☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 574

< > Effective - 24 Oct 2017, see footnote    bottom

  574.200.  Interference with medical assistance, offense of, penalty — definition of medical personnel. — 1.  A person commits the offense of interference with medical assistance if he or she, while serving in his or her capacity as an employee of an abortion facility:

  (1)  Knowingly orders or requests medical personnel to deviate from any applicable standard of care or ordinary practice while providing medical assistance to a patient for reasons unrelated to the patient's health or welfare; or

  (2)  Knowingly attempts to prevent medical personnel from providing medical assistance to a patient in accordance with all applicable standards of care or ordinary practice for reasons unrelated to the patient's health or welfare.

  2.  The offense of interference with medical assistance is a class A misdemeanor.

  3.  For purposes of this section, the term "medical personnel" shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  (1)  Physicians and surgeons licensed under chapter 334;

  (2)  Nurses licensed under chapter 335;

  (3)  Emergency medical services personnel as defined in section 190.600; or

  (4)  Any person operating under the supervision of such medical personnel.


(L. 2017 2d Ex. Sess. S.B. 5)

Effective 10-24-17

---- end of effective  24 Oct 2017 ----

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