☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 323 Liquefied Petroleum Gases 
323.005   Citation of law. (8/28/2007)
323.010   Definitions. (1/1/2016)
323.020   Commission to promulgate standards, rulemaking procedure — conformity with ... (8/28/2007)
323.025   Missouri propane safety commission created, powers and duties, members, ... (1/1/2016)
323.030   Liquefied petroleum gas container, who may refill. (8/28/1947)
323.050   Municipal ordinances in conflict with this chapter prohibited. (1/1/2016)
323.060   Retail distributors to be registered — nonresidents to comply — immunity ... (8/28/2007)
323.070   Safety standards for equipment — rules. (8/28/1963)
323.075   Third-party compensation, financial responsibility to be demonstrated for ... (8/28/2007)
323.080   Registration suspended, grounds — notice — hearing. (8/28/2007)
323.090   Suspension order may be appealed to circuit court. (8/28/2007)
323.100   Inspection of liquid meters — inaccurate meters condemned — fee — report — ... (8/28/2023)
323.105   Fee for odorized propane, amount — payment of assessment, when — fund ... (8/28/2007)
323.110   Penalty for violation — attorney general may bring action — administrative ... (8/28/2007)
323.115   Violations to be referred to the attorney general — civil penalties authorized. (8/28/2007)
323.210   Minimum general safety standards for motor vehicle fuel systems — ... (8/28/1994)
 - Cross References
Inspection duties transferred to department of agriculture, 261.023
Weight and measure laws as to measuring devices not applicable to LPG, 413.226

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