☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 376

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2013    bottom

  376.973.  Administering insurer at close of fiscal year to make accounting and assessment — how calculated — excess to be held at interest for future losses or to reduce premiums — future losses, defined — assessments, continuation of. — 1.  Following the close of each fiscal year, the pool administrator shall determine the net premiums (premiums less administrative expense allowances), the pool expenses of administration and the incurred losses for the year, taking into account investment income and other appropriate gains and losses.  Health insurance premiums and benefits paid by an insurance arrangement that are less than an amount determined by the board to justify the cost of collection shall not be considered for purposes of determining assessments.  The total cost of pool operation shall be the amount by which all program expenses, including pool expenses of administration, incurred losses for the year, and other appropriate losses exceeds all program revenues, including net premiums, investment income, and other appropriate gains.

  2.  Each insurer's assessment shall be determined by multiplying the total cost of pool operation by a fraction, the numerator of which equals that insurer's premium and subscriber contract charges for health insurance written in the state during the preceding calendar year and the denominator of which equals the total of all premiums, subscriber contract charges written in the state and one hundred ten percent of all claims paid by insurance arrangements in the state during the preceding calendar year; provided, however, that the assessment for each health maintenance organization shall be determined through the application of an equitable formula based upon the value of services provided in the preceding calendar year.

  3.  Each insurance arrangement's assessment shall be determined by multiplying the total cost of pool operation calculated under subsection 1 of this section by a fraction, the numerator of which equals one hundred ten percent of the benefits paid by that insurance arrangement on behalf of insureds in this state during the preceding calendar year and the denominator of which equals the total of all premiums, subscriber contract charges and one hundred ten percent of all benefits paid by insurance arrangements made on behalf of insureds in this state during the preceding calendar year.  Insurance arrangements shall report to the board claims payments made in this state on an annual basis on a form prescribed by the director.

  4.  If assessments exceed actual losses and administrative expenses of the pool, the excess shall be held at interest and used by the board to offset future losses or to reduce pool premiums.  As used in this subsection, "future losses" include reserves for incurred but not paid claims.

  5.  Assessments shall continue until such a time as the executive director of the pool provides notice to the board and director that all claims have been paid.

  6.  Any assessment funds remaining at the time the executive director provides notice that all claims have been paid shall be deposited in the state general revenue fund.


(L. 1990 H.B. 998 § 5 subsecs. 1 to 4, A.L. 2013 S.B. 262)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2013 ----

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