☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 67

< > Effective - 14 Oct 2016, see footnote    bottom

  *67.5070.  Wastewater or water treatment projects--disbursement of grants--use of loan fund moneys. — 1.  As used in this section, "design-build contract" shall mean any contract that furnishes architecture or engineering services and construction services either directly or through subcontracts.  

  2.  Any political subdivision may enter into a design-build contract for engineering, design, and construction of a wastewater or water treatment project.

  3.  In disbursing community development block grants under 42 U.S.C. Sections 5301 to 5321, the department of economic development shall not reject wastewater or water treatment projects solely for utilizing design-build.

  4.  The department of natural resources shall not preclude design-build contracts from consideration of funding provided by the water and wastewater loan fund established in section 644.122.


(L. 2016 H.B. 1713)

*Effective 10-14-16, see § 21.250.  H.B. 1713 was vetoed June 28, 2016.  The veto was overridden on September 14, 2016.

---- end of effective  14 Oct 2016 ----

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