☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 305

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1979    bottom

  305.400.  Definitions (Greene County). — For purposes of sections 305.400 to 305.410 the following words or phrases shall mean the following:

  (1)  "Airport zone" is each area located wholly or in part outside a municipality in a county which is located within the following description:

Beginning at a point on the end of any runway and on the centerline of the runway; thence to the right a distance of five hundred feet on a course perpendicular to said centerline to a point; thence to a point two thousand feet to the right of and perpendicular to the centerline extended which point is directly opposite a point ten thousand feet from the end of the runway on the said centerline extended away from the runway; thence to a point two thousand feet to the left of and perpendicular to the centerline extended which point is directly opposite a point ten thousand feet from the end of the runway on the said centerline extended away from the runway; thence to a point five hundred feet to the left of the point of beginning and perpendicular to the said centerline; thence to the point of beginning.

  (2)  "County" is county of the first class having a population of more than one hundred and fifty thousand persons but less than six hundred thousand persons.

  (3)  "Dwelling" is a building or portion thereof, including mobile homes, designed for residential use and occupancy including one-family, two-family, multiple-family dwellings, boarding houses, or rooming houses.

  (4)  "Municipality" is a municipal corporation with a population of more than one hundred fifteen thousand but less than three hundred thousand persons.

  (5)  "Runway" is a surface used for landing or taking off of aircraft which is shown on a duly adopted airport master plan of the municipality and includes all such runways shown thereon, whether existing or proposed, including extension of such runways.


(L. 1979 H.B. 957 § 1)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1979 ----

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