☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 287 Workers' Compensation Law 
287.010   Citation of law. (8/28/1980)
287.020   Definitions — intent to abrogate earlier case law. (8/28/2017)
287.021   Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs to be covered by workers' compensation — ... (8/28/1980)
287.030   Employer defined. (8/28/1998)
287.035   Partners, sole proprietors may elect to receive benefits for themselves — ... (8/28/1998)
287.037   Member of limited liability company to receive coverage, rejection of ... (8/28/2017)
287.040   Liability of employer — contractors, subcontractors. (8/28/2017)
287.041   For-hire motor carrier not an employer of a lessor — definition. (8/28/2005)
287.043   Abrogation of case law regarding definition of owner. (8/28/2005)
287.060   Employers and employees affected by this act. (8/28/1974)
287.061   Occupational or business license for construction contractors, city or ... (8/28/1998)
287.063   Occupational diseases, presumption of exposure — last employer liable — ... (8/28/2005)
287.067   Occupational disease defined — repetitive motion, loss of hearing, ... (8/28/2023)
287.070   Occupational diseases directly related to cleanup of an illegal drug ... (8/28/1998)
287.090   Exempt employers and occupations — election to accept — withdrawal — ... (8/28/2016)
287.100   Legislative intent relative to other laws expressed. (8/28/1939)
287.110   Scope of chapter as to injuries and diseases covered. (12/14/2005)
287.120   Liability of employer set out — compensation increased or reduced, when — ... (8/28/2017)
287.123   Insurers to establish safety engineering and management services program — ... (8/28/2001)
287.124   Department of labor and industrial relations, certification of employer ... (1/1/1994)
287.126   Toll-free telephone number for workers' compensation information, division ... (8/28/1992)
287.127   Notice, employer to post, contents — division to develop, distribute, and ... (8/28/2018)
287.128   Unlawful acts, penalties — fraud or noncompliance, complaint may be filed, ... (1/1/2017)
287.129   False billing practices of health care provider, defined, effect — ... (1/1/2017)
287.130   Employer's liability joint and several — contribution allowable. (8/28/1939)
287.135   Managed care services, department to establish program to certify ... (8/28/1993)
287.140   Employer to provide medical and other services, transportation, artificial ... (1/1/2014)
287.141   Physical rehabilitation, defined, division of workers' compensation to ... (8/28/1983)
287.143   Vocational rehabilitation services, not mandatory — testing and assessment. (8/28/2005)
287.144   Definitions. (7/1/1991)
287.145   Rehabilitation practitioners, providers, certification of, how. (7/1/1991)
287.146   Employee authorized to receive vocational rehabilitation, when — duties of ... (7/1/1991)
287.148   Loss of suitable, gainful employment, how determined — severe injury, ... (7/1/1991)
287.149   Benefits to be paid, when — reduction of benefits, when. (8/28/2017)
287.150   Subrogation to rights of employee or dependents against third person, ... (1/1/2014)
287.160   Waiting period — compensation, how paid — interest, how computed — not ... (8/28/1998)
287.170   Temporary total disability, amount to be paid — method of payment — ... (8/28/2021)
287.180   Temporary partial disability, amount to be paid — method of payment. (8/28/2021)
287.190   Permanent partial disability, amount to be paid — permanent partial ... (8/28/2005)
287.195   Claims for hernia, proof required. (8/28/1980)
287.197   Occupational deafness — tests, claims, awards, liability of employer, ... (8/28/2005)
287.200   Permanent total disability, amount to be paid — suspension of payments, ... (8/28/2017)
287.203   Termination of compensation by employer, employee right to hearing — ... (8/28/2017)
287.210   Physical examination of employee — exchange of medical records — ... (1/1/2014)
287.215   Injured employee to be furnished copy of his statement, otherwise ... (8/28/2005)
287.220   Compensation and payment of compensation for disability — second injury ... (8/28/2021)
287.223   Missouri mesothelioma risk management fund created — definitions — issuance ... (1/1/2014)
287.230   Payment of compensation at death of employee — exceptions — abrogation of ... (6/26/2008)
287.240   Death benefits and burial expenses, amount, to whom paid and when paid — ... (8/28/2017)
287.241   Death benefits, inconsistent with section 287.240, when. (8/28/1980)
287.243   Line of duty compensation — definitions — claim procedure — distribution — ... (8/28/2018)
287.245   Volunteer firefighters, grants for workers' compensation insurance premiums ... (8/28/2023)
287.250   Compensation, computation of — average weekly wage, division or commission ... (8/28/1998)
287.252   Cafeteria plan payroll deductions, not to reduce computation of employee ... (8/28/1993)
287.253   Monetary bonus, effect on benefits. (8/28/2005)
287.260   Compensation to have priority — not assignable — exceptions. (8/28/1986)
287.266   Payments made to public assistance recipients to be a debt due state, ... (8/28/1987)
287.270   Benefits from other sources no bar to compensation, exception, professional ... (8/28/1998)
287.280   Employer's entire liability to be covered, self-insurer or approved carrier ... (8/28/2021)
287.282   Employee leasing arrangements, coverage required. (8/28/1992)
287.290   Employee not to pay cost of insurance. (8/28/1939)
287.300   Employer's liability primary or secondary — notice and service, when sufficient. (8/28/1965)
287.310   Policies to be approved by department — deductible plans authorized, ... (8/28/2003)
287.335   Determinations review board, created, purpose — code classifications, ... (1/1/1994)
287.340   Insurance companies must keep reserve. (8/28/1939)
287.350   Insurance companies to make report. (8/28/1939)
287.360   Director may suspend or revoke permits and ask for a receiver. (8/28/1939)
287.370   Compensation in lieu of insurance, how provided. (8/28/1939)
287.380   Employer or insurer to make report to division, requirements — information ... (8/28/2005)
287.390   Compromise settlements, how made — validity, effect, settlement with minor ... (8/28/2017)
287.400   Accident — duty of division — employer. (8/28/1965)
287.410   Powers and functions of the division of workers' compensation. (8/28/1980)
287.420   Written notice of injury to be given to employer — exceptions. (8/28/2005)
287.430   Limitation as to action, exception. (8/28/1998)
287.440   Limitation begins to run, when. (8/28/1980)
287.450   Failure to agree on compensation — division to hold hearings. (8/28/2012)
287.460   Division hearings, findings sent to parties and insurer — mediation ... (8/28/2012)
287.470   Commission may review and change award. (8/28/1939)
287.480   Application for review, time limit — when deemed filed — bond required, when. (8/28/2021)
287.490   Final award conclusive unless an appeal is taken — grounds for setting ... (8/28/1980)
287.495   Final award conclusive unless an appeal is taken — grounds for setting ... (8/28/1998)
287.500   Circuit court may act upon memorandum — procedure. (8/28/1963)
287.510   Temporary or partial awards may be made. (8/28/2005)
287.520   Notice — manner of serving. (8/28/2012)
287.530   Commission or division may commute compensation, when and how. (8/28/1998)
287.540   Compensation commuted — funds, how paid out. (8/28/1939)
287.550   Proceedings before commission to be informal and summary. (8/28/2005)
287.560   Division or commission may administer oaths, issue process, take ... (8/28/1993)
287.570   Contempt — penalty. (8/28/1939)
287.580   Death, pending proceedings — action shall not abate. (8/28/1939)
287.590   Division may be sued — official seal. (8/28/1980)
287.600   Oath of office. (8/28/1947)
287.610   Additional administrative law judges, appointment and qualification, limit ... (1/1/2014)
287.615   Employees of division — compensation — selection. (1/1/2006)
287.620   Attorney general legal adviser. (8/28/1965)
287.630   Forms, other material furnished by commission and division. (8/28/1965)
287.640   Necessary offices to be provided, where — salaries — traveling expenses, ... (8/28/1998)
287.642   Public information programs, division to establish. (8/28/2005)
287.650   Division to make rules and regulations — power to destroy reports, when — rules. (8/28/2012)
287.655   Dismissal of claims, when, how, effect. (8/28/2012)
287.660   Fees. (8/28/1980)
287.670   No fees for services of public officers. (8/28/1965)
287.680   Annual report to governor. (8/28/1965)
287.690   Premium tax on insurance carriers, purpose, rate, how determined. (1/1/2025)
287.690   Premium tax on insurance carriers, purpose, rate, how determined — use of ... (8/28/2018)
287.700   Returns delinquent — duty of director. (8/28/1939)
287.710   Tax returns — payments — use of proceeds — funds and interest not to lapse. (8/28/2005)
287.713   Director, report of expenditures. (8/28/1982)
287.715   Annual surcharge required for second injury fund, amount, how computed, ... (8/28/2023)
287.716   Surcharge on deductible plan policyholders, when, calculation of — ... (8/28/2003)
287.717   Surcharge collection, procedure — failure to pay, interest assessed, when. (8/28/2003)
287.720   Companies withdrawing from state liable for taxes imposed — department of ... (8/28/1980)
287.730   Employer carrying own risk must pay tax. (8/28/1965)
287.740   Compliance with provisions obligatory — penalty for violation. (8/28/1939)
287.745   Delinquent taxes, interest, rate — overpayment of taxes, credit. (1/1/2014)
287.750   Sufficiency of notice. (8/28/1939)
287.760   Insurance carriers exempt from other tax, when. (8/28/1949)
287.780   Discrimination because of exercising compensation rights prohibited — civil ... (8/28/2017)
287.790   Penalty not specifically provided — misdemeanor. (8/28/1939)
287.800   Law to be strictly construed. (8/28/2005)
287.801   Review of claims, by whom. (8/28/2005)
287.804   Waiver of compensation by employee, procedure. (8/28/2005)
287.808   Burden of proof. (8/28/2005)
287.810   Change of administrative law judge, procedure, limitations. (8/28/1980)
287.811   Discovery in workers' compensation cases, sections not to effect. (8/28/1995)

A person who has earned creditable service under sections 287.812 to 287.855 may elect to transfer such credit to another retirement system, effect of transfer, limitations, 104.800

Purchase or transfer of prior creditable service authorized for certain persons covered by retirement plan authorized in chapter 287, 104.335

287.812   Definitions. (8/28/2014)
287.813   Retirement, administrative law judges and legal advisors — participation in ... (4/26/2005)
287.815   Retirement, age and service qualifications. (8/28/1999)
287.820   Benefits, amount, how payable — exemption from execution, certain judgment ... (8/28/1998)
287.825   Death of member before or after retirement — benefits of beneficiaries. (8/31/1987)
287.830   Retirement with less than twelve years service — benefits. (8/28/1984)
287.835   Removal from office bars benefits — intentional killing of administrative ... (8/28/1997)
287.840   Practice of law after retirement — restrictions. (8/28/1984)
287.845   Administration of retirement system and funds. (4/26/2005)
287.846   Retirement benefit plan exclusive, exception — transfer of funds from other ... (8/28/1984)
287.850   Life insurance benefits. (8/28/1992)
287.855   Disability benefits. (8/28/1995)
287.856   Administrative law judges and legal advisors serving in Armed Forces may ... (8/28/1997)
287.860   Guaranty association, created, all self-insured to be members — powers — ... (8/28/1992)
287.862   Board of directors, members, appointment, qualifications — director to be ... (8/28/1992)
287.865   Moneys not deemed state moneys — use of funds — reports to director, when — ... (8/28/2005)
287.867   Insolvency fund, created — purposes, audit of. (8/28/1992)
287.870   Plan of operation, submitted to division, when — purpose, contents — ... (8/28/1992)
287.872   Powers and duties of division. (8/28/1992)
287.875   Assignment of recovery rights to corporation, when — receiver or ... (8/28/1992)
287.877   Insolvent member, board may determine, how — notice to division, when. (8/28/1992)
287.880   Liability, limitation of. (8/28/1992)
287.882   Automatic stay of proceedings, when, duration. (8/28/1992)
287.885   Limitations on actions. (8/28/1992)
287.886   Severability clause. (8/28/1992)
287.892   Workers' compensation insurers to report cost data to department. (8/28/1993)
287.894   Insurers to report medical claims data to division of workers' ... (8/28/2005)
287.896   Residual market, department to develop plan — insurers to participate, ... (8/28/1993)
287.900   (Repealed L. 2023 S.B. 101) (1/1/2025)
287.900   Citation of law — definitions. (8/28/1993)
287.902   (Repealed L. 2023 S.B. 101) (1/1/2025)
287.902   Missouri employers mutual insurance company, created, powers, purpose. (8/28/1993)
287.905   (Repealed L. 2023 S.B. 101) (1/1/2025)
287.905   Board, created — members, appointment, qualifications, terms — chairman. (8/28/1993)
287.907   (Repealed L. 2023 S.B. 101) (1/1/2025)
287.907   Administrator, hiring of, qualifications, compensation — powers of board, ... (8/28/1993)
287.909   (Repealed L. 2023 S.B. 101) (1/1/2025)
287.909   Administrator, duties of, bond required — immunity from liability, board ... (8/28/1993)
287.910   (Repealed L. 2023 S.B. 101) (1/1/2025)
287.910   Rates, board to determine, how. (8/28/1993)
287.912   (Repealed L. 2023 S.B. 101) (1/1/2025)
287.912   Investment policy, board to determine — administrator to make investments, how. (8/28/1993)
287.915   (Repealed L. 2023 S.B. 101) (1/1/2025)
287.915   Agents may sell policies, commissions. (8/28/1993)
287.917   (Repealed L. 2023 S.B. 101) (1/1/2025)
287.917   Workplace safety program, administrator to formulate — safety plan, ... (8/28/1993)
287.919   (Repealed L. 2023 S.B. 101) (1/1/2025)
287.919   Company not to receive state appropriation, exception — revenue bonds, ... (8/28/1993)
287.920   (Repealed L. 2023 S.B. 101) (1/1/2025)
287.920   Audit required, when, procedure — report, contents, governor and general ... (8/28/1993)
287.921   Conversion of Missouri employers mutual insurance company to a private ... (8/28/2023)
287.922   Effective date. (8/28/2023)
287.930   Definitions. (1/1/1994)
287.932   Act not applicable, when — unfair trade practices, when. (1/1/1994)
287.935   Insurer and advisory organization not to make agreement restraining trade — ... (1/1/1994)
287.937   Director may conduct examinations — insurer and advisory organizations to ... (1/1/1994)
287.940   Penalties for violations, director may impose — each day a separate ... (1/1/1994)
287.942   Competitive market presumed to exist, when — reasonable degree of ... (1/1/1994)
287.945   Director to monitor degree of competition, purpose. (1/1/1994)
287.947   Insurers to file rate information in competitive market with the director, ... (1/1/1994)
287.950   Competitive market, rates not to be excessive, inadequate, unfairly ... (1/1/1994)
287.952   Rate standards in noncompetitive market, factors. (1/1/1994)
287.955   Insurers to adhere to uniform classification system, plan — director to ... (8/28/2016)
287.957   Experience rating plan, contents. (8/28/2016)
287.960   Disapproval of rate, when, how — procedures, director's powers — effect. (1/1/1994)
287.962   Hearings, when, conduct of — findings made, when — right to judicial ... (1/1/1994)
287.965   Aggrieved party may file application with director, hearing held, when — ... (1/1/1994)
287.967   Advisory organization must obtain license, restrictions — license, ... (1/1/1994)
287.970   Advisory organization not to file rates on behalf of insurer, exception. (1/1/1994)
287.972   Advisory organization's permitted activities — director may allow pure ... (8/28/2005)
287.975   Pure premium rate, schedule of rates, filed with director, when — payroll ... (8/28/2016)
 - Cross References
Administrators, workers' compensation policies, regulation of, 376.1075 to 376.1095
Assumption of risk no defense in action against railroad by employee for injury, when, 389.870
Blind employee may waive right to compensation for injury resulting from blindness, 537.170
Chapter not applicable to person injured while participating in ride-sharing unless employer owns, leases or contracts for the vehicle used, 285.200
Contracts limiting liability of railroad or mine operator for injury to employee, void, 537.210
Contributory negligence no defense in action against railroad for injury, when, 389.730, 389.800
Fellow servant, negligence of, no defense in action by employee against railroad or mine operator for injury, 537.180
Injured employees, insurance, payment of fees and integration of systems of insurers and entities administering claims, department rules not applicable, when, 375.427
Kids' chance scholarship program, 173.254, 173.258
State legal expense fund not available for workers' compensation claims, 105.711
Taxation by state of annuities, pensions and retirement allowances, 143.123, 143.124
Teachers and school employees under workers' compensation may have credit during leave in their retirement system, requirements, 169.595
Transient employers to post registration with revenue, workers' compensation and unemployment insurance, 285.234
Vocational rehabilitation program, cooperation with by workers' compensation division, 178.620
Wrongful death of employee of mine operator, liability for, 537.230

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