☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 567

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2022, 5 histories    bottom

  567.020.  Prostitution — penalty — no certification as an adult, when. — 1.  A person commits the offense of prostitution if he or she engages in or offers or agrees to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for something of value to be received by any person.

  2.  The offense of prostitution is a class B misdemeanor unless the person knew prior to performing the act of prostitution that he or she was infected with HIV in which case prostitution is a class B felony.  The use of condoms is not a defense to this offense.

  3.  As used in this section, "HIV" means the human immunodeficiency virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

  4.  The judge may order a drug and alcohol abuse treatment program for any person found guilty of prostitution, either after trial or upon a plea of guilty, before sentencing.  For the class B misdemeanor offense, upon the successful completion of such program by the defendant, the court may at its discretion allow the defendant to withdraw the plea of guilty or reverse the verdict and enter a judgment of not guilty.  For the class B felony offense, the court shall not allow the defendant to withdraw the plea of guilty or reverse the verdict and enter a judgment of not guilty.  The judge, however, has discretion to take into consideration successful completion of a drug or alcohol treatment program in determining the defendant's sentence.

  5.  A person shall not be certified as an adult or adjudicated as a delinquent for the offense of prostitution under this section if the person was under the age of eighteen at the time the offense occurred.  In such cases where the person was under the age of eighteen, the person shall be classified as a victim of abuse, as defined under section 210.110, and such abuse shall be reported immediately to the children's division, as required under section 210.115 and to the juvenile officer for appropriate services, treatment, investigation, and other proceedings as provided under chapters 207, 210, and 211.  Upon request, the local law enforcement agency and the prosecuting attorney shall assist the children's division and the juvenile officer in conducting the investigation.


(L. 1977 S.B. 60, A.L. 1997 S.B. 347, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1756, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491, A.L. 2018 S.B. 793, A.L. 2019 H.B. 397, A.L. 2022 S.B. 775, et al.)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2022 ----

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 - All versions
Effective End
567.020 8/28/2022
567.020 8/28/2019 8/28/2022
567.020 8/28/2018 8/28/2019
567.020 1/1/2017 8/28/2018
567.020 8/28/2002 1/1/2017

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