☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 115

< > Effective - 20 May 1982, see footnote    bottom

  115.143.  Deputy registration officials, qualifications of, persons eligible to serve as. — 1.  Each election authority may appoint persons regularly employed in the office of the clerk of any city, town or village, any department of revenue fee office, or any school, library or other tax-supported public agency in its jurisdiction as deputy registration officials.

  2.  Each election authority may appoint any number of additional persons to serve as deputy registration officials.  Each such deputy shall be a registered voter in the jurisdiction of the appointing election authority.

  3.  Each election authority may appoint, with the concurrence of the top administrator of each school, at least one staff person or instructor as a deputy registration official in each school that chooses to participate in voter registration.  As used in this subsection, the term "school" means any school building in this state in which grades nine through twelve or grades ten through twelve are taught, including public, nonpublic, vocational and vocational-technical school buildings.


(L. 1977 H.B. 101 § 7.035, A.L. 1982 S.B. 526)

Effective 5-20-82

---- end of effective  20 May 1982 ----

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