☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 315

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1998    bottom

  315.067.  Hotel operator may refuse accommodations, when. — 1.  For purposes of sections 315.067 to 315.079, "hotel" shall have the same meaning as "lodging establishment" as defined in section 315.005.

  2.  A person operating a hotel, including all lodging establishments defined in section 315.005, may refuse or deny the use of a room, accommodations, facilities or other privileges of the hotel to any of the following:

  (1)  An individual who is unwilling or unable to pay for the room, accommodations, facilities, or other privileges of the hotel;

  (2)  An individual who is visibly intoxicated, under the influence of alcohol or other drug, and is disorderly so as to create a public nuisance;

  (3)  An individual who the hotel operator reasonably believes is seeking to use a room, accommodations, facilities or other privileges of the hotel for an unlawful purpose;

  (4)  An individual who the hotel operator reasonably believes is bringing in anything which may create an unreasonable danger or risk to other persons, including but not limited to explosives or the unlawful use of firearms;

  (5)  An individual whose use of the room, accommodations, facilities or other privileges of the hotel would result in a violation of the maximum capacity of such hotel.

  3.  A hotel operator who reasonably refuses or denies the use of a room, accommodations, facilities or other privileges of the hotel pursuant to this section shall not be subject to any civil or criminal action or any fine or other penalty.


(L. 1998 S.B. 526)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1998 ----

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