☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 196

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1945    bottom

  196.450.  Definitions. — When used in sections 196.450 to 196.515, unless the context otherwise requires:

  (1)  "Chill room" means a room or space in a locker plant, artificially cooled, provided for the temporary holding or storage of food prior to its processing or freezing for storage;

  (2)  "Cutting or processing room" means a separate room or space in a locker plant in which food products are prepared for quick or sharp freezing;

  (3)  "Department" means department of agriculture of the state of Missouri;

  (4)  "Director" means the director of the department of agriculture of the state of Missouri;

  (5)  "Food" means all articles used for food, drink, confectionery or condiment by man, whether simple, mixed or compound, and any substance used as a constituent in the manufacture thereof;

  (6)  "Locker" means the individual sections or compartments of a capacity of not to exceed fifty cubic feet, in the locker room of a locker plant;

  (7)  "Locker plant" means a location or establishment in which space in individual lockers is rented for the storage of food;

  (8)  "Locker room" means that space or room in a locker plant which contains individual lockers or compartments which are for rent for the storage of frozen food;

  (9)  "Operator" means any person, copartnership, firm or corporation operating or maintaining a locker plant;

  (10)  "Quick or sharp freeze" means the freezing of food in a room in which the temperature is zero or lower;

  (11)  "Quick or sharp freezing room" means that space in a locker plant in which food is quick or sharp frozen prior to storage in lockers;

  (12)  "Quick or sharp frozen" means the condition of food which has been thoroughly frozen in a quick or sharp freezing room;

  (13)  "Temperature" means degrees shown on Fahrenheit thermometer.


(L. 1945 p. 940 § 1)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1945 ----

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