☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 311

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1995    bottom

  311.095.  Resorts, seasonal resort restaurants, restaurants, sale of liquor by the drink, resort defined — temporary license, new businesses, when. — 1.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter to the contrary, any person who possesses the qualifications required by this chapter, and who now or hereafter meets the requirements of and complies with the provisions of this chapter, may apply for, and the supervisor of liquor control may issue, a license to sell intoxicating liquor, as defined in this chapter, by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises of any resort as described in the application.  As used in this section the term "resort" means any establishment having at least thirty rooms for the overnight accommodation of transient guests, having a restaurant or similar facility on the premises at least sixty percent of the gross income of which is derived from the sale of prepared meals or food, or means a restaurant provided with special space and accommodations where, in consideration of payment, food, without lodging, is habitually furnished to travelers and customers, and which restaurant establishment's annual gross receipts immediately preceding its application for a license shall not have been less than seventy-five thousand dollars per year with at least fifty thousand dollars of such gross receipts from nonalcoholic sales, or means a seasonal resort restaurant with food sales as determined in subsection 2 of this section.  Any facility which is owned and operated as a part of the resort may be used to sell intoxicating liquor by the drink for consumption on the premises of such facility and, for the purpose of meeting the annual gross receipts requirements of this subsection, if any facility which is a part of the resort meets such requirement, such requirement shall be deemed met for any other facility which is a part of the resort.

  2.  A seasonal resort restaurant is a restaurant which is not a new restaurant establishment and which is open for business eight or fewer consecutive months in any calendar year.  Fifty percent of all gross sales of such restaurant shall be sales of prepared meals.  Any new seasonal resort restaurant establishment having been in operation for less than twelve weeks may be issued a temporary license to sell intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises for a period not to exceed ninety days if the seasonal resort restaurant establishment can show a projection for annualized gross sales of which fifty percent shall be sales of prepared meals.  The temporary license fee and the annual license fee shall be prorated to reflect the period of operation of the seasonal resort restaurant.  The license shall be valid only during the period for which application was made and for which the fee was paid.  Any seasonal resort restaurant upon resuming business for its season of operation shall not be considered a new establishment for purposes of issuing a temporary license.  Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit a seasonal resort restaurant from becoming a resort restaurant upon application, payment of fees, and compliance with the requirements of this chapter.

  3.  The times for opening and closing the establishments as fixed in section 311.290, the authority for the collection of fees by counties as provided in section 311.220, and all other laws and regulations of the state relating to the sale of liquor by the drink for consumption on the premises where sold shall apply to resorts in the same manner as they apply to establishments licensed under section 311.090.

  4.  Any new resort or restaurant establishment having been in operation for less than ninety days may be issued a temporary license to sell intoxicating liquor by the drink at retail for consumption on the premises for a period not to exceed ninety days if the resort or restaurant establishment can show a projection of an annual gross receipts of not less than seventy-five thousand dollars per year with at least fifty thousand dollars of such gross receipts from nonalcoholic sales.  The license fee shall be prorated for the period of the temporary license based on the cost of the annual license for the establishment.


(L. 1967 p. 423, A.L. 1974 S.B. 348, A.L. 1981 S.B. 126, A.L. 1987 S.B. 150, A.L. 1993 H.B. 63, A.L. 1994 S.B. 474, A.L. 1995 S.B. 43)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1995 ----

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