☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 144

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2015, 2 histories    bottom

  144.044.  New manufactured homes and modular units — partial sales tax exemption — sale of used manufactured home, exemption. — 1.  As used in this section, the following terms mean:

  (1)  "Sale of a modular unit", a transfer of a modular unit as defined in section 700.010;

  (2)  "Sale of a new manufactured home", a transfer of a manufactured home, as defined in section 700.010, which involves the delivery of the document known as the manufacturer's statement of origin to a person other than a manufactured home dealer, as dealer is defined in section 700.010, for purposes of allowing such person to obtain a title to the manufactured home from the department of revenue of this state or the appropriate agency or officer of any other state;

  (3)  "Sale of a used manufactured home", any subsequent sale of a manufactured home as defined in section 700.010, which does not qualify as "new" as defined in subdivision (9) of section 700.010.

  2.  In the event of the sale of a new manufactured home, forty percent of the purchase price, as defined in section 700.320, shall be considered the sale of a service and not the sale of tangible personal property.  In addition to the exemptions granted under the provisions of section 144.030, the sale of services as defined in this section shall be specifically exempted from the provisions of sections 238.235 and 238.410, the local sales tax law as defined in section 32.085, sections 144.010 to 144.525 and 144.600 to 144.761, and from the computation of the tax levied, assessed or payable under sections 238.235 and 238.410, the local sales tax law as defined in section 32.085, sections 144.010 to 144.525 and 144.600 to 144.761, and section 238.235.

  3.  In the event of the sale of a new modular unit, forty percent of the retail sale of the unit or forty percent of the manufacturer's sales price of the unit if the manufacturer makes a sale to a consumer that is not a retail sale, plus any carrier charge and freight charges shall be considered the sale of a service and sixty percent shall be the retail sale of tangible personal property.  In addition to the exemptions granted under the provisions of section 144.030, the sale of services as defined in this section shall be specifically exempted from the provisions of sections 238.235 and 238.410, the local sales tax law as defined in section 32.085, sections 144.010 to 144.525 and 144.600 to 144.761, and from the computation of the tax levied, assessed, or payable under sections 238.235 and 238.410, the local sales tax law as defined in section 32.085, sections 144.010 to 144.525 and 144.600 to 144.761, and section 238.235.

  4.  In addition to the exemptions granted under the provisions of section 144.030, the sale of a used manufactured home as defined in this section shall be specifically exempted from the provisions of sections 238.235 and 238.410, the local sales tax law as defined in section 32.085, sections 144.010 to 144.525 and 144.600 to 144.761, and from the computation of the tax levied, assessed, or payable under sections 238.235 and 238.410, the local sales tax law as defined in section 32.085, sections 144.010 to 144.525 and 144.600 to 144.761, and section 238.235.


(L. 1994 S.B. 477, et al. § 2, A.L. 2005 H.B. 186, A.L. 2015 H.B. 111)

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