☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 304

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2004    bottom

  304.031.  Traffic signal preemption system, use of, permitted when — violations, penalty. — 1.  As used in this section, "Traffic Signal Preemption System (TSPS)" shall mean a traffic-control system designated for use by emergency vehicles, as defined in this section, to improve traffic movement by temporarily controlling signalized intersections.

  2.  The owner of a traffic control signal may authorize use of a TSPS by the following persons for the following purposes:

  (1)  An authorized operator in an authorized emergency vehicle, or an authorized person who is an employee or member of an agency or entity which operates emergency vehicles, who may activate a TSPS from a station where the entity's emergency vehicles are based to control a traffic signal near that station, in order to improve the safety and efficiency of emergency response operations;

  (2)  An authorized operator in a bus, in order to interrupt the cycle of the traffic control signal in such a way as to keep the green light showing for longer than it otherwise would;

  (3)  An authorized operator in a traffic signal maintenance vehicle, in order to facilitate traffic signal maintenance activities.

  3.  A TSPS used by an authorized person in an emergency vehicle or at a station where emergency vehicles are stationed shall preempt and override a device operated by any other person.

  4.  A traffic control signal operating device used as authorized under this section must operate in such a way that the device does not continue to control the signal once the vehicle containing the device has arrived at the intersection, regardless of whether the vehicle remains at the intersection.  No motor vehicle driver shall be convicted of any traffic violation if there is evidence that TSPS has been used by a government official to improperly change the sequence of the traffic signals.

  5.  It shall be unlawful for any person not approved herein to use a TSPS to control traffic.

  6.  Violation of this section shall be deemed a class B misdemeanor.


(L. 2004 S.B. 1233, et al.)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2004 ----

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