☰ Revisor of Missouri
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 Chapter 359 Uniform Limited Partnership Law 
359.011   Definitions. (6/24/1997)
359.021   Name of limited partnership regulated. (8/28/2004)
359.031   Reservation of right to exclusive use of name. (8/28/2004)
359.041   Registered agent and registered office — procedure for changing, filed by ... (8/28/2004)
359.051   Records to be kept. (8/28/1990)
359.061   Nature of business. (6/24/1997)
359.071   Business transactions of partner with the limited partnership. (1/1/1987)
359.081   Limited partnership shall sue and be sued. (8/28/1990)
359.091   Certificate of limited partnership — filed with secretary of state — ... (8/28/2000)
359.101   Amendments to certificate — contents. (8/28/1990)
359.111   Cancellation of certificate, when — contents of certificate of cancellation ... (1/1/1987)
359.121   Execution of certificate. (8/28/2004)
359.131   Proceeding to direct execution of certificate. (8/28/1990)
359.141   Filing with secretary of state — duties of secretary — effective date of filing. (8/28/2004)
359.145   Statement of correction authorized, when — contents — effective date — fee ... (8/28/2004)
359.151   Liability for false statement in certificate. (1/1/1987)
359.161   Filing to be notice. (8/28/1990)
359.165   Merger of domestic limited partnership — filing required, effective date — ... (8/28/2003)
359.172   Registered limited liability limited partnership, requirements, failure to ... (8/28/2004)
359.181   When person becomes limited partner — admission of additional limited partner. (8/28/1990)
359.191   Voting rights of limited partners. (1/1/1987)
359.201   Liability of limited partners to third parties. (6/24/1997)
359.211   Liability of person erroneously believing himself to be a limited partner — ... (8/28/1990)
359.221   Limited partners right to information. (1/1/1987)
359.231   Admission of additional general partners, when. (8/28/1990)
359.241   Events of withdrawal. (8/28/1990)
359.251   Rights and liabilities of a general partner. (1/1/1987)
359.261   Contributions of a general partner — one person both a general and limited ... (1/1/1987)
359.271   Voting rights of general partners. (1/1/1987)
359.281   Form of contribution. (1/1/1987)
359.291   Liability for contribution. (8/28/1990)
359.301   Sharing of profits and losses. (8/28/1990)
359.311   Sharing of distributions. (8/28/1990)
359.321   Interim distributions. (8/28/1990)
359.331   Withdrawal of a general partner — notice to other partners — breach of ... (1/1/1987)
359.341   Withdrawal of a limited partner, when. (5/20/1997)
359.351   Distribution upon withdrawal, when, how determined. (6/24/1997)
359.361   Distribution in kind. (8/28/1990)
359.371   Right to distribution, remedies. (1/1/1987)
359.381   Limitation on distribution. (1/1/1987)
359.391   Liability upon return of contribution — return received, when. (8/28/1990)
359.401   Nature of partnership interest. (1/1/1987)
359.411   Assignment of partnership interest — rights of assignee. (1/1/1987)
359.421   Rights of judgment creditor of partner. (1/1/1987)
359.431   Right of assignee to become limited partner, when. (8/28/1990)
359.441   Power of estate of deceased or incapacitated partner. (1/1/1987)
359.451   Dissolution of limited partnership, when. (8/28/2000)
359.461   Judicial dissolution — who may request — granted when. (1/1/1987)
359.471   Winding up by partners, when — by circuit court, when. (1/1/1987)
359.481   Distribution of assets upon winding up — priorities — disposal of unknown ... (8/28/2000)
359.491   Foreign limited partnerships, law governing. (1/1/1987)
359.501   Registration with secretary of state — form — contents. (8/28/2004)
359.511   Issuance of registration — duties of secretary of state. (1/1/1987)
359.521   Names of foreign limited partnership regulated. (1/1/1987)
359.531   Changes and amendments in registration, when, contents — foreign ... (8/28/2004)
359.541   Cancellation of registration — authority of secretary to accept service of ... (8/28/2004)
359.551   Transaction of business without registration, effect, penalty, fine — ... (8/28/1990)
359.561   Secretary of state may seek injunction. (1/1/1987)
359.571   Right to bring a derivative action. (1/1/1987)
359.581   Proper plaintiff. (1/1/1987)
359.591   Pleading to contain statement of request to general partner to initiate action. (1/1/1987)
359.601   Court may award plaintiff expenses, when. (1/1/1987)
359.611   Rules of construction. (1/1/1987)
359.621   Title. (1/1/1987)
359.631   Severability of sections. (1/1/1987)
359.641   Effective dates. (1/1/1987)
359.651   Filing fees. (8/28/2014)
359.653   Additional fee — expiration date. (8/28/2020)
359.671   Rules for cases not provided in this chapter. (1/1/1987)
359.681   Powers and authority of secretary of state — examination of books and ... (8/28/2009)
359.691   Violation of law requiring certificate of limited partnership, penalty. (1/1/1987)
 - Cross References
Limited liability companies, Chap. 347
Merger or consolidation, 347.700 to 347.740
Partnerships generally, Chap. 358
Uniform electronic transactions act, 432.200 to 432.295

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