☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 631 Alcohol and Drug Abuse 
631.005   Definitions. (8/28/1989)
631.010   Responsibilities, powers, functions and duties of division. (8/28/1980)
631.015   Division director to be chief administrative officer. (8/28/1980)
631.020   Advisory council on alcohol and drug abuse — members, terms, ... (7/1/1992)
631.025   Services to be provided. (8/28/1980)
631.030   Department to develop state plan, contents. (8/28/1980)
631.035   Department director to establish regions. (8/28/1980)
631.040   Department director may establish regional councils — division director to ... (8/28/1980)
631.045   Duties of regional advisory councils — plans. (8/28/1980)
631.050   Facilities and programs of department shall include certain standards for ... (8/28/1980)
631.095   Comprehensive substance treatment and rehabilitation program — department ... (8/28/2020)
631.100   Facilities for treatment of alcohol and drug abuse, service areas. (8/28/1985)
631.102   Methadone treatment programs, department to develop criteria to locate. (8/28/1997)
631.105   Voluntary admission to treatment facility. (8/28/1985)
631.110   Discharge of voluntary client, when — denial of request for release, when, ... (8/28/1996)
631.115   Detention for evaluation and treatment, who may request — procedure — duration. (8/28/1996)
631.120   Involuntary detention — request by professionals — procedure — duration. (8/28/2023)
631.125   Facilities to accept certain applicants, when. (8/28/1985)
631.130   Information to be furnished to patient, assistance. (8/28/1985)
631.135   Information to be furnished to patient and others. (8/28/2023)
631.140   Additional detention may be requested — contents of petition. (8/28/2023)
631.145   Hearing for continued detention, procedure — patient's rights relating thereto. (8/28/1996)
631.150   Further additional detention may be requested — hearing to be held when — ... (8/28/2023)
631.155   Custody ordered to director of department, duty of placement. (8/28/1985)
631.160   Hospitalization outside treatment facility, when. (8/28/1985)
631.165   Transfer of patient to a mental health facility, when, procedure. (8/28/2023)
631.170   Head of facility may request sheriff to return absent client, when. (8/28/1985)
631.175   Other sections which apply to alcohol or drug abuse facilities. (8/28/1989)
 - Cross References
Alcohol and drug abuse, division of, rules to implement certification of substance abuse facilities, 82.461
Drug abuse educational assessment and community treatment program, 559.630 to 559.635
Pregnant women substance abuse treatment, division's duties, 191.731

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