☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 8

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2022, 2 histories    bottom

  8.250.  Contracts for projects by state or certain subdivisions, bidding required, when — prohibition against dividing project into component parts. — 1.  "Project" for the purposes of this chapter means the labor or material necessary for the construction, renovation, or repair of improvements to real property so that the work, when complete, shall be ready for service for its intended purpose and shall require no other work to be a completed system or component.

  2.  All contracts for projects, the cost of which exceeds twenty-five thousand dollars, entered into by any city containing five hundred thousand inhabitants or more shall be let to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder or bidders after publication of an advertisement for a period of ten days or more in a newspaper in the county where the work is located, in two daily newspapers in the state which do not have less than fifty thousand daily circulation, and on the website of the city or through an electronic procurement system.

  3.  All contracts for projects, the cost of which exceeds one hundred thousand dollars, entered into by an officer or agency of this state shall be let to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder or bidders based on preestablished criteria after publication of an advertisement for a period of ten days or more in a newspaper in the county where the work is located, in one daily newspaper in the state which does not have less than fifty thousand daily circulation, and on the website of the officer or agency or through an electronic procurement system.  For all contracts for projects between twenty-five thousand dollars and one hundred thousand dollars, a minimum of three contractors shall be solicited with the award being made to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder based on preestablished criteria.

  4.  The number of such public bids shall not be restricted or curtailed, but shall be open to all persons complying with the terms upon which the bids are requested or solicited unless debarred for cause.  No contract shall be awarded when the amount appropriated for same is not sufficient to complete the work ready for service.

  5.  Dividing a project into component labor or material allocations for the purpose of avoiding bidding or advertising provisions required by this section is specifically prohibited.


(RSMo 1939 § 14939, A.L. 1957 p. 726, A.L. 1995 H.B. 622, A.L. 2007 S.B. 322, A.L. 2022 S.B. 758)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 13745; 1919 § 10387; 1909 § 1290

(1955) Section 8.250 is not applicable to street repairs in cities of the fourth class because that subject is specifically dealt with by § 88.703. Bauer v. City of Berkeley (A.), 282 S.W.2d 154.

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2022 ----

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