☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 337

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2012, 2 histories    bottom

  337.300.  Definitions. — As used in sections 337.300 to 337.345*, the following terms shall mean:

  (1)  "Applied behavior analysis", the design, implementation, and evaluation of environmental modifications, using behavioral stimuli and consequences, to produce socially significant improvement in human behavior, including the use of direct observation, measurement, and functional analysis of the relationships between environment and behavior.  Applied behavior analysis does not include cognitive therapies or psychological testing, personality assessment, intellectual assessment, neuropsychological assessment, psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, sex therapy, psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy, family therapy, and long-term counseling as treatment modalities;

  (2)  "Board", the behavior analyst advisory board within the state committee of psychologists;

  (3)  "Certifying entity", the nationally accredited Behavior Analyst Certification Board, or other equivalent nationally accredited nongovernmental agency approved by the committee which certifies individuals who have completed academic, examination, training, and supervision requirements in applied behavior analysis;

  (4)  "Committee", the state committee of psychologists;

  (5)  "Division", the division of professional registration within the department of commerce and insurance;

  (6)  "Licensed assistant behavior analyst" or "LaBA", an individual who is certified by the certifying entity as a certified assistant behavior analyst and meets the criteria in section 337.315 and as established by committee rule;

  (7)  "Licensed behavior analyst" or "LBA", an individual who is certified by the certifying entity as a certified behavior analyst and meets the criteria in section 337.315 and as established by committee rule;

  (8)  "Practice of applied behavior analysis", the application of the principles, methods, and procedures of the experimental analysis of behavior and applied behavior analysis (including principles of operant and respondent learning) to assess and improve socially important human behaviors.  It includes, but is not limited to, applications of those principles, methods, and procedures to:

  (a)  The design, implementation, evaluation, and modification of treatment programs to change behavior of individuals;

  (b)  The design, implementation, evaluation, and modification of treatment programs to change behavior of groups; and

  (c)  Consultation to individuals and organizations;

  (9)  "Provisionally licensed assistant behavior analyst" or "PLABA", an individual who meets the criteria in subsection 5 of section 337.315 and as established by the committee by rule;

  (10)  "Provisionally licensed behavior analyst" or "PLBA", an individual who meets the criteria in subsection 5 of section 337.315 and as established by the committee by rule;

  (11)  "Temporary licensed assistant behavior analyst" or "TLaBA", an individual who meets the criteria of subsection 4 of section 337.315 and as established by the committee by rule;

  (12)  "Temporary licensed behavior analyst" or "TLBA", an individual who meets the criteria in subsection 4 of section 337.315 and as established by the committee by rule.


(L. 2010 H.B. 1311 & 1341, A.L. 2012 H.B. 1563)

*Section 337.345 was repealed by H.B. 1563, 2012.

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