☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 344 Nursing Home Administrators 
344.010   Definitions. (8/28/2010)
344.020   License required — separate license for assisted living facilities ... (8/28/2010)
344.030   License, qualifications, fee, examination, term — emergency license. (8/28/2020)
344.040   License renewal, application for, fee — late renewal, effect — additional ... (8/28/2013)
344.045   Complaint procedures, duties of the board. (8/28/2023)
344.050   Suspension — revocation — probation — refusal to issue or renew license — ... (8/28/2020)
344.055   Records, confidentiality and disclosure of. (8/28/2023)
344.060   Board created — membership, qualifications, terms, removed how, hearing. (8/28/2011)
344.070   Board officers, how selected — duties and powers of board — rules and ... (8/28/2007)
344.080   Compensation of board members, exception. (8/28/2007)
344.100   Acting as nursing home administrator without license, penalty. (8/28/1979)
344.102   Expired or revoked license, prohibited from practicing as an administrator. (8/28/2023)
344.105   Retired licenses permitted, when, procedure. (8/28/2011)
344.108   Inactive status of license permitted, when — reactivation, procedure. (8/28/2011)
 - Cross References
Military service, exemption from certification requirements, 41.950

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