☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 403 Security Transfers by Fiduciaries 
403.250   Definitions. (8/28/1959)
403.260   Registration in name of fiduciary. (8/28/1959)
403.270   Assignment by a fiduciary. (8/28/1959)
403.280   Evidence of appointment or incumbency. (8/28/1959)
403.290   Adverse claims. (8/28/1959)
403.300   Nonliability of corporation and transfer agent. (8/28/1959)
403.310   Nonliability of third person. (8/28/1959)
403.320   Territorial application. (8/28/1959)
403.330   Tax obligations. (8/28/1959)
403.340   Uniformity of interpretation. (8/28/1959)
403.350   Short title. (8/28/1959)
 - Cross References
Gifts of securities to minors, Chap. 404
Public utility corporations, transfer of stock, approval by public service commission, 392.300, 393.190
Security issues by public utility corporations, approval by public service commission, 392.330, 393.220
Transferee not liable to corporation or creditors for unpaid shares, when, 351.275

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