☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 306

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2004    bottom

  306.325.  Vessels on navigable waterways, restrictions on transporting of foodstuffs and beverages — violation, penalty. — 1.  As used in this section, the following terms mean:

  (1)  "Navigable waterway", any navigable river, lake, or other body of water located wholly or partly within this state and used by any vessel;

  (2)  "Vessel", any canoe, kayak, or other watercraft which is easily susceptible to swamping, tipping, or rolling, but does not include any houseboat, party barge, runabout, ski boat, bass boat, excursion gambling boat as defined in section 313.800, or similar watercraft not easily susceptible to swamping, tipping, or rolling.

  2.  Any person entering, traveling upon, or otherwise using navigable or nonnavigable waterways by vessel or innertube and transporting foodstuffs or beverages shall:

  (1)  Use a cooler, icebox, or similar nonglass container, and shall not use, other than containers for substances prescribed by a licensed physician, any glass container for beverages on a vessel within the banks of navigable waterways;

  (2)  Use a cooler, icebox, or similar nonglass container sealed in a way which prevents the contents from spilling into the water;

  (3)  Carry and affix to the vessel a container or bag suitable for containing refuse, waste, and trash materials and which is capable of being securely closed;

  (4)  Transport all refuse, waste, and trash materials to a place in which such materials may be safely and lawfully disposed; and

  (5)  Shall safely secure any glass containers to protect them from breakage or discharge into any stream.

  3.  Any person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a class C misdemeanor.


(L. 2004 H.B. 841)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2004 ----

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