☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 176 Revenue Bonds of State Educational Institutions — Higher Education Risk Management Associations 
176.010   Definitions. (7/1/2014)
176.020   Any state educational institution empowered to acquire and to construct a ... (8/28/1945)
176.030   Power to issue and sell revenue bonds. (8/28/1945)
176.035   Priority of liens of successive series of bonds, how fixed. (8/28/1959)
176.040   Bonds not to be considered an indebtedness. (8/28/1945)
176.050   May issue serial bonds or term bonds — rate of interest — sale of bonds. (8/28/1965)
176.055   Provision for issuance, installment payment of bonds and conversion to ... (8/28/1959)
176.060   Refunding of bonds. (8/28/1955)
176.070   Governing body to provide details — rights of bondholders. (8/28/1945)
176.080   Bonds to be issued pursuant to resolution. (8/28/1945)
176.085   Health and educational facilities, payment of bonds. (8/28/1988)
176.500   Risk management associations, who may form. (8/28/1986)
176.505   Articles of association or declaration of trust, contents, file with director. (8/28/1986)
176.510   Types of risks that may be shared — association may reinsure risk. (8/28/1986)
176.515   Workers' compensation liability, may be covered, separate account. (8/28/1986)
176.520   Associations exempt from provisions of insurance law. (8/28/1986)
176.525   Associations may make bylaws. (8/28/1986)
176.530   Annual audit report, file with director. (8/28/1986)
176.535   Attorney in fact, service of process, file with director — writing ... (8/28/1986)
176.540   Service of process on association, nonmembers, how. (8/28/1986)
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