☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 343 Public Auctioneers 
343.010   Auctioneers must have license — auctioneer defined. (8/28/1978)
343.030   County clerk to issue license forms. (8/28/1978)
343.040   Authority granted by license. (8/28/1939)
343.050   Blanks to county collectors — record of charges. (8/28/1939)
343.060   County commission to settle with collector, when. (8/28/1939)
343.070   Collector to issue licenses. (8/28/1978)
343.080   License — rate — deposited in county general revenue fund. (8/28/1981)
343.090   Clerk's fee. (8/28/1978)
343.100   Nonresidents to be licensed. (8/28/1978)
343.250   Penalties. (8/28/1978)
 - Cross References
Cities may impose license tax on auctioneers, 94.110, 94.270, 94.360
Military service, exemption from certification requirements, 41.950

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