☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 167

< > Effective - 28 Aug 2013    bottom

  167.800.  Definitions — For purposes of sections 167.800 to 167.824, the following terms shall mean:

  (1)  "Department", the department of elementary and secondary education;

  (2)  "Diabetes medical management plan", a document developed by the student's personal health care team that sets out the health services needed by the student at school and is signed by the student's personal health care team and parent or guardian;

  (3)  "District" or "school district", shall have the same meaning as used in subdivision (1) of section 160.011;

  (4)  "School", shall include any elementary or secondary public school or charter school located within the state of Missouri;

  (5)  "School employee", shall include any person employed by a school district or charter school, any person employed by a local health department who is assigned to a school district or charter school, or any subcontractor designated for this function;

  (6)  "Trained diabetes care personnel", a school employee who volunteers to be trained in accordance with section 167.803.  Such employee need not be a health care professional.


(L. 2013 H.B. 675)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 2013 ----

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