☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 215

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1985    bottom

  215.010.  Definitions. — As used in sections 215.010 to 215.250 unless the context otherwise requires:

  (1)  "Approved mortgagor" shall mean:

  (a)  Any limited-dividend corporation, nonprofit corporation, public housing corporation, public agency, or any combination thereof, formed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and approved by the commission;

  (b)  Low and moderate income persons and families purchasing single family dwellings under criteria set out by the commission;

  (c)  Persons or families obtaining weatherization loans under criteria set out by the commission; or

  (d)  Individuals, partnerships or corporations with respect to loans made by the commission for the acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of residential housing which meet criteria established by the commission;

  (2)  "Commission" means the state housing development commission created by sections 215.010 to 215.250;

  (3)  "Commitment in principle", a commitment made prior to submission of a final application.  Such type of commitment shall not have a priority position over other commitments;

  (4)  "Development costs" means the costs approved by the commission as appropriate expenditures which may be incurred by sponsors of residential housing, within this state, and may include but not be limited to:

  (a)  Payments for options to purchase properties on the proposed residential housing site, deposits on contracts of purchase, or, with prior approval of the commission, payments for the purchase of such properties;

  (b)  Legal and organizational expenses, including payments of attorneys' fees, project manager and clerical staff salaries, office rent and other incidental expenses;

  (c)  Payment of fees for preliminary feasibility studies, advances for consultant, planning, engineering and architectural work;

  (d)  Expenses for surveys as to need and market analyses;

  (e)  Necessary application and other fees to federal, state and local government agencies;

  (f)  Such other expenses incurred by the approved mortgagor as the commission may deem appropriate to effectuate the purposes of sections 215.010 to 215.250;

  (5)  "Land development" means the process of acquiring land for residential housing construction, and of making, installing, or constructing nonresidential housing improvements, including waterlines and water supply installations, sewerlines and sewage disposal installations, steam, gas, and electric lines and installations, telephone and other communications lines and installations, roads, streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, whether on or off the site, which the commission deems necessary or desirable to prepare such land for residential housing construction within this state;

  (6)  "Limited-dividend corporation" means a corporation limited as to its dividends and earnings and organized pursuant to the laws of Missouri;

  (7)  "Low income or moderate income persons and families" means persons or families who are in low or moderate income groups and who cannot afford to pay enough to cause private enterprise in their community to build a sufficient supply of adequate, safe and sanitary residential housing;

  (8)  Wherever the word "mortgage" appears in sections 215.010 to 215.250 it shall be deemed to include deed of trust;

  (9)  "Nonprofit corporation" means a pro forma decree corporation, or a nonprofit corporation incorporated pursuant to the provisions of the general not-for-profit corporation law of Missouri;

  (10)  "Project cost" means the sum total of all reasonable or necessary costs incurred by an approved mortgagor for carrying out all works and undertakings for the completion of a development and approved by the commission.  These shall include but shall not necessarily be limited to all of the following costs: Studies and surveys; plans, specifications, architectural and engineering services; legal, organizational, marketing consultant or other special services; financing, land or building acquisition, demolition, construction, equipment and site development of new and rehabilitated buildings; movement of existing buildings to other sites; rehabilitation, reconstruction, repair or remodeling of existing buildings; carrying charges during construction; the cost of placement of tenants or occupants and relocation services in connection with a development; and, to the extent not already included herein, all development costs;

  (11)  "Residential housing" or "development" means a specific facility, work or improvement within this state, undertaken primarily to provide dwelling accommodations for low income or moderate income persons, including the acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of land, buildings and improvements thereto, and including such social, medical, recreational, educational, nursing, commercial, communal, dining, training, rehabilitation, therapeutic or other nonhousing facilities and services as may be incidental or appurtenant thereto, or as the commission may deem appropriate to effectuate the purposes of sections 215.010 to 215.250 for the low income and moderate income persons intended hereby to be assisted;

  (12)  "Weatherization" means the retrofitting which is identified by an energy audit and meets standards as established by the Missouri housing development commission in consultation with the department of natural resources for single or multifamily dwelling and includes one or more of the following:

  (a)  Insulation of walls, ceiling, floors, pipes or water heaters;

  (b)  Storm or insulated doors and windows;

  (c)  Caulking and weatherstripping;

  (d)  Higher efficiency replacement space heating, water heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems;

  (e)  Installation of solar collectors for heating, cooling and hot water, including associated piping, ductwork, pumps and on-site preparations costs; and

  (f)  Any other conservation measure or renewable resource system which the commission determines to be eligible as long as such measures or systems are in strict conformance with the purposes of this section.


(L. 1969 H.B. 130 § 1, A.L. 1974 H.B. 1190, A.L. 1982 H.B. 1501, A.L. 1985 H.B. 484)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1985 ----

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