☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 306

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2015    bottom

  306.910.  Recreational water use — definitions — brochure, distribution, limitation on cost of. — 1.  For purposes of this section, the following terms shall mean:

  (1)  "Outfitter", any individual, group, corporation, or other business entity which is a registered member of the Missouri Canoe and Floaters Association;

  (2)  "Water patrol division", the water patrol division of the state highway patrol;

  (3)  "Watercraft", any canoe, kayak, raft, innertube, or other flotation device propelled by the use of paddles, oars, or other nonmotorized means of propulsion.

  2.  By January 1, 2016, the water patrol division shall develop an informational brochure regarding the laws, regulations, and associated penalties relating to recreational water use as they pertain to individuals participating in the recreational use of the state's streams or rivers.

  3.  The water patrol division shall distribute the informational brochures developed under this section to all campgrounds and outfitters that rent or provide watercraft for use on a stream or river.

  4.  No more than one hundred thousand dollars shall be expended on the development and printing of the informational brochure under this section.

  5.  The water patrol division shall distribute the informational brochures developed under this section to all county commissioners in this state.


(L. 2015 S.B. 231)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2015 ----

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