☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 192

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1984    bottom

  192.727.  DMSO — definition — use for treatment of arthritis — authorized — no liability for persons prescribing, administering, dispensing, when — label requirements. — 1.  The chemical substance DMSO may be manufactured, processed, distributed, sold, possessed, and used in the state of Missouri for the treatment and control of arthritis consistent with the objectives of the arthritis program established pursuant to sections 192.700 to 192.727.

  2.  As used in this section, the term "DMSO" means a product whose major component or ingredient is the chemical dimethyl sulfoxide or derivatives or compounds of dimethyl sulfoxide.

  3.  No physician licensed under the provisions of chapter 334 may be subject to disciplinary action by the Missouri state board of registration for the healing arts for prescribing or administering DMSO to a patient suffering from or being treated for arthritis under his care, provided the prescription and administration of DMSO is carried out according to acceptable standards of medical practice.

  4.  No nurse licensed under the provisions of chapter 335 who is under the supervision and direction of a licensed physician may be subjected to disciplinary action by the Missouri state board of nursing for administering DMSO to a patient suffering from or being treated for arthritis under proper orders, provided the administration of DMSO is carried out according to acceptable standards of medical practice.

  5.  No pharmacist licensed under the provisions of chapter 338 may be subjected to disciplinary action by the Missouri board of pharmacy for selling or dispensing DMSO pursuant to a proper prescription to a person suffering from or being treated for arthritis, provided the selling or dispensing is carried out according to acceptable standards of professional practice.

  6.  No  hospital or other health care facility shall interfere with the physician-patient relationship by restricting or forbidding the use of DMSO when prescribed or administered by a licensed physician or administered by a licensed nurse under the supervision and direction of a licensed physician to a person suffering from or being treated for arthritis.

  7.  The prescription, administration, and dispensing of DMSO to a person suffering from or being treated for arthritis when carried out according to acceptable standards of professional practice shall not in itself constitute grounds for negligent malpractice.

  8.  Any DMSO manufactured or distributed in the state of Missouri pursuant to the passage of sections 192.700 to 192.727 shall be prominently labeled in the following manner: "Notice: The State of Missouri takes no position regarding the value of this product in the treatment of human illness.  This product is authorized solely for the treatment or control of rheumatoid arthritis under the supervision and direction of a licensed physician.".


(L. 1984 H.B. 1028 § 13)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1984 ----

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