☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 136

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2001    bottom

  136.076.  Examination of taxpayer's books and records, no contract for general revenue or special revenue funds to be expended, when — effect of such contract — tax, defined — exceptions to applicability of section. — 1.  Neither this state nor any county of this state shall enter into any contract or arrangement or expend any general revenue or special revenue funds for the examination of a taxpayer's books and records if any part of the compensation paid or payable for the services of the person, firm or corporation conducting the examination is contingent upon or otherwise related to the amount of tax, interest, court cost or penalty assessed against or collected from the taxpayer.  A contract or arrangement in violation of this section, if made or entered into after August 28, 2001, is void and unenforceable.  Any assessment or preliminary assessment of taxes, penalties or interest proposed or asserted by a person, firm or corporation compensated pursuant to any such contract or arrangement shall likewise be null and void.  Any contract or arrangement, if made or entered into after August 28, 2001, in which the person, firm or corporation conducting the examination agrees or has an understanding with the taxing authority that all or part of the compensation paid or payable will be waived or otherwise not paid if there is no assessment or no collection of tax or if less than a certain amount is assessed or collected is void and unenforceable.

  2.  For the purposes of this section the word "tax" shall mean any tax, license, fee or other charge payable to the state of Missouri, any agency thereof, county or any agency thereof, or other political subdivision or any agency thereof, including but not limited to, income, franchise, sales and use, property, business license, gross receipts or any other taxes payable by the taxpayer on account of its activities or property in, or income, sales, gross receipts or the like derived from sources within, the state, county or political subdivision.

  3.  The provisions of this section shall not be construed to prohibit or restrict this state or a county of this state from entering into contracts or arrangements for the collection of any tax, interest, court cost or penalty when the person, firm or corporation making such assessment or collection has no authority to determine the amount of tax, interest, court cost or penalty owed this state or a county or other political subdivision of this state without approval of the entity.


(L. 2001 H.B. 129)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2001 ----

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