 ivca  340.200  iv-d agency  454.430454.460  iv-d case  452.345454.460454.600454.1000
 jail or detention center personnel  210.110  jail or other adult detention facility  211.151  job class  36.020
 job creation, worker training, and infrastructure development programs  620.2475  job training  32.105  jobber  320.106
 jobs  208.400  jobs now fund  100.255  jobs now projects  100.255
 job-sharing position  168.303  joinder agreement  67.3000  joinder undertaking  67.3000
 joint account-funded preneed contract  436.405  joint committee on public assistance  208.952  joint contract  393.705
 joint legal custody  452.375452.375  joint life coverage  385.020  joint owners  461.005
 joint physical custody  452.375452.375  joint stock companies  376.020  joint tenants  471.030
 joint venture  334.252  journal  486.600  journal of notarial acts  486.600
 judge  476.451476.515476.575548.011  judge of any circuit court  476.451  judge of any court of record  548.011
 judge of the circuit court  476.451478.014545.015  judgment  303.020452.300456.5-503511.020  judgment balance  408.040
 judgment debtor  511.760  judicial day  632.005  judicial lobbyist  105.470
 judicial officer  476.1300476.1313  judicial personnel  476.057  judicial proceeding  575.010
 junk  226.660  junk vehicle  301.010  junkyard  226.660
 jurat  486.600  jurisdiction  210.620456.1-103544.046  jurisdiction of organization  400.9-102
 jurisprudence requirement  324.087334.1203337.550  juror  575.010  jury  575.010
 just cause  106.273  justice of the county court  1.020  juvenile  210.570
 juvenile court  211.021  juvenile court employee  211.393  juvenile detention facility  211.151
 juvenile officer  211.393  juvenile treatment court  478.001  juvenile with problem sexual behavior  210.148
 k-1 kerosene  142.800  kansas border counties  44.095  kansas border county  44.098135.1670
 karst  256.170  kayak  537.327  keg  311.082
 kerosene  142.800414.012  key personnel  260.200  kickboxing  317.001
 killed in the line of duty  287.243  kind  266.021  kind of insurance  384.015
 kit vehicle  301.010  knife  571.010571.010  know  194.210
 knowing  191.900  knowing or willful violation of federal or state law  537.595  knowingly  191.900192.2475197.500198.070285.500285.525288.110556.061
 knowledge  358.030400.1-202442.055  knows  400.1-202  knuckles  571.010571.010
 laba  337.300  label  196.010260.281266.021266.160266.505281.220  label and labeling  281.220
 labeled  281.120  labeling  196.010266.160281.220  labor  217.151
 labor dispute  295.020  labor organization  105.500130.011213.010290.210290.590VIII Section 23  laboratory  195.010
 laborers from nonrestrictive states  290.550  lagers  50.1000  land  253.010281.020281.020537.345
 land bank agency  140.980140.980141.220141.220  land clearance for redevelopment authority  99.320  land clearance project  99.320
 land development  215.010  land improvement  444.765  land improvement contractors' commercial motor vehicle  301.010
 land representative  278.070  land reutilization authority  92.710  land reutilization commission  92.710
 land surveying services  8.287  land taxes  92.710140.980140.980141.220141.220  land trust  141.220141.220
 land trustees  141.220141.220  landlord  441.005  landlord's agent  339.710
 landowner  278.070  landowner's agent  270.400  lands  1.020234.120
 lands beneath navigable waters  253.421  landslide areas  256.170  laned roadway  300.010
 language  161.396  language deficient  209.285  language developmental milestones  161.396
 lapse  379.1851  lapsed license status  335.016  lapse-supported illustration  375.1503
 large animal  340.337  large animal mobile clinic  340.200  large animal veterinarian  340.337
 large capital project  348.432  large carnivore  578.600  large corporation  143.761
 large deductible policy  375.1605  large employer  376.450  large group market  376.450
 large local exchange telecommunications company  386.020  large number of employers  135.207  large number of jobs  135.207
 large power service rate class  393.1655  large water public utility  393.320  laser pointer  574.110
 last known address  415.405447.620  lata  386.020  late contribution or loan  130.050
 late enrollee  376.450379.930  late fee  415.417  latent tuberculosis infection  199.170
 lateral sewer district  249.430  late-term pain-capable unborn child  188.375  law  444.805454.1503
 law business  484.010  law enforcement agency  57.015590.1040590.1265590.1265  law enforcement inquiry  408.675
 law enforcement mutual aid region  44.095  law enforcement mutual-aid region  44.098  law enforcement officer  44.09167.307287.243301.562304.153324.1100367.044556.061574.070577.001590.502650.451650.520
 law enforcement officer or agency  542.400  law enforcement official  301.564595.010700.096  law enforcement personnel  590.1040
 law-abiding citizen  1.480  lawful fence  272.210  lawful health care services  1.330
 lawful occupation  324.047  lawfully existing  226.550  lawn crypt  214.270
 laws  378.604  lba  337.300  ldn  67.1200
 ldps  461.005  lea  167.225  lead abatement contractor  701.300
 lead abatement project  701.300  lead abatement supervisor  701.300  lead abatement worker  701.300
 lead hazard  701.300  lead inspection  701.300  lead inspector  701.300
 lead poisoning  701.300  lead vehicle  194.500  lead-acid battery  260.200
 lead-bearing substance  701.300  lead-bearing substance activity  701.300  learn  400.1-202
 learner and apprentice  290.500  learning plan  173.831  lease  135.200400.2A-103441.005472.010
 lease agreement  400.2A-103  lease contract  400.2A-103407.738  lease or rental of tangible personal property  148.020148.610
 leased land  444.510  leased space  415.405  leasehold condominium  448.1-103
 leasehold interest  253.545253.545400.2A-103  leasing  400.2A-103  least restrictive alternative  475.010
 least restrictive environment  192.2400630.005  least restrictive type of occupational regulation  324.047  legacy  472.010
 legal advisor  104.332287.812  legal claim  436.552  legal custody  211.021565.002
 legal description  59.005  legal guardian  178.295  legal malpractice insurance  383.075
 legal representative  198.610404.007404.410404.703  legal representatives  443.060  legally qualified health care provider  538.225
 legatee  472.010  legend drug  338.330  legible  59.005
 legislative authority  353.020  legislative day  536.025  legislative liaison  105.470
 legislative lobbyist  105.470  lender  184.102288.330288.330348.015348.491367.100379.1851408.015408.145443.055443.703443.901  lender-owner  427.021
 lender-placed insurance  379.1851  lender's address  184.102  lending institution  311.401
 lessee  400.2A-103441.005571.510  lessee in ordinary course of business  400.2A-103  lessons learned  537.033
 lessor  400.2A-103  lessor employing unit  288.032  lessor's residual interest  400.2A-103
 less-than-truckload lots  390.020  letter of conservatorship  473.742  letter of credit  376.292400.2-325400.5-102
 letter of guardianship  473.742  letter ruling  135.682144.190536.021  letter-of-credit right  400.9-102
 letters  472.010  letters of credit  379.1353  letting date  227.552
 levee district  141.220141.220  levee districts  245.010245.285  level term life coverage  385.020
 leverage source  620.3505  leveraging  30.950  levied  135.010
 levies upon taxable real property in such development area by taxing districts  99.95799.1042  levies upon taxable real property in such redevelopment project by taxing districts  99.845  levy  511.760513.010
 liabilities  375.1152  liability  355.461375.1080  library  182.815
 library district  169.270  library material  182.815  library network  182.812
 library record  182.815  license  82.320190.900192.2200210.481302.010302.500303.020324.009324.013324.025324.475326.256331.060332.321334.043334.735334.1610337.105337.510337.615337.644337.665339.503340.200345.052346.010375.012379.1500454.1000  license agreement  407.350
 license holder  324.900  license tax  82.320  licensed advanced macro social worker  337.600
 licensed and available  197.318  licensed appraisal management company  339.503  licensed assistant behavior analyst  337.300
 licensed baccalaureate social worker  337.600  licensed behavior analyst  337.300  licensed clinical perfusionist  324.128
 licensed clinical social worker  337.600  licensed dealer  571.063  licensed dietitian  324.200
 licensed educator  170.047  licensed health care provider  191.1100  licensed insurer  382.400
 licensed marital and family therapist  337.700  licensed market  267.565267.670  licensed master social worker  337.600
 licensed operator  313.905320.106  licensed pharmacy  338.500  licensed physician  632.005
 licensed practical nurse  335.016  licensed producer  375.1112  licensed professional  376.810
 licensed professional counselor  337.500337.550632.005  licensed psychologist  337.010  licensed veterinarian  340.200
 licensed warehouse  411.026  licensed warehouseman  411.026  licensed, registered, or certified professional  436.218
 licensee  313.800324.087326.256327.011334.1203337.550339.150339.710345.085361.700374.700381.400443.703  licensee in ordinary course of business  400.9-321  licensee(s)  337.1005
 license-exempt  210.1253  licensing  324.012  licensing agent  8.700
 licensing authority  302.605324.012324.015324.025337.1005356.021383.130454.1000  licensing board  324.087334.1203335.365337.550345.085  licensing requirement  324.015
 licensure  335.016339.503  lien  400.2A-103428.009472.010515.505  lien creditor  400.9-102
 life and health insurer  375.1250  life beneficiary  402.200  life care  376.900
 life cycle costs  8.800  life expectancy  86.252  life imprisonment  566.030566.060566.210
 life insurance  376.365  life insurance cost indexes  376.704  life insurance net payment cost index  376.704
 life insurance surrender cost index  376.704  life jacket  577.161  life threatening  287.140
 light aircraft  144.043  light aircraft kit  144.043  light rail  386.020
 likelihood of serious harm  632.005  likelihood of serious physical harm  192.2400  likelihood of serious physical harm to the respondent or others  475.355
 likeness  196.276  limitation year  86.200  limited agent  339.710
 limited common element  448.1-103  limited conservator  472.405475.010  limited english proficiency pupil count  163.011163.011
 limited english proficiency threshold  163.011163.011  limited guardian  475.010  limited liability company  347.015376.292
 limited line credit insurance  375.012  limited line credit insurance producer  375.012  limited lines insurance  375.012
 limited lines producer  375.012  limited lines self-service storage insurance producer  379.1640  limited lines travel insurance producer  375.159
 limited mandate health insurance policies and contracts  376.995  limited partner  359.011  limited partnership  359.011
 limited time availability  407.730  limited-dividend corporation  215.010  line  386.020622.100
 line of duty  173.260  line therapist  376.1224  lineal descendant  453.121
 lineal descendants  472.010  lineal kinship  362.1015  line-make  407.815407.1320
 linked deposit  30.750  liquefied petroleum gas  323.010  liquid  142.800
 liquid assets  208.780369.014  liquidating asset  469.439  liquidating distribution  135.500
 liquor store  208.024  literacy  162.1130209.192  litigant  452.705
 live birth  193.015  live independently  208.900  live rural unit  230.245
 livestock  144.010262.900265.300265.490267.565276.606277.020537.325578.156578.600  livestock activity  537.325  livestock activity sponsor  537.325
 livestock dealer  276.606  livestock facility  537.325  livestock market  277.020
 livestock owner  537.325  livestock sale  277.020  livestock transactions  276.606
 living infant  565.300  living together  208.010  llr fund  173.100
 loading  319.303  loan  130.011184.102367.300620.1048VIII Section 23  loan agreement  640.651
 loan and investment company  368.010  loan broker  367.300  loan brokering  443.703
 loan processor or underwriter  443.703  lobbyist  105.470105.533127.010  lobbyist principal  105.470127.010
 local access and transportation area  386.020  local administration  473.665  local aid  160.415160.415
 local business externship  168.024  local commercial motor vehicle  301.010  local commissions  213.010
 local education agency  160.2000620.800  local educational agency  161.239161.1085167.225  local effort  163.011163.011
 local election authority  130.026  local electric service utility  91.026  local entities  701.337
 local exchange service  92.083  local exchange telecommunications company  386.020  local exchange telecommunications service  386.020
 local exchange telephone transmission service  92.083  local film office  620.1210  local food pantry  135.647
 local funds  650.100  local government  192.2005251.020319.303537.1000589.300620.3300XIV Section 2  local government/school district partnership  589.300
 local governmental entity  287.243  local governmental units  251.160  local homeless shelter  135.647
 local housing corporation  441.500441.590  local incentives  620.1878620.2005  local license  324.900
 local log truck  301.010  local log truck tractor  301.010  local organization for emergency management  44.010
 local organizing committee  67.3000  local personal representative  473.665  local property  151.020153.032153.034153.036
 local public health authority  199.170  local record  109.210  local sales tax  32.085
 local sales tax increment  99.1082  local sales tax law  32.085  local sales tax revenue  99.1082
 local soup kitchen  135.647  local sponsor  620.495  local transit bus  301.010
 local transportation authority  238.202238.302  local units  70.227251.160  local voice service  392.245392.460
 local voice services  392.460  local volunteer community board  217.010  local workforce investment boards  620.556
 local-filing office  400.9-710  locality  290.210  locally grown  262.900
 locally grown agricultural products  262.962  locate status  319.015  location  276.401313.905379.825379.1500
 location percentage  313.905  locker  196.450  locker plant  196.450
 locker room  196.450  lodge  378.604  lodging establishment  315.005419.010
 log truck  301.010  long term subsidy  453.065  long-acting or extended-release opioids  332.361
 long-acting reversible contraceptive (larc)  208.1070  long-run incremental cost  386.020  long-term care  260.700
 long-term care facility  192.2300198.610344.010  long-term care insurance  376.1100  long-term debt security  135.680
 long-term dignity savings account  143.1160191.1603  loss of hearing due to industrial noise  287.067  loss or impairment of speech or hearing  376.781
 loss ratio  379.1851  loss trending  287.930  loss year  143.431
 lost corner  60.301  lot  266.021400.2-105400.2A-103  lot owner  214.035
 lottery  313.205572.010  lottery commission  313.205  lottery contractor  313.205
 lottery game  313.205  lottery game retailer  313.205  lottery vendor  313.205
 low income or moderate income persons and families  215.010  low income tenant  215.300  low income unit  215.300
 low or moderate income elderly tenant  448.1-103  low or moderate income persons and families  108.450  low or moderate income tenant  448.1-103
 low- or moderate-income families  99.875  low protein modified food products  376.1219  low vision care  336.010
 low-dose mammography screening  376.782  lower grade investment  376.292  lowest and best  34.010
 low-income household  67.267767.2677  low-income individual  324.015  low-income persons  32.117
 low-income project  135.350  low-level radioactive waste  260.392260.700260.705  lucrative office or employment  321.015
 lump sum benefit plan  105.660  lying adjacent to the district  242.050  mac list  376.388
 machine gun  571.010571.010  machinery and equipment  144.053  maeg  70.875
 magi  208.991  magi equivalent net income standard  208.991  magistrate  542.010544.010545.015548.011
 mail  227.552  mailing address  589.660  main sewer district  249.430
 maintained job  620.3505  maintained payroll  620.3505  maintained revenue  620.3505
 maintained taxable sales  620.3505  maintains a place of business in this state  144.605  maintenance  71.330227.552236.400
 maintenance agreement  385.200385.300  maintenance costs  99.1205  maintenance drug  354.535
 maintenance medication  338.202  maintenance of certification  334.285  maintenance of effort funding  211.393
 maintenance of licensure  334.285  maintenance trip permit  301.175  maintenance work  290.210
 major airport  305.505  major alteration  701.350  major appliance  260.200
 major bodily function  188.030  major component parts  301.010  major convention event  620.1620
 major convention plan  620.1620  major facility  143.2105  major initiative  99.91899.100099.1082
 major life activities  192.2005  major medical equipment  197.305  major modification  701.025
 major political party  115.013  major reduction in force  135.215  major repair  701.025
 major source  620.2300  major structural renovation  701.450  major water user  256.400
 majority  448.010  majority of the commercial or agricultural classification  72.080  majority of the unit owners  448.010
 maker  400.3-103  mammography  192.760  mammography authorization  192.760
 mammography system  192.760  manage financial resources  475.010  manage waste  260.700
 managed  260.700  managed care  376.810  managed care entity  376.1450
 managed care organization  198.530376.1550  managed care organizations  287.135  managed care plan  354.600376.1350
 management  44.010260.700  management costs  67.1830  management of waste  260.700
 management planner  643.020  management services  143.451  manager  198.006326.256347.015
 managing general agent  375.147  managing the public right-of-way  67.1830  mandatory charge  407.730
 mandatory contributions  86.200  mandatory control level event  375.1262  mandatory control level rbc  375.1250
 mandatory distribution  456.5-506  mandatory income interest  469.401  man-day  290.500
 manicurist  329.010  manifest  260.360  manlift  701.350
 manual transmission  302.700  manufacture  195.010266.160421.005  manufactured home  400.9-102442.015700.010700.060700.525700.600700.650
 manufactured or mobile home land lease community  700.600  manufactured-home transaction  400.9-102  manufacturer  149.011150.300260.1053301.010301.550320.106320.350385.200385.300407.560407.585407.815407.838407.950407.1320570.225700.010700.650
 manufacturers and distributors of lp-gas use equipment  414.510  manufacturer's invoice price  149.011  manufacturing  144.030265.010
 manufacturing capital investment  620.2005  manufacturing milk  196.525  manufacturing raw milk  196.931
 marihuana  XIV Section 1XIV Section 2  marijuana  195.010XIV Section 1XIV Section 2  marijuana accessories  XIV Section 2
 marijuana facility  195.817XIV Section 2  marijuana microbusiness facility  XIV Section 2  marijuana testing facility  XIV Section 1XIV Section 2
 marijuana-infused products  XIV Section 1XIV Section 2  marine dealer  407.1360  marine manufacturer  407.1360
 marine sanitation device  306.300  marine toilets  306.250  marital and family therapy  337.700
 marital history information  566.200  marital property  452.330  mark  196.276417.005
 market  287.930287.942382.095  market milk  416.410  market rate  30.750
 market value  351.459376.292436.405  marketer  376.1500  marketing  414.510620.466
 marketplace facilitator  144.752  marketplace seller  144.752  marking  319.015
 marking device  115.013  massage business  324.240  massage therapist  324.240
 massage therapy  324.240  massage therapy instructor  324.240  mastectomy  376.1209
 master association  448.1-103  master lender-placed policy  379.1851  master rental agreement  407.730
 master settlement agreement  8.505196.1000196.1020  master social work  337.600  master social work practice  337.643
 master-metered multitenant dwelling  441.650  matching basis  620.1000  material  339.100339.532443.891573.010
 material aid and support  1.480  material aspect or element  407.1070  material default  227.600
 material lift  701.350  material recovery processing plant  144.030  material restriction  407.730
 material support  576.080  materially false information  571.063  materials  376.685
 maternal death  192.990  maternity home  135.600210.950  mausoleum  214.270
 maximum allowable compensation  50.333  maximum allowable cost  376.388  maximum allowable cost list  376.388
 maximum contaminant level  640.403  maximum medical improvement  287.020  maximum social security benefit available  143.124
 maximum upper limit  135.030  maximum weekly benefit amount  288.038  mayor  95.46599.02099.320
 meal  311.202  means  355.066  means of identification  570.010
 measure  130.011  meat  262.900265.300265.490  meat processing facility  135.686
 meat processing modernization or expansion  135.686  meat product  262.900265.300  mechanical breakdown insurance  385.200
 mechanical processing  260.200  mechanical restraint  160.263  medal  650.451
 median income  135.350  mediation  162.959452.403  medicaid  192.2005198.006
 medicaid dual eligible  208.780  medicaid managed care organization  208.431  medical alert or response dog  209.200
 medical assistance  195.205  medical assistance benefits  208.164208.164  medical assistance program  191.900
 medical benefits coverages  103.003  medical board  86.01086.20086.90086.131087.120169.270169.410  medical care  376.450376.845376.960379.930
 medical control  190.100  medical costs  221.120  medical damages  538.205
 medical detoxification  376.810  medical direction  190.100  medical director  190.100190.900650.320
 medical emergency  188.015188.015188.039  medical examiner  162.064302.700  medical expenses  103.003
 medical facility  XIV Section 1  medical group/staff model  354.400  medical information  407.1500
 medical malpractice insurance  188.043383.100383.150  medical marijuana cultivation facility  XIV Section 1  medical marijuana dispensary facility  XIV Section 1
 medical marijuana facility  195.815  medical marijuana-infused products manufacturing facility  XIV Section 1  medical needles  292.655
 medical nutrition therapy  324.200  medical organization  191.594  medical personnel  574.200
 medical practice act  334.1610  medical provider  436.552  medical providers  595.027
 medical report  287.210  medical retainer agreement  376.1800  medical school  191.594
 medical services  376.1500  medical staff committee  338.165  medical student  135.690
 medical student core preceptorship  135.690  medical student organization  191.594  medical treatment  595.220
 medical treatment plan  191.875  medical university  191.1820  medical use  XIV Section 1
 medical variance  302.700  medically indigent  94.1000  medically significant exposure  191.658
 medically underserved area  334.038354.650  medically underserved population  354.650  medicare  376.395376.854376.960
 medicare benefits  103.089  medicare conditions of participation  197.005  medicare modernization act  208.780
 medicare part d prescription drug benefit  208.780  medicare supplement policy  376.854  medication  167.627
 medication order  338.165  medication-assisted treatment  478.001487.200  medium grade investment  376.292
 medium to lower quality obligations  375.1072  meg  650.153  megaproject  135.950
 mellorine  196.856  member  57.94967.160070.60086.01086.20086.90086.123086.123186.131086.160087.120104.010104.1003143.436143.436169.010169.270169.410169.600274.020326.256347.015351.1003354.010355.066369.014374.352376.960376.1500394.020407.671589.506  member board  334.1610
 member data  370.081  member insurer  375.772376.718  member of a rating organization  379.323
 member of the beneficiary's family  404.410  member of the minor's family  404.007  member of the police department  86.510
 member organization  379.1300  member state  160.2000190.900191.025210.620324.087334.1203334.1610337.550337.1005345.085  member state base funding level  191.025
 member state current year funding level  191.025  member state current year population adjustment factor  191.025  members' interest  86.200
 member's interest  347.015  members' meeting  351.1003  members of the patrol  43.010304.001
 member's percentage  86.119086.1570  membership  163.011163.011355.066  membership contract  354.010
 membership fee  407.1240  membership interest  351.1003  membership service  56.80557.94970.60086.01086.20087.120104.010169.010169.410169.600
 memorandum of understanding  190.100620.2005650.320  mental abnormality  632.480  mental deficiency  630.810
 mental disease or defect  552.010  mental disorder  475.355630.005  mental disorders  376.810
 mental health care provider  632.560  mental health clinic  205.975  mental health condition  376.1550376.1551
 mental health disorder  478.001  mental health facility  632.005  mental health hospital  632.575
 mental health parity and addiction equity act of 2008 (mhpaea)  191.1164  mental health professional  632.005  mental health program  632.005
 mental health provider  210.900  mental health service dog  209.200  mental health worker  210.900
 mental illness  630.005630.810  mental injury  568.060  mentally disordered offender  630.855
 mentoring  173.831  mercantile establishment  537.125537.127  merchandise  137.018407.010407.432407.661407.1070407.1085537.125537.127
 merchant  150.010150.020400.2-104407.315407.432407.661537.125570.010  merchant lessee  400.2A-103  mercuric-oxide battery  260.200
 mercury battery  260.200  merging entity  351.1153  meridian therapy/acupressure/acupuncture  331.030
 message  307.122  metallic mineral waste  444.352  metallic minerals  444.352
 metallic minerals waste management areas  444.352  metal-penetrating bullet  571.150  meta-majors  173.2515
 meter machine  149.011  methamphetamine precursor drug  195.010  metric ton  266.160266.505
 metropolitan culture district  70.500  metropolitan district  67.750  metropolitan park and recreation fund  67.750
 metropolitan school district  160.011160.011  mga  375.147  micro wireless facility  67.5111
 microbrewery  311.195  microbusiness dispensary facility  XIV Section 2  microbusiness wholesale facility  XIV Section 2
 microenterprise  620.1069  mid-america regional council or marc  70.515  midnight deadline  400.4-104
 midwest low-level radioactive waste compact  260.705  mileage  407.511  milestones  173.831
 military  40.00567.1200324.009334.043337.510337.615337.644337.665345.052  military airport  67.1200  military community  620.3300
 military connected student  160.710  military court  40.005  military discharge document  59.480
 military facility  41.753  military families  324.015  military installation  160.2000620.3300
 military judge  40.005  military medals  447.503  military parent  452.413
 military service  104.010  military-overseas ballot  115.902  militia  41.030
 milk  262.700  milk plant  196.931  milk plant operator  196.931
 milk producer  196.931  milk products  416.410  milk solids not fat  196.856
 mill scale and slag  260.200  mine inspectors  293.010  mine property  137.115
 mineral  293.010444.765  mineral feed  266.160  miners  293.420
 minimum assumed expenses  375.1503  minimum base  135.030  minimum normal retirement age  169.270
 minimum price contract  276.401411.026  minimum prison term  558.019  minimum rehearsal and tour requirements  135.753
 minimum risk pesticide  281.020  minimum school day  160.041  minimum service retirement age  70.600
 minimum standards  67.287340.200  mining  444.352444.400444.765  mining site  444.765
 minister  352.400  ministerial acts  339.710  minor  194.210211.442287.020313.905324.520404.007407.925431.058442.010453.015475.010573.010630.005
 minor child  454.600  minor repairs  341.090  minor traffic violation  479.350
 minor violation  260.200260.360319.100444.352643.020644.016  minority  161.415  minority business  37.013
 minority business enterprise  37.01337.020620.1039  minority group  590.650  minority older individual  208.530
 misappropriated  367.044  misappropriation  417.453  misbranded  265.300281.220
 miscellaneous charges  488.010  misconduct  288.030  misdemeanor  556.061
 mislabeled  570.010  misrepresent  265.490  misrepresent a dog as a service dog  209.204
 misrepresentation in insurance applications  375.936  misrepresentations and false advertising of insurance policies  375.936  missing child  43.400
 missing child report  43.400  missing endangered person  650.025  missing juvenile  43.400
 missing person  43.400  mississippi river  313.800  missouri achieving a better life experience program  209.600
 missouri assistive technology advisory council  209.251  missouri average unemployment rate  288.060  missouri bank  362.106
 missouri biodiesel producer  135.778  missouri border counties  44.09544.098  missouri border county  135.1670
 missouri charge code  43.500  missouri college savings bonds  360.015  missouri commission for the deaf  209.285
 missouri consolidated health care plan benefit fund account  103.003  missouri corporation  143.114351.609  missouri criminal record review  43.53943.540
 missouri education program  166.410  missouri estimated tax  143.521  missouri family trust  402.200
 missouri family trust board of trustees  402.200  missouri forestry industry residue  135.300  missouri for-profit corporation  351.1003
 missouri higher education deposit program  166.502  missouri history museum subdistrict  184.352  missouri laborer  290.550
 missouri limited liability company  351.1003  missouri not-for-profit corporation  351.1003  missouri one start program  620.800
 missouri product  34.010  missouri qualified biodiesel producer  142.031  missouri qualified fuel ethanol producer  142.028
 missouri qualified long-term care partnership approved policy  208.690  missouri qualified research and development equipment  620.1039  missouri rap back program  43.53943.540
 missouri resident  208.780  missouri river  313.800  missouri rx plan  208.780
 missouri small business  135.400  missouri small business development centers program  620.1000  missouri state council on the arts  185.070
 missouri state highway patrol telecommunicator  190.091  missouri taxable income  135.100  missouri test-takers  173.250
 missouri vendor  135.753  missouri veterans' cemeteries  42.002  missouri veterans' homes  42.002
 missouri-st. louis metropolitan area  305.505  mistake of fact  452.350454.476454.505454.511454.517454.609  mistaken identity  610.145
 misuse of a pesticide  281.020281.020  misuse the emergency telephone service  190.308  mix  196.856
 mixed martial arts  317.001  mixes  196.856  mma  208.780
 mo healthnet  208.690  mo healthnet beneficiary  208.230  mobile application  311.950
 mobile electronic device  301.149  mobile home  390.020700.600  mobile telephone  302.700
 mobile unit  262.900  mobile video recorder  610.100  mobile video recording  610.100
 mobility dog  209.200  mobility motor vehicle  301.571  mobility motor vehicle dealer  301.571
 moderate income tenant  215.300  moderate income unit  215.300  moderate physical activity  167.720
 modification  407.833452.705  modular unit  700.010  mold  306.900
 monetary compensation  320.333  monetary instruments  574.105  monetary obligation  400.9-102
 money  210.560400.1-201630.305  money market mutual fund  376.292  monitoring well installation contractor  256.603
 montessori school  210.201210.201  month  1.020367.011  monthly fee  407.325
 monthly index of long term united states government bond yields  408.015  monument  60.301  moody's corporate bond yield average  376.718
 moral turpitude  590.080  mortgage  108.450215.010353.020400.9-102472.010  mortgage agreement  379.1851
 mortgage brokerage service  443.703  mortgage brokering  443.703  mortgage lender  108.450
 mortgage loan  376.292379.1851  mortgage loan originator  443.703  mortgage prepayment  215.300
 mortgage transaction  379.1851  mortgagee  379.1851  mortgagor  379.1851
 most accessible care  167.600167.600  motel  94.80294.870  motion picture theater  570.302
 motion pictures  570.225  motivating factor  287.780  motor carrier  227.630390.020
 motor carrier transportation contract  390.372  motor change vehicle  301.010  motor club  304.153385.450
 motor club contract  385.450  motor club services  385.450  motor fuel  142.800414.012416.605
 motor home  407.1320  motor oil  260.200  motor pool operations  92.400
 motor vehicle  105.1077142.800144.025144.030150.013238.302253.150260.200300.010301.010302.010302.700303.020323.010365.020365.200390.020407.738407.815407.816407.1035407.2020408.250577.300578.156  motor vehicle broker  301.550  motor vehicle dealer  150.013301.550
 motor vehicle extended service contract  385.200  motor vehicle financial protection product  407.2020  motor vehicle financial responsibility enforcement system  303.425
 motor vehicle leasing company  144.010  motor vehicle liability policy  303.190  motor vehicle primarily for business use  301.010
 motor vehicle record  32.091  motor vehicle title service agent  301.112  motorboat  306.010
 motorcycle  300.010301.010302.010302.133407.1025  motorcycle rider training course  302.133  motorist  544.046
 motorized amphibious vehicle  306.075  motorized bicycle  300.010301.010307.180  motortricycle  301.010302.010
 mounting height  307.020  moving violation  302.010  moving walk  701.350
 mrcvs  338.010  muffler  306.147  mules  43.010
 multicounty circuit  211.393  multifamily rental housing project  215.300  multijurisdictional antifraud enforcement group  70.875
 multijurisdictional enforcement group  650.153  multilateral development bank  376.292  multiple employer self-insured health plan  376.1000
 multiple mutuel pool  313.652  multiple project assurance contract  376.429  multiple purposes  67.651
 multiple unit condominium  135.481  multiple-beam headlamps  307.020  multistate authorization to practice  337.1005
 multistate license  335.365337.1005  multistate licensure privilege  335.365  municipal  92.077115.013
 municipal advisor  108.170  municipal authority  99.1205  municipal cemetery  214.270
 municipal clerk  67.1401  municipal court  302.010  municipal ordinance violation  479.350
 municipality  37.109067.28067.28767.30767.140167.180067.185067.280070.21082.103591.63092.07794.83899.32099.80599.81599.87599.91899.100099.108299.1205100.010115.013140.980141.220141.220226.010253.395256.670301.010305.400349.010386.020407.925441.500447.620622.100  municipality official  67.307  municipally owned or operated electric power system  91.025
 municipally owned utility  91.026  museum  82.85082.85192.03594.950184.102184.805  museums  67.578
 mutual association  369.014  mutual benefit corporation  355.066  mutual companies  376.020
 mutual corporation  379.1300  mutual fund  376.292  naic  375.345375.1025375.1250376.292376.365382.010382.505382.605
 naic liquidity stress test framework  382.010  naics  135.100135.200135.276135.950135.980144.810620.1878620.2005  naics codes  348.251
 naics industry classification  620.1910620.2005  naics industry groups  348.251  narcotic drug  195.010
 nasba  326.256  national association of insurance commissioners (naic) group capital calculation instructions  382.010  national committee for quality assurance  354.650
 national contingency plan  260.818  national criminal record review  43.53943.540  national rap back program  43.53943.540
 national service laws  620.582  national service position  620.582  national socialist (nazi) persecution, actions and policies  143.127208.013
 nationwide mortgage licensing system and registry  443.703  native perennial vegetation  261.500  native student  178.785
 natural disaster  137.082  natural physical changes  236.400  navigable waterway  306.325
 navigator  376.2000  necessary information  376.1363  necessary veterinary care  273.345
 need for access  393.550  need to know  160.261  negative trend  375.1250
 neglect  192.2400197.250197.500198.006210.110352.400568.060  negligence  486.805  negligent  285.025
 negotiable instrument  400.3-104  negotiate  375.012379.1500  negotiation  34.010400.3-201
 neighborhood association  441.500  neighborhood improvement district  67.453  neighborhood organization  32.10582.1027
 neighborhood youth development program  210.201210.201  nematicide  281.220  nematode  281.020281.020281.220
 net addition modification  143.431  net assets  351.015367.011  net cost  407.850
 net direct premiums  383.150  net direct written premiums  375.772  net earnings  362.010
 net federal reimbursement allowance  149.015149.160  net gallons  142.800  net general revenue collected  143.011
 net income  148.040148.150148.630402.200469.401  net income and revenues  8.3708.660176.010253.210  net invoice price  144.012
 net market price  275.357  net mass  413.005  net metering  386.890
 net operating loss deduction  143.431  net operating loss modification  143.431  net operating revenues from providing services of intermediate care facilities for the intellectually disabled  633.401633.401
 net premiums  379.720384.057384.059  net proceeds  8.505190.250277.070430.225  net revenue  313.905
 net revenues  204.410204.632250.130  net tuition revenue  173.1003  net value  376.200
 net weight  413.005  net worth  375.772  netting agreement  375.1152
 network  354.600  network plan  376.450379.930  neutral site  144.030
 new  407.815407.1025700.010  new business facility  135.100135.200135.950  new business facility employee  135.100135.950
 new business facility income  135.100  new business facility investment  135.100135.950  new business premium rate  379.930
 new capital investment  620.800620.2005  new data storage center  144.810  new data storage center project  144.810
 new debtor  400.9-102  new direct local revenue  620.1878620.2005  new drug  196.010
 new entity  347.705351.1153  new facility  144.810  new facility project  144.810
 new farm machinery  407.585  new installation  701.350  new institutional health service  197.305
 new investment  620.1878  new job  68.07599.91899.1000100.710135.950143.173144.810447.708620.800620.1878620.1910620.2005620.2250620.2300  new jobs  620.3505
 new jobs credit  620.800  new material  421.005  new motor vehicle  150.035301.550407.560
 new motor vehicle franchise dealer  301.550  new party  115.013  new payroll  620.1878620.2005620.3505
 new permanent full-time position  143.2115  new product  620.1910620.2005  new qualified investment  447.708
 new residence  135.478  new resident  115.275  new revenue  620.3505
 new state revenues  99.845  new taxable sales  620.3505  new value  400.9-102
 newborn safety incubator  210.950  next friend  188.031  next-of-kin  194.119
 nfpa  320.106  niche  214.270  nicotine liquid container  407.926
 nicotine replacement therapy product  338.665  nine director urban school district  182.701  ninety-six hours  632.005
 nmlsr  443.703  no arrival, no sale  400.2-324  no commercial value  415.405
 no-action letter  374.018  no-contest clause  456.4-420474.395  nominated person  400.5-102
 nonadmitted insurance  384.015  nonadmitted insurer  384.015  nonapportionable income  143.455
 nonattainment area  643.020  nonbank affiliate  362.765369.705  nonbank business entity  362.765369.705
 nonbank subsidiary  362.765369.705  nonbasic telecommunications services  386.020  nonbusiness income  32.200
 noncash proceeds  400.9-102  noncertified restricted use pesticide (rup) applicator  281.020  noncoal mine  293.010
 noncommercial gas well  259.050  noncommercial motor vehicle  302.700304.822  noncompact state  337.105
 noncompacting state  589.506  non-compacting state  210.570374.352  noncompetitive market  287.930
 noncompetitive telecommunications company  386.020  noncompetitive telecommunications service  386.020  nonconformity  407.585407.950
 nonconsensual common law lien  428.105  noncontractual indemnity  537.060  noncovered land  537.348
 noncustodial parent  210.620  nondeploying parent  452.413  nonduty disability  86.1560
 none  266.051  noneconomic damages  538.205  noneligible participant  86.200
 nonemergency forensic examination  595.220  nonendowed care cemetery  214.270  nonendowed cemetery  214.270
 non-english speaking person  476.800  nonfloating facility  313.800  non-foreign bank  456.1-103
 nonforfeiture interest rate  376.670  nonfriable asbestos-containing material  643.020  nongeneral power of appointment  456.975
 nonguaranteed contract  436.405  nonguaranteed elements  375.1503  nonidentifying information  453.121
 noninstrument airport  305.505  noninsurance health benefit program  169.590  nonissuer distribution  409.1-102
 nonissuer transaction  409.1-102  nonmember state  160.2000210.620  non-offender  210.570
 nonoriginal equipment manufacturer (non-oem) aftermarket crash part  407.295  nonoriginal manufacturer's parts  385.200385.300  nonparticipating manufacturer  196.1020
 nonpartisan  115.013  nonpartisan state demographer  127.010  nonpatron  351.1003
 nonpatron member  351.1003  nonpatron membership interest  351.1003  nonpayment of premium  375.001379.110379.882
 nonprobate transfer  461.005  nonprocessing retailer  416.410  nonprofit clinic  196.973
 nonprofit corporation  178.651215.010215.033  nonprofit organization  288.090537.118  nonprofit sewer companies  393.825
 nonpublic location  610.100  nonquantitative treatment limitation  191.1164  nonrecord  109.210109.500
 nonrecurring adoption expenses  135.326  nonrefrigeration dispensing accessories  311.070  nonrelinquishing parent  210.950
 nonrenewal  375.001379.882  nonresident  135.753143.101145.101301.010302.010303.020  nonresident entertainer  143.183
 nonresident estate or trust  143.371  nonresident member of a professional athletic team  143.183  nonresident military spouse  324.009334.043337.510337.615337.644337.665345.052
 nonresident partner  143.425  nonresident property owner  67.860  nonresident pupil  163.063
 nonresidential treatment program  376.810  nonresident's operating privilege  303.020  nonsubstantive projects  197.305
 nontarget organism  281.020  nontax liability due the state  32.385  nonterm group life  375.1503
 nontraditional mortgage product  443.703  non-usa-std motor vehicle  301.010  nonviolent offender  217.010
 nonvisual access  167.225  nonvisual skills  167.225  normal annuity  104.010
 normal business hours  67.2692  normal operating conditions  67.2692  normal retirement age  104.010
 normal retirement eligibility  104.1003104.1084  normal weekly hours of work  288.500  normal year  143.2115
 nosocomial infection  192.665  nosocomial infection incidence rate  192.665  nosocomial infection outbreaks  197.156
 not opposed to the best interests of the corporation  351.355  not receiving sewer service  204.472  not receiving water service  247.165
 notarial act  486.600  notarial certificate  486.600  notarization  486.600
 notary  486.600  notary public  486.600  note  400.3-104
 notes  260.005  not-for-profit corporation  354.010  notice  355.066358.030376.998400.1-202
 notice and a hearing  515.505  notice in writing  570.125  notice of deficiency  441.500
 notice of intent  135.950144.810620.800620.1878620.1910620.2005  notice of residential placement  210.620  notice of transfer  375.1285
 notice to proceed  227.552  notification center  319.015  notification center participant  319.015
 notification date  400.9-611  notifies  400.1-202  notify  453.121
 noxious weed  263.190  nqtl  191.1164  nuclear power plant  569.010
 nuclear security enterprise  144.054  nudity  67.2540566.200573.010  nuisance  67.254082.1027269.010441.500447.620701.025
 nurse  335.365  nurse practitioner  XIV Section 1  nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist  197.400
 nursery  263.020  nursery dealer  263.020  nursery school  210.201210.201
 nurseryman  263.020  nursing facility  198.401  nursing home  198.200205.375344.010
 nursing home administrator  344.010  oath  486.600  obligated bank  400.3-312400.3-411
 obligation  376.292  obligations  67.140168.20599.80599.91899.100099.1082251.603  obligee  99.02099.320100.310452.355454.460454.600454.1000454.1503
 obligee of the authority  99.020  obligor  400.9-102452.355454.460454.525454.528454.600454.1000454.1503  obligor estate  473.399
 obliterated, decayed or destroyed corner  60.301  obscene  573.010573.100  obstruction  67.1200
 occasion  313.010  occupancy permit  92.840  occupant  415.405441.500
 occupation  290.500  occupational areas of high demand  173.778  occupational competency assessment  170.028
 occupational disease  287.067  occupational diseases due to toxic exposure  287.020  occupational fee  324.015
 occupational license  324.047  occupational regulation  324.047  occupational therapist  324.050324.087
 occupational therapy  324.050  occupational therapy aide  324.050  occupational therapy assistant  324.050324.087
 occupational therapy compact commission  324.087  occupational therapy licensing board  324.087  occupational therapy practice,  324.087
 occupational therapy,  324.087  ocean marine insurance  375.772  odometer  407.511
 of another  556.061  offender  217.010217.695217.827400.9-516506.363566.145575.155575.157589.506595.010632.520  offender registration  589.404
 offenders under treatment program  217.364  offense  334.1610556.061  offer  409.800
 offer and disseminate  375.159379.1640  offer to purchase  409.1-102  offer to sell  409.800409.1-102
 offeree  409.506  offeror  409.506  office  37.70078.010130.011135.100192.2300214.270317.001369.014650.300VIII Section 23
 office industry  100.010100.710  office of air search and rescue  41.970  officer  40.00557.01577.40078.01095.540103.003362.1015
 official ballot title  116.010  official capacity  351.1081355.461  official compendium  196.010
 official depository account  130.021  official ear tag  276.606  official fees  365.020408.250
 official grain standards  411.026  official health certificate  267.565267.670  official inspection mark  265.300
 official misconduct  486.600  official notification  376.1065  official proceeding  575.010
 official rating agency  196.931  official rating survey  196.931  official sample  266.160
 official seal  486.600  official sieve analysis of agricultural liming materials  266.505  official signature  486.600
 official time standard  300.010  official traffic control devices  300.010  official written order  195.010
 off-road vehicle  304.001  offset agreement  32.385  oil  259.050260.818
 oklahoma border counties  44.098  ombudsman  192.2300  on-call/reserve taxicab  67.1800
 on-campus housing  174.335  online identifier  43.651  online tool  472.405
 on-site employee  292.675  on-site sewage disposal system  701.025  on-site sewage disposal system contractor  701.025
 open area  67.900  open captions  170.135  open competitive examination  36.020
 open referral plan  354.618  open space  67.900  open storage basin  644.016
 open storage vessel  644.016  open-air facility  577.800  opening day  21.600
 operate  173.600227.600306.010306.113  operate a vessel  577.001  operates  260.700577.001
 operating  260.700304.822577.001  operating agreement  347.015  operating costs  163.191
 operating levy for school purposes  163.011163.011  operating location  644.016  operating procedures  374.352
 operating subsidiary  427.220  operating taxpayer  144.810  operation  227.600236.400
 operational  260.700  operational savings  8.231  operative date of the valuation manual  376.365
 operator  192.2200196.450198.006214.270214.550260.200260.900293.010301.010302.010303.020304.822306.010316.203319.100407.985411.026415.405444.352444.510444.765444.805573.010  operator services  386.020  operator services contract  386.020
 opiate  195.010  opioid  195.010  opioid antagonist  195.206
 opioid-related drug overdose  195.206  opium poppy  195.010  opt out  374.352
 option  375.345  optometric services  376.685  oral  209.285
 oral communication  542.400  order  67.265374.046400.3-103  order of protection  455.010
 order suspending a license  454.1000  ordinance  99.80599.91899.100099.1082  ordinary care  400.3-103
 organ procurement organization  194.210  organization  313.500324.1100400.1-201447.620  organizational document  347.705
 organizational documents  379.1353  organizational instrument  362.1015  organizations  184.500
 organized funeral procession  194.500  organized summer camp  288.034  organizer  347.015
 original  50.172490.720  original assessment  138.200  original cost  137.122
 original debtor  400.9-102  original government survey  60.301  original package  311.200
 original source of information  191.907  originated  443.901  originating site  191.1145208.670
 originator  400.4A-104  originator's bank  400.4A-104  orsa  382.505
 orsa guidance manual  382.505  orsa summary report  382.505382.605  other activities conducted within this state  135.100
 other agricultural liming materials  266.505  other authorized health care practitioner  301.142  other eligible person  285.235
 other enterprise  351.355355.476  other entity  351.408  other facility  192.665
 other institution  430.225  other internet protocol-enabled services  392.611  other net new revenues  99.91899.1000
 other person  537.595  other person in charge  191.765  other property  407.400
 other protest activities  574.160  other secured obligations  375.1605  otolaryngologist  346.010
 out of service  302.700  outcome  209.700  outdoor advertising  226.510
 outfitter  306.910537.327  out-of-service order  302.700  out-of-state bank  361.005
 out-of-state bank or trust company  362.600  out-of-state business  99.918190.275  out-of-state charitable repository  196.973
 out-of-state employee  190.275  out-of-state public institution of higher education  173.005  out-of-state wholesale drug distributor  338.330
 outreach  191.800  outreach clinics  191.300  outside employee  104.1200
 outside the hospital dnr identification  190.600  outside the hospital dnr order  190.600  outside the hospital dnr protocol  190.600
 outside the hospital do-not-resuscitate identification  190.600  outside the hospital do-not-resuscitate order  190.600  outside the hospital do-not-resuscitate protocol  190.600
 outside the united states  486.1100  outside this state  454.1503  outstanding proceeds  361.749
 overburden  444.510444.765  overhead lines  319.078  overissue  400.8-210
 overpayment  630.460  overseas voter  115.275115.902  oversight body  324.009324.013334.043337.615337.644337.665
 oversight committee or committee  70.515  over-the-counter derivative instrument  375.345  over-the-counter sale  195.010
 overtime work  290.230  own risk and solvency assessment  382.505  owned  135.010
 owned and controlled  37.013  owner  67.140167.160068.20599.875195.817198.006210.493227.552236.400242.010243.010245.010249.134249.761259.050260.900267.010301.010302.010303.020306.010315.005316.203316.250319.100320.200376.718407.935429.013429.603441.500441.650443.055444.510447.503461.005537.297537.345570.225578.005701.300XIV Section 1XIV Section 2  owner of burial space  214.270
 owner of real property  184.805  owner or developer  392.460  owner-occupied  429.013
 owner's agent  573.024  ownership  196.1000620.800  ownership and control  379.1326
 ownership in beneficiary form  461.005  ownership interest  351.1153537.296  ownership of a majority of such stock or class of stock  362.119
 ownership of a unit  71.012  owns or licenses  407.1500  owns,  196.1000
 p  385.070  pace program  67.2800  package  149.200260.820413.005
 package of cigarettes  149.011  package of services  392.200  packaging component  260.820
 packer  265.010  paddlesport activity  537.327  page  59.005
 paid political consultant  105.450  paid tax return preparer  143.980  paid-in surplus  351.015
 panoramic x-ray system  192.500  paramedic  190.100190.900  parasailing  306.010
 parcel  99.1205244.070448.010  parent  135.712160.077161.396161.825162.997162.1042166.700166.700167.625194.210210.817211.021211.442285.625294.011379.1300431.058453.015454.440454.460475.010565.002  parent agency  197.250
 parent and child relationship  210.817  parent education  178.691  parental consent  329.010
 parents  194.200  pari-mutuel wagering  313.500  park  253.010300.010620.2300
 park district  141.220141.220  park thoroughfares  253.150  parking  300.010
 parkinsonism  191.1820  parkinson's disease  191.1820  parkway  226.280253.010
 parkway area  226.290  parkway road  226.290  parole  217.650
 parole board  217.650  part  194.210  partial opt-in county  140.010
 partially born  565.300  partially disabled person  475.010  partially incapacitated person  475.010
 partially regulated plant  262.700  partially unemployed  288.030  participant  115.104166.410166.502192.2200208.285208.400209.600285.1000376.450379.1351408.800537.325537.327537.850620.495620.556620.3900
 participant contract  379.1351  participate in abortion  188.100188.125  participating counties  205.975
 participating counties and cities  70.84370.859  participating district  360.106  participating educational institution  360.015
 participating employee  288.500  participating employer  285.1000288.500  participating health institution  360.015
 participating higher education entity  103.003  participating in management  319.100427.021  participating institutions  262.962
 participating lender  100.255  participating manufacturer  196.1020  participating medical resident  191.592
 participating member agency  103.003  participating municipality  393.705  participating pharmacy  208.780
 participating provider  354.600376.1060376.1065376.1350  participating state  262.700  participation agreement  166.410166.502209.600
 parties in interest  447.620  partisan political office  36.152  partition by sale  528.700
 partition in kind  528.700  partly within this state and partly without this state  143.451  partner  143.425256.800359.011
 partnership  143.425143.436143.436327.011358.060589.300  partnership agreement  359.011  partnership interest  359.011
 partnership level audit  143.425  parts and components  144.043  part-time  589.400589.414
 part-time or intermittent basis  197.400  party  136.315355.461379.011390.020400.1-201400.3-103475.502515.505536.085  party in interest  515.505
 party state  260.700334.1203335.365  party states  70.327  party to a residential mortgage financing transaction  443.703
 passenger  190.525305.010577.700  passenger car  307.178  passenger curb loading zone  300.010
 pass-through entity  135.753143.425  past damages  538.205  patient  190.100190.250190.525190.600195.600338.165404.805430.225630.005630.810630.855
 patient abstract data  192.665  patient examination  191.240  patient or resident  43.539
 patient's representative  190.600  patient's residence  197.400  patrol  43.01043.400210.900
 patrol officer  304.153  patron  351.1003  patron member  351.1003
 patron membership interest  351.1003  patronage  351.1003  pattern of criminal street gang activity  578.421
 pave  88.507  pawnbroker  367.011  pawnshop  367.011
 pay  104.1003238.302  pay on death to  461.005  pay period  288.034
 payable at a definite time  400.3-108  payable on demand  400.3-108  payback score  640.651
 payee  407.1060  payment  469.437  payment amount  376.2020
 payment date  400.4A-401  payment in full  376.789  payment in lieu of taxes  99.80599.91899.1000251.603
 payment intangible  400.9-102  payment intervals  86.252  payment order  400.4A-103
 payment plan  454.1000  payments  443.703  payor bank  400.4-105
 payroll deduction  104.010  payroll factor  135.276  pcaob  326.256
 pcb  260.396  pcb facility  260.396  pdp  208.780
 peace officer  67.287542.261590.010590.1265590.1265632.005  peace officers  43.010  peak  444.510444.765
 pecuniary bequest or transfer  456.001  pecuniary value  513.605  peddler  150.470
 pedestrian  300.010  peer review  326.256  peer review committee  537.035
 peer review process  537.033  peer support advisor  190.1010  peer support counseling program  190.1010
 peer support counseling session  190.1010590.1040  peer support specialist  590.1040  peer support team  590.1040
 peer-reviewed medical literature  376.1350  penalties or fines  1.330  pending  72.403455.010
 pending application  610.225  pension  70.60086.01086.90086.1310169.410  pension assignee  434.300
 pension benefit  169.410  pension fund  86.90086.1310  pension reserve  86.010
 pension system  86.510  peo  285.705  peo group  285.705
 peonage  566.200  per capita  67.1401  percent  266.160
 percent increase in inflation  143.011  percent of local incentives  620.1878620.2005  percent or percentage  266.505
 percentages  266.160  performance  573.010  performance audits  29.00529.005
 performance district  163.011163.011  performance levy  163.011163.011  performing group  407.309
 performing rights society  436.150  perfusion  324.128  perfusion protocols  324.128
 period  407.661  perishable food  192.081537.115  permanent and total disability  173.260
 permanent fixed plants  266.505  permanent guest  315.005  permanent partial disability  287.190
 permanent point-of-sale advertising materials  311.070  permanent service  91.025393.106394.315  permanent structure  320.106
 permanent teacher  168.104  permanently closed  260.700  permanently institutionalized individuals  208.215
 permissible appointee  456.975  permissible distributee  456.1-103  permissive supplier  142.800
 permit  67.5111236.400263.503320.106326.256390.020444.805578.600  permit applicant  236.400  permit area  444.805
 permit by rule  644.016  permit holders or applicants for a permit  644.016  permit modification  260.200
 permitted investments  379.1353  permitted project  319.015  permitted user  367.031
 permitted well driller  256.603  permittee  260.200444.805  persistent assault offender  565.079
 persistent boating offender  577.001  persistent drug offender  579.170  persistent misdemeanor offender  558.016
 persistent offender  558.016577.001  persistent prostitution offender  567.010  persistent sexual offender  566.125
 person  1.02032.09132.38566.50067.50067.60467.120067.254067.267767.267767.511170.44182.85082.85192.32592.40092.71094.50094.60094.70099.320100.310130.011135.500141.220141.220142.800144.010144.157144.605144.752149.011173.600184.102188.100189.010190.100190.290190.300190.525191.650191.658191.900192.760192.2200192.2550194.210195.010195.400196.010196.311196.525196.931196.1000197.020197.200197.305198.640205.967210.201210.201210.481210.1253213.010214.270252.020254.020256.603257.020260.200260.207260.241260.281260.360260.500260.565260.700260.818260.900260.1003263.503265.280265.490265.525266.021266.160266.291266.361266.505267.010268.011269.010273.345276.401276.606277.020281.020281.020281.220285.625285.705290.500292.600292.675295.020300.010301.550301.3128301.3129304.001305.505306.900307.120311.030313.205315.005319.015319.078319.100320.106323.010324.240324.700324.900324.1100327.011333.011340.200341.090345.015346.010347.015347.705348.300348.300351.015351.1003354.400355.066358.020359.011361.700361.749364.020364.100365.020367.011367.100367.500369.014370.140374.046374.202375.012375.772375.932375.1002375.1156375.1300376.292376.718376.1350376.1500379.108379.815379.1500379.1851382.010382.040385.200385.300386.020390.020393.298393.705394.020400.1-201402.130403.250404.007404.410404.703407.010407.400407.432407.511407.600407.738407.815407.925407.935407.1025407.1360407.1500407.2020408.250409.800409.1-102411.026413.005414.012414.510416.021416.605417.005417.453421.005428.009432.205436.100436.218441.500443.055443.703444.352444.510444.805447.503447.700448.010448.1-103452.705454.1503456.975456.1-103461.005469.240469.401472.010472.405475.380475.502506.200515.505523.205527.130537.785542.400570.225574.105577.161578.005589.506620.466620.638622.100640.102643.020643.600644.016700.010700.650701.025VIII Section 23  person acting as a parent  452.705  person affiliated with a public or private elementary or secondary school in an official capacity  573.550
 person eligible for public assistance  287.266  person employed in retail cosmetic sales  329.035  person entitled to enforce  400.3-301
 person entitled under the document  400.7-102  person having a right of custody  565.002  person having control over a hazardous substance  260.500
 person in the position of a seller  400.2-707  person related to  400.9-102  person using explosives  319.303
 person who has a legal duty to represent an aggrieved party  287.128556.036  person with a disability  178.651205.968  person with a speech impairment  209.261
 person,  578.170  person, venue, or entity who pays compensation  143.183  personal care assistance services  208.900
 personal care attendant  208.865208.900  personal computers  144.049  personal custodian  404.410
 personal delivery device  304.900  personal delivery device operator  304.900  personal floatation device  537.327
 personal identification microchip technology  285.035  personal information  32.091105.1500162.1475261.130407.1500476.1300575.095610.021610.021  personal injuries  287.020
 personal injury  537.1000595.010  personal knowledge of identity  486.600  personal lines insurance  375.012
 personal property  1.020137.092415.405472.010  personal qualifications  324.047  personal recognizance  544.046
 personal representative  404.007404.410404.703472.010472.405  personal risk liability  375.1080  personal service income  143.183
 personal supervision  333.041  personal vehicle  379.1700  personal watercraft  306.010407.1360
 personal-care attendant  210.900  personal-care provider  210.900  personal-care worker  210.900
 personally appear before the notary  486.1100  personally identifiable likeness  304.900  personally knows  486.600
 persons  143.751383.010  persons of low income  99.020  persons of lower income  99.020
 persons of moderate income  99.020  persons of very low income  99.020  pest  281.020281.020281.220
 pesticide  281.020281.020281.220  pesticide dealer  281.020281.020  pesticide dealership  281.020
 pesticide technician  281.020281.020  pesticide technician trainee  281.020281.020  pesticides  144.030
 pests  263.020264.021578.005  pet  266.160273.345455.010  pet food  266.160
 pet shop  273.325  petition  67.140168.205452.300  petitioner  452.300452.850455.010534.602
 petroleum  319.100  petroleum storage tank  319.100  pharmaceutical agents  336.010
 pharmacist  195.010  pharmacologic therapy  191.1164  pharmacy  338.400376.387376.388570.010
 pharmacy benefits manager  191.1164376.387376.388376.393  pharmacy care  376.845376.1224  pharmacy distributor  338.330
 phase i environmental site assessment  260.565  phase i reclamation  444.805  phase i reclamation bond  444.805
 photo monitoring system  238.302  photographs  490.720565.002  physical custody  452.705
 physical education  167.720  physical injury  556.061568.060  physical perils  67.1600
 physical rehabilitation  287.141  physical restraint  160.263  physical revitalization  32.105
 physical therapist  334.500334.1203  physical therapist assistant  334.500334.1203  physical therapy  334.1203
 physical therapy compact commission  334.1203  physical therapy licensing board  334.1203  physical therapy practice  334.1203
 physically active individual  334.702  physically disabled  208.900301.142  physician  188.015188.015190.100193.015194.210196.990197.200197.250197.400301.142334.105334.252334.400334.1610376.325376.960459.010XIV Section 1
 physician assistant  193.015197.400334.735  physician assistant student  135.690  physician assistant student core preceptorship  135.690
 physician of the foot  330.010  physician or nurse practitioner certification  XIV Section 1  physician's report  287.210
 physician's statement  301.142  pidgin signed english  209.285  pilot  305.120393.298
 pipeline facility  319.015  pit  444.510444.765  plaba  337.300
 place  214.070  place of business  266.021400.9-307407.400409.1-102  place of confinement  556.061
 place of residence  1.020  place where a person would have a reasonable expectation of privacy  565.002  placed in service  137.122
 placement  210.620210.620376.816  places  263.020  places of public accommodation  213.010
 plaintiff  507.060  plan  100.310105.660105.691256.437256.800285.625285.1000287.144434.300448.1-103469.437  plan administrator  376.891
 plan benefit  105.660434.300  plan income  469.437  plan of correction  192.2270198.545
 plan of operation  376.960379.930  plan of operation or a feasibility study  375.1080  plan of treatment  197.400
 plan or program  354.165  plan sponsor  376.450379.930  plan year  86.200103.003
 planned community  71.012  planning  44.010  plant  269.010
 plant inspector  263.020  plant parts  229.475  plant pests  263.020
 plant regulator  281.020281.020281.220  plants  229.475  plants and plant products  263.020
 plasma arc technology  260.200260.360  plastic  260.281  plastic bottle  260.281
 plastic fabricator  430.400  plat  448.010448.1-103  platinum  407.292
 player  313.905572.010  plba  337.300  pledged goods  367.011
 pledged property  367.500  pledgee  393.1700  pledgor  367.044
 plot  214.270  plug  306.900  pod  461.005
 podiatrist  197.200197.400330.010  point source  644.016  point-of-sale system  413.005
 pole  67.5104  pole attachment  67.5104  police animal  575.010
 police officer  86.20086.900300.010544.046  policeman  70.60086.01086.20086.510  policy  375.001375.421375.932375.1002375.1300376.1100376.2051379.110379.121572.010
 policy form  376.854  policy of accident and sickness insurance  376.773  policy owner  375.1503376.718
 policy owner value  375.1503  policy summary  376.704  policy, contract or plan  376.891
 policyholder  375.1285376.142376.148376.718379.108  policyholder behavior  376.365  policyholder obligations  379.082
 political action committee  VIII Section 23  political merchandise  130.011VIII Section 23  political party  115.013130.011VIII Section 23
 political party committee  115.157130.011VIII Section 23  political signs  442.404442.404  political subdivision  30.95044.01067.75067.120067.183067.267767.267767.506570.12070.21070.60070.815105.145105.145105.300105.450105.1155115.013140.980140.980141.220141.220190.100196.931205.968251.020285.525290.528301.260305.120324.012324.015375.772393.298620.2250
 pollinators  261.500  polling place  115.013  pollute  427.021
 pollution  68.205260.005348.015644.016  pollution control facility  348.015  polychlorinated biphenyls  260.396
 pool  259.050287.245320.400376.960  pool plant  262.700  pooled account  475.275
 poppy straw  195.010  population  251.160362.010  pornographic for minors  182.825573.010
 port authority  68.205  port cargo volume  143.2105  port district boundaries  68.205
 port improvement district  68.205  port improvement project  68.205  port infrastructure project  99.805
 portable bar  311.086  portable electronics  379.1500  portable electronics insurance  379.1500
 portable electronics insurance license  379.1500  portable electronics transaction  379.1500  portable plants  266.505
 position holder  142.800414.255  positive cash flow  620.638  possess  556.061
 possessed  195.010556.061  possessing a controlled substance  195.010  possession and concealment of a dangerous or deadly weapon  577.703
 possessory interest  537.296  possessory lien  400.9-333  post adoption contact agreement  453.015
 post commission  590.010  postclosure plan  260.200  postdoctoral experiences  337.010
 postexposure prophylaxis  338.730  postnatal care  191.940  postpartum  217.151
 postponement  351.268  postsecondary degree  105.1600  postsecondary education  208.400
 postsecondary education public benefit  173.1110  postsecondary educational institution  173.280  posttraumatic stress injury  320.400
 post-use polymer  260.200  potential donor  194.210  potential exposure  375.345
 potential transmitter  199.170  poultry  262.900265.300265.490  pound  273.325
 power boiler  650.205  power of appointment  456.975  power of appointment created by the powerholder  456.1100
 power of attorney  404.703472.405  power of withdrawal  456.1-103  powerholder  456.975
 powersport dealer  301.550  practical nurse  335.016  practice  327.076
 practice of advanced macro social work  337.600  practice of advanced practice nursing  335.016  practice of applied behavior analysis  337.300
 practice of audiology  345.015  practice of baccalaureate social work  337.600  practice of chiropractic  331.010
 practice of clinical social work  337.600  practice of dentistry across state lines  332.069  practice of embalming  333.011
 practice of fitting hearing instruments  346.010  practice of funeral directing  333.011  practice of geology  256.453
 practice of interpreting  209.285  practice of marital and family therapy  337.700  practice of master social work  337.600
 practice of medicine  334.1610  practice of medicine across state lines  334.010  practice of occupational therapy  324.087
 practice of optometry  336.010  practice of pharmacy  338.010  practice of physical therapy  334.500
 practice of practical nursing  335.016  practice of professional counseling  337.500  practice of professional landscape architecture  327.600
 practice of professional nursing  335.016  practice of psychology  337.015  practice of respiratory care  334.800334.810
 practice of speech-language pathology  345.015  practice of the law  484.010  practice of veterinary medicine  340.200
 practice of veterinary medicine across state lines  340.217  practices as a dental assistant  332.093  practices as a dental hygienist  332.091
 practices dentistry  332.071  practitioner  195.010324.047376.1575  practitioner of veterinary medicine  338.010
 prearranged ride  379.1700387.400  preceding  1.020  precincts  115.013
 precious metal  409.800  precommercial forestry activities  254.020  predatory  632.480
 predatory sexual offender  566.125  predecessor act  409.1-102  predecessor-in-interest  447.535
 predevelopment activities  197.305  predoctoral postinternship  337.010  pre-effective-date financing statement  400.9-707400.9-807
 preexisting condition  376.1109  preexisting condition exclusion  376.450  preferred claim  375.950375.1152
 preferred stock  351.459376.292  pregnancy resource center  135.630210.950  preinternship  337.010
 premises  1.020441.005537.785563.011573.010700.010  premium  376.395379.930380.201385.200385.300385.403  premium alteration requiring notification  379.321
 premium finance agreement  364.100  premium finance company  364.100  premium gasoline  414.255
 premium income received by a title insurer  381.112  premium outlay  375.1503  premium sedan  67.1800
 premiums  376.718378.604  premiums earned  385.020  premiums written  379.815
 prenatal test  191.923  prenatally diagnosed condition  191.923  preneed agent  333.011
 preneed contract  436.405  preneed trust  436.405  prepaid capitated  208.166
 prepaid dental plan  354.700  prepaid dental plan corporation  354.700  prepaid legal service plan  379.901
 prepaid telecommunications service  392.245  prepaid wireless service provider  190.460  prepaid wireless telecommunications service  190.460
 prepared  265.300  prepared food  192.081  prepayment  407.325407.671
 prepayment restriction  215.300  preponderance of the evidence  210.110  prerelease program  217.650
 preroll  XIV Section 1XIV Section 2  prescribed burn plan  537.354  prescribed burning  537.354
 prescribed pediatric extended care facility  192.2550  prescribed pediatric extended care provider  192.2550  prescription  338.095
 prescription drug  196.973338.330  prescription drug order  338.095  prescription drug plan  208.780
 prescription drugs  208.780  present  400.2-106  present value  400.1-201400.2A-103
 presentation  400.5-102  presented  473.050  presenter  400.5-102
 presenting bank  400.4-105  presently exercisable power of appointment  456.975  presentment  400.3-501
 presiding commissioner of the county commission  162.073  pressure vessel  650.205  pretreatment regulations  644.016
 pretrial program  217.650  prevail  136.315  prevailing factor  287.067
 prevailing hourly rate of wages  290.210  prevailing wage rate  290.210  prevails  536.025536.085
 prevention program  210.171  prevocational education  178.420  price  414.255
 price amendment  409.1-102  price cap regulation  392.245  primary american source of supply  311.275
 primary business  292.606  primary care  334.038  primary care case-management  208.166
 primary care physician  191.603  primary care physician sponsor  208.166  primary care professional  354.600
 primary care provider  354.600  primary caregiver  XIV Section 1  primary certificate holder  375.159
 primary consideration  476.750  primary employment  135.400  primary next of kin  41.030
 primary physical aggressor  455.085  primary policyholder  375.159  primary social security amount  50.1000
 primary standards  413.005  primary state of residence  324.087  primary system  226.510226.660
 prime farmland  444.535444.805  principal  253.545253.545367.300376.920407.911408.231443.901469.240469.401472.405486.600  principal balance  365.020402.200408.250
 principal business operations  620.3505  principal investor  407.815  principal office  355.066
 principal owners  135.400  principal place of administration  456.1-103  principal place of administration of a trust  456.027
 principal place of business  324.1100326.256362.1015376.718409.1-102  principal place of operations  362.1015  principal place of residence  508.010
 principal site  354.650  principal's family  404.703  principle-based valuation  376.365
 print advertisements  407.730  printed matter  130.031  prior assault offender  565.079
 prior authorization  191.1164208.164208.164376.1350  prior authorization review  376.1350  prior boating offender  577.001
 prior drug offender  579.170  prior offender  558.016577.001  prior service  50.100056.80557.94970.60086.01086.20087.120169.010169.130169.270169.410169.600
 prior service credit  104.010  prior year average attendance percentage  162.1255  prison commitment  558.019
 prisoner  566.145575.155  private activity bonds  108.500  private agency  595.010650.300
 private applicator  281.020281.020  private applicator permit  281.020  private attorney  34.376
 private automobile insurance  374.450  private burying ground  214.131  private campground  537.328
 private car company  137.022  private carrier  390.020  private child-placing agency  210.620
 private contractor with the division  207.085  private corporation  351.387  private entity  161.244
 private fire investigation  324.1100  private fire investigator  324.1100  private fire investigator agency  324.1100
 private investigator  324.1100  private investigator agency  324.1100  private investigator business  324.1100
 private jail  221.095  private mobile radio services  573.110  private partner  227.600
 private person  563.011  private property  563.011574.005  private road  228.341300.010
 private sale  415.405  private school  160.077166.700166.700169.315  private seller  571.063
 private shared tenant services  386.020  private telecommunications system  386.020  private tourist attraction  67.118594.802
 private warehouse  137.900411.026  privately occupied dwelling  320.200  privilege to practice  190.900337.550345.085
 privileged communication  546.265  prize  313.905407.1070  prize/gift  407.600
 proactive advising  173.2515  probable cause  210.110  probable maximum flood level  67.788
 probate code  472.010  probate court  472.010  probation  217.010217.650
 probation officer  589.415  probation or parole  210.570  probationary teacher  168.104
 proceeding  136.315351.1081355.066355.461  proceeds  361.749400.9-102  proceeds of a letter of credit  400.5-114
 process  362.445575.160  processed forest products  301.062  processed recycled asphalt shingles  260.221
 processed wood products  135.300  processing  137.010144.030144.054144.054265.010  processing days  376.383
 processing uaz  262.900  processor  196.311275.300275.357416.410  processor's license  196.316
 procurement organization  194.210194.321  produce  281.220  producer  196.525265.525266.505275.300276.401281.220323.010375.012379.930379.1500382.400385.200411.026414.510
 producer and produce  281.220  producer member  348.432  producing  144.054144.054
 producing broker  384.015  product  144.030144.054144.054259.050374.352620.3900  product display  311.070
 product liability  375.1080  product liability insurance  374.415  product liability policy  374.415
 product name  266.160  product which is intended to be sold ultimately for final use or consumption  144.010  production  195.010620.3900
 production plant costs  393.1620  products  173.955  products liability claim  537.760
 professional  317.001326.256  professional archaeologist  194.400  professional athletic team  143.183
 professional corporation  356.021  professional counseling  337.500337.550  professional employer agreement  285.705
 professional employer organization  285.705  professional employer services  285.705  professional engineer  327.011
 professional fiduciary  456.027456.1-103  professional forester  30.750142.028  professional fund-raiser  407.453
 professional geologist  256.453  professional land surveyor  327.011  professional landscape architect  327.011
 professional landscape architecture  327.600  professional organization  190.100  professional player  572.010
 professional service  356.021  professional services  356.021  professional sports services contract  436.218
 professional sports team  301.472  professional therapy dog  209.200  profit  99.020
 profit from gambling activity  572.010  program  23.25367.1600135.712161.825166.410166.700166.700173.100173.778173.831178.694191.300191.810191.950208.750208.780251.473303.403303.420338.700379.930589.660620.1048620.1878620.2005620.3300  program administrator  67.2800209.251
 program appraisal  67.1600  program appraiser  67.1600  program contributor  208.750
 program costs  100.710  program evaluation  23.160  program fund  348.400
 program guidelines  67.1600  program participant  589.660  program plan  8.50570.515
 program services  100.710  program-related asset  402.130  prohibited group enrollments  375.936
 prohibited human research  196.1127  project  8.2508.2878.3708.66067.78167.97067.280067.450068.20570.120100.010100.255100.310135.400135.478176.010227.600238.202238.302253.210260.005349.010393.705620.556620.2300620.2450640.651  project application  620.2300
 project cost  215.010640.651  project designer  701.300  project facilities  447.700
 project facility  620.800620.1878620.2005620.2300  project facility base employment  620.800620.1878620.2005620.2300  project facility base payroll  620.1878620.2005
 project for industrial development  100.010  project period  620.1878620.2005  project plans  227.552
 project sponsor  620.556  project taxpayers  144.810  projected net fiscal benefit  253.545620.2005
 projectile weapon  571.010571.010  promise  400.3-103  promisee  390.372
 promissory note  400.9-102  promote  573.010  promoter  256.800
 promotion  311.070407.600620.466  promotional association  311.086  promotional examination  36.020
 promotions  33.564  promptly  136.110407.1070  prone restraint  160.263
 proof of age  407.925  proof of death  461.005  proof of financial responsibility  190.100303.020
 propane  323.010414.510  propel  142.800  proper authorities  285.575
 properly completed referral  208.895  properly displayed  71.286  properly served  351.609
 property  1.020137.073184.102208.215252.235253.395253.401305.200320.200385.300404.007404.410428.009448.010456.950456.1-103461.005472.010515.505537.296556.061570.010  property and casualty insurer  375.1250  property assessed clean energy local finance fund  67.2800
 property assessed clean energy program  67.2800  property bail bondsman  374.700  property carrier registration  390.250622.600
 property factor  135.276  property of another  574.005  property owner  379.815701.025
 property taxes accrued  135.010  proportional costs  115.065  proportionate measurement  60.301
 proportionate share  393.298  proposal  67.5060400.9-102  proposing agent  72.400
 proprietary part  407.1320  proprietary school  173.600  proprietary school advisory committee  173.600
 proprietor  191.765436.150  prorated equivalent basis  537.118  prosecuting attorney  56.26556.265361.310454.435542.400557.014
 prosecution diversion  557.014  prosecutor of the jurisdiction  552.040  prospective donor  194.210
 prospective employer  290.152  prospective loss costs  287.930  prostheses  376.1222
 prostitution-related offense  567.010  protected cell  379.1351  protected person  285.575472.405475.502
 protected purchaser  400.8-303  protectee  475.010  protective order  475.502
 protective oversight  198.006  protective proceeding  475.502  protective services  192.2005192.2400
 protocol  190.100334.800  prove  400.3-103400.4A-105  provide  196.990
 provider  103.003135.1180190.400192.2495192.2550208.164208.164208.670210.201210.201287.266333.011354.400354.600354.700361.749376.427376.900376.1060376.1065376.1350376.1800385.200385.300407.2060  provider fee  385.200385.300  provider network contract  376.1060
 provider of care under a life care contract  198.012  provider of record  374.500  provisional clinical licensed perfusionist  324.128
 provisional license  210.481340.200  provisional licensed marital and family therapist  337.700  provisional licensed professional counselor  337.500
 provisional licensed psychologist  337.010  provisional placement  210.620  provisionally licensed assistant behavior analyst  337.300
 provisionally licensed behavior analyst  337.300  proximate fireworks  320.106  psig  650.205
 psychiatric advanced practice registered nurse  632.005  psychiatric assistant physician  632.005  psychiatric care  376.845376.1224
 psychiatric nurse  632.005  psychiatric physician assistant  632.005  psychiatric service dog  209.200
 psychiatric social worker  632.005  psychiatrist  191.603632.005  psychological care  376.845376.1224
 psychologically impacted real property  442.600  psychologist  337.015337.105632.005  psychology interjurisdictional compact commission  337.105
 psychomotor skills  170.310  psychosurgery  630.005  puberty-blocking drugs  191.1720
 public access computer  182.825  public accounting  326.256  public adjuster  325.010
 public adjuster solicitor  325.010  public agency  34.350105.1500190.290190.300285.625523.200595.010650.300  public assistance  208.055217.940285.625454.460660.325
 public assistance benefits  570.010  public assistance benefits, programs and services  205.967  public benefit  208.009
 public benefit corporation  355.066  public body  99.320100.310105.500290.210292.675393.420620.2500  public building  8.8008.830
 public business  610.010  public capital improvements  447.700  public child-placing agency  210.620
 public colleges and universities  173.355  public colleges or universities  173.480  public corporation  257.020351.387
 public document  105.450  public employee  105.055105.500105.1102188.200191.640  public employer  105.055105.1102285.525290.502
 public employment  105.1102  public entity  33.30534.600107.170376.433444.765537.600537.700  public facility  100.255188.200
 public financial incentive  135.980  public funds  188.200196.1127  public garage  301.010
 public governmental body  610.010  public health, safety and welfare  256.453  public higher education institution  41.948
 public highway  142.800144.030390.020  public institution  173.600  public law 104-191  376.450
 public library district  182.802  public library purposes  182.701  public mass transportation service provider  226.195
 public mass transportation system  92.40094.60094.700238.202  public meeting  105.583191.765610.010  public meeting in a quasi-judicial proceeding  537.528
 public member  323.010414.510  public mobile services  573.110  public motor vehicle auction  301.550
 public office  115.013130.011VIII Section 23  public officer  140.982141.981  public official  1.185105.470313.500
 public or private third party  191.875  public organic record  400.9-102  public owner  8.675
 public place  191.765574.005  public record  575.010610.010  public right-of-way  67.183067.267767.2677
 public safety agency  190.400  public safety answering point  190.400650.320  public safety employee  285.040
 public safety labor organization  105.500  public safety officer  135.090173.260287.243650.451  public sale  415.405
 public school  160.011160.011160.077169.010169.410  public school district  169.600  public security  105.273
 public servant  556.061  public service commission  386.020  public stockyards  267.565
 public stockyards market  267.670  public television station  185.205  public transit system  70.515
 public use  227.600  public utility  32.20067.1830143.455295.020319.078386.020  public utility right-of-way user  67.1830
 public vote  610.010  public warehouse  137.900411.026415.010  public warehouseman  411.026
 public water supply  256.437  public water system  640.102  public works  107.170290.210290.550292.675
 public works contract  8.962  public works contracting minimum wage  290.210  publications  181.100
 publicly available content  476.1300  publicly disclose  610.035  publicly display  407.1355
 publicly post  407.1355  publicly post or display  476.1300  publicly traded partnership  143.425
 publish  313.303  pull-tab card  313.005  pump installation contractor  256.603
 punitive damage award  510.261510.263  punitive damage final judgment  537.675  punitive damages  538.205
 purchase  34.01050.770144.605276.401400.1-201400.2A-103  purchase money lease  400.2A-309  purchase price  144.070620.3505700.320
 purchase-money collateral  400.9-103  purchase-money obligation  400.9-103  purchaser  144.010144.605144.752301.217367.044400.1-201407.738409.1000436.405448.1-103
 purchasing  443.703  purchasing group  375.1080  pure captive insurance company  379.1300
 pure premium rate  287.930  purposely  556.061  pursuant to commitment  400.9-102
 putative father  453.015  pyramid sales scheme  407.400  pyrolysis  260.200
 pyrotechnic operator  320.106  qio  198.545  qtl  191.1164
 qualification of medical or physical rehabilitation services  287.144  qualified  208.041  qualified active low-income community business  135.680
 qualified actuary  376.365376.380  qualified adult  409.605  qualified advanced macro supervisor  337.600
 qualified agency  135.341303.420  qualified air freight forwarder  143.441  qualified applicant  340.337
 qualified apprenticeship program  135.457  qualified assignment agreement  407.1060  qualified baccalaureate supervisor  337.600
 qualified bank  376.311379.083  qualified beneficiary  143.1160191.1603362.1015443.1003456.1-103469.401  qualified biomass  30.750142.028
 qualified business  620.638  qualified business entity  376.292  qualified census tract  253.545253.545
 qualified charitable gift annuity  352.500  qualified claimant  461.300  qualified clinical supervisor  337.600
 qualified community development entity  135.680  qualified company  620.800620.1878620.2005  qualified contribution  348.300348.300620.638
 qualified counselor  631.005  qualified county  59.800  qualified depository institution  381.022
 qualified developmental disability care provider  135.1180  qualified disability expenses  209.600  qualified distribution  135.500
 qualified domestic relations order  513.430  qualified donor  620.3210  qualified economic development organization  348.300348.300620.638
 qualified education expenses  166.410  qualified electors  67.2500238.202  qualified employee  620.3505
 qualified employment  340.337  qualified entity  43.53943.540  qualified equity investment  135.680
 qualified escrow fund  196.1000196.1020  qualified establishment  311.099  qualified extraordinary costs  393.1700
 qualified family member  143.121143.121  qualified financial contract  375.1152  qualified first responder  190.255321.621
 qualified first responder agencies  190.255321.621  qualified full-time employee  143.2115  qualified fund  348.300348.300620.638
 qualified geologist  256.453  qualified guarantor  376.292  qualified health insurance premium  143.121143.121
 qualified health professional  161.825  qualified higher education expenses  166.410166.502  qualified home energy audit  640.153
 qualified home energy auditor  640.153  qualified individual  285.625409.605  qualified individual household  660.100
 qualified industry organization  414.510  qualified inspector  316.203  qualified interpreter  476.750476.800
 qualified investing entity  135.500  qualified investment  135.500348.300348.300386.895620.638620.3505  qualified long-term care insurance  135.096
 qualified long-term care insurance contract  376.1100  qualified low-income community investment  135.680  qualified manufacturing company  620.1910620.2005
 qualified military project  620.2005  qualified missouri business  135.500135.503  qualified missouri contractor  135.710
 qualified missouri employee stock ownership plan  143.114  qualified missouri project  135.350  qualified motion media production project  135.750
 qualified organization  352.500  qualified packages or containers  311.099  qualified party  375.790
 qualified person  313.817356.021475.010  qualified plug-in electric drive vehicle  643.315  qualified primary credit score  376.292
 qualified professional  188.027188.039  qualified project costs  68.205  qualified property  135.710
 qualified provider  8.231  qualified purchaser  144.043  qualified rehabilitation standards  253.545
 qualified rehearsal facility  135.753  qualified remainder beneficiary  456.4-418  qualified renewable energy sources  620.1878
 qualified research expenses  620.1039  qualified residence  67.1600  qualified residential treatment agency  135.1150
 qualified retired peace officer  571.030  qualified risk manager  384.015  qualified rolling stock  137.1018
 qualified school  161.825166.700166.700  qualified service provider  161.825  qualified spousal trust  456.950
 qualified student  135.712166.700166.700  qualified supplier  620.1910  qualified terminal  142.800414.255
 qualified trade activities  143.2115  qualified united states financial institution  375.246375.1112  qualified veterinarian  578.600
 qualified voter  256.641  qualified voters  67.79967.140167.250068.20571.800182.802184.805238.202  qualifying agribusiness  348.400
 qualifying beef animal  135.679  qualifying contribution  135.712135.715135.715  qualifying county  253.545
 qualifying criminal background check  210.1080  qualifying date  143.173  qualifying electric plant  393.1400
 qualifying employer  620.2500  qualifying employment  173.2553  qualifying expenses  135.750
 qualifying facility  198.075  qualifying medical condition  XIV Section 1  qualifying military member  173.234
 qualifying national exam  337.1005  qualifying needs  161.825  qualifying patient  XIV Section 1
 qualifying project  70.859  qualifying residence  135.478  qualifying result  210.1080
 qualifying sale  135.679  qualifying sales  143.451  qualifying score  173.250
 qualifying signs  226.541  qualifying small business  262.900  quality control and quality assurance program  320.350
 quality of security anderror - nonapplicable term: (2) - delete "security and"; "security" not used in this section service  384.017  quality targets specified by the department  208.950  quantitative treatment limitation  191.1164
 quantity statement  266.160  quarantine  267.565  quarry  319.343
 quarter of work  208.041  quarter-monthly period  143.225144.081  quasi-public governmental body  610.010
 question  115.013  questionnaire  191.940  quick or sharp freeze  196.450
 quick or sharp freezing room  196.450  quick or sharp frozen  196.450  rabies  322.010
 race meet  313.500  race meeting  313.500  racial minority group  37.013208.530
 racing  313.500  rack  142.800  racm  643.020
 radiation  192.400  radiation disability  287.067  radiation machine  192.400192.760
 radiation physicist  192.760  radio broadcasters  137.078  radio broadcasting equipment  137.078
 radio frequency identification technology  167.168  radio personnel  43.010  radioactive material  192.760
 radioactive release  260.705  radiography  192.760  raft  537.327
 rail service  680.135  railroad  300.010386.020389.700537.240622.100  railroad companies  537.240
 railroad corporation  386.020388.010537.240622.100  railroad property  389.653  railroad train  300.010
 random weight packages  413.005  rank  40.005  rape crisis center  135.550455.003
 rapid transit improvement  91.780  rare disease drug  208.183  rate  67.5111137.073287.930379.888386.020622.100
 rate base cutoff date  393.1700  rate of insured unemployment  288.062  rate of levy  137.073
 rate, term, or condition  376.1550  rate-base cutoff date  393.1400393.1656  rated credit instrument  376.292
 rating organization  379.323379.435  rating period  379.930  rating plan  379.888
 rating system  379.888  rb  375.1112  rbc instructions  375.1250
 rbc level  375.1250  rbc plan  375.1250  rbc report  375.1250
 rcv  379.1851  reading selection  178.694  real estate  1.020339.010339.503376.292442.010448.1-103511.010513.010
 real estate appraisal  339.503  real estate appraiser  339.503  real estate appraising  339.503
 real estate broker  339.010429.603  real estate brokerage activity  443.703  real estate broker-salesperson  339.010
 real estate malpractice insurance  383.060  real estate owned property  379.1851  real estate salesperson  339.010429.603
 real property  1.02099.02099.320100.310137.010260.565339.503347.015353.020358.020392.460472.010513.605  real property rights  327.272  reallocation adjustment  143.425
 reasonable  407.815  reasonable allowance for consumer use  407.585  reasonable and necessary diligence as is consistent with good business practice  447.503
 reasonable and prudent parent standard  210.660  reasonable and reliable proof  643.335  reasonable attempt to repair  407.950
 reasonable consideration  425.010  reasonable efforts  211.183  reasonable fees and expenses  536.025536.085
 reasonable litigation expenses  136.315  reasonable market demand  259.050  reasonable medical judgment  188.015188.015191.250
 reasonable portion  172.290  reasonable safety accommodation  285.625  reasonable security measures  537.785
 reasonably adequate  370.235  reasonably available  194.210  rebates  375.936
 rebuilder  301.010  rec  393.1025  receipt  208.020209.035400.2-103411.026
 receipts  143.455  receiver  375.950375.1152375.1605515.505  receivership  515.505
 receivership action  515.505  receivership court  376.718  receives  400.1-202
 receiving agency  105.600  receiving approved charter school  167.132  receiving bank  400.4A-103
 receiving district  167.132167.895  receiving judges  115.447  receiving plan  105.691
 receiving plant or station  196.525  receiving state  160.2000210.620210.620217.490217.535337.105630.810630.855  recent overt act  632.484
 recently annexed area  94.857  receptacle  196.815417.350  recess  167.720
 recipient  37.700135.800173.250173.2553194.210208.164208.164208.400473.399  reciprocal jurisdiction  375.246  reciprocal state  375.790375.950375.1152
 reckless disregard  590.080  recklessly  192.2475197.500198.070556.061  recklessness  537.1000
 reclamation plan  444.805  recognition  334.735  recognizance program  217.650
 recognized educational institution  337.010  recognized mental illness  376.810  recognized repair technician  643.335
 recommended course of therapy  199.170  reconstructed motor vehicle  301.010  reconstruction of the building  448.130
 record  59.005109.210190.1010194.210260.1003266.021302.010351.1222400.1-201400.5-102400.7-102400.9-102402.130409.1-102432.205436.218448.010452.730454.1503456.1-103472.405475.502528.700  record date  351.1003355.066  record distance  60.301
 record shareholder  351.870  recorded  59.005590.700  recorder of deeds  59.00559.480476.1313
 recording  59.005590.700  recording group  407.309  recording judges  115.447
 recordings  490.720  record-keeping services  376.2051  records  109.500
 records and documents  324.034  records, reports, returns, and other related documents  32.080  recount  115.601
 recoverable transfer  461.300  recovered feedstock  260.200  recovered materials  144.054144.054260.200
 recovery high school  167.850167.850  recovery period  137.122  recovery zone bonds  108.1000
 recreation and amateur sports subdistrict  184.352  recreation vehicle  407.1320  recreational facilities  67.2000
 recreational motor vehicle  301.010  recreational motor vehicle dealer  301.550  recreational off-highway vehicle  301.010
 recreational park trailer  700.010  recreational resort  311.075  recreational trailer  301.010
 recreational use  537.345  recreational vehicle  700.010  recruit  566.200
 recruit or solicit  436.218  recruitment services  620.800  recycled asphalt shingles  260.221
 recycled content  260.200  recycled plastics  260.200  recycling  260.200
 redacted  407.1500  redeveloped  99.1205  redeveloper  99.320
 redevelopment  99.320353.020  redevelopment agreement  99.1205  redevelopment area  99.80599.1082
 redevelopment contract  99.320  redevelopment plan  99.32099.80599.1082  redevelopment project  99.80599.1082353.020
 redevelopment project area  99.1082  redevelopment project costs  99.80599.1082  redevelopment tax credits  135.800
 redistricting process  127.010  redistricting public comment portal  127.010  redistricting records  127.010
 reduced annuity  104.010  reduced work schedule  285.625  reduction  236.400
 reduction in coverage  379.110  reemployment services  288.040  reencoder  407.432
 referee  288.030  reference interest rate  376.380  referral  334.252381.029
 refiner  142.800  refinery  142.800  reflector  307.020
 refund  32.385143.782408.170  refusal  194.210  refuse  64.460444.510444.765
 region  189.010260.700260.705262.700  regional center  633.005  regional economic development area  251.603
 regional economic development district  251.603  regional economic development plan  251.603  regional economic development project  251.603
 regional economic development project area  251.603  regional economic development project costs  251.603  regional ems advisory committee  190.100
 regional facility  260.705  regional investment district  70.515  regional ombudsman coordinators  192.2300
 regional program  70.515  regional recreation fund  67.750  regional wage per job  163.011163.011
 regional wage ratio  163.011163.011  register  281.220454.1503511.760  register of eligibles  36.020
 registered  141.440141.440141.500141.500141.540  registered agent  362.1015  registered agritourism activity  537.850
 registered agritourism location  537.850  registered agritourism operator  537.850  registered business  190.275
 registered caregiver  192.2005  registered dietitian  324.200  registered dietitian nutritionist  324.200
 registered electronic notary seal  486.900  registered electronic signature  486.900  registered form  400.8-102
 registered geologist  256.453  registered guest  311.099  registered interior designer  324.400
 registered limited liability limited partnership  359.011  registered limited liability partnership  358.020  registered mail  1.025472.010
 registered mortgage loan originator  443.703  registered nurse  335.016  registered office  351.015
 registered organization  400.9-102  registered player  313.905  registered professional nurse  335.016
 registered property carrier  390.250622.600  registered respiratory therapist  334.800  registered team  191.1112
 registered veterinary technician  340.200  registered voters  67.140167.250068.205238.202249.761  registering tribunal  454.1503
 registrant  281.220285.705417.005  registrant, register, and registration  281.220  registrar  43.400
 registration  192.760281.220303.020324.047334.735436.218  registration date  67.1600  registration fee  67.1600
 registration in beneficiary form  461.005  registration of supervision  346.010  registration permit  236.400
 registration report  256.603  registry  191.1820214.270  registry number  195.010
 regular benefits  288.062  regular employee  36.020169.270  regular exercise  273.345
 regular interest  70.60086.010  regular meeting  243.010  regular mutuel pool  313.652
 regular place of work or business  486.600  regular route  390.020  regular session  130.011243.010
 regularly  573.010  regularly practice  191.1100  regulated area  262.700
 regulated article  263.503  regulated asbestos-containing material  643.020  regulated social worker  337.1005
 regulated substance  319.100  regulations  196.525411.026  regulatory action level event  375.1257
 regulatory action level rbc  375.1250  regulatory authority  226.950  regulatory entity  324.047
 regulatory markers  306.124  regulatory relief office  620.3900  rehabilitation  199.001447.620630.005
 rehabilitation or conservation work  99.320  rehabilitation permit  99.875  rehabilitation practitioner  287.144
 rehabilitation provider  287.144  rehearsal  135.753  rehearsal expenses  135.753
 reimbursement insurance policy  385.200385.300  reinsurance intermediary  375.1112  reinsurance intermediary-broker  375.1112
 reinsurance intermediary-manager  375.1112  reinsurer  375.1112  rejected ballot  115.447
 related  192.2200210.481  related activities  320.310  related child care  210.900
 related company  620.800620.1878620.2005  related corporations  288.090  related disorders  167.950
 related educational costs  173.2553  related elder care  210.900  related electrical equipment  316.203
 related entity  427.220  related facilities  305.505  related facility  68.075135.950620.800620.1878620.2005620.2250
 related facility base employment  135.950620.800620.1878620.2005  related facility base payroll  620.1878620.2005  related interest of the person  620.1060
 related services  630.205  related taxpayer  135.100135.950  relative  210.123210.565210.620428.009453.072528.700565.140595.010
 relative caregiver  431.058  relative within the second degree by consanguinity or affinity  115.013  relay agent  209.261
 release  260.500260.900319.100  released claims  196.1000  releasing agency  273.400
 releasing parties  196.1000  relevant  589.200  relevant circumstances  1.307
 relevant market area  407.817407.1035  relevant professional education and training  337.033  reliever airport  137.010
 religious cemetery  214.270214.550  religious degree  173.600  religious organization  210.201210.201313.005352.400407.453537.1000
 religious program  173.600  relinquishing parent  210.950  relocate  227.552407.817407.1035452.377
 relocation  227.552407.817407.1035452.377  relocation costs  620.800  relocation plan,  227.552
 remain after unlawfully entering  563.011  remainder beneficiaries  402.200  remainder beneficiary  469.401
 remains of a human fetus  194.375  remedial action  260.565  remediation  160.077260.565
 remedy  400.1-201  remitter  400.3-103  remote computing service  472.405
 remote computing services  351.609  remote dispensing site pharmacy  338.215  remote medication dispensing  338.143
 remote online notarial act  486.1100  remote online notarization  486.1100  remote online notary public  486.1100
 remote presentation  486.1100  remote state  190.900324.087334.1203335.365337.550337.1005345.085  remote supplier  107.170
 remotely located individual  486.1100  removal  142.800  removal costs  260.818
 remove or removal  260.818  remuneration  334.252  renewable energy credit  393.1025
 renewable energy generation zone  135.950  renewable energy improvement  67.2800  renewable energy resource  135.950
 renewable energy resources  386.890393.1025  renewable energy source  8.800  renewable energy sources  386.895
 renewable fuel production facility  30.86099.1000348.430348.432  renewable natural gas  386.895  renewable natural gas infrastructure  386.895
 renewal  375.001379.110379.882  renewal apprentice  173.2553  renewal student  173.250173.2553
 renovate  67.970  renovation  67.970  renovator  421.005
 rent  213.010441.005441.740  rent constituting property taxes accrued  135.010  rental agreement  407.730415.405
 rental or leasing facility  137.092  rental-purchase agreement  407.661  renters' or tenants' insurance  374.400
 repair and replacement  407.511  repaired  88.507  repairs  236.400
 repeatability  320.350  repeated negligence  334.100334.613335.066340.264  repeatedly  190.308
 replacement  67.5092  replacement business facility  135.100135.950  replacement cost value  379.1851
 replacement facility  144.810  replacement resources  393.1705  replication transaction  375.345
 report  181.100210.109210.110326.256352.400  reportable data  367.031  reportable hours  290.257
 reportable quantity  260.900  reported evidentiary collection kit  595.220  reported wage sum  290.257
 reporting pawnbroker  367.031  reports of examinations, operations, or conditions  362.1015  represent  265.490
 representative  295.020400.1-201427.021  represented person  400.3-307  reproducing  59.005
 repurchase agreement  375.1152  repurchase transaction  376.292  request  208.217400.9-210400.9-616
 request for additional information  376.383  request for an accounting  400.9-210  request for proposal  67.5060
 request for proposals  8.231  request for qualifications  173.831  request regarding a list of collateral  400.9-210
 request regarding a statement of account  400.9-210  requester of fact  486.600  requesting entity  43.53544.091
 require  407.815  required beginning date  50.100086.252  required documentation  115.077
 required educational assessment and community treatment program  559.630  required liabilities  376.292  required use  381.029
 resale of telecommunications service  386.020  rescission statement  407.1240  research  414.510
 research or experimentation activities  144.010  research or experimentation program or project  170.231  research project  172.790172.800196.1127
 reseller  323.010414.510  reserve  70.600  reserve depositary  362.010
 reserve officer  86.200590.040  reserve peace officer  590.010  reserve period taxes  140.980140.980141.220141.220
 reserves on deposit  362.010  reserves on hand  362.010  reservoir  236.400
 reset  226.541  residence  143.451191.1150197.250302.010393.550407.020436.350442.566563.011589.404630.005  residence address  302.010
 residence district  300.010  residence in foreclosure  407.935  residence state  453.500
 residency  167.020  resident  135.753143.101145.101192.2300198.006198.610340.337355.066376.718376.900376.960630.005  resident address  302.010
 resident corporation  311.060  resident creditor  473.665  resident estate or trust  143.331
 resident freeholder  65.701  resident in psychiatry  632.005  resident military spouse  324.009334.043337.510337.615337.644337.665345.052
 resident partner  143.425  resident pupil  163.011163.011  residential area  537.348
 residential care facility  163.063198.006210.481210.1253  residential construction  321.222321.228  residential construction regulatory system  321.222321.228
 residential facility  210.620630.005  residential fire insurance  374.400  residential housing  215.010
 residential housing development  644.016  residential mortgage board  443.703  residential mortgage financing transaction  443.703
 residential mortgage loan  376.292443.703  residential mortgage loan broker  443.703  residential mortgage loan brokerage agreement  443.703
 residential mortgage loan commitment  443.703  residential property  137.016429.013  residential purposes  448.1-103
 residential real estate  339.503339.710408.015408.231408.570429.016443.703  residential real estate loan  408.015408.570  residential real property  167.151429.016
 residential subscriber  407.1095  residential treatment program  376.810  resides  566.147
 residual market  287.930  residuary clause  456.1020  resolution  251.603
 resolution date  436.552  resort  311.095311.176311.178  resource recovery  260.005260.200260.360
 resource recovery facility  260.005260.200  resource recovery system  260.005  resources  23.160
 respiratory care  334.800  respiratory care practitioner  334.800  respite care  192.2100633.005
 respondent  68.205213.010452.300452.850455.010475.502534.602631.005632.005  responding state  454.1503  responding tribunal  454.1503
 response  70.820  responsibility  400.3-405  responsible charge  327.011
 responsible charge of work  256.453  responsible party  260.818  rest area  226.510
 restaurant  191.765196.276  restaurant bar  311.196  restitution  595.200
 restraint  160.263  restraints  217.151  restricted  141.440141.440141.500141.500141.540190.900
 restricted account  402.200  restricted certified mail  184.102  restricted driving privilege  302.010
 restricted network provision  379.930  restricted use pesticide  281.020281.020281.220  restricted, registered mail  506.200
 restriction of or loss of access  227.120  resurfacing  227.552  retail  338.500
 retail area  99.805  retail buyer  365.020408.250  retail charge agreement  408.250
 retail dealer  135.772135.775  retail electric supplier  386.890  retail infrastructure projects  99.805
 retail installment contract  365.020  retail installment transaction  365.020  retail marketer  323.010414.510
 retail pet store  273.345  retail place of business  266.021  retail sale  144.011144.752416.605
 retail sales  260.262260.273  retail seller  365.020408.250  retail service station  135.772135.775
 retail time contract  408.250  retail time transaction  408.250  retail transaction  190.460
 retail value  570.103  retailer  142.800149.011196.311311.265320.350407.850416.605  retailer's license  196.316
 retained asset account  376.2051  retained business facility  135.276  retained business facility employee  135.276
 retained business facility income  135.276  retained business facility investment  135.276  retained job  447.708620.1910
 retained jobs  620.800  retained jobs credit  620.800  retirant  70.600169.270
 retired  301.144  retired license status  335.016  retired member  169.410
 retiree  103.003104.010104.1003  retirement  86.1310  retirement allowance  86.01086.20087.120169.010169.270169.600
 retirement board  86.90086.1310  retirement fund  50.1000  retirement plan  105.691
 retirement system  50.100056.80557.94970.60086.01086.20086.90086.131087.120104.010104.1003169.010169.410169.600  retrospective review  376.1350  return on an ownership interest  381.029
 revenue  50.527  revenue bonds  8.3708.660100.010176.010253.210  revenue requirement impact cap  393.1656
 revenue-producing enterprise  135.100135.200135.276  revenues  68.205108.450227.600260.005360.015386.266  reverse mortgage loan  443.901
 reverse repurchase transaction  376.292  reviewed year  143.425  revocable  456.1-103
 revocation  302.500  revoked credit card  407.432  rfp  8.231
 rib of beef  265.490  rice  265.525  rice farming or flood irrigation  49.60064.09064.62064.890
 rider  379.1700387.400  ride-sharing arrangement  285.200  ridge  444.510444.765
 rifle  571.010571.010  right  400.1-201  right of sepulcher  194.119
 right-of-way  67.5111300.010304.001  right-of-way permit  67.1830  rights  355.066
 rights-of-way management costs  67.1830  rigid plastic container  260.281  risk and needs assessment  478.001
 risk assessment  701.300  risk assessor  701.300  risk retention group  375.1080
 river  257.020  river basin  257.020  rm  375.1112
 road  137.557137.558228.010  road and bridge purposes  137.555  road district  141.220141.220
 road hazard  385.200  roadbed  389.991  roadway  300.010304.001307.191
 rodent  281.220  rodenticide  281.220  rollback or car carrier  301.010
 rolling papers  407.925  roof system  407.725  room  311.099
 round of beef  265.490  route  304.120  routine patient care costs  376.429
 routine tasks  208.900  royalties  436.150  royalty  436.150
 rrt  334.800  rubbish  64.460  rule  160.2000190.900210.570210.620266.160324.087334.1203334.1610337.105337.550345.085374.352379.1353536.010
 rule(s)  337.1005  rule(s) of the commission  337.1005  rules  378.604411.026589.506
 rules and regulations  173.600252.020254.020  run  407.350  runway  305.120305.400
 rural alternative local exchange telecommunications company  392.605  rural area  191.950334.252394.020620.1878620.2005620.3505  rural electric cooperative  44.032394.085
 rural fund  620.3505  rural interstate  304.010  rural investor  620.3505
 s corporation  32.105143.436143.436  saddle  301.010  saddlemount combination  301.010
 sadomasochistic abuse  573.010  safe care network  334.950  safe care provider  334.950
 safety bumper  304.170  safety glass  307.130  safety glazing material  701.010
 safety permit  236.400  safety rules  316.203  safety zone  300.010
 safety-sensitive positions  105.1116  salaries, wages, commissions and other compensation  92.113  salary  163.172163.172169.010169.600287.812476.515
 salary rate  169.010169.600  sale  144.010144.605149.011195.010252.235266.291276.401281.020281.020281.220320.106320.350400.2-106407.010409.800409.1-102416.605417.360  sale at retail  144.010144.011
 sale by the drink  311.100  sale from bulk  413.005  sale of a modular unit  144.044
 sale of a new manufactured home  144.044  sale of a used manufactured home  144.044  sale on approval  400.2-326
 sale or distribution  407.400  sale or return  400.2-326  sale price  301.210
 sales  32.200144.010  sales agreement  8.505  sales at retail  265.280
 sales finance company  365.020  sales invoice  144.088  sales of tourism-oriented goods and services  620.467
 sales price  144.605  sales receipt  144.088  sales representative  407.911
 sales tax  32.200  sales tax revenue collected  67.50067.700  sales transaction  311.297
 salvage certificate of title  301.217  salvage dealer and dismantler  301.010  salvage disposal sale  301.217
 salvage pool  301.217  salvage vehicle  301.010  same course of conduct  565.252
 same or substantially similar enhanced business enterprise  135.950  same or substantially similar revenue-producing enterprise  135.100  same-sex domestic partners  169.141169.715
 sample  407.925  sampling  407.925  sanctuary policy  67.307
 sandbox applicant  620.3900  sandbox participant  620.3900  sandbox program  620.3900
 sandbox program director  620.3900  sanitary landfill  260.200  sanitary sewer improvement area  204.650
 sanitary sewer improvement area act  204.650  sanitizer  421.005  sat  173.250
 satellite zone  135.200  satellite, outpatient or mobile small animal clinic  340.200  satisfactory evidence  486.600
 satisfactory evidence of immunization  210.003  satisfactory site  8.725  savings  640.651
 savings and loan holding company  369.086  savings promotion program  408.800  scabies  267.670
 scaled distance  319.303  scalp hair prostheses  376.1222  scanner  413.005
 scanning device  407.432  scatter garden  214.550  scenic, landscape, sightly or safety easement  226.280
 schedule ii, iii, or iv controlled substance  195.600  scholarship account  135.712  scholarship granting organization  161.825
 school  115.143160.077161.1085167.115167.625167.800173.600566.086571.010640.651  school administrator  169.410  school age children  167.600167.600
 school board  160.011160.011162.563640.651  school bus  301.010302.010302.700304.822390.020  school bus operator  302.010
 school children health services  167.600167.600  school day  160.041160.041  school district  92.710141.220141.220160.011160.011162.563167.115167.800168.104169.270169.410589.300643.020
 school district bonds  360.106  school districts formed of cities or towns  160.031  school employee  167.625167.800
 school facility  166.300  school in need of intervention  161.1085  school innovation team  161.214
 school innovation waiver  161.214  school librarian  168.770  school library information and technology program  168.770
 school month  160.041160.041  school of barbering  328.010  school of cosmetology  329.010
 school of manicuring  329.010  school or work day  169.270  school protection officer  590.010
 school purposes  163.011163.011  school supplies  144.049  school system  210.201210.201
 school term  160.011160.011  school year  160.041160.041169.010169.600  school-age child  210.201
 school-aged team, club, or ensemble  566.086  schools  262.962  science and innovation  348.251
 science and innovation company  348.251  science and innovation employee  348.251  scope criteria  382.010
 scope of practice  190.900  scrap  260.200  scrap processor  301.010
 scrap tire  260.200  scrap tire collection center  260.200  scrap tire end-user facility  260.200
 scrap tire generator  260.200  scrap tire processing facility  260.200  scrap tire site  260.200
 screened volunteer  168.133  script  313.905  seal  700.010
 sealed record  335.068  search  367.031381.085  search and rescue dog  209.200
 search of the public records  381.085  search of title  381.085  seasonal retailer  320.106
 sec  375.1025  seclusion  160.263  second mortgage loan  408.231
 second opinion  376.1350  second or subsequent violation  194.400  second tier contractor  32.105
 secondary education loans  173.355  secondary obligor  400.9-102  secondary standards  413.005
 secondhand material  421.005  secretary  109.210160.011160.011226.280302.700347.015355.066362.1015379.815486.600589.660  secretary of state  351.1003
 secretary's designee  362.1015  section 25 of article v of the constitution of missouri  476.451  section 27 of article v of the constitution of missouri  476.451
 section 29, article v of the constitution  476.451  section 30 of article v of the constitution  476.451  section 404  375.1025
 section 404 report  375.1025  secure detention  211.063  secure facility  552.040575.157632.520
 secured claim  375.950375.1152  secured creditor  515.505  secured location  376.292
 secured party  400.9-102407.738  secured personal credit loan  367.011  securities account  400.8-501
 securities and exchange commission  409.1-102  securities contract  375.1152  securities intermediary  400.8-102
 securities lending transaction  376.292  securitized utility tariff bonds  393.1700  securitized utility tariff charge  393.1700
 securitized utility tariff costs  393.1700  securitized utility tariff property  393.1700  security  381.022400.8-102403.250409.1-102461.005
 security agreement  400.9-102407.738  security certificate  400.8-102  security deposit  381.022535.300
 security entitlement  400.8-102  security freeze  407.1380  security guard  71.195
 security instrument  369.014443.005443.055  security interest  400.1-201  security procedure  400.4A-201432.205486.900
 securityholder  382.010  seed capital  348.300348.300620.638  seismograph  319.303
 seizing agency  513.605  seizure  266.021513.605  self-administration  167.627196.990
 self-employed individual  285.1000  self-insurance  538.205  self-insurer  375.772
 self-regulatory organization  409.1-102  self-service storage facility  415.405  self-service storage insurance  379.1640
 self-supporting illustration  375.1503  sell  196.311320.350375.012379.1500409.800416.605  sell or sale  346.010
 seller  144.010144.752190.460265.490333.011365.020367.044393.298400.2-103407.738407.1070408.250409.1000421.005  seller's agent  339.710  selling agent  144.605
 selling or holding and offering for sale  281.050  sells  266.291  seminude  67.2540
 semi-nude  573.010  seminude condition  67.2540  semi-nude model studio  573.010
 seminudity  226.531  send  400.1-201400.9-102  sender  400.4A-103400.4A-202
 sending agency  44.091105.600210.620  sending district  167.132167.850167.850167.895  sending state  160.2000210.620217.490217.535630.810630.855
 senior secured debt  620.3505  sensitive areas  640.703  sensitive personal identifying information  59.331
 separate account  376.309  series company  376.292  serious emotional injury  556.061568.060
 serious incident  316.203  serious infectious or communicable disease  191.677575.155575.157  serious or repeat offender  302.540
 serious physical injury  198.067316.203556.061568.060590.1265  serious traffic violation  302.700  seriously ill  475.010
 serve  436.350  service  189.010201.010208.164208.164386.020407.935416.021436.350620.3900622.100  service area  167.600167.600205.975
 service contract  385.200385.300385.403  service contract holder  385.200  service dog  209.150209.200
 service dog team  209.200  service institution  191.810  service interruption  67.2692
 service mark  417.005  service member's permanent duty station  210.620  service member's state of legal residence  210.620
 service organization  313.005  service plan  208.400  service provider  210.121633.220
 service supplier  190.300  service user  190.300  service-disabled veteran  34.074
 service-disabled veteran business  34.074  service-learning programs and projects  170.037  servicer  379.1851
 services  70.120201.010408.250556.061570.010  services of intermediate care facilities for the intellectually disabled  633.401633.401  servicing  443.703
 serving at the request of the corporation  351.355355.476  set of seat safety belts  307.165  settle  400.4-104
 settled claim  407.1060  settlement agent  381.410  settlor  456.1-103
 setup  700.010  seven-director district  160.011160.011  severely emotionally disturbed child  632.550
 severely handicapped child  162.997  severely handicapped children  162.675178.691  sewage  260.005306.300701.025
 sewage or storm water facility improvement district  249.925  sewage treatment facilities  644.502644.503  sewer corporation  386.020393.1503
 sewer district  92.710141.220141.220249.425  sewer system  386.020644.016  sewerage system  250.010
 sex  163.048  sex offender  589.404  sex offense  589.404
 sexual act  573.110589.404  sexual activity  573.110  sexual assault  441.920455.010589.015
 sexual assault forensic examination child abuse resource education network  334.950  sexual assault survivor  595.201  sexual conduct  566.010566.200567.010573.010589.404
 sexual conduct with an animal  566.111  sexual contact  566.010567.010589.404  sexual element  589.404
 sexual encounter center  573.010  sexual harassment  170.015  sexual intercourse  566.010567.010
 sexual misconduct  334.102335.066  sexual offenses  556.037  sexual orientation  556.061
 sexual performance  566.200573.010  sexual violence  170.015285.625  sexually explicit conduct  573.010
 sexually oriented business  67.2540226.531573.010  sexually oriented materials  67.2540226.531  sexually violent offense  632.480632.525
 sexually violent predator  632.480  shaft  293.010  shampooing  329.034
 shared care  192.2005  shared care community project  192.2005  shared care member  192.2005
 shared care provider  192.2005  shared care tax credit  192.2005  shared work benefit  288.500
 shared work plan  288.500  shared work unemployment compensation program  288.500  shareholder  351.015351.870
 shares  351.015  shelf stable  537.115  shell business entity  376.292
 shelter  210.121455.200  shelter care  211.021  shelter for victims of domestic violence  135.550455.200
 sheltered workshop  178.900209.700  sherbet  196.856  sheriff  92.710141.220141.220316.150571.101
 shield  476.1313  shielded  476.1313  shielding  476.1313
 shipment  265.010  shipped  265.010  shipper  260.392265.010400.7-102
 shipwreck  253.421  short barrel  571.010571.010  short-term  67.669376.292
 short-term rental  137.018  shotgun  571.010571.010  show-me myretirement savings administrative fund  285.1000
 show-me myretirement savings plan  285.1000  shutdown order  44.251  shuttle bus  301.010
 sibling  210.565  sickle cell anemia  191.300  sickle cell trait  191.300
 side of beef  265.490  sidewalk  300.010  sidewalk approaches  88.867
 sign  194.210400.7-102409.1-102436.218456.1-103  signatory state  643.600  signature  302.010589.404
 signature witnessing  486.600  signed  351.1222400.1-201  significant break in coverage  376.960
 significant difference in the time involved in transporting students  162.431  significant investigatory information  190.900337.105  significant portion of his or her income  644.016
 significant-connection state  475.521  silver  407.292  silvopasture  252.306
 single agent  339.710  single county circuit  211.393  single proportionate measurement  60.301
 single state license  337.550337.1005  single-beam headlamps  307.020  single-council district  262.598
 single-family residential housing  108.450  single-state license  324.087335.365345.085  sinkhole  269.010569.137
 sinkhole loss  379.827  sinking fund stock  376.292  site  260.700260.705444.765
 site control agreement  407.825  site selection organization  67.3000  site-specific permit  644.016
 skeletal analyst  194.400  skiing  306.010  skill performance evaluation certificate  622.555
 skilled nursing facility  198.006  slope  293.010  slot machine  572.010
 slugs  281.020281.020  small agribusiness  262.962  small and expanding business project  620.1878
 small business  23.140105.687143.173348.015536.010620.1000620.1039620.1048643.020  small business development loan  348.015  small business investment company  105.687
 small business pollution control facility loan  348.015  small capital project  348.432  small employer  379.930
 small employer carrier  379.930  small farm  262.962  small farmer  348.500
 small group market  376.450376.465  small local exchange telecommunications company  386.020  small sewer corporation  393.146
 small telephone company  392.230  small tools  447.708  small water corporation  393.146
 small water utility  393.320  small wireless facility  67.5111  smokeless tobacco  149.011
 smoking  191.765  snails  281.020281.020  snails or slugs  281.220
 social innovation grant  37.940  social model of care  198.006  social security act  105.300
 social service agency  475.010  social setting detoxification  376.810  social work  337.1005
 social work services  337.1005  social worker  337.600  socially and economically disadvantaged individuals  37.020
 socially and economically disadvantaged small business concern  37.02070.859  socially disadvantaged individuals  70.859  society  378.604
 software  400.9-102  soil and water commission  278.070  soil and water conservation cost-share program  278.070
 soil and water conservation district  278.070  soil and water district  278.070  soil and water supervisors  278.070
 soil conditioner  266.361  soil scientists  701.040  solar panel or solar collector  442.404442.404
 solar site  261.500  sold  142.031266.291339.010  sold at retail  260.262260.273
 sole  375.1312  solicit  375.012379.1500  solicitation  407.453
 soliciting, processing, placing, or negotiating a residential mortgage loan  443.703  solid waste  260.005260.200260.800  solid waste disposal area  260.200
 solid waste fee  260.200  solid waste management area  260.200  solid waste management project  260.200
 solid waste management system  260.200  solid waste processing facility  260.200  solid waste technician  260.200
 solvolysis  260.200  something of value  567.010572.010  son or daughter  285.625
 sound production device  70.441  sound recording  407.309  source documents  302.170
 source individual  191.658  source of ionizing radiation  192.760  source of potable water  701.200
 source patient  191.630  sox compliant entity  375.1025  spacing  319.303
 sparring  317.001  special allocation fund  99.80599.91899.1000251.603  special assessment district  92.710141.220141.220
 special benefit district  92.710141.220141.220  special contract  393.1700  special declarant rights  448.1-103
 special deposit claim  375.950375.1152  special disabled veteran  285.235  special district  115.013
 special education  161.162630.205  special education pupil count  163.011163.011  special education threshold  163.011163.011
 special educational services  162.675  special effects operator  320.106  special election  115.013184.352
 special event  304.665  special event motor vehicle auction  301.580  special health care needs  208.647
 special inspector  701.350  special item  620.466  special mobile equipment  301.010
 special monetary benefit  105.452  special needs child  135.326  special purpose life insurancewrong term: (12) - replace "insurance" with "reinsurance" captive  379.1353
 special purpose personnel elevator  701.350  special rated credit instrument  376.292  special services  189.010453.065
 special training  334.800  special victim  565.002  special water quality protection area  640.403
 specialist  346.010  specialized appraisal services  339.503  specialized service  630.005
 specially constructed motor vehicle  301.010  special-needs fiduciary  456.4-419  special-needs trust  456.4-419
 specialty  256.453  specialty care center  354.615  specialty care transportation  190.100
 specialty crop  348.491  specialty medical board certification  334.285  specialty pet  266.160
 specialty pet food  266.160  specialty physician services arrangement  208.166  specialty practice or clinic  340.200
 specific license  192.760  specific scientific investigations  194.400  specific-exercise clause  456.975
 specified anatomical areas  573.010  specified charitable organization  456.1-110  specified criminal activity  67.2540
 specified facility items  135.110  specified relatives  208.015  specified sexual activities  67.2540
 specified sexual activity  573.010  specified tax-favored retirement plan  285.1000  specified terrorist victim  143.991
 specimen  288.045  speculation  30.950  speculative accumulation  407.1610
 speech-language pathologist  345.015345.085  speech-language pathology  345.085  speech-language pathology aide  345.015
 speech-language pathology assistant  168.082345.015  speech-language pathology licensing board,  345.085  spendthrift provision  456.1-103
 spent nuclear fuel  260.392  spinal cord injury  192.735  splrc  379.1353
 splrc contract  379.1353  spoiled ballot  115.447  sponsor  256.437379.1351620.495
 sponsored captive insurance company  379.1351  sponsoring or endorsing entity  376.422376.425376.694  sponsoring organization  191.1100
 spontaneous fetal death  193.015  sporting event  67.3000  sporting events  67.3000
 spousal support order  454.1503  spouse  104.012173.260  spring gun  571.010571.010
 square dance  10.120  st. louis science center subdistrict  184.352  stabilize  190.100376.1350
 stackable credential  173.831  staff  178.900  staff participant ratio  192.2200
 stairway inclined lift  701.350  stakeholder  253.078  stalking  441.920455.010
 stamped cigarettes  149.011  stamping agent  196.1020  stand  300.010
 standard  67.2692  standard package  413.005  standard reference compendia  376.1350
 standby guardian  475.010  standby trust  402.200  standing  300.010
 start-up capital  348.300348.300620.638  start-up money  334.038  state  1.02032.20033.82734.37644.415104.1003115.902143.980145.101160.2000190.900194.210195.010210.570210.620217.490217.535227.600260.700260.1003267.010287.243288.030302.500302.600302.700303.020307.250324.087326.256334.1203334.1610335.365337.105337.550337.1005345.085351.1003355.066359.011374.352375.950375.1080375.1152376.292376.718379.1353400.1-201400.9-102404.007404.410409.1-102432.205436.218444.400452.705453.500454.460454.1503456.1-103475.502491.400536.085542.400544.155548.011589.506630.810
 state adequacy target  163.011163.011167.132  state administrator  105.300  state advisory council  633.005
 state advisory council on emergency medical services  190.100  state agency  8.80029.00529.00532.38536.02037.01337.800104.1063105.300105.1600143.782209.700324.047414.400473.399536.010536.018  state aid  160.415160.415
 state and local public employee retirement systems  21.550  state appropriation  173.1003  state base rate  208.053
 state board  335.016  state building  8.8008.830  state ceiling  108.500
 state correctional center  217.827  state council  589.506  state court  210.620
 state dairy regulation  262.700  state debt  454.465  state department of agriculture  196.931
 state department of health and senior services  196.931  state department or agency  161.900  state educational agency  167.225
 state educational institutions  176.010  state employee  105.800105.935571.030  state ems authority  190.900
 state ems medical directors advisory committee  190.100  state entity  37.1090610.035  state equal employment opportunity officer  36.020
 state financial institution  408.570  state fire marshal  287.245320.200  state food stamp agency  288.380
 state forester  254.020  state funds  67.2300  state geologist  256.400
 state highway  226.010227.552300.010304.001  state highway system  227.020227.600  state historic preservation officer  194.400
 state income tax increment  99.91899.1000  state judge advocate  40.005  state law  288.062
 state lottery  313.205  state median wage per job  163.011163.011  state military forces  40.005
 state milk board  196.525196.931  state milk inspection  196.931  state of missouri basic emergency operations plan  260.500
 state of nudity  67.2540573.010  state of principal license  334.1610  state of semi-nudity  573.010
 state of the art  537.764  state 'off' indicator  288.062  state offense cycle number  43.500
 state office  251.160  state officer  104.370  state 'on' indicator  288.062
 state operating support  173.1003  state or local support enforcement agency  288.380  state plan amendment  208.690
 state plane coordinates  319.015  state practice laws  335.365345.085  state premium tax liability  135.500
 state property  8.705  state psychology regulatory authority  337.105  state public defender system  600.011
 state publications access program  181.100  state record  109.210  state registrar  193.015
 state retirement plan  211.393  state sales tax  144.081  state sales tax increment  99.91899.100099.1082
 state sales tax revenues  99.91899.100099.1082  state sharing ratio  620.3505  state soil and water districts commission  278.070
 state tax liability  135.326135.400135.550135.600135.630348.300348.300348.493348.505620.3505  state technical college of missouri  178.420  state transportation system  227.600
 state vehicle fleet  37.450  state veterinarian  267.010269.010273.325276.606277.020  state-based health benefit exchange  376.1186
 state-certified general appraiser trainee  339.503  state-certified general real estate appraiser  339.503  state-certified real estate appraiser  429.603
 state-certified residential appraiser trainee  339.503  state-certified residential real estate appraiser  339.503  state-controlled  105.1077
 stated capital  351.015  state-funded institutions of higher education  260.392  state-licensed appraiser trainee  339.503
 state-licensed real estate appraiser  339.503  statement  287.128287.215375.991  state's share  8.505
 statewide areas of critical need for learning and development  160.530  statewide assessment  161.1085  statewide average wage  620.1910
 statewide ballot measure  116.010  statewide license  324.900  statistical plan  287.930
 stay  272.210  stealing-related offense  570.010  steep slope  444.535444.855
 st-elevation myocardial infarction  190.100  stem  161.261  stemi  190.100
 stemi care  190.100  stemi center  190.100  stemming  319.303
 step therapy  191.1164  step therapy override exception determination  376.2030  step therapy override exception request  376.2030
 step therapy protocol  376.2030  stepparent  453.015  sterilization  191.724273.400
 stillborn child  194.200  stinger-steered combination  301.010  stipend  67.5060
 stock  351.459  stock acquisition date  351.459  stock and mutual companies  376.020
 stock operations and advisory board contracts  375.936  stockholder  313.580362.010369.014  stop  300.010
 stoppage of work  288.040  stopping  300.010  stop-sale  266.021
 storage  144.605260.360260.700  storage grain  411.026  storage lot  301.550
 stored grain  411.026  storing  144.617  straight political party ticket  115.237
 street  89.210214.070300.010303.020  street commissioner  88.867  street railroad  386.020622.100
 street railroad corporation  622.100  street rod  301.132  streets  89.300
 stretcher van  190.525  stretcher van service  190.525  strict necessity  228.342
 strip mine  293.010  strip mining  444.510  strip search  167.166544.193
 stroke  190.100  stroke care  190.100  stroke center  190.100
 structure  67.120091.025305.505393.106394.315  structure in a certified historic district  253.545  structure lawfully in existence  226.550
 structure or fenced yard  563.011  structure settlement annuity  376.718  structured schedule  173.2515
 structured settlement  407.1060  structured settlement obligor  407.1060  structured settlement payment rights  407.1060
 structures  91.025393.106394.315  student  160.2000162.1042167.225167.625173.831209.192329.010589.404  student accident policy  376.425
 student athlete  173.280436.218  student day  163.073  student hour  163.073
 student special education record  167.027  studio broadcast equipment  137.078  subagent  339.710
 subcontractor  292.675  subdistrict  67.2500278.070  subdivision  32.20089.300197.400339.503644.150701.025
 subdivision of land  245.010  subject individual  407.1150  subject section 393.1400 regulatory asset  393.1656
 sublease  400.2A-103  submain sewer district  249.430  subpoena  408.675
 subscriber  190.400351.015407.1135  subsection 2 of section 27 of article v of the constitution of missouri  476.451  subsequent run  407.350
 subsidiary  351.459362.105369.086376.292382.010  substance abuse specialist  559.630  substance abuse traffic offender program  302.010
 substance use disorder  478.001  substantial  573.010  substantial burden  324.047
 substantial changes  68.205  substantial completion  537.033  substantial compliance  198.075
 substantial equivalency  326.256  substantial interest  105.450  substantial modification  67.5092
 substantial noncompliance  192.2200  substantial personal or private interest in any measure, bill, order or ordinance  105.450  substantial prejudice  545.140545.885
 substantial proposed change  105.660  substantial rehabilitation  108.450135.478  substantial reimbursement  407.824
 substantial remodel  436.350  substantial renovation  8.800  substantial step  407.542562.012565.300
 substantially alter  407.824  substantially amended  407.413  substantially equivalent  326.256
 substantially rebuilt  226.541  substantially renovated  8.800  substantially the same securities  376.292
 substantially utilized  67.2703  substation  269.010  subsurface soil absorption system  701.025
 subunit  197.400  successor in interest  319.131407.754  successor manufacturer  407.815
 successor of a beneficiary  400.5-102  successor of a withdrawing member  287.860  successor's agreement  411.026
 successors in interest  404.717  such cities  353.020  sudden infant death syndrome  210.223
 sudden passion  565.002  sudden unexpected infant death  210.223  sufficient food and clean water  273.345
 sufficient housing, including protection from the elements  273.345  sufficient space to turn and stretch freely, lie down, and fully extend his or her limbs  273.345  suitable employment  288.050
 suitable work  288.062  suitable, gainful employment  287.144  summer camp  210.201210.201
 summons  491.400  sunset  23.253  superintendent  167.115
 superior commissioned officer  40.005  supervised business  367.100  supervised training  346.010
 supervised visitation  452.400  supervising business entity  379.1500  supervising pharmacy  338.215
 supervision  210.620334.400340.200  supervisor  340.200346.010  supervisor of alcohol and tobacco control  311.082
 supervisory agency  408.675  supervisory public employee  105.570  supplemental breast examination  376.1183
 supplemental contract  376.718  supplemental health care services agency  198.640  supplemental illustration  375.1503
 supplemental material  173.955  supplementary rate information  287.930  supplier  142.800313.005313.800386.890400.2A-103407.400414.255
 supplies  34.01050.770  supply contract  400.2A-103  support  167.950217.940568.040
 support contract  67.3000  support contracts  67.3000  support enforcement agency  454.1503
 support obligations  288.380  support order  454.460454.1000454.1503  support person  491.725
 supported employment  209.700  supported employment services  209.700  supporting information  287.930
 supporting obligation  400.9-102  supportive services  210.121  surcharge  209.251
 surcharges  488.010  surety  400.1-201  surety bail bond agent  374.700
 surety bond  379.1353407.1240  surety recovery agent  374.700  surface coal mining and reclamation operations  444.805
 surface coal mining operations  444.805  surface lawn crypt  214.270  surface mining  444.765
 surface water  640.403  surgical smoke  197.185  surgical smoke plume evacuation system  197.185
 surplus  362.010384.015  surplus fund  362.010  surplus lines insurance  384.015
 surplus lines licensee  384.015  surplus note  379.1353  surviving entity  347.015347.705351.1153
 surviving spouse  36.02086.20086.90086.123086.124086.1310105.915135.090  survivor  173.234173.236595.010  suspends payments  400.4-104
 suspension  302.500  suspicious death  630.925  suspicious transaction  579.115
 sustainable forestry principles  254.020  svo  375.345376.292  swap  375.345
 swap agreement  375.1152  swap agreements  379.1353  sweepstakes  407.600
 swimming pool  537.348577.161  swimming pool or facility  316.250  switchblade knife  571.010571.010
 symphony orchestra subdistrict  184.352  synthetic cannabinoid  195.010  synthetic fuels  260.005
 synthetic urine  579.041  system  50.100056.80557.94970.600104.010104.1003105.687169.010169.600210.1012303.420  system of vital statistics  193.015
 tactile sign  209.285  tail insurance  188.044  tail risk  376.365
 take bail  374.700  takeover bid  409.506  taker in default of appointment  456.975
 taking a bail  374.700  taking of private property  536.017  tamperer  537.297
 tampering  537.297  tamperproof  311.202  tandem axle  301.010304.180
 tangible chattel paper  400.9-102  tangible personal property  137.010144.605  tank vehicle  302.700
 tank wagon  142.800  tanning device  577.665  tanning facility  577.665
 target  416.650  target area  135.400  target company  409.506
 target replacement ratio  50.1000  targeted group  285.235  targeted industry  100.710620.800
 targeted testing program  199.170  target-specific veterans  285.235  tariff rate  190.300
 tattoo  324.520  tavern  191.765  tax  32.200136.076144.010144.030
 tax bill  92.710140.980140.980141.220141.220  tax credit  67.3000135.457135.621135.679135.680135.686135.750135.1610143.177  tax credit development  215.033
 tax credit program  135.800  tax credits  67.3000620.1878620.2005  tax district  92.710141.220141.220
 tax liability  135.341135.478  tax lien  92.710141.220141.220  tax map  60.670
 tax rate  137.073  tax rate ceiling  137.073  tax revenue  137.073
 tax revenues  70.220  tax stamp  149.011  tax year  143.436143.436
 tax, license or fees  610.026  taxable bonds  8.505  taxable in another state  148.610
 taxable sales  620.3505  taxable year  143.581148.020148.130148.610  taxes  143.871145.871
 tax-exempt bonds  8.505  taxicab  67.1800390.020  taxicab company  67.1800
 taximeter  67.1800  taxing authority  92.710140.980140.980141.220141.220  taxing districts  99.80599.91899.100099.1082251.603
 taxing districts' capital costs  99.805  taxing district's capital costs  99.91899.100099.1082251.603  taxing entity  32.085
 taxpayer  32.20067.300068.205135.100135.350135.457135.460135.478135.545135.550135.600135.621135.630135.647135.679135.680135.686135.690135.712135.750135.1125135.1150135.1180135.1610143.114143.125143.173143.425143.1100143.1150143.1160143.1170143.2100144.605144.810148.020148.130148.610160.011160.011173.796190.462253.545253.545447.708620.1039620.2600  tdd  209.251490.720  teacher  163.011163.011168.104169.010169.410
 teacher assistant  167.263  teacher assistant for the blind  162.1130  teacher externship  168.025
 team meeting  210.110  team member  191.1112  technical assistance report  640.651
 technical skills assessment  173.831  technically feasible  67.5111  technician  194.210
 technological change  144.811  technology application  348.251348.251  technology assisted verification  338.143
 technology business project  620.1878  technology commercialization  348.251  technology development  348.251348.251
 technology transfer and technology commercialization  196.1109196.1109  technology-focused credential  620.2500  technology-mediated learning environments and methods  167.225
 telecommunications  92.083209.251  telecommunications company  92.077386.020  telecommunications device for the deaf  209.251
 telecommunications facilities  386.020  telecommunications service  92.07792.083144.010386.020  telecommunicator  320.400
 telecommunicator first responder  650.320  telehealth  191.1145192.2520208.670324.087335.175337.550345.085376.1900  telemarketer  407.1070
 telemarketing  407.1070  telemedicine  191.1145  telephone cooperative  386.020
 telephone prescription  338.095  telephone service  92.083  telephone solicitation  407.1095
 telepsychology  337.105  television broadcasters  137.078  television broadcasting equipment  137.078
 teller machine  569.010570.010  teller's check  400.3-104  temperature  196.450
 temporarily  30.260  temporarily disabled person  301.142  temporary alternative placement agreement  210.123
 temporary appraiser licensure or certification  339.503  temporary authorization to practice  337.105  temporary employee  288.030288.051
 temporary help firm  288.030288.051  temporary help services  285.705  temporary in-person, face-to-face practice  337.105
 temporary leave of absence  208.152208.152  temporary license  337.010340.200  temporary licensed assistant behavior analyst  337.300
 temporary licensed behavior analyst  337.300  temporary nursing staffing agency  383.130  temporary permit  346.010
 temporary point-of-sale advertising materials  311.070  temporary practice  326.283  temporary protective custody  210.125
 temporary windshield placard  301.142  tenant  441.005620.495  tenant's agent  339.710
 term  400.1-201  terminal  142.800414.255577.700  terminal bulk transfers  142.800
 terminal condition  459.010  terminal illness  191.480  terminal operator  142.800
 terminal warehouse  411.026  terminal warehouseman  411.026  terminate  375.012
 terminated  375.246  termination  400.2-106400.2A-103  termination statement  400.9-102
 terms of a trust  456.1-103469.401  terms of the citation  544.046  terms of the instrument  456.975
 terms-of-service agreement  472.405  tertiary genetic centers  191.300  test  267.010
 test or analysis  196.525  testamentary power of appointment  456.3-302  testimony  575.010
 teu  143.2105  text  376.775  textbook  170.051
 texting  302.700  the amount of the allowance otherwise payable  70.655  the board  331.020
 the city  99.020  the corporation  351.355  the county  99.020
 the motivating factor  213.010285.575  the patient's health care records  191.227  the plan for reclamation  245.105
 the practice of physical therapy  334.1203  the prevailing factor  287.020  theater  185.070407.350
 therapeutic care  376.1224  therapeutic pharmaceutical agents  336.010  therapeutic purpose  334.105
 therapy  376.845  third anniversary date of the initial contract  379.110  third business day  407.937
 third parties  427.021  third party  173.280376.1060  third party trust account  402.204
 third person  404.703  third tier contractor  32.105  third-party administrator  376.1075
 third-party capital  620.3505  third-party contractor  376.383  third-party custody  452.375452.375
 third-party filer  374.352  third-party liability  427.021  third-party logistics provider  338.330
 third-party motor vehicle report  301.576  third-party right of enforcement  442.014  this law  444.805
 this state  32.200326.256  thoroughfare  214.070  those responsible for the care, custody, and control of the child  210.110
 through highway  300.010  ticketed  135.753  tier i member  86.90086.1310
 tier i surviving spouse  86.90086.1310  tier ii member  86.90086.1310  tier ii surviving spouse  86.90086.1310
 tiered partner  143.425  time charge  408.250  time deposits  362.010
 time limited subsidy  453.065  time price differential  365.020  time sale contract  365.200
 time sale price  365.020408.250  time zone  620.2250  time-critical diagnosis  190.100
 time-critical diagnosis advisory committee  190.100  time-limited demand  537.058  time-share  448.1-103
 time-share developments  407.600  time-share interests in condominiums  94.802  time-share periods  407.600
 time-share plan  407.600  time-share unit  407.600  tire  260.200
 tissue  194.210  tissue bank  194.210  title insurance commitment  381.015
 title lender  367.500  title lending office  367.500  title loan agreement  367.500
 title loan office  367.500  titled personal property  367.500  tlaba  337.300
 tlba  337.300  tnc  387.400  tnc vehicle  387.400
 to be in violation  375.1112  to cooperate  375.1156  to renew  375.001379.110379.882
 to tamper  569.010  tobacco product  149.011  tobacco product manufacturer  196.1000196.1020
 tobacco products  407.925  tobacco securitization settlement trust fund  8.505  tod  461.005
 toll  238.302  toll collection regulations  238.302  tolls  238.302
 ton  266.160266.505  tort  508.010  tort action  447.712
 tort-feasor  537.058  total acreage  214.270  total adjusted capital  375.1250
 total aggregate payroll  135.753  total and permanent disability  86.1560  total disability  287.020
 total extended benefit amount.  288.062  total fees and expenses  285.1000  total profits  362.010
 total property tax levy  67.500  total reserves  362.010  total resource cost test  393.1075
 totally unemployed  288.030  tour  135.753  tour expenses  135.753
 tourism infrastructure facilities  99.585  tourism-related activities  82.85082.851  tourist court  94.80294.870
 tourist-related services  407.610  tow list  304.153  tow management company  304.153
 tow truck  301.010304.153  towaway trailer transporter combination  301.010  tower  8.475
 towing  304.153  towing company  304.001304.153  town  80.010160.011160.011
 township  278.070  tpa  376.1075  tracking  170.029
 tracks  389.991  tract  244.070  tractor  301.010
 trade  407.010  trade act eligible individual  376.960  trade name  196.276417.005
 trade or commerce  416.021  trade screening  407.350  trade secret  417.453
 trade-in motor vehicle or trailer  301.140  trademark  417.005620.466  trader  267.670
 traders  267.565  traditional installment loan  408.512  traditional installment loan lender  408.512
 traffic  300.010  traffic aggregator  386.020  traffic control signal  300.010
 traffic division  300.010  traffic signal preemption system (tsps)  304.031  trail  258.100
 trailer  301.010  trailer dealer  301.550  trailer transporter towing unit  301.010
 trained diabetes care personnel  167.800  training and educational tax credits  135.800  training program  285.235
 training program ready  178.411  training project  620.800  training project costs  620.800
 training project services  620.800  training provider  620.2500  training session  191.1112
 transaction  432.205574.105  transaction broker  339.710  transcript evaluation  173.831
 transect-based zoning  89.01089.400  transfer  375.1152403.250407.511407.1060428.009442.558  transfer agent  403.250
 transfer agreement  407.1060  transfer fee  442.558  transfer fee covenant  442.558
 transfer on death direction  461.005  transfer on death to  461.005  transfer price  416.605
 transfer statement  400.9-619  transferable record  432.275  transferee  143.881144.155362.332407.511407.1060
 transferor  362.332404.007404.410407.511  transferring entity  461.005  transferring insurer  375.1285
 transferring plan  105.691  transient customer  407.1320  transient employer  285.230
 transient guest  66.50067.60467.65167.117792.32594.80294.83894.870315.005  transient guests  66.39067.66567.100067.100367.100467.100967.101567.101667.136167.136767.136894.27194.83194.83294.83494.83694.83794.84094.101194.1013  transient housing  137.016
 transit system  70.515  transition  160.1990160.2000162.1000  transition period  27.09528.305
 transitional child care services  208.400  transitionally competitive telecommunications company  386.020  transitionally competitive telecommunications service  386.020
 transmittal  326.256  transmitter and antenna equipment  137.078  transmitting utility  400.9-102
 transmix  142.800  transplant hospital  194.210  transport museum subdistrict  184.352
 transport truck  142.800  transportation corporation  238.302  transportation network company  379.1700387.400
 transportation network company (tnc) driver  387.400  transportation network company (tnc) rider  387.400  transportation network company (tnc) vehicle  387.400
 transportation network company driver  379.1700  transportation network company rider  379.1700  transportation of persons  622.100
 transportation of property  622.100  transportation planning boundary  70.227251.160  transportation purposes  94.60094.700
 transporter  142.800414.510  transuranic radioactive waste  260.392  trauma  190.100
 trauma care  190.100  trauma center  190.100  trauma-informed approach  161.1050161.1055
 trauma-informed school  161.1050161.1055  traumatic brain injury  192.735  travel administrator  375.159
 travel agency services  144.752  travel assistance services  375.159  travel benefits  407.1240
 travel club  407.1240  travel insurance  375.159  travel protection plans  375.159
 travel retailer  375.159  travel safe zone  304.590  travel time  162.431
 travel trailer  407.1320  traveler's check  400.3-104  treasurer  447.503
 treated  266.021  treatment  260.360260.700376.1224475.010632.005  treatment court commissioner  478.001
 treatment court division  478.001  treatment court team  478.001  treatment facilities  644.016
 treatment of eating disorders  376.845  treatment to cure  199.170  tree  305.505
 trenchless excavation  319.015  trespasser  537.345  tribunal  454.1503
 tried and acquitted  552.040  trier  565.002  trimmed loin of beef  265.490
 triple saddlemount combination  301.010  truck  301.010304.015304.044304.705  truck camper  407.1320
 truck stops  595.120  truck tractor  301.010  truckload lot  390.020
 truck-tractor  301.010  truck-tractor semitrailer-semitrailer  301.010  truck-trailer boat transporter combination  301.010
 true value in money  137.074  trust  214.270285.1000402.200456.025456.027469.900  trust account  402.200
 trust company  362.331362.332362.550  trust holding company  362.910  trust instrument  456.1-103
 trust protector  456.1-103  trustee  402.200436.405456.1-103456.8-814469.401469.900472.405513.605  trustee of an endowed care fund  214.270
 trustees  57.958104.010104.1003  trust-funded preneed contract  436.405  tt  490.720
 tty  490.720  tube  537.327  tube transport system  227.600
 tuition  173.234173.236173.260173.1003  twenty-foot equivalent unit  143.2105  two houses of legislation  95.465
 two-party exchange  142.800  type  408.570  type of coverage  384.017
 u.s. access board  167.225  uaz  262.900  ucr act  390.021
 ucr implementing regulations  390.021  ultimate equitable owner  443.703  ultimate fighting  317.012
 ultimate user  195.010195.265  ultimate vendor  142.800  unaccompanied youth  210.121
 unallocated annuity contract  376.718  unanticipated out-of-network care  376.690  unapplied-for utility services  250.140
 unassigned surplus  288.100  unassociated funerary objects  194.400  unattended  577.300
 unauthorized alien  135.815285.525  unauthorized signature  400.1-201  unavailable  162.997
 unblended gasoline  414.255  unborn child  1.205188.015188.015  unborn children  1.205
 unbundling  287.129375.991  uncertificated security  400.8-102  unclaimed funds  447.510
 uncompensated tort victim  537.675  uncontrolled structure  319.303319.309  uncovered expenditures  354.400
 under common control with  351.459381.029382.010436.430  under construction  313.780  under legal disability  1.020
 under the direct supervision of a certified applicator  281.020281.020  underground facility  319.015  underground facility owner  319.015
 underground storage  393.410  underground storage of gas  393.410  underground storage reservoir  393.410
 underground storage tank  319.100  underlying interest  375.345  underserved area  620.2450
 undertaking  91.630  underutilized  447.700  underwrite  375.147
 underwrites  376.1075  underwriting  375.918376.1075  undeveloped industrial area  100.310
 undistributed income  469.421  undivided profits  362.010  undocumented property  184.102
 undue burden  161.900  undue hardship  285.625  unduly burdensome  XIV Section 1XIV Section 2
 undyed diesel fuel  142.800  unemancipated minor  537.127  unemployment  208.041
 unemployment compensation  288.380  unencumbered  30.270  unencumbered license  337.550337.1005
 unexpected  143.903  unexpected occurrence  319.015  unfair discrimination  375.936379.318
 unfair financial planning practices  375.936  unfunded federal mandate  33.827  unified carrier registration act  390.021
 uniform application  375.012  uniform business entity application  375.012  uniform standard  374.352
 uniformed members of the highway patrol  104.010  uniformed members of the water patrol  104.010  uniformed service(s)  160.2000
 uniformed services  115.275115.902  uniformed services voter  115.275115.902  unimpaired capital  362.170
 unincorporated pocket  72.407  uninsured children  208.631  uninsured men  191.950
 uninsured motor vehicle  379.203  uninsured motorist  303.390  uninvested capital  348.300348.300620.638
 union  290.210  unique biometric identification  43.500  unique identifier  173.280443.703
 unit  40.090135.010448.010448.1-103  unit of high school credit  173.831  unit of local government  137.114
 unit owner  448.010448.1-103  unit owners' association  448.1-103  unit-by-unit analysis  643.640
 united states  1.02034.350115.275115.902267.010288.034302.700355.066  united states central authority  454.1680  united states list of endangered and threatened wildlife and plants  252.240
 united states public land survey system  60.670  unitrust amount  469.401  units sold  196.1000196.1020
 university  262.550348.272  unlawful  572.010  unlawful detainer  534.030
 unlawful discriminatory practice  213.010  unlawful imprisonment  455.010  unlawful occupant  534.602
 unlawful occupants  534.602  unlawful reprisal  160.405  unlawfully enter  563.011
 unlawfully enters  569.155  unlawfully operates  569.155  unmarked human burial  194.400
 unmet needs  208.900  unnecessary radiation  192.400  unobligated balance  640.651
 unreasonable adverse effects on the environment  281.020281.020281.220  unreasonable position  143.980  unregistered assistant  340.200
 unrelated business taxable income  143.425  unreported evidentiary collection kit  595.220  unrestricted surplus  376.292
 unserved area  620.2450  unsolicited commercial electronic mail  407.1135  unstamped cigarettes  149.011
 unwarranted failure to comply  444.805  unwholesome  265.300  unzoned commercial and industrial land  226.540
 unzoned commercial or industrial land  226.540  upcoding  287.129375.991  upskill credential  620.2500
 urban agricultural zone  262.900  urban and community gardens  137.016  urban area  135.1610191.950226.510
 urban areas  226.540  urban farm  135.1610  urban homesteader  99.875
 urban homesteading agency  99.875  urban redevelopment corporation  353.020523.200  urban renewal plan  99.320
 urban renewal project  99.320  urban school district  160.011160.011  urban search and rescue task force  44.010
 urbanized area  304.001304.010390.063  urgent health care service  191.1164  usage of trade  400.1-303
 usda  273.325  use  144.605281.020281.020  use tax  32.200
 used  417.005  used exclusively  135.686  used in this state  143.451
 used motor oil  260.200  used motor vehicle  301.550  used motor vehicle dealer  301.550
 used parts dealer  301.010  use-of-force incident  590.1265590.1265  user  472.405
 user fee  1.310204.650  user fees  227.600  using  144.617
 usplss  60.670  utility  67.5092386.754447.503569.010  utility company  393.550
 utility contractor  227.552386.754  utility customer in default  393.550  utility facility  227.552
 utility meter  393.550  utility pole  67.509267.5111  utility vehicle  144.030301.010
 utility waste landfill  260.200  utility worker  304.580307.175  utility, industrial, commercial, railroad and other real property  137.016
 utilization review  374.500376.1350  utilization review agent  374.500  utilization review entity  376.1350
 utilization review organization  376.2030  utilization review plan  374.500  vacant land  99.805
 valid court order  211.063  valid lien  428.009  valuable consideration  194.275
 valuation manual  376.365  value  34.010276.401570.020  value of such interest  448.150
 value-added agricultural products  262.900348.015  vanish  375.1509  vanishing premium  375.1509
 vanpool  301.010  vapor product  407.925  variable rate technology  266.291
 variety  266.021  vegetable seeds  266.021  vegetation management plan  261.500
 vehicle  37.450238.302269.010300.010301.010302.010304.025307.020307.250430.010556.061589.404  vehicle fleet  414.400  vehicle fuel tank  142.800
 vehicle license fees  407.730  vehicle protection product  385.403  vehicle protection product warrantor  385.403
 vehicle protection product warranty  385.403  vehicle value protection agreement  407.2060  vehicle-related fees and fines  301.025
 vending facility  8.700  vending machine  144.012407.925  vending uaz  262.900
 vendor  37.1090144.012144.605198.006208.865208.900379.1500630.005  vendor payment  32.385  venture capital firm  105.687
 verification list  115.183  verification system  303.420  verified mail  415.405
 vermiculture  348.015  vertical real estate  8.475  vessel  301.550306.010306.300306.325407.1360556.061
 vessel trailer  301.550  vested  105.691  vested former member  104.1003
 vested right  210.560  vesting service  104.010  veteran  36.02042.00242.17042.20042.22042.31042.315160.2000194.360285.235570.350
 veteran of the vietnam era  285.235  veterans administration  475.380  veterans' organization  137.100313.005
 veterans' service organization  194.360  veterans treatment court  478.001  veterinarian  338.010340.200340.298
 veterinarian-client-patient relationship  340.200  veterinary candidacy program  340.200  veterinary candidate  340.200
 veterinary facility  340.200  veterinary intern  340.200  veterinary medicine  340.200
 veterinary or animal hospital or clinic  340.200  veterinary practice  340.298  veterinary student preceptee  340.200
 viability  188.015188.015  viable  188.015188.015  viable intrauterine pregnancy  188.015188.015
 viable pregnancy  188.015188.015  vice-principals  537.200  victim  491.725575.010595.010595.200
 victim advocacy  595.010  victim of crime  650.300  victim of domestic or sexual violence  285.625
 victim of trafficking  566.200  victim services organization  285.625  video programming  67.267767.2677
 video service  67.267767.2677570.010  video service authorization  67.267767.2677  video service network  67.267767.2677
 video service provider  67.267767.2677  video service provider fee  67.267767.2677  vietnam veteran  173.236
 viewing room  573.531  views  565.002  vintage wine  311.191311.193
 violates or attempts to violate  288.110  violation  192.2475411.026  violent behavior  160.261
 violent crime  219.091  visible  306.100  visibly intoxicated  537.053
 vision plan  376.685  vision therapy  336.010  visited regularly  701.300
 visual depiction  573.010  vital public facility  574.080  vital records  193.015
 vital statistics  193.015  vmb  338.010  vmd  338.010340.200
 vocational education  178.420208.400  vocational education program  178.411  vocational rehabilitation assessments  287.144
 voice over internet protocol service  570.010  voice-operated or hands-free feature or function  304.822  voluntary act  556.061562.011
 voluntary critical illness benefits pool  287.245320.400  voluntary leave  198.006  voluntary participation  261.130
 voluntary placement agreement  210.122  voluntary provision of health care services  191.1100  voluntary remediation  447.700
 volunteer  44.10544.125190.094191.1112210.493217.010252.245253.067320.400537.118  volunteer fire protection association  320.300  volunteer firefighter  287.243287.245320.333
 vote  355.066  voter  1.035116.010  voters  67.79967.250078.010182.802238.202249.761
 voting district  115.013  voting jurisdiction  72.400  voting power  355.066
 voting security  382.010  voting stock  351.459  vulnerable person  491.075556.061630.005
 wage  290.500  wage rates  290.400  wages  105.300143.191285.730287.250288.030288.036288.036290.400
 wait  300.160  waiting period  376.450  waiting week  288.030
 walk  300.160  walkaway clause  375.1191  war on terror veteran  288.042
 ward  1.020475.010475.380  warehouse  400.7-102411.026  warehouse auditor  411.026
 warehouse examiner  411.026  warehouse receipt  400.1-201  warehouseman  137.900411.026
 warrant  375.345452.705  warrantor  385.403407.1320  warranty  385.200385.300385.403
 warranty holder  385.403  warranty reimbursement insurance policy  385.403  waste  259.050260.360260.700260.705701.025
 waste disposal well  577.155  waste explosives  260.360  waste management  260.700
 waste management areas  444.352  waste to energy facility  260.800  wastewater or water contract  67.5060
 wastewater** treatment and water pollution abatement  644.034  water  236.400  water and sewer infrastructure rate adjustment  393.1503
 water commission  67.4500  water contaminant  644.016  water contaminant source  644.016
 water corporation  30.750386.020393.358393.1000393.1503  water district  92.710141.220141.220  water facilities  68.205260.005
 water ice  196.856  water or sewer utility plant projects  393.1503  water patrol division  306.010306.910
 water patrol division of the state highway patrol  306.010  water port facility  143.2105  water quality standards  644.016
 water resource project  256.437  water resources  640.403  water source  256.400
 water storage elevation  236.400  water system  30.750386.020  water tower  67.5092
 water utility plant projects  393.1000  watercraft  306.010306.910537.327  watercraft slip  339.503
 waters of the state  260.500644.016  waters of this state  306.010  watershed  67.4500236.400278.070640.403
 watershed district  278.070  weapon  160.261578.435  weatherization  215.010
 web-based classified service  566.103  weed  281.020281.020281.220  weed seeds  266.021
 week of unemployment  288.030  weekly extended benefit amount.  288.062  weighing device  407.292
 weight  413.005  weighted average cost of capital  393.1400  weighted average daily attendance  163.011163.011
 weighted average wage  290.257  weighted membership  163.011  weights and measures  413.005
 well  256.603259.050269.010  well capitalized  30.270  well installation contractor  256.603
 well owner  256.603  western  478.461478.473  wet marine and transportation insurance  384.015
 when he deems himself insecure  400.2A-109  when lighted lamps are required  307.020  white way system  88.617
 wholesale drug distributor  338.330  wholesale motor vehicle auction  301.550  wholesale motor vehicle dealer  301.550
 wholesale place of business  266.021  wholesale promote  573.020  wholesaler  149.011195.010320.106320.350323.010407.400414.510
 wholly in this state  143.451  wild game  252.244  wildlife  252.020281.020281.020
 will  1.020456.1020472.010472.405  willful and wanton  537.328  willful misconduct  537.1000
 willful or reckless conduct  143.980  windbreaks  252.306  windshield placard  301.142
 wine  311.218  wine manufacturer  311.192  winery  311.101
 wire communication  542.400  wireless communications service  67.5092  wireless facility  67.509267.5111
 wireless infrastructure provider  67.5111  wireless provider  67.5111  wireless service provider  190.400455.050
 wireless services  67.5111  wireless services provider  67.5111  wireless support structure  67.509267.5111
 wireless telecommunications service  190.460  wireline backhaul facility  67.5111  withdrawal value  369.014
 withholding period  620.1910  withholding tax  620.1878620.1910620.2005  without recourse  400.3-414
 witness  491.400491.725575.010595.200  women's business enterprise  37.020620.1039  wood energy producer  135.300
 wood energy producing facility  135.300  work  227.552285.525285.625  work activities  454.490
 work permit  294.022  work practice standards  701.300  work stoppage  135.215
 work zone  304.580  workable program  99.320  worker  304.580
 worker who agrees in writing to volunteer his or her labor without pay  290.230  workers  290.210  workfare renovation project  32.105
 working age  209.700  working capital  360.107  working day  319.015
 working papers  362.1015  working place  293.010  workkeys  160.572
 workpapers  375.1050  workplace charter school  160.400160.400  workweek  285.630
 wrecker  301.010  wrecker or towing service  301.010  wrestling  317.001
 write-in candidate  130.011VIII Section 23  writing  400.1-201570.010  writing word for word  1.020
 writings  490.720  written  1.020400.1-201575.060  written request  476.1300476.1313
 written transfer  417.350  wrongful taking  490.717537.125  wrongfully taken  490.717541.070
 wsira  393.1503  wsira revenues  393.1503  y valve  306.300
 yard waste  260.200  year  1.020163.191407.625  year 2000 plan  104.1003
 youth  211.036219.011  youth corps  620.556  youth services agency  43.539
 youth sporting event  294.011  youth with a disability  209.700  youth with disabilities  162.1000
 zone board  620.2250  zone or mileage charges  660.138  zoned commercial or industrial area  226.540
 zoological activities  184.500  zoological facilities  184.500  zoological subdistrict  184.352
 zoonotic disease  322.010

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