☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 456

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2004    bottom

  456.025.  Inapplicability of the rule against perpetuities — rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints or suspension of power of alienation not violated, when — rule against accumulations not applicable, when. — 1.  The rule against perpetuities shall not apply to and any rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints on or suspension of the power of alienation shall not be violated by a trust if a trustee, or other person or persons to whom the power is properly granted or delegated, has the power pursuant to the terms of the trust or applicable law to sell the trust property during the period of time the trust continues beyond the period of the rule against perpetuities that would apply to the trust but for this subsection.

  2.  No rule against accumulations shall apply to a trust described in subsection 1 of this section unless the terms of the trust require that the income be accumulated during a period of time the trust continues beyond the period of the rule against perpetuities that would apply to the trust but for subsection 1 of this section.  If the terms of the trust require that the income be accumulated during any period of time the trust continues beyond the period of the rule against perpetuities that would apply to the trust but for subsection 1 of this section, then during that period of time the trustee shall have the power to make discretionary distributions of net income to such recipients and in such shares and in such manner as most closely effectuates the settlor's or testator's manifested plan of distribution.

  3.  The provisions of this section apply to:

  (1)  Any trust created by a will or inter vivos agreement, or pursuant to the exercise of a power of appointment other than a general power of appointment granted under a will or inter vivos agreement, executed or amended on or after August 28, 2001;

  (2)  Any trust created pursuant to the exercise of a general power of appointment exercised in an instrument executed or amended on or after August 28, 2001; or

  (3)  Any trust created by a will or inter vivos agreement, or pursuant to the exercise of a power of appointment granted under a will or inter vivos agreement, executed or amended before August 28, 2001, if the laws of this state become applicable to the trust after such date, the laws of any other state applied to the trust before such date, and the rule against perpetuities did not apply to the trust pursuant to the laws of the other state.

  4.  As used in this section, the term "trust" means an express trust created by a trust instrument, including a will, whereby a trustee has the duty to administer a trust asset for the benefit of a named or otherwise described income or principal beneficiary, or both.  The term "trust" does not include a resulting or constructive trust, a business trust which provides for certificates to be issued to the beneficiary, an investment trust, a voting trust, a security instrument, a trust created by the judgment or decree of a court, a liquidation trust, or a trust for the primary purpose of paying dividends, interests, interest coupons, salaries, wages, pensions, or profits, or employee benefits of any kind, an instrument wherein a person is nominee or escrowee for another, a trust created in deposits in any financial institution, a trust that is not subject to the rule against perpetuities by reason of any other law of this state, or any other trust the nature of which does not admit of general trust administration.


(L. 2001 H.B. 241, A.L. 2004 H.B. 1511)

Transferred 2004; formerly 456.236

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2004 ----

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