☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 227

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2009, 2 histories    bottom

  227.630.  Powers of private partners. — The private partner shall have the following powers:

  (1)  To contract with a federal agency, a state or its agencies and political subdivisions, the commission, a local or regional transportation authority, a corporation, a partnership, or any person to finance, develop, and/or operate the project;

  (2)  To lease or acquire any right to use or finance, develop, and/or operate the project with the length of any term to be established in the comprehensive agreement;

  (3)  Upon completion of the project, to collect user fees in connection with the use of the project by the traveling public or the direct beneficiaries of the project.  The private partner, however, shall not have the authority to collect user fees in connection with the use of the project from motor carriers.  As used in this subdivision, the term "motor carrier" shall mean any person engaged in the transportation of property, passengers, or both, for compensation or hire, over the public roads of this state by motor vehicle.  The term motor carrier shall include common carriers, private carriers, interstate carriers, and intrastate carriers.  The collection and enforcement of such user fees shall be consistent with sections 227.660 and 227.666;

  (4)  To borrow money for project purposes at such rates or interest as the private partner may determine; and

  (5)  Any other powers delegated to such private partner in the comprehensive agreement with the commission.


(L. 2006 H.B. 1380, A.L. 2009 H.B. 683)

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