☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 67

< > Effective - 15 May 1984, see footnote    bottom

  67.629.  Commission appointment, terms — qualifications — vacancies — officers' powers — cultural institutions defined. — 1.  The affairs of the regional cultural and performing arts development district shall be managed by a commission to be known as the "Regional Cultural and Performing Arts Development Commission", which shall consist of fifteen members, seven of whom shall be appointed by the chief executive of the city, and eight of whom shall be appointed by the chief executive of the county.  Of the members first appointed, two members from the city and two members from the county shall be appointed for a term of four years, two members from the city and two members from the county shall be appointed for a term of three years, two members from the city and two members from the county shall be appointed for a term of two years, one member from the city and two members from the county shall be appointed for a term of one year.  Thereafter, members appointed shall serve a four-year term.  The chief executive officer of the city and the chief executive of the county shall designate in alternate years one of the members appointed by him to be chairman.

  2.  All members of the regional cultural and performing arts development commission shall reside within the district throughout their service, and shall serve without compensation.  Any vacancy shall be filled by the respective chief executive who appointed the membership vacated.  The commission shall elect its own secretary and such other officers as it deems necessary and expedient, and it may make such rules, regulations, and bylaws consistent with its purpose.

  3.  Each regional cultural and performing arts development commission is empowered to:

  (1)  Develop and implement plans, policies and programs to promote, encourage and foster the arts and cultural institutions and activities within the district;

  (2)  Cooperate and act jointly with other agencies, bureaus, boards, association or corporation, or other legal entity to promote, encourage and foster the arts and cultural institutions and activities within the district;

  (3)  Contract with any public or private agency, individual, partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity for the furnishing of services and supplies to promote, encourage and foster the arts and cultural institutions and activities within the district;

  (4)  Accept grants and donations from public or private entities to promote, encourage and foster the arts and cultural institutions and activities within the district;

  (5)  Fund or make grants in aid of public or private entities for the purpose of promoting, encouraging and fostering the arts and cultural institutions and activities within the district;

  (6)  Appoint a director and necessary assistants, to fix their compensation and to remove such appointees;

  (7)  Execute contracts and sue and be sued.

  4.  All decisions of a regional cultural and performing arts development commission shall be by majority of the commissioners.

  5.  As used in this section, the term "cultural institution" shall include institutions dedicated to the preservation of historic structures.


(L. 1984 S.B. 709 § 12)

Effective 5-15-84

---- end of effective  15 May 1984 ----

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