☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 196

< > Effective - 07 Jul 2010, see footnote    bottom

  196.1020.  Definitions. — As used in sections 196.1020 to 196.1035, the following terms mean:

  (1)  "Brand family", all styles of cigarettes sold under the same trademark and differentiated from one another by means of additional modifiers or descriptors, including but not limited to "menthol", "lights", "kings", and "100s", and includes any brand name alone or in conjunction with any other word trademark, logo, symbol, motto, selling message, recognizable pattern of colors, or any other indicia of product identification identical or similar to, or identifiable with, a previously known brand of cigarettes;

  (2)  "Cigarette", the same meaning as such term is defined in section 196.1000;

  (3)  "Director", the director of the Missouri department of revenue;

  (4)  "Master settlement agreement", the same meaning as such term is defined in section 196.1000;

  (5)  "Nonparticipating manufacturer", any tobacco product manufacturer that is not a participating manufacturer;

  (6)  "Participating manufacturer", the same meaning as such term is defined in section II(jj) of the master settlement agreement and all amendments thereto;

  (7)  "Qualified escrow fund", the same meaning as such term is defined in section 196.1000;

  (8)  "Stamping agent", a person who is authorized to affix tax stamps to packages or other containers or cigarettes under chapter 149 or any person who is required to pay the tax imposed under section 149.160 on other tobacco products;

  (9)  "Tobacco product manufacturer", the same meaning as such term is defined in section 196.1000;

  (10)  "Units sold", the same meaning as such term is defined in section 196.1000.


(L. 2010 S.B. 884)

Effective 7-07-10

---- end of effective  07 Jul 2010 ----

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