☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 374 Department of Commerce and Insurance 
374.005   Department created, duties — definitions. (8/28/2008)
374.007   Statutory reference changes authorized. (8/28/2008)
374.010   Department — general powers. (8/28/1990)
374.015   Issuance of bulletins by director — definitions — bulleting not to have ... (8/28/2015)
374.018   Issuance of no-action letters by director — definitions — effect of letters ... (8/28/2015)
374.020   Director — qualifications — appointment. (8/28/1949)
374.030   Director — oath — bond. (8/28/1967)
374.040   Director — duties — administrative hearing commission law not applicable. (8/28/1967)
374.045   Director authorized to make rules and regulations, procedure, this chapter. (8/28/2008)
374.046   Relief issued by director for violations of state laws — considerations — ... (8/28/2006)
374.047   Willful violation of state law, order — notice. (8/28/2006)
374.048   Violations of state laws, action in circuit court — relief — bond — venue — ... (8/28/2006)
374.049   Classification of violations — orders, penalties — enhancement of penalties ... (8/28/2006)
374.050   Seal of office — effect. (8/28/1939)
374.051   Refusal of license and nonrenewal, applicant may appeal, procedure. (8/28/2007)
374.055   Grievance procedure. (8/28/2007)
374.056   Rulemaking authority, delivery methods. (8/28/2008)
374.057   Filing of records and signatures authorized when in compliance with federal ... (8/28/2008)
374.060   Office location and hours. (8/28/1967)
374.070   Office and records, public — copies — records disposed of or destroyed, when. (8/28/2008)
374.071   Insurance records exempt from public disclosure — release permitted, when. (8/28/2005)
374.075   Divisions, director may establish. (8/28/2008)
374.080   Deputy director, appointment, powers — governor to appoint, when. (6/26/1991)
374.085   Division of consumer affairs, duties — legal adviser may assist. (8/28/2008)
374.090   Actuary, chief market conduct examiner and chief financial examiner, ... (8/28/1990)
374.100   Actuary — duties — fees. (8/28/1949)
374.110   Examiner — duties — assistants — fees. (8/28/1949)
374.120   Director to appoint employees — legal counsel — reinsurance analyst, ... (6/26/1991)
374.130   Chief clerk, duties and powers. (8/28/1939)
374.150   Fees paid to director, exception — insurance dedicated fund established, ... (1/1/2019)
374.160   Expenses, how paid — state liability — assessment against companies, ... (8/28/2007)
374.162   Insurance examiners fund, established — assessments against insurer, how ... (8/28/1993)
374.170   Forms furnished companies. (7/1/1987)
374.180   Director to prepare report — publication — special reports. (8/28/2008)
374.182   Organization plan to be submitted — contents. (8/28/1990)
374.184   Director to prescribe by rule uniform claim forms for reporting — ... (8/28/1992)
374.185   Uniformity of regulation, director to cooperate. (8/28/2016)
374.190   Investigation of companies — confidentiality. (8/28/2024)
374.191   Interest rate on certain claims, refunds, penalties, or payments under ... (8/28/2019)
374.192   Submission of records, time limitation, when — limitation on director ... (8/28/2024)
374.194   Health coverage providers to be subject to jurisdiction of department, ... (8/28/1991)
374.202   Purpose of law — definitions. (8/28/2008)
374.205   Examination, director may conduct when, required when — duties — ... (8/28/2016)
374.207   Examiners, appointment of, restrictions — expenses of examination, how paid ... (8/28/1992)
374.210   False testimony — refusal to furnish information — penalties. (1/1/2017)
374.215   Failure to timely file report or statement, penalty. (8/28/2007)
374.216   False financial statements, filing of — penalty. (1/1/2017)
374.217   Covenant not to sue officers of insurer, prohibited — no force and effect. (8/28/2008)
374.220   Expenses, how paid. (8/28/2008)
374.230   Fees — paid to director. (1/1/2019)
374.240   Suit to recover fees — penalties. (8/28/1949)
374.245   Director or director of revenue may make supplemental assessment for ... (8/28/1989)
374.250   Accounts of director. (8/28/2024)
374.270   Department may elect workers' compensation coverage — coverage, how provided. (8/28/1967)
374.280   Civil penalty or forfeiture ordered when, how enforced. (8/28/2007)
374.284   Health insurance advisory committee established, members, duties. (8/28/1999)
374.285   Expungement of certain disciplinary action records. (8/28/2007)
374.300   Financial institution defined. (8/28/1977)
374.305   Conditioning loan on purchase of credit insurance from certain persons ... (8/28/1977)
374.310   Refusal to grant or renew insurance license, when. (8/28/1977)
374.350   Short title. (8/28/2009)
374.351   Intent of compact. (8/28/2009)
374.352   Compact. (8/28/2009)
374.400   Definitions. (8/28/1978)
374.405   Reports of premiums and loss data required, when — director may review. (8/28/1978)
374.410   Director to be notified of changes in town grading schedules — may set ... (8/28/1978)
374.415   Product liability insurance reports required — when — contents. (6/26/1991)
374.420   Insurers not liable because of compliance. (8/28/1978)
374.425   Time for compliance may be waived or extended. (8/28/1978)
374.426   Health care financing entities and health care providers to provide data, ... (7/6/2018)
374.450   Definitions. (7/1/1980)
374.455   Premium and loss data, annual report — available to public. (7/1/1980)
374.500   Definitions. (8/28/2019)
374.503   Certificate required for utilization review agents, exceptions. (7/10/1991)
374.505   Application for certificate, content, form, fee. (7/10/1991)
374.507   Information may be required by department of commerce and insurance. (8/28/1997)
374.510   Minimum requirements for utilization review agents. (8/28/1997)
374.512   Violation of regulations, notice to agent — powers of director to ... (8/28/2007)
374.515   Rules and regulations authorized. (8/28/1993)
374.695   Citation of law. (1/1/2005)
374.700   Definitions. (1/1/2005)
374.702   License required, restrictions on practice. (1/1/2017)
374.705   Department, powers and duties — fees, how determined. (1/1/2005)
374.710   License required for bail bond agents, application, qualifications — exceptions. (1/1/2005)
374.715   Application, form, qualifications, fee — monetary assignment required, ... (8/28/2018)
374.716   Accounting required, when — records submitted to director — bail contract ... (1/1/2005)
374.717   Prohibited acts. (1/1/2005)
374.719   Collateral security accepted, when — receipt required — used to reimburse ... (1/1/2005)
374.720   Examination, form, content — reexamination fee. (8/28/1993)
374.730   License, biannual renewal, fee. (1/1/2005)
374.740   Nonresident license requirements. (1/1/2005)
374.750   Refusal to issue or renew license — applicant's right to hearing. (8/28/1983)
374.755   Complaint by department, procedure — grounds — disciplinary action — ... (1/1/2005)
374.757   Notification by agent of intention to apprehend — local law enforcement may ... (1/1/2017)
374.759   Access to court records, when — defendant access to bail bond agent, how — ... (1/1/2005)
374.760   Unsatisfied judgments, affidavit filed monthly, form — content. (8/28/1983)
374.763   Collection from surety after forfeiture — list of qualified bail bond ... (1/1/2005)
374.764   Alleged violations and complaints, procedure. (1/1/2005)
374.770   Bond forfeiture, when — exception, defendant incarcerated in United States, ... (8/28/1983)
374.775   Bonds of one thousand dollars or less — fee — additional fee — prohibited. (8/28/1983)
374.783   Surety recovery agents, license required — director to license, powers. (8/28/2004)
374.784   Application for licensure, contents, qualifications — refusal to issue ... (8/28/2018)
374.785   Apprehension of defendant, permitted where. (8/28/2018)
374.786   Renewal, procedure. (1/1/2005)
374.787   Complaint procedure. (1/1/2005)
374.788   Apprehension standards for breach of surety agreement or absconding. (1/1/2005)
374.789   Prohibited acts. (1/1/2017)
374.790   Workers' compensation, residual market, department to submit report to ... (8/28/1993)
374.800   Contracts by the department in excess of $100,000 to be reviewed and ... (8/28/2001)
 - Cross References
All license, permit and certificate applications shall contain the Social Security number of the applicant, 324.024
Autism spectrum disorder, insurance coverage, report, 376.1224
Building constituting nuisance, unsafe demolition, ordinance with insurance provisions, department's duties, 67.410 to 67.412
Missouri National Guard members offered interview for state positions, when, 36.221, 105.1204
New state programs to sunset after six years, Missouri sunset act, 23.250 to 23.298
Penalties assessed by state agencies for delinquent reports or fees, limitations, 33.202
Pharmacy tax program, 338.500 to 338.550
Title insurance, real estate closings, violations, fine, 381.412
Underground storage tanks insurance fund, annual report on availability of private insurance, duties, 319.131
Veterans, state agency forms to include veteran data, information on agency's veteran services provided, when, 42.051

Official Website for the Revised Statutes of Missouri

4 Sep 2024 20:59

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