☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 168

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2016, 2 histories    bottom

  168.303.  Job-sharing rules to be adopted by board, job sharing defined. — The state board of education shall adopt rules to facilitate job-sharing positions for classroom teachers, as the term "job-sharing" is defined in this section.  These rules shall provide that a classroom teacher in a job-sharing position shall receive paid legal holidays, annual vacation leave, sick leave, and personal leave on a pro rata basis.  "Job-sharing position" shall mean any position:

  (1)  Shared with one other employee;

  (2)  Requiring employment of at least seventeen hours per week but not more than twenty hours per week on a regular basis; and

  (3)  Requiring at least seventy percent of all time spent in classroom instruction as determined by the employer;



provided that, job-sharing position shall not include instructional support or school services positions including, but not limited to, school counselor, media coordinator, psychologist, social worker, audiologist, speech and language pathologist, and nursing positions.


(L. 2003 H.B. 152 & 180 merged with H.B. 346 & 174 merged with S.B. 248, et al., A.L. 2016 H.B. 2428)

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