☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 286 Department of Labor and Industrial Relations 
286.001   Definitions. (8/28/2011)
286.005   Creation of department of labor and industrial relations, general powers ... (8/28/2011)
286.010   Creation of department of labor and industrial relations — industrial ... (8/28/1995)
286.020   Term of office — vacancies — confirmation before the senate — failure to ... (8/28/2005)
286.040   Commission to appoint a secretary — qualifications — duties — salary. (8/28/1995)
286.050   Oath of office. (8/28/1995)
286.060   Labor and industrial relations commission, powers and duties — rules. (8/28/1995)
286.070   Cost of administering each law, how paid. (8/28/1995)
286.080   Record of every hearing to be kept. (8/28/1945)
286.090   Written statement of findings in appealed cases. (8/28/1995)
286.100   Central offices in Jefferson City. (8/28/1995)
286.110   Divisions of department created. (8/28/1995)
286.120   Division of workers' compensation supervised by director, term of office, ... (8/28/1995)
286.121   Director of department to compile certain statistics — industrial ... (8/28/1995)
286.130   Division of employment security supervised by director — powers and duties. (8/28/1995)
286.147   Director, appointment, powers, duties — investigation of fatal accidents — ... (8/28/1995)
286.300   Administrative fund created — purpose — disbursement — fund shall not lapse ... (7/1/1999)
 - Cross References
Human affairs protection and improvement programs assigned to department of labor and industrial relations, Const. Art. IV, Sec. 49
Labor and industrial relations, department of, duties in labor disputes affecting public utilities, Chap. 295
Legal advisors to commission to serve as special consultants to the board of trustees for the Missouri state employees' retirement system, 104.332
Missouri National Guard members offered interview for state positions, when, 36.221, 105.1204
New state programs to sunset after six years, Missouri sunset act, 23.250 to 23.298
Penalties assessed by state agencies for delinquent reports or fees, limitations, 33.202
Veterans, state agency forms to include veteran data, information on agency's veteran services provided, when, 42.051
Wage rates on public works law, enforcement, 290.210 to 290.340
Women's council, designated officials to be furnished report, content, due when, 186.019

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