☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 394

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2021, 2 histories    bottom

  394.020.  Definitions. — In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires,

  (1)  "Member" means each incorporator of a cooperative and each person admitted to and retaining membership therein, and shall include a husband and wife admitted to joint membership;

  (2)  "Person" includes any natural person, firm, association, corporation, business trust, partnership, federal agency, state or political subdivision or agency thereof, or any body politic; and

  (3)  "Rural area" shall be deemed to mean any area of the United States not included within the boundaries of any city, town or village having a population in excess of sixteen hundred inhabitants, and such term shall be deemed to include both the farm and nonfarm population thereof.  The number of inhabitants specified in this subdivision* shall be increased by six percent every ten years after each decennial census beginning in 2030.


(RSMo 1939 § 5415, A.L. 2021 H.B. 271 merged with H.B. 734 merged with S.B. 44)

*Word "subsection" appears in original rolls of H.B. 271 and H.B. 734, 2021.

(1961) In action by rural electric cooperative on contract for sale of electric power, members of cooperative held disqualified as jurors. Ozark Border Electric Cooperative v. Stacy (A.), 348 S.W.2d 586.

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2021 ----

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Effective dates prior to 1940 may not be the actual effective date. See FAQ 'When do laws become effective?'

 - All versions
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394.020 8/28/2021
394.020 8/28/1939 8/28/2021

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