☰ Revisor of Missouri


Chapter 194

< > Effective - 28 Aug 1997    bottom

  194.200.  Disposition of a stillborn child, definitions, duties of hospital, duties of parents, collection of costs, penalties. — 1.  As used in this section, the following terms mean:

  (1)  "Final disposition", the burial, entombment, cremation, delivery to an educational or medical institution for donation, delivery to the state anatomical board or removal from the state of the remains of a deceased person;

  (2)  "Parents", either or both the biological mother or father of a stillborn child, but such term shall not include an unknown or unidentified biological father;

  (3)  "Stillborn child", a child who is dead at birth.

  2.  If a hospital or other health care facility transfers a stillborn child to a funeral establishment for final disposition, the hospital or health care facility shall contact one or both of the parents of such child within twenty-four hours of such transfer for instructions on the method of final disposition of the child.  If the hospital contacts and receives instructions from at least one of the parents, the hospital shall convey such instructions to the funeral establishment which shall proceed as directed by such instructions.  If the funeral establishment receives instructions from at least one of the parents, the funeral establishment may arrange for the final disposition of the child in accordance with such instructions without contacting the other parent.  If the parents of the child do not provide instructions for the final disposition within five days, the funeral establishment shall conduct the most cost-effective method of final disposition of such child and the hospital shall be responsible for the cost of such final disposition.  The hospital shall be entitled to collect the cost of such disposition from the parents.  If the parents select the manner of final disposition, the parents shall be responsible to the funeral establishment for the costs of such disposition.

  3.  Any person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.


(L. 1997 H.B. 713 § 1)

---- end of effective  28 Aug 1997 ----

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