☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 407

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2021    bottom

  407.297.  Copper property peddlers — license required (St. Louis City) — definitions — fee, application procedure, revocation. — 1.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, no person shall engage in the business of a copper property peddler in a city not within a county without first obtaining a license from the city and complying with the provisions of this section.

  2.  For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall mean:

  (1)  "Copper property", any insulated copper wire, copper tubing, copper guttering and downspouts, or any item composed completely of copper;

  (2)  "Copper property peddler", any person who sells or attempts to sell copper property and who is not either a licensed or certified tradesperson or does not hold a business license issued by the city.

  3.  The city shall determine the license fee.  The license shall expire June thirtieth of each year.  Each license shall bear a separate number, the name and address of the licensee, a color photo of the licensee, and telephone number of the licensee.  The license shall be available only to the person in whose name it is issued and shall not be used by any person other than the original licensee.  Any licensee who shall permit his or her license to be used by any other person, and any other person who shall use a license granted to another person, shall each be deemed guilty of a violation of this section.

  4.  Application for a license under this section shall be made in writing to the city and shall state the name, age, description, and address of the applicant.  The application shall include a sworn statement setting forth each and every conviction of the applicant for violations of federal, state, or municipal laws, statutes, or ordinances.  In addition, the applicant shall, at his or her expense, obtain a complete copy of the applicant's criminal record as indicated by the records of a law enforcement agency and submit such record as part of the application.  No license shall be granted to any person who has been convicted of burglary, robbery, stealing, theft, or possession or receiving stolen goods in the last twenty-four months prior to the date of the application.

  5.  The city shall have the power and authority to revoke any license under this section for any willful violation of this section by a copper property peddler, provided the licensee has been notified in writing at his or her place of business of the violations complained of and shall have been afforded a reasonable opportunity to have a hearing.

  6.  The provisions of this section shall only be effective when the city is actively issuing licenses to copper property peddlers.


(L. 2021 H.B. 69 merged with H.B. 271)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2021 ----

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