☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 392 Telephone and Telegraph Companies 
392.010   Telephone and telegraph corporations, by whom and how formed. (8/28/1975)
392.020   Articles, where filed — powers when incorporated. (8/28/2020)
392.030   Powers of corporation. (8/28/1939)
392.040   Election of directors — appointment of officers. (8/28/1939)
392.050   Directors, procedure for election of. (8/28/1975)
392.060   Meeting of board. (8/28/1939)
392.070   Consolidation of companies. (8/28/1939)
392.080   May construct lines on public roads — consent of city required — ... (8/28/1974)
392.090   Mode of construction may be directed, by whom. (8/28/1939)
392.100   May enter upon lands, when. (8/28/1939)
392.110   No contract for exclusive use of land. (8/28/1939)
392.120   Power to own and maintain lines. (8/28/1939)
392.130   Companies to provide facilities to meet public needs — penalty for failure ... (8/28/1939)
392.140   Duties in forwarding dispatches over other lines. (8/28/1939)
392.150   Employees to notify sender when message cannot be transmitted immediately — ... (8/28/1939)
392.160   Penalty for transmitting false communications. (8/28/1939)
392.170   Liability for negligence in transmitting and delivering messages — not to ... (8/28/1939)
392.175   Operator services, live operator to be provided, when. (8/28/1997)
392.180   What definitions to apply. (8/28/1996)
392.185   Purpose of chapter. (8/28/1996)
392.190   Application of sections 392.190 to 392.530. (8/28/1987)
392.200   Adequate service — just and reasonable charges — unjust discrimination — ... (8/28/2008)
392.201   Electronic publishing limitations — adoption of provisions — public service ... (8/28/1996)
392.205   Public schools to have reduced rates. (8/28/1996)
392.210   Reports and records of telecommunication companies. (8/28/1987)
392.220   Rates, schedules, suspension of, when — revocation of certificate of ... (8/28/2008)
392.230   Charges for short and long distance service — power of commission to stay ... (8/28/2008)
392.240   Rates — rentals — service and physical connections. (8/28/1987)
392.245   Companies to be regulated, when — maximum prices, determined how, changed ... (8/28/2008)
392.246   Petition for rate relief — relief to be granted, when. (8/28/1996)
392.248   Universal service board created, purpose, powers, duties, members — ... (8/28/1996)
392.250   Power of commission to order repairs or changes. (8/28/1987)
392.270   Power of commission to ascertain valuation of property of telegraph and ... (8/28/1987)
392.280   Depreciation account required — application for change, information ... (8/28/1993)
392.290   Right to issue stocks, bonds and notes is subject to regulation by state — ... (8/28/1987)
392.300   Transfer of property and ownership of stock without consent of commission ... (8/28/1987)
392.310   Approval of issues of stocks, bonds and other forms of indebtedness. (8/28/1987)
392.320   Certificate of commission to be recorded — stock dividends, permitted when. (8/28/1987)
392.330   Account for disposition of proceeds — issue void, when, exception — ... (8/28/1995)
392.340   Reorganization. (8/28/1987)
392.350   Liability for loss or damage. (8/28/1987)
392.360   Forfeiture — penalties. (8/28/1987)
392.361   Classification of telecommunications company, services — procedure — effect ... (8/28/2008)
392.370   Transitionally competitive telecommunications services, classified when. (8/28/2008)
392.380   Applicability of law to competitive and transitionally competitive ... (8/28/1987)
392.390   Minimum requirements of telecommunications companies, reports to be filed ... (8/28/1987)
392.400   Noncompetitive telecommunication services, rates not to cover expenses of ... (8/28/1987)
392.410   Certificate of public convenience and necessity required, exception — ... (8/28/2008)
392.415   Call location information to be provided in emergencies — immunity from ... (8/28/2014)
392.420   Regulations, modification of, company may request by petition, when — ... (8/28/2013)
392.430   Certificates to be approved, when. (8/28/1987)
392.440   Service authority, certificate of, approved when. (8/28/1987)
392.450   Requirements, approval of certificates — commission to adopt rules — ... (8/28/2008)
392.451   State adopts federal exemption for certain rural telephone companies. (8/28/2008)
392.455   Commission to establish certification process. (8/28/1996)
392.460   Abandonment of service, commission must approve — definitions — carriers of ... (8/28/2011)
392.461   Exemption from certain rules, telecommunications companies. (8/28/2014)
392.470   Conditions, commission may impose, when — compensation to other companies, ... (8/28/1987)
392.475   Prohibition of resale, when. (8/28/1996)
392.480   Services to be offered under tariff. (8/28/2008)
392.500   Changes in rates, competitive telecommunication services, procedure. (8/28/2005)
392.510   Tariffs, bands and ranges allowed, when, requirements. (8/28/2008)
392.520   Private shared tenant services, coin operated telephone services, ... (8/28/2008)
392.530   Construction of provisions of the chapter. (8/28/1996)
392.540   Public service commission to promulgate rules on changes of ... (8/28/1998)
392.550   Interconnected voice over internet protocol service, registration required ... (8/28/2008)
392.605   Local exchange telecommunications companies to decrease certain rates for ... (8/28/2010)
392.611   Inapplicability of laws and rules, when — universal service fund surcharge ... (8/28/2014)
 - Cross References
Corporation franchise tax, electric companies exempt, when, 147.010
Deaf and severely speech-impaired telecommunications system, duties, 209.251 to 209.260
Emergency telephone service, 190.300 to 190.340
Public utility rates established by the PSC not to change terms of employment subject to collective bargaining, 386.315
Telephone cooperatives not required to file rates, exception, exchange access service, 386.250, 392.220
Telephone economy rates for certain elderly and handicapped persons, duties, funding, 660.137 to 660.149
Underground facility safety and damage prevention law, generally, 319.010 to 319.050
Wiretapping, drug interception techniques, 542.400 to 542.422

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4 Sep 2024 22:36

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